Developing Applications with WebLogic SIP Server

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Enabling Access Logging

The following sections describe how to use WebLogic SIP Server access logging features on a development system:



Access logging records all SIP messages (both requests and responses) received by WebLogic SIP Server. You can use the access log in a development environment to check how external SIP requests and SIP responses are received. By outputting the distinguishable information of SIP dialogs such as Call-IDs from the application log, and extracting relevant SIP messages from the access log, you can also check SIP invocations from HTTP servlets and so forth.

WARNING: The access logging functionality logs all SIP requests and responses; do not enable this feature in a production system. In a production system, you can instead configure one or more logging Servlets, which enable you to specify additional criteria for determining which messages to log. See Logging SIP Requests and Responses in Configuring and Managing WebLogic SIP Server.

When you enable access logging, WebLogic SIP Server records access log records in the Managed Server log file associated with each engine tier server instance.


Enabling Access Logging

You enable and configure access logging by adding a message-debug element to the sipserver.xml configuration file. WebLogic SIP Server provides two different methods of configuring the information that is logged:

The sections that follow describe each method of configuring access logging functionality. See also the Engine Tier Configuration Reference (sipserver.xml) in Configuring and Managing WebLogic SIP Server for a full reference to the sipserver.xml file contents.

Specifying a Predefined Logging Level

The optional level element in message-debug specifies a predefined collection of information to log for each SIP request and response. The following levels are supported:

Listing 9-1 shows a configuration entry that specifies the full logging level.

Listing 9-1 Sample Accessing Logging Level Configuration in sipserver.xml

Customizing Log Records

WebLogic SIP Server also enables you to customize the exact content and order of each access log record. To configure a custom log record, you provide a format element that defines a log record pattern and one or more tokens to log in each record.

Note: If you specify a format element with a <level>full</level> element (or with the level element undefined) in message-debug, WebLogic SIP Server uses "full" message debugging and ignores the format entry. The format entry can be used in combination with either the "terse" or "basic" message-debug levels.

Table 9-1 describes the nested elements used in the format element.

Table 9-1 Nested format Elements
param-value Description
Specifies the pattern used to format an access log entry. The format is defined by specifying one or more integers, bracketed by "{" and "}". Each integer represents a token defined later in the format definition.
A string token that identifies a portion of the SIP message to include in a log record. Table 9-2 provides a list of available string tokens. You can define multiple token elements as needed to customize your log records.

Table 9-2 describes the string token values used to specify information in an access log record:

Table 9-2 Available Tokens for Access Log Records
Example or Type
The Call-ID header. It is blank when forwarding.
The raw content.
Byte array
The content length.
String value
The content type.
String value
The CSeq header. It is blank when forwarding.
The date when the message was received. ("yyyy/MM/dd" format)
The class name of the exception occurred when calling the AP. Detailed information is recorded to the run-time log.
The From header (all). It is blank when forwarding.;tag=438943
The address portion of the From header.
The port number portion of the From header.
The tag parameter of the From header. It is blank when forwarding.
The SIP URI part of the From header. It is blank when forwarding.
A List of message headers stored in a 2-element array. The first element is the name of the header, while the second is a list of all values for the header.
List of headers
Whether the message is incoming or not.
The name of the SIP method. It records the method name to invoke when forwarding.
Summary Call ID
String value
The type of receiving.
The protocol used.
The response reason.
The request URI. This token is only available for the SIP request.
The response status.
The time when the message was received. ("HH:mm:ss" format)
Time stamp in milliseconds.
The To header (all). It is blank when forwarding.;tag=438943
The address portion of the To header.
The port number portion of the To header.
The tag parameter of the To header. It is blank when forwarding.
The SIP URI part of the To header. It is blank when forwarding.

See Example Access Log Configuration and Output for an example sipserver.xml file that defines a custom log record using two tokens.


Specifying Content Types for Unencrypted Logging

By default WebLogic SIP Server uses String format (UTF-8 encoding) to log the content of SIP messages having a text or application/sdp Content-Type value. For all other Content-Type values, WebLogic SIP Server attempts to log the message content using the character set specified in the charset parameter of the message, if one is specified. If no charset parameter is specified, or if the charset value is invalid or unsupported, WebLogic SIP Server uses Base-64 encoding to encrypt the message content before logging the message.

If you want to avoid encrypting the content of messages under these circumstances, specify a list of String-representable Content-Type values using the string-rep element in sipserver.xml. The string-rep element can contain one or more content-type elements to match. If a logged message matches one of the configured content-type elements, WebLogic SIP Server logs the content in String format using UTF-8 encoding, regardless of whether or not a charset parameter is included.

Note: You do not need to specify text/* or application/sdp content types as these are logged in String format by default.

Listing 9-2 shows a sample message-debug configuration that logs String content for three additional Content-Type values, in addition to text/* and application/sdp content.

Listing 9-2 Logging String Content for Additional Content Types


Example Access Log Configuration and Output

Listing 9-3 shows a sample access log configuration in sipserver.xml. Listing 9-4, Sample Access Log Output, on page 9-6 shows sample output from the Managed Server log file.

Listing 9-3 Sample Access Log Configuration in sipserver.xml
      <pattern>{0} {1}</pattern>
Listing 9-4 Sample Access Log Output
####<Aug 10, 2005 7:12:08 PM PDT> <Info> <WLSS.Trace> <> <myserver> <ExecuteThread: '11' for queue: 'sip.transport.Default'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <BEA- 331802> <SIP Tracer: logger Message: To: sut <sip:invite@> <mailto:sip:invite@> 
Content-Length: 136
Contact: user:user@
From: user <sip:user@> <mailto:sip:user@> ;tag=59
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
Content-Type: application/sdp
Subject: Performance Test
Max-Forwards: 70
o=user1 53655765 2353687637 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 10000 RTP/AVP 0
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
####<Aug 10, 2005 7:12:08 PM PDT> <Info> <WLSS.Trace> <> <myserver> <ExecuteThread: '11' for queue: 'sip.transport.Default'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <BEA- 331802> <SIP Tracer: logger Message: To: sut <sip:invite@> <mailto:sip:invite@> 
Content-Length: 0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
From: user <sip:user@> <mailto:sip:user@> ;tag=59
Server: BEA WebLogic SIP Server

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