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WebLogic Collaborate Installation on Windows Systems


The following sections describe WebLogic Collaborate installation procedures for Windows systems:


Installation Prerequisites

Before you install the WebLogic Collaborate software, make sure you have the following software and hardware configuration for your machine:

Note: The following variables should be defined in the user you create for WebLogic Collaborate, to use an Oracle Database. Contact your Oracle Database Administrator for more information.



Installing the BEA WebLogic Collaborate Software Package

The WebLogic Collaborate installation procedure installs the following components:

To install the BEA WebLogic Collaborate software, complete the following steps:

  1. Confirm that your system has all of the prerequisites as described in Installation Prerequisites.

  2. Uninstall previous versions of WebLogic Collaborate before proceeding with a new installation. Refer to Uninstalling the BEA WebLogic Collaborate Software Package.

  3. Download the WebLogic Collaborate install.exe distribution from, or locate the install.exe program in the Windows folder on your WebLogic Collaborate software CD.

  4. Double-click the install.exe program to display the Setup screen.

  5. Click OK to continue the WebLogic Collaborate installation.

    The WebLogic Collaborate Introduction screen is displayed.

  6. Click Next to display the Software License Agreement screen.

  7. Select Yes to accept the software license agreement. Then click Next to display a list of the installation prerequisites.

  8. Click Next to display the Choose Shortcut Location dialog box, which prompts you to specify a shortcut location for BEA WebLogic Collaborate.

  9. Select the location for the shortcut and click Next to display a dialog box prompting you to choose a home directory.

  10. Create a new BEA home directory or choose an existing one. Click Next to display a dialog box that prompts you to choose a product directory.

  11. Specify the product installation directory and click Next to display a dialog box that prompts you to select a database.

  12. Select a database and click Next.

    The next screen displayed in the installation process depends on the database you selected.

  13. Click Done.

  14. Install the software license.

    Copy the license file into the following directory:


    Your license file is in the downloaded distribution if you downloaded the product from the BEA Web site, or is sent to you by email if you purchased the software on a CD.


Verifying the Software Installation

An installation verification example is provided to ensure that the installation of WebLogic Collaborate is successful. This section explains what the installation verification example does and how you run it.

How the Installation Verification Example Works

The installation verification example is a simple application that is automatically configured during the WebLogic Collaborate installation. You can run this example immediately after the installation procedure to verify that WebLogic Collaborate was installed successfully on your system. The verification example does the following:

Running the Installation Verification Example

When you complete the installation as described in Installing the BEA WebLogic Collaborate Software Package, verify that the installation is successful by completing the following procedure:

  1. From the Start menu on the Microsoft Windows Task Bar, go to the folder where you installed WebLogic Collaborate.

    This example assumes the folder is named WebLogic Collaborate 1.0 and is installed in the Programs folder. For example, select:
    Start—>Programs—>WebLogic Collaborate 1.0.

  2. Choose Repository—>Create Database Schema.

    A Command window opens and the database schemas are created in the repository. Wait for this step to complete.

  3. Choose Start—>Programs—>WebLogic Collaborate 1.0—>Repository
    —>Bulkload Repository Data.

    A Command window opens and the database repository data is loaded into the repository. Wait for this step to complete.

  4. Choose Start—>Programs—>WebLogic Collaborate 1.0—>C-Hub—>
    Start C-Hub.

    A Command window opens. The WebLogic Server and one c-hub starts. Wait for the message "WebLogic Server started" to appear in the window.

  5. Choose Start—>Programs—>WebLogic Collaborate 1.0—>Verifier—>
    Start Verifier.

    The Verifier application is invoked, which in turn launches a Web browser with the following URL:


    where localhost represents the name of the machine where you are running WebLogic Server.

  6. Click the Start WLC Verification button displayed in the Web browser.

    The verification example starts. During verification, the Partner1 c-enabler sends a message to the Partner2 c-enabler. The message sent by Partner1 is the string ABCDEFGHI, and the message returned by Partner2 is abcdefghi.

    If the verification sample executes successfully, a report containing a "verification SUCCESS" message is displayed in the browser. The report identifies the process flow and the status of the verifier application.

    The following is an extract from a typical report:

    WLC Verifier

    Partner 2 enabler started
    Waiting for request...

    Partner 1 process flow.
    Starting enabler... done.
    Creating conversation... done.
    Sending message: conversation id=verifierConv ...
    Waiting for response... done.
    Processing reply:
    Received string=abcdefghi
    Verification SUCCESS
    Termination conversation:verifierConversation:1.0requ...

  7. If errors occur, check the WebLogic Server log for more information.


Troubleshooting Your Installation

The following information can help you to troubleshoot the WebLogic Collaborate software installation.

Accessing Verifier.html

If your Web browser is unable to connect to the URL, it could indicate that your browser is using a proxy server and is preventing you from connecting to your local WebLogic Server.

To bypass the proxy server, change your browser's proxy settings so that the browser does not use the proxy server to access the servlet. For example, in Netscape:

  1. Choose Edit—>Preferences—>Advanced—>Proxies, and select Manual proxy configuration view.

  2. In the Exceptions text field, specify a value for the local host and the listening port using the following syntax:


    In the preceding syntax, listening_port is the listening port number specified in the file. The default listening port number is 7001.

Note: If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, you can access the proxy settings by selecting Tools—>Internet Options—>Connections in your browser window.

Also check for error messages in the command prompt window in which WebLogic Server was started.

Starting the C-Hub

If the c-hub fails to start, the license may not be installed. Check for error messages in the command prompt window in which WebLogic Server was started (refer to step 4 in Running the Installation Verification Example).

Running the Verification Example

Confirm that your system has the installation prerequisites as described in Installation Prerequisites, and that the software prerequisites are installed in the correct locations.

Run the set command to confirm that the following environment variables are correct:


Uninstalling the BEA WebLogic Collaborate Software Package

To remove the WebLogic Collaborate software from your system:

  1. Invoke the Uninstall script by using one of the following methods:

  2. Click Uninstall to continue.

    The WebLogic Collaborate software is uninstalled from your system. A screen showing the status of the process is displayed.


    When the uninstall process is complete, a screen is displayed to indicate that it was successful.

  3. Click Exit.

    The WebLogic Collaborate product is removed from your system and from the Windows Registry.