bea Systems, Inc.
Interface TroubleTicketManager

public interface TroubleTicketManager
extends Session

This is a front-end to the trouble ticket system. It creates tickets and helps you move thru the ticket workflow. Constructor takes a sequencer key. If no sequencer with that key exists, a new one is created Each workflow-associated method takes in the minimum parameters needed to make the state transition. It fills in the ones it can (like status and effectiveDate), and it tries to move the workflow. If the transition is invalid, it passes the exception on thru to the caller of the method. openTicket uses sequencer to create a new ticket entity Stateful session bean This Bean is configurable with the following properties: TroubleTicketHome - Specifies the JNDI name for allocating trouble tickets. The default is AlphaNumericSequencerHome - Specifies the JNDI name for allocating Aphanumeric Sequence. The default is SequencerPrefix - Specifies the Prefix for allocating Trouble Ticket. Default is ticket SequencerSuffix - Specifies the Suffix for allocating Trouble Ticket. Default is ""

 [TroubleTicketManager] <>------> [] 


See Also:
TroubleTicketManagerHome, TroubleTicketManagerImpl

Method Summary
 java.util.Enumeration getAllTickets()
          Return a list of all the open trouble tickets in the system.
 java.lang.String[] getAllTicketSummaries()
          Get a summary of all the trouble tickets on the system.
 java.util.Vector getTicketsByCustomer(java.lang.String customerKey)
          Get all of the trouble tickets associated with the specified customer.
 TroubleTicket getTroubleTicket(java.lang.String ticketId)
          Get the ticket associated with the specified key.
 AlphaNumericSequencer getTroubleTicketGenerator()
          Get the remote object reference of troubleTicketGenerator
 java.lang.String openTroubleTicket(java.lang.String category, Customer customer, java.lang.String description)
          Create a new trouble ticket with the specified category, customer, and description.
 void purgeAllTickets()
          Deletes all closed or rejected tickets.
 void purgeTicket(java.lang.String ticketId)
          Purge a ticket that is in the closed or rejected state.
 void setTroubleTicketGenerator(AlphaNumericSequencer troubleTicketGenerator)
          Set the remote object reference of troubleTicketGenerator
 void setTroubleTicketGenerator(java.lang.String sequencerKey)
          Assign the sequence generator used for the creation of trouble ticket keys.
Methods inherited from interface javax.ejb.EJBObject
getEJBHome, getHandle, getPrimaryKey, isIdentical, remove

Method Detail


public AlphaNumericSequencer getTroubleTicketGenerator()
                                                throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Get the remote object reference of troubleTicketGenerator


public void setTroubleTicketGenerator(AlphaNumericSequencer troubleTicketGenerator)
                               throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Set the remote object reference of troubleTicketGenerator
troubleTicketGenerators - troubleTicketGenerator to be added


public void setTroubleTicketGenerator(java.lang.String sequencerKey)
                               throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Assign the sequence generator used for the creation of trouble ticket keys. This method allows the programmer to configure the sequence generator at runtime. Care must be taken to ensure uniqueness when changing to a different generator.


public java.lang.String openTroubleTicket(java.lang.String category,
                                          Customer customer,
                                          java.lang.String description)
                                   throws java.rmi.RemoteException,
Create a new trouble ticket with the specified category, customer, and description. The newly generated key for the ticket is returned.


public TroubleTicket getTroubleTicket(java.lang.String ticketId)
                               throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Get the ticket associated with the specified key.


public java.util.Enumeration getAllTickets()
                                    throws java.rmi.RemoteException,
Return a list of all the open trouble tickets in the system.


public java.lang.String[] getAllTicketSummaries()
                                         throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Get a summary of all the trouble tickets on the system.


public java.util.Vector getTicketsByCustomer(java.lang.String customerKey)
                                      throws java.rmi.RemoteException,
Get all of the trouble tickets associated with the specified customer.


public void purgeTicket(java.lang.String ticketId)
                 throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Purge a ticket that is in the closed or rejected state.


public void purgeAllTickets()
                     throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Deletes all closed or rejected tickets.

bea Systems, Inc.

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