BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic SIP Server 3.1 API Reference

Package com.bea.wcp.sip

WebLogic SIP Server extensions to the SIP Servlet API.


Interface Summary
WlssAction WlssAction is intended for use in converged applications where multiple interactions with the SipApplicationSession or SipSession require concurrency control with respect to the SIP call state.
WlssProxy This class is a WebLogic SIP Server specific extension of the interface javax.servlet.sip.Proxy.
WlssSipApplicationSession This interface is an extension of the standard SipApplicationSession interface.
WlssSipFactory This interface is an extension of the standard SipFactory interface.
WlssSipServletResponse This interface is intended to add WebLogic SIP server specific method createPrack(), which is an addition to the standard javax.servlet.sip.SipServletResponse interface.
WlssTelURI This class is a WebLogic SIP Server specific extension of the interface javax.servlet.sip.TelURL.

Class Summary
WlssSipApplicationSession.PersistenceType Used by WlssSipApplicationSession.setPersist( com.bea.wcp.sip.WlssSipApplicationSession.PersistenceType, boolean).
WlssSipServlet This class is a WebLogic SIP Server specific extension of the class javax.servlet.sip.SipServlet, which introduces two new methods doRefer() and doPublish() for handling REFER and PUBLISH methods respectively.

Package com.bea.wcp.sip Description

WebLogic SIP Server extensions to the SIP Servlet API.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2007 BEA Systems Inc.