bea Systems, Inc.


The shipping package contains the classes need to fulfill a customer order.


Interface Summary
DefaultShippingCostCalculationPolicy This is the base class from which custom shipping cost calculation policies can be derived.
PackingList A Packing list contains order, shipping method and shipping address.
PackingListHome The home interface for the PackingList entity bean.
ShippingCostCalculationPolicy This is a specialized business policy that determines the cost of delivery.
ShippingManager Manages the creation and removal of PackingLists.
ShippingManagerHome The home interface for the ShippingManager Session Bean.
ShippingMethod A shipping method is a mechanism by which product is delivered.
ShippingMethodConstants This interface defines the contants that are associated with the ShippingMethod Interface.
ShippingMethodHome The home interface for the ShippingMethod entity bean.

Class Summary
DefaultShippingCostCalculationPolicyHome The home interface for the DefaultShippingCostCalculationPolicy Policy.
PackingListImpl A Packing list contains order, shipping method and shipping address.
PackingListPk This is a PrimaryKey for managing the life cycle of a BSC Configurable/Entity bean.
PackingListValue A Packing list contains order, shipping method and shipping address.
ShippingManagerImpl Manages the creation and removal of PackingLists.
ShippingMethodImpl A shipping method is a mechanism by which product is delivered.
ShippingMethodPk This is a PrimaryKey for managing the life cycle of a BSC Configurable/Entity bean.
ShippingMethodValue A shipping method is a mechanism by which product is delivered.

Package Description

The shipping package contains the classes need to fulfill a customer order. It stores he characteristics of the delivery mechanisms available. It also persists the details of how and to where each customer order is to be delivered.

Shipping Component Model

bea Systems, Inc.

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