bea Systems, Inc.


The Trouble Ticket provides a simple customer care mechanism.


Interface Summary
JournalEntry Each journal entry logs a change in state, the reason, and times.
TroubleTicket The trouble ticket provides a mechanism by which customer issue can be logged and tracked.
TroubleTicketHome The home interface for the TroubleTicket entity bean.
TroubleTicketManager This is a front-end to the trouble ticket system.
TroubleTicketManagerHome The home interface for the TroubleTicketManager Session Bean.

Class Summary
JournalEntryHome The home class for the JournalEntry belonging.
JournalEntryImpl Each journal entry logs a change in state, the reason, and times.
TroubleTicketImpl The trouble ticket provides a mechanism by which customer issue can be logged and tracked.
TroubleTicketManagerImpl This is a front-end to the trouble ticket system.
TroubleTicketPk This is a PrimaryKey for managing the life cycle of a BSC Configurable/Entity bean.
TroubleTicketValue The trouble ticket provides a mechanism by which customer issue can be logged and tracked.
TroubleTicketWorkflow This is the mechanism by which a process for handling customer issues is described.

Package Description

The Trouble Ticket provides a simple customer care mechanism. It allows customers to report issues and for customer service agents to respond. It includes a default workflow that can be adapted for the needs of a specific business.

Troubleticket Component Model

Each trouble ticket has a ticket-status. The ticket-status is managed by a workflow. The trouble ticket workflow can be overwritten by an application specific trouble ticket workflow. The following state diagram illustrates the default trouble ticket workflow.
Default Trouble Ticket Workflow

bea Systems, Inc.

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