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Writing Network SLA Files

The following sections describe network SLA files:


SLA file overview

The network SLA files are written in XML. Depending on which level they are used, total traffic or service provider traffic, the XML SLA file looks slightly different. A SLA template that can be used for SLA files on both levels can be found in the following directory:



Service provider traffic SLA file

The service provider traffic SLA file consists of a <sla> tag containing one or more <nodeContract> tags as shown in Listing E-1. The serviceProviderGroupID attribute specifies service provider group the SLA file is valid for. The structure and contents of the <nodeContract> tag is further described in Contract data.

Listing E-1 Service provider traffic SLA file

<Sla serviceProviderGroupID="spGroup1"
    <!--Contract data for network node 1-->
    <!--Contract data for network node 2-->
    <!--Contract data for network node n-->


Total traffic SLA file

The total traffic SLA file consists of a <sla> tag containing one or more <globalContract> tags as shown in Listing E-2. In this case, the serviceProviderGroupID attribute is left empty. The structure and contents of the <globalContract> tag is further described in Contract data.

Listing E-2 Total traffic SLA file

<Sla serviceProviderGroupID=""
    <!--Contract data for network node 1-->
    <!--Contract data for network node 2-->
    <!--Contract data for network node n-->


Contract data

The <nodeContract> and <globalContract> tags contains the same set of sub-tags that define under which conditions a network node can be accessed. See Listing E-3. The contents of each tag is further described below the listing.

Listing E-3 <nodeContract> and <globalContract> tag contents



This tag specifies the date the service provider or WebLogic Network Gatekeeper can start accessing the network node. Use format YY-MM-DD.


This tag specifies the last date (expiry date) the service provider or WebLogic Network Gatekeeper can access the network node. Use format YY-MM-DD.


This tag specifies the type of service provided by the network node according to the service types registered in the plug-in manager. Available service types can be listed using the getTypeList OAM method through the Plugin_manager service.


This tag specifies the network node's node ID as registered in the Plug-in manager. Registered nodes can be listed using the getIdList OAM method through the Plugin_manager service.


This tag contains one node restriction tag including sub-tags. See below.


This tag contains sub-tags that specify how much traffic the service provider or WebLogic Network Gatekeeper is allowed to send towards the network node and under which conditions. See below.


This tag specifies when the underlying network node is considered to be overloaded. If this value is exceeded, an alarm is raised.

The value depends on how the network node reports its load. For example, one node can report the load as a value between 0-10 where 7 represents overloaded, and another node reports load as a value between 0-100 where 80 represents overloaded.


This tag specifies when the underlying network node is considered to be severely overloaded. If this value is exceeded, further requests are rejected and exceptions are sent to the application.

The value depends on how the network node reports its load.


This tag specifies how many destination addresses can be included in a request to the network node. The tag is optional and is used for the following service types:

If the send list size is exceeded, the whole request is rejected and an exception is sent to the requesting application.


This tag specifies a number of requests. It is used to restrict the number of service requests allowed during a specified time period.

An alarm is raised when the warning level (80% default, configurable through the rule) is exceeded. If the request limit is reached, further requests are rejected and exceptions are sent to the requesting applications.


This tag specifies the time period (in milliseconds) during which the request limit is valid.


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