bea Systems, Inc.
Interface BusinessPolicy

All Known Subinterfaces:
BeanieBabyPricePolicy, CoffeeBeanPricePolicy, ConversionFunction, DefaultConversionFunction, DefaultItemPriceCalculationPolicy, DefaultOrderPriceCalculationPolicy, DefaultPostingRule, DefaultShippingCostCalculationPolicy, HalfPricePolicy, ItemPriceCalculationPolicy, JellyBeanPricePolicy, OrderPriceCalculationPolicy, PostingRule, ShippingCostCalculationPolicy, TransitionPolicy

public interface BusinessPolicy
extends BusinessSmartComponent

A business policy provides for the implementation of instance specific methods, commonly referred to as the Strategy Pattern (Gamma et al) or the Individual Instance Method Pattern (Fowler). For each BusinessPolicy, there is a corresponding home and implementation class. Specialized policies can then be created by deriving from the policy's implementation class and programming different business logic.

See Also:

bea Systems, Inc.

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