bea Systems, Inc.
Interface ItemPriceCalculationPolicy

All Known Subinterfaces:
BeanieBabyPricePolicy, CoffeeBeanPricePolicy, DefaultItemPriceCalculationPolicy, HalfPricePolicy, JellyBeanPricePolicy
All Known Implementing Classes:
AprilFoolsDiscountPolicy, SeniorCitizenDiscountPolicy

public interface ItemPriceCalculationPolicy
extends BusinessPolicy

This business policy interface allows you to plug custom methods to implement a price calculation policy

See Also:,

Method Summary
 Price calculatePrice(Item item, Quantity qty, Customer customer)
          Calculate a price for the item using the Item and the Quantity requested.

Method Detail


public Price calculatePrice(Item item,
                            Quantity qty,
                            Customer customer)
                     throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Calculate a price for the item using the Item and the Quantity requested.

bea Systems, Inc.

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