bea Systems, Inc.


The Foundation package contains all the base classes to all objects in the eBusiness Smart Component family.


Interface Summary
Belonging A Belonging is the simplest form of Business Smart Component.
BusinessPolicy A business policy provides for the implementation of instance specific methods, commonly referred to as the Strategy Pattern (Gamma et al) or the Individual Instance Method Pattern (Fowler).
BusinessPolicyManager The Business Policy Manager provides an interface by which a set of Business Policies can be associated with any object that implements it.
BusinessSmartComponent This is the base interface for all Business Smart Component (BSC) classes.
BusinessSmartWorkArea The home interface for the BusinessSmartWorkArea entity bean.
BusinessSmartWorkAreaHome The home interface for the BusinessSmartWorkArea entity bean.
Configurable A Configurable object provides the ability to add name-value pairs to an object at runtime.
ConfigurableEntity The ConfigurableEntity interface provides the interface to a persistent Business Smart Component (BSC) that can be configured at runtime via a set of name-value pairs.
Entity A Business Smart Component (BSC) Entity provides access to a remote instance of a persistent BSC (EJB Entity Bean).
Session A Business Smart Component (BSC) Session provides access to a remote instance of a session-based BSC (EJB Session Bean).
SmartEJBHome The Smart EJB Home interface is extended by all Business Smart Component home interfaces that service BSCs.
SmartHome The SmartHome interface is extended by all Business Smart Component home interfaces.
Workflow A Business Smart Component (BSC) Workflow provides access to a remote instance of a BSC Workflow Implementation.

Class Summary
BelongingHome This is a Belonging home/bean factory.
BelongingImpl The BelongingImpl provides the abstract base class from which all belongings must be derived.
BusinessSmartEngine BusinessSmartEngine is an internal utility used by ConfigurableEntity beans.
BusinessSmartWorkAreaImpl The home interface for the BusinessSmartWorkArea entity bean.
BusinessSmartWorkAreaPk This is a PrimaryKey for managing the life cycle of a BSC Configurable/Entity bean.
BusinessSmartWorkAreaValue BusinessSmartWorkAreaValue is a value-holder for the BusinessSmartWorkArea key-value entry.
ConfigurableEntityHome This is the abstract base class that all configurable entity homes must extend.
ConfigurableEntityImpl This is the implementation of the Configurable Entity that combines the pluggable method features of Business Policy, Runtime Configuration, and Persistence.
EmptySmartKey EmptySmartKey is equivalent to a "null" SmartKey.
EntityHome This is the abstract base class that all entity homes must extend.
EntityImpl This is the base implementation of the Business Smart Component (BSC) entity interface.
SessionHome This is the abstract base class that all session homes must extend.
SessionImpl This is the base implementation of the Business Smart Component (BSC) Session interface.
SmartComparator This is an implementation of the Comparator Interface that compares two objects.
SmartHandle A smart handle optimizes the the use of handles for entity beans by storing a local copy of the primary key (SmartKey) for the BSC Entity.
SmartKey For each BSC Entity there must be a primary key class derived from SmartKey.
SmartValue The SmartValue is a data-only representation of the contents of a BSC Entity.
WorkflowContext This class should be used only by the classes that implement the Workflow interface.
WorkflowHome A specialized home that returns instances of a specific class of Workflow.

Exception Summary
IllegalWorkflowTransitionException IllegalWorkflowTransitionException is thrown when the transition for a workflow is invalid.
WorkflowInstantiationException Thrown when an application tries to instantiate a workflow that does not exist.

Package Description

The Foundation package contains all the base classes to all objects in the eBusiness Smart Component family.

eBusiness Smart Foundation

bea Systems, Inc.

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