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Getting Started


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Welcome to the WebLogic Components Technical Tour! This tour will navigate you through some of the features of BEA's WebLogic Components. WebLogic Components are "true" components: easy-to-use, reusable, customizable, standards-based, and extensible. This tour will show you details of how WebLogic Components can help you and the steps you need to take to leverage their powerful features.


Consider an online product catalog. It is filled with items that have different descriptions, identifiers, and prices. Since many items have different attributes, they need to be stored differently. However, items do share some common attributes. Now imagine adding a new line of product with new features, attributes, and pricing schemes to the catalog. It is in a case like this where customizability and extensibility play big roles. Enter BEA's WebLogic Components!


In order to fully understand the tour, it is necessary for the user to be familiar with a few concepts, including:

Additionally, it is assumed that the user has a Java compiler and Rational Rose installed on his or her Windows 98/NT machine.


This tour presents a scenario in which WebLogic Components are leveraged to quickly and efficiently solve a common business problem. It starts with a design process in which you will use Rational Rose to extend two WebLogic Components: Item and ItemPriceCalculationPolicy. The tour will next show you how to implement the design. This includes exporting the model, generating WebLogic Components, and adding custom business and presentation logic. Finally, you will deploy the newly extended WebLogic Components as a solution to the stated business problem.