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Monitoring the C-Hub


The following sections describe how to monitor a c-hub:


Viewing Statistics on the C-Hub

To view statistics on the current c-hub, select Monitoring in the left navigation bar, then click the Hub tab.

Figure 18-1 Viewing Statistics on the C-Hub

The following table explains the fields on this screen.

Table 18-1 Monitoring Trading Partners Fields



Active Since

Shows the date and time this c-hub was started.

Active C-Spaces

Shows the number of active c-spaces for this c-hub. (A c-space is active when it has at least one trading partner connected to it.)

Active Conversations

Shows the number of active conversations for this c-hub.

Active Trading Partners

Shows the number of active trading partners for this c-hub. (A trading partner is active when it is connected to at least one c-space.)

Total C-Spaces

Shows the total number of c-spaces for this c-hub.

Conversations Defined

Shows the number of conversations defined for this c-hub.

Messages Received

Shows the number of messages received in this c-hub.

Messages Sent

Shows the number of messages sent in this c-hub.

Last Received

Shows the date and time that the last message was received.

Last Sent

Shows the date and time that the last message was sent.

Note: You can also shut down a running c-hub from this tab. For more information on this, see Shutting Down a Running C-Hub.


Monitoring C-Spaces on the C-Hub

To view c-spaces for a c-hub, select Monitoring in the left navigation bar, then click the C-Spaces tab.

Figure 18-2 Monitoring C-Spaces

The following table explains the fields on this screen.

Table 18-2 Monitoring C-Spaces on a C-Hub - Main Screen




Shows the names of the c-spaces configured for this c-hub. You can click on a c-space name to view details on the selected c-space. (See Getting Details on a C-Space.)


Shows the state of the c-space. The states are Enabled or Disabled and Started or Shut Down. Note that any combination of Enabled/Disabled and Started/Shut Down is possible, as explained in the following description of each state:


To enable a c-space, select Enable and click Submit. To disable a c-space, select Disable and click Submit.

Start/Shut Down

To shut down an active c-space, select the c-space in the Shut Down list and click Submit.

To start a c-space, select the c-space in the Shut Down list and click Submit.

Getting Details on a C-Space

From the main C-Spaces tab you can click on a value in the C-Spaces field to view the details about the selected c-space.

Figure 18-3 Details on a Selected C-Space

The following table explains the fields on this screen.

Table 18-3 Monitoring Details on a C-Space



Trading Partner

Shows the trading partners participating in this c-space.


Shows the conversations in this c-space.

Last Sent

Shows the date and time of the last message this trading partner sent.


Monitoring Trading Partners on the C-Hub

To view trading partners for a c-hub, select Monitoring in the left navigation bar, then click the Trading Partners tab.

Figure 18-4 Monitoring Trading Partners

The following table explains the fields on this screen.

Table 18-4 Monitoring Trading Partners Fields



Trading Partner

Shows the trading partner name. You can click on a trading partner name to go to the trading partner detail page. (See Getting Details on a Trading Partner.)

Note: If a trading partner is displayed in a red box, this indicates that the last message sent to this trading partner was unsuccessful (that is, the message did not reach the trading partner). If you notice that a trading partner is unavailable over a long period of time, you might want to force that trading partner to leave the c-space. Doing so can save the c-hub from continued failed attempts to send messages to an unavailable trading partner.


Shows the name of the C-space this trading partner is in. You can click on this name to go to the C-Space Detail screen.


Shows the conversations this trading partner is participating in.

Last Sent

Shows the date and time of the last message this trading partner sent.


Shows whether the trading partner is enabled or disabled.


To disable a trading partner, select this checkbox and click the Disable button. A trading partner that is disabled cannot participate in new conversations, but can continue with existing conversations.

Getting Details on a Trading Partner

From the main Trading Partners monitoring tab you can click on a value in the Trading Partner field to view the details about the selected trading partner.

Figure 18-5 Details on a Selected Trading Partner

The following table explains the fields on this screen.

Table 18-5 Monitoring Trading Partners Fields




Shows the name of the c-space this trading partner is in. You can click on this name to go to the c-space detail screen.

Last Message Sent

Shows the date and time of the last message sent by this trading partner in this c-space.

First Message Failed

Shows the date and time of the first failed message sent by this trading partner in this c-space.

Last Message Failed

Shows the date and time of the last failed message sent by this trading partner in this c-space.

Messages Sent

Shows the number of messages sent by this trading partner in this c-space.

Messages Dropped

Shows the number of messages dropped by this trading partner in this c-space.


Select Leave for c-spaces that you want this trading partner to leave.

When you click the Leave marked C-Space(s) button, the trading partner will leave all c-spaces that are selected (checkmarked) in the Leave column. All active conversations for the trading partner in the selected c-space will end.


Monitoring Conversations on the C-Hub

To view conversations for a c-hub, select Monitoring in the left navigation bar, then click the Conversations tab.

Figure 18-6 Monitoring Conversations

The following table explains the fields on this screen.

Table 18-6 Monitoring Conversations Fields



Conversation ID

Shows the conversation ID.


Shows the business protocol assigned for the conversation.


Shows the name of the c-space this conversation is in. You can click on this name to go to the C-Space detail screen.

Start Time

Shows the date and time this conversation was started.

Last Msg.

Shows the date and time the last message was sent.

Last Sender

Shows the name of the trading partner who sent the last message.


Shows the names of the trading partners in this conversation.


You can Terminate any conversation on the c-hub with a choice of either Success or Failure. Check Success to indicate that the conversation completed successfully. Check Failure to indicate that there was an error in the conversation, and that is why you are terminating it.


Viewing Messages on the C-Hub

To view outstanding Messages for a c-hub, select Monitoring in the left navigation bar, then click the Messages tab. (Outstanding messages are messages that have not been delivered to all scheduled destinations.)

Figure 18-7 C-Hub Messages

The following table explains the fields on this screen.

Table 18-7 Monitoring Messages Fields



Message ID

Message ID generated by WebLogic Collaborate.

Conversation ID

Conversation ID of the active conversation.

Scheduled Deliveries

Number of destinations to which this message is scheduled to be delivered.

Successful Deliveries

Number of destinations this message has already reached.

Viewing Details for a Particular Message

From the main Message monitoring tab you can click on a Message in the Message ID column to view the details about the selected message.

Figure 18-8 Viewing Details for the Selected Message

The following table explains the information reported on the details of a particular message.

Table 18-8 Details on a Messages




Locations to which the message has been sent.

Reached At


The possible results are:


Viewing the WebLogic Collaborate Log

To view WebLogic Collaborate (WLC) log, select Monitoring in the left navigation bar, then click the WLC Log tab.

Figure 18-9 Viewing the WLC Log

You can set the Level and Lines per Page filters in the drop-down menus as explained in the following table.

Table 18-9 Monitoring Trading Partners Fields



Log File

Shows the name and location of the log file. (The name is always wlc.log and it is always located in the same directory from where the WebLogic Server instance was started.)


A drop-down menu where you can select the severity of the messages to be retrieved from the log. The choices are:

Lines Per Page

A drop-down menu where you can select the number of messages to retrieve from the log. The choices are:

A list of error messages is dynamically displayed based on the Level and Lines per Page filters you apply. You can use the Page UP and Page DOWN buttons to browse through long lists of messages.