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Network SLA Administration

The following sections describe how to administer network SLAs:


About network SLA administration

A network SLA specifies how much traffic can be sent to the individual network nodes connected to WebLogic Network Gatekeeper. There are two levels of network SLAs:

In addition, the network SLAs can specify under which load conditions the network nodes can be used. This requires that the network nodes can report their load level to WebLogic Network Gatekeeper.

The total traffic SLA file must be updated when a new network node is connected to WebLogic Network Gatekeeper's plug-in manager. A service provider traffic SLA file must be updated if the new network node shall be accessed by any of the service providers connected to the service provider group the SLA file is valid for.

In addition, a new service provider traffic SLA file has to be created and loaded every time a new service provider group is created. If no SLA file is loaded for the service provider group, there will be no traffic limits on service provider level for the service providers in that service provider group.

If no total traffic SLA is loaded, it is not possible to send any requests at all from WebLogic Network Gatekeeper to the underlying network nodes.

For more information about the service provider administration model, see Service Provider and Application Administration.

If the service provider group and account administration is handled through the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper Partner Management Tools, the network SLA administration may be integrated through theese. This is however deployment specific.

Adding a service provider traffic SLA

Follow the instruction below to add a service provider traffic SLA. The SLA specifies the amount of traffic that can be sent from a service provider to each of the underlying network nodes.

The SLA file is created on service provider group level and will be valid for all service providers within the group.

Identify the service provider group

    Create SLA file

    Add SLA

  1. Select a SLEE where the ESPA Access service is installed.
  2. Double-click the ESPA_access service.
  3. Double-click the setServiceProviderGroupNodeSlaUrl method.
  4. Enter the service provider group ID and the URL (including file name) for the SLA file.
  5. Click Invoke.
  6. The service provider traffic SLA is added and valid for all service providers within the specified service provider group.

Updating a service provider traffic SLA

Follow the instruction below to update a service provider traffic SLA.

The SLA file has to be updated when a new network node has been added to WebLogic Network Gatekeeper and the service providers in the service provider group shall access the new network node.

Also, the SLA file needs to be updated if the allowed amount of traffic to an underlying network node has been changed.

Identify the service provider group

    View current network SLA data

Note: It is also possible to view the original XML SLA file.

  1. Select a SLEE where the ESPA Access service is installed.
  2. Double-click the ESPA_access service.
  3. Double-click the listServiceProviderGroupNodeSla method.
  4. Enter the service provider group ID.
  5. Click Invoke.
  6. The service provider traffic SLA is displayed.

    Edit SLA file

  7. Edit the original XML SLA file, see Service Provider and Application Administration. Add a new network node or update data related to an existing node.
  8. Update SLA

  9. Select a SLEE where the ESPA Access service is installed.
  10. Double-click the ESPA_access service.
  11. Double-click the updateServiceProviderGroupNodeSlaUrl method.
  12. Enter the service provider group ID and the URL (including file name) for the edited XML SLA file.
  13. Click Invoke.
  14. The service provider traffic SLA is updated and valid for all service providers within the specified service provider group.

Removing a service provider traffic SLA

Follow the instruction below to remove the traffic SLA for a service provider group. When the SLA is removed, the service providers within the to the group have free access to the network nodes as long as the total traffic does not exceed the limits specified in the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper total traffic level traffic SLA.

Identify the service provider group

    Delete SLA

  1. Select a SLEE where the ESPA Access service is installed.
  2. Double-click the ESPA_access service.
  3. Double-click the deleteServiceProviderGroupNodeSlaUrl method.
  4. Enter the service provider group ID.
  5. Click Invoke.
  6. The service provider group's traffic SLA is deleted.

Adding the total traffic SLA

Follow the instruction below to add the total traffic SLA. The SLA specifies the total amount of traffic that can be sent from WebLogic Network Gatekeeper to each of the underlying network nodes.

Create SLA file

    Add SLA

  1. Start an WebLogic Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  2. Select a SLEE where the plug-in manager service is installed.
  3. Double-click the Plugin_manager service.
  4. Double-click the setNodeSlaUrl method.
  5. Enter the URL (including file name) for the SLA file.
  6. Click Invoke.
  7. The total traffic SLA is added.

Updating the total traffic SLA

Follow the instruction below to update the total traffic SLA for the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper.

The SLA has to be updated when a new network node has been added to WebLogic Network Gatekeeper's plug-in manager.

Also, the SLA needs to be updated if the allowed total amount of traffic to an underlying node has be changed.

View current network SLA data

Note: It is also possbile to view the original XML SLA file.

  1. Start WebLogic Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  2. Select a SLEE where the plug-in manager service is installed.
  3. Double-click the Plugin_manager service.
  4. Double-click the listNodeSla method.
  5. Click Invoke.
  6. The total traffic SLA is displayed.

    Edit SLA file

  7. Edit the original XML SLA file, see Service Provider and Application Administration.
  8. Update SLA

  9. Double-click the setNodeSlaUrl method.
  10. Enter the URL (including file name) for the edited SLA file.
  11. Click Invoke.
  12. The total traffic SLA is updated.

Removing the total traffic SLA

Follow the instruction below to remove the total network SLA.

Note: If the network SLA is removed, it is not possible for WebLogic Network Gatekeeper to access any of the underlying network nodes.

  1. Start WebLogic Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  2. Select a SLEE where the plug-in manager service is installed.
  3. Double-click the Plugin_manager service.
  4. Double-click the deleteNodeSla method.
  5. Click Invoke.
  6. The total traffic SLA is removed and no traffic is allowed towards the network.


Defining request rate warning levels

The request rate warning level is set to 80% of the maximum allowed request rate as default. This value is used for all service types and for both total traffic and service provider level request limits. To change the warning level for one or more service types, the individual rules used for those service types has to be edited. Follow the instruction below to change the request rate warning level for a service type.

Edit existing rule file

  1. Open an existing rule file.
  2. The default rule files are stored in the following directory :


    Any of the default rule files can be used as a template.

  3. Edit the file.
  4. To change the warning level for the total traffic request limit, do the following:

    1. Search for: if( ?globalRequestRates[i] == (int)
    2. Change the decimal value that follows (int) to the new warning level.
    3. Change the percentage in the "action" statement following the above "if" statement accordingly. The percentage value is used in the alarm printout.

    To change the warning level for the service provider traffic request limit, do the following:

    1. Search for: if( ?spRequestRates[i] == (int)
    2. Change the decimal value that follows (int) to the new warning level.
    3. Change the percentage in the "action" statement following the above "if" statement accordingly. The percentage value is used in the alarm printout.
  5. Save the rule file under a new name in the same directory as the other rule files.
  6. Load new rule file

  7. Start an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  8. Select a SLEE where the Policy service is installed.
  9. Double-click the Policy service.
  10. Double-click the loadNodeRules method.
  11. Enter the URL (including file name) for the rule file and the service type it is valid for.
  12. The valid service types can be listed through the getTypeList OAM method in the Plugin_manager service.

  13. Click Invoke.
  14. The specified request rate warning level is changed.


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