BEA Logo BEA WebLogic Collaborate Release 1.0.1

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Installation Overview


This section lists the contents of the BEA WebLogic CollaborateTM 1.0.1 package and summarizes the installation steps. It includes the following topics:


Your Software Package

The BEA WebLogic Collaborate 1.0.1 software is available for downloading from the BEA Web site and from the software CD ROM delivered in the product package.

WebLogic Collaborate Product Package

The product package contains the following components:

WebLogic Collaborate Web Distribution

WebLogic Collaborate is available as a downloadable distribution for both Windows and UNIX systems from the BEA Web site. It contains the following components:


Platform Support

WebLogic Collaborate is available on the following platforms.

For current information about platform support, see BEA WebLogic® Collaborate Supported Product Information at the following URL:


Installation Steps

To install the WebLogic Collaborate software, complete the following steps:

  1. Make sure your machine has the required hardware and software configuration.

  2. Install the WebLogic Collaborate software and license.

  3. Run the installation verification sample application.

To install the WebLogic Collaborate software and run the installation verification, follow the instructions provided for your operating system.


Installing Your Software License

Your WebLogic Collaborate distribution requires a valid license to run. The WebLogic Collaborate license is valid for the entire WebLogic Collaborate distribution, including the WebLogic Process Integrator and Apache Software Foundation software.

If you download WebLogic Collaborate from the BEA Web site, an evaluation license is automatically generated and merged into your existing license file. If you purchase WebLogic Collaborate on a CD, you will receive a license by email from BEA.

To modify your existing license after you install the WebLogic Collaborate software:

  1. Execute the setEnv script in the root directory in which you installed the WebLogic Collaborate 1.0.1 software.

  2. Copy the new license file into the BEA home directory on your machine.

  3. Change to the BEA home directory.

  4. To merge the new license file into your existing license, enter the following command, where new_license represents the name of the license file you received from BEA:

    UpdateLicense new_license