bea Systems, Inc.


The session package provides session level coordination of a customer and the order that they are building.


Interface Summary
EBusinessSession An EBusinessSession is the mechanism by which the logical flow of a session is maintained.
EBusinessSessionHome The home interface for the EBusinessSession entity bean.
EBusinessSessionManager The EBusinessSessionManager (Manager) is a repository for EBusinessSessions (Session).
EBusinessSessionManagerHome The home interface for the EBusinessSessionManager Session Bean.

Class Summary
EBusinessSessionImpl An EBusinessSession is the mechanism by which the logical flow of a session is maintained.
EBusinessSessionManagerImpl The EBusinessSessionManager (Manager) is a repository for EBusinessSessions (Session).
EBusinessSessionPk This is a PrimaryKey for managing the life cycle of a BSC Configurable/Entity bean.
EBusinessSessionValue An EBusinessSession is the mechanism by which the logical flow of a session is maintained.
EBusinessSessionWorkflow A set of states and events that govern the life cycle of a business session.

Package Description

The session package provides session level coordination of a customer and the order that they are building. It stores a reference to the Invoice priod to its execution. It uses a workflow to guide the customer through the process of registration and authentication.

Session Component Model

Each session has a session-state. The session-state is managed by a workflow. The session workflow can be overwritten by an application specific session workflow. The following state diagram illustrates the default session workflow.
Default Session Workflow

bea Systems, Inc.

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