bea Systems, Inc.


An Item is anything that can be traded for a value.


Interface Summary
DefaultItemPriceCalculationPolicy This is the default method to calculate the price of an item.
Item This represents a product or service that has a value.
ItemHome The home interface for the Item entity bean.
ItemPriceCalculationPolicy This business policy interface allows you to plug custom methods to implement a price calculation policy

Class Summary
DefaultItemPriceCalculationPolicyHome The home interface for the DefaultItemPriceCalculationPolicy Policy.
ItemImpl This represents a product or service that has a value.
ItemPk This is a PrimaryKey for managing the life cycle of a BSC Configurable/Entity bean.
ItemValue This represents a product or service that has a value.

Package Description

An Item is anything that can be traded for a value. It provides three levels of identification, a basic price, and flexible mechanism for setting pricing policy. Items can also have an independently stored set of qualities that can be used for matching.

Item Component Model

bea Systems, Inc.

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