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Setting Preferences


The following sections provide information about setting the "hidden logic plug-ins" preference on the C-Hub Administration Console:


About Hidden Logic Plug-Ins

As a c-hub administrator, you have the option of hiding certain logic plug-ins on the C-Hub Administration Console. You can set a parameter on any logic plug-in named bea.hidden and set that parameter to a value of true. You can then use the c-hub "Preference" setting to hide or show the plug-ins with this setting. Note that the BEA-provided encoder and decoder logic plug-ins for XOCP and RosettaNet are configured with the bea.hidden=true parameter, so hiding logic plug-ins through this "Preference" setting automatically hides these BEA plug-ins on the administration console.


Hiding or Showing "Hidden" Logic Plug-Ins

To hide or show hidden logic plug-ins:

  1. Click Preferences in the left navigation bar to display the Preferences configuration screen.

    Figure 17-1 Preferences Configuration

  2. Click on the Show hidden Logic Plug-Ins checkbox to hide or show the plug-ins. A checkmark indicates that you want to show plug-ins that have the bea.hidden parameter set to true. A blank box (unchecked) indicates that you want to hide these "bea.hidden" logic plug-ins on the administration console. When set as desired, click OK to save the preference.

    All relevant screens on the C-Hub Administration Console will now reflect the new setting.