Configuring and Managing WebLogic SIP Server

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Applying Patches Using InstallPatch

The following sections provide instructions for applying patches to WebLogic SIP Server instances:


Overview of the InstallPatch Utility

The WebLogic SIP Server container functionality is implemented using an Enterprise Application (EAR) named sipserver. To patch the sipserver implementation EAR, you add the patch JAR file to the domain directory and then use the InstallPatch utility to add the JAR the application.

InstallPatch automates the process of editing the sipserver MANIFEST class path, which defines the list of JAR files used by the application and their relative order. You can use InstallPatch to perform common patching operations such as:

Although it is possible to manually edit the MANIFEST class path in the sipserver application, BEA recommends using InstallPatch to avoid errors.


Required Environment for the InstallPatch Utility

To set up your environment for the InstallPatch utility:

  1. Install the WebLogic SIP Server software 2.2. See Installing WebLogic SIP Server Using Graphical-Mode Installation in Installing WebLogic SIP Server.
  2. Open a new shell or command prompt window.
  3. Note: Do not run the setAdminClientEnv script and InstallPatch utility from a shell that you previously used to start WebLogic SIP Server.
  4. Move to the top level of the domain directory that you want to patch:
  5. cd BEA_HOME\user_projects\domains\mydomain

    In the above command, BEA_HOME refers to the top-level BEA installation directory (for example, c:\bea).

  6. Set the client environment using the command
  7. WLSS_HOME\server\bin\setAdminClientEnv.cmd

    where WLSS_HOME is the directory in which you installed WebLogic SIP Server (for example, c:\bea\wlss220).


Syntax for Invoking the InstallPatch Utility

The InstallPatch utility can run in either command-line or GUI mode. By default the utility runs in command-line mode. The syntax for using the utility in command-line mode is:

   [-mode (gui | cmdline)]
   -action (prepend | append | set | view)
   -patch filename.jar [-patch filename2.jar ...]
   [-help] [-verbose]
Note: All patch files must be located in the DOMAIN_DIR\sipserver\APP-INF\container directory, where DOMAIN_DIR is the top-level directory of the domain you are patching.
Note: If you are patching a replicated domain that uses "stage" mode deployment, you must manually delete the contents of the staging directory for each server (DOMAIN_DIR/servername/stage by default) to force redeployment of the sipserver application. Or, you must manually copy the newly-installed patch file(s) to the DOMAIN_DIR/servername/stage/sipserver/APP-INF/container directory of each Managed Server target.

When running the utility in GUI mode, all other options are ignored. To run the utility in GUI mode, use the command:

java -mode gui

Table C-1 describes the arguments for the utility.

Table C-1 InstallPatch Arguments
-mode (gui | cmdline)
Specifies whether to run the utility in GUI mode or in command-line mode. Command-line mode is used by default. If you run the utility in GUI mode, all other arguments are ignored.
-action (prepend | append | set | view)
Specifies a single action to perform on the CLASSPATH in command-line mode:
  • prepend—Adds one or more JAR files to the beginning of the existing CLASSPATH. The JAR files must be specified in subsequent -patch arguments.
  • append—Adds one or more JAR files to the end of the existing CLASSPATH. The JAR files must be specified in subsequent -patch arguments.
  • set—Re-writes the entire CLASSPATH using the JAR files specified in subsequent -patch arguments. If you use the set action, note that you must specify the default implementation JAR files (./wlss_sp.jar and ./wlss.jar) as well as any patch files you want to add. See Example InstallPatch Commands for more information.
  • view—Displays the current CLASSPATH.
-patch filename.jar
Specifies the filename of a patch file to apply. You can apply multiple patches by specifying multiple -patch arguments. Multiple patches are applied in the order in which you specify them on the command line.

Note: All patch files must be located in the DOMAIN_DIR\sipserver\APP-INF\container directory, where DOMAIN_DIR is the top-level directory of the domain you are patching.

-mode gui
Starts the utility in GUI mode. You cannot use the -action or -patch arguments when running in GUI mode.
Displays usage information.
Displays verbose output for command-line mode.


Example InstallPatch Commands

The following examples assume an initial MANIFEST classpath of:

./wlss_sp.jar ./wlss.jar

To add a new patch JAR file to the beginning of the classpath:

java -action prepend -patch CR567890_wlss220.jar

This yields the classpath:

./CR567890_wlss220.jar ./wlss_sp.jar ./wlss.jar

To add multiple patch JAR files to the end of the classpath:

java -action append -patch CR567891_wlss220.jar -patch CR567892_wlss220.jar

This yields the classpath:

./CR567890_wlss220.jar ./wlss_sp.jar ./wlss.jar ./CR567891_wlss220.jar ./CR567892_wlss220.jar

To remove one or more patches, re-write the CLASSPATH using the set action, as in:

java -action set -patch CR567890_wlss220.jar -patch wlss_sp.jar -patch wlss.jar -patch CR567891_wlss220.jar

This yields the classpath:

./CR567890_wlss220.jar ./wlss_sp.jar ./wlss.jar ./CR567891_wlss220.jar

To view the current classpath, use the -action view option with the utility:

java -action view
The current Manifest Class-Path is: ./CR567890_wlss220.jar ./wlss_sp.jar ./wlss.jar ./CR567891_wlss220.jar


Editing the MANIFEST Classpath in GUI Mode

Running the InstallPatch utility in GUI mode enables you to reorder or delete existing patch files from the MANIFEST classpath. You invoke the utility in GUI mode using the command:

java -mode gui

This yields a simple text editing window that shows the current classpath setting, as shown in Figure C-1.

Figure C-1 InstallPatch GUI Mode

InstallPatch GUI Mode

To rearrange the order of JARs in the classpath, simply copy and paste the filenames in the desired order, keeping a space between multiple filenames. Click Set Classpath to persist the changes or Quit to exit without making changes.

Note: You can use GUI mode to add new patch JAR files to the existing classpath only if you first manually copy those files to the APP-INF\container subdirectory of the sipserver application.


Troubleshooting the InstallPatch Utility

If you patched WebLogic SIP Server but the patch does not seem to take effect, you may have un-patched JAR files listed earlier in your CLASSPATH. This can happen if you run the setAdminClientEnv script and InstallPatch utility in a shell that you previously used to start WebLogic SIP Server. To avoid this problem, always run setAdminClientEnv and InstallPatch in a dedicated shell that was not used to start servers.

If you cannot apply a patch, verify that the patch JAR file exists in the APP-INF\container subdirectory of the sipserver application. You must manually copy patch JAR files to this directory before running InstallPatch.

Note: If you are patching a replicated domain that uses "stage" mode deployment, you must manually delete the contents of the staging directory for each server (DOMAIN_DIR/servername/stage by default) to force redeployment of staged applications. Or, you must manually copy the newly-installed patch file(s) to the DOMAIN_DIR/servername/stage/sipserver/APP-INF/container directory of each Managed Server target.

Always verify the ordering of applied patches by using the -action command, or by running the utility in GUI mode. See Syntax for Invoking the InstallPatch Utility.

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