Communication Service Reference

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Extended Web Services Subscriber Profile Communication Service

The following chapter describes the Extended Web Services Subscriber Profile communication service in detail:


An Overview of the Extended Web Services Subscriber Profile Communication Service

There is no standard available for this service, although it uses elements from preliminary Parlay X drafts (preliminary as of January 2008) for this functionality. Using the Extended Web Services subscriber profile communication service, an application can:

How It Works

The Extended Web Services Subscriber Profile communication service can be used by applications that need to retrieve subscriber profile data from an LDAP server attached to the underlying network.

Supported Network Protocols

Off-the shelf, the Extended Web Services Subscriber Profile communication service can be configured to support the following network protocol:


When Network Gatekeeper is configured to use this protocol, it connects to a LDAP server. See “Appendix A: Standards and Specifications” in Concepts and Architectural Overview for the exact version of the standard Network Gatekeeper supports.


Configuration Specifics for the Extended Web Services Subscriber Profile Communication Service

Communication services share many common features, covered in the “Introducing Communication Services” chapter of Concepts and Architectural Overview, but each one has a few characteristics that are specific only to that service. This section describes those specific features for the Extended Web Services Subscriber Profile communication service, including:

Charging Data Records

There are two specific CDRs associated with the Extended Web Services Subscriber Profile/LDAP communication service. They occur when the following criteria are met:

Event Data Records

The EDRs produced by the Extended Web Services Subscriber Profile/LDAPv3 communication service are documented below. This list does not include EDRs created when exceptions are thrown. For more information on the contents of standard EDRs, see Events, Alarms, and Charging..

Table 12-1 Event types emitted in the EWS Subscriber Profile/LDAP communication service
Method Called


The table below outlines the correlation between the methods being invoked from either the application (in application-initiated requests) or the telecom network (in network-initiated requests) and the transaction type collected by the statistics counters in Network Gatekeeper for the EWS Subscriber Profile/LDAP communication service:

Note: Method names for network-initiated requests are specified by the internal Gatekeeper name, which is not necessarily the same as the message from the network.

Table 12-2 Transaction types for EWS Subscriber Profile/LDAP communication service
Transaction type

Supported Address Schemes

The EWS Subscriber Profile/LDAP communication service supports the tel, id, imsi and ipv4 address schemes.

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