Technical Product Description

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Overview of the WebLogic SIP Server Architecture

Developing SIP Applications with WebLogic SIP Server

Overview of Developing SIP Applications with WebLogic SIP Server

Goals of the SIP Servlet API Specification

SIP Protocol Support

Simplicity and Ease of Use

Converged Applications

Application Composition

Highly Reliable Implementation

Overview of the SIP Servlet Container

SIP Dialog Handling

Using the SIP Servlet API

The SipServlet Object

SIP Factory

SIP Messages



Application Timers

SIP Servlet Application Example: Converged SIP and HTTP Application

SIP Servlet Application Example: SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY

WebLogic SIP Server Session API

Assembling and Packaging a Converged Application

Working with SIP and HTTP Sessions

Modifying the SipApplicationSession from Non-SIP Servlets

WebLogic SIP Server Profile API

Using Document Keys for Application-Managed Profile Data

Monitoring Profile Data

WebLogic SIP Server Software Development Kit

WebLogic SIP Server in the Network

Overview of WebLogic SIP Server in a Typical Service Provider Network

SIP and IMS Service Control (ISC)

ISC and the 3GPP SIP Profile

AS Session Case Determination Requirement of ISC

Transport Layer Issues Related to ISC

HTTP User Interface

Service/Subscriber Data and Authentication

Web Services Support and Integration with Service Oriented Architectures

Management Interfaces

Administration Console

Cluster-Wide Traffic Monitoring via the Administration Console

Media Control

Charging and Billing


Authentication Providers

Trusted Host Authentication

Declarative Security

WebLogic SIP Server Cluster Architecture

Overview of the Cluster Architecture

WebLogic SIP Server Cluster Linear Scalability

WebLogic SIP Server Replication

Partition Views

Timer Processing

Replica Failure

Engine Failure

Effects of Failures on Call Flows

Diameter Protocol Handling

Deployment of WebLogic SIP Server in Non-clustered configurations

“Zero Downtime” Application Upgrades

Requirements and Restrictions for Upgrading Deployed Applications

Standards Alignment

Overview of WebLogic SIP Server Standards Alignment

Java Sun Recommendation (JSR) Standards Compliance

IETF RFC Compliance

3GPP R6 Specification Conformance

Supported Platforms

Supported Configurations

Supported Databases

Verified Load Balancers

Verified SIP Clients

SIP Servlet API Service Invocation


Servlet Mapping Rules: Objects, Properties and Conditions

Supported Service Trigger Points

Request Object


SipURI (extends URI):

TelURL (extends URI):


Conditions and Logical Connectors



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