BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic SIP Server 3.1 API Reference

Package com.bea.wcp.profile

Support for accessing Profile information.


Interface Summary
ProfileListener This interface is used to notify the application that changes of some kind have occurred to subscriptions that were made using ProfileService.subscribe(javax.servlet.sip.SipApplicationSession, String, or one of the sibling methods.
ProfileRouter When the profile service is configured to be routed using an explicit router class (rather than by provider name or by prefix), the router class must implement this interface.
ProfileService Starting point for accessing the Profile service.
ProfileServiceSpi Interface to be implemented by a provider.
ProfileSubscription This is a class returned by ProfileServiceSpi.subscribe.
ShApp This is the subset of the ProfileServiceSpi interface that that WlssShApplication actually implements.

Class Summary
ProfileRouterImplBase This is a blank profile router, used for development and testing work.
ProfileServiceSpiImplBase This is blank implementation of ProfileServiceSpi, used for testing and development purposes.
ProfileSubscription.ProfileSubscriptionState PENDING means the subscription request has been submitted, and the final state of the subscription is not yet known.
ShProviderCached This is the ProfileService provider to use for contacting the WLSS Sh Diameter Application.
ShProviderDirect This class handles the connection between ShProviderCached, which is the ProfileServiceProvider for the Sh Diameter application, and the application itself (WlssShApplication).

Exception Summary
ConcurrentProfileModificationException This exception is thrown if concurrent modification of a profile document on the server has been detected.
OperationNotSupportedException If a Profile Service provider does not support a particular method of the API, it should throw this exception.
RequestTimedOutException This exception is thrown when a Profile Service method failed to complete in the allotted time.
SubscriptionModificationFailedException This exception is thrown if a request to modify the duration of an exception, failed.

Package com.bea.wcp.profile Description

Support for accessing Profile information.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2007 BEA Systems Inc.