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Customizing Webflow and Pipelines


The most important benefit of the Webflow and Pipeline mechanisms is that they allow people with different levels of technical skill to customize both the presentation and business logic within an e-commerce site.

Commerce engineers/JSP content developers, site administrators, and business analysts can now divide Web site customization (and subsequent maintenance) activities based on their own expertise, interests, and job responsibilities. While they are working with the Webflow/Pipeline infrastructure, the Java/EJB programmers on the development team can be extending the BEA WebLogic Commerce Server packages to add functionality. Thus, some bottlenecks in the site development and maintenance process are greatly reduced.

If the packages that the BEA WebLogic Commerce Server product provides completely meet your requirements, all you may need to do to have a fully functioning e-business is to customize some aspects of the Webflow and/or Pipeline. This topic describes how to accomplish this.

This topic includes the following sections:


Using Webflow

Since every e-business is different, the BEA WebLogic Commerce Server product utilizes an external properties file to manage the sequence (flow) in which Web pages are displayed. The Commerce Server provides a default Webflow properties file to get you up and running quickly, and to provide you with a working example of this concept. You can modify this file to change the order of your pages, without having to edit each page individually.

This section provides information about the default Webflow and instructions for customizing it. This section also describes how to invoke the Webflow mechanism from your Web pages, and explains how missing transitions in the properties file are resolved.

Customizing Webflow Using the File

The Webflow properties file ( controls the display of your site's Web pages and initiates execution of the business logic associated with these pages. The Webflow properties file contains one section for each JavaServer Page (JSP) and includes comments for increased readability.

Generically, each line in the file can be written as:


Table 2-1 provides information about the elements shown above for which there are a limited number of valid values.

Table 2-1 Valid Values for Elements


Valid Values


begin | <page>.<extension> | <inputprocessorName> | <pipelineName>


event = link(<linkName>) | button(<buttonName>) | success | exception(<exceptionName>)


<page>.<extension> | <inputprocessorName> | <pipelineName>


jsp | html | htm | inputprocessor | pipeline

Notes: Valid characters for <page>, <inputprocessorName> and <pipelineName> are limited to A-Z, a-z, and an underscore.

Lines in the file should never contain spaces. Including spaces can result in errors that are difficult to locate.

Text within the file is case sensitive.

Syntax of the File

Each line in the file is comprised of a name/value pair, separated by an equal sign (=).

The name consists of the current state and a named event, and the value is a result state. In Listing 2-1, the current state is firstpage.jsp. The event is a button named Next, and the result state is nextpage.jsp.

Listing 2-1 Webflow Properties Example


When a customer clicks the Next button from firstpage.jsp, the Webflow will load nextpage.jsp.

Note: The only exception to this syntax is the line in the file that defines the initial state for the Webflow, as follows:


Web pages used as current or result states in the Webflow may be .htm, .html, or .jsp files. In addition to the button event shown in the previous example, there is also a link event associated with these file types.

About Event Names

Events are given names because it is likely that a page has multiple events of the same type associated with it (that is, there are both previous and next buttons on firstpage.jsp, each requiring different result states). Event names are used to differentiate between these events, as shown in Listing 2-2.

Listing 2-2 Event Names Example



Note: Although event names are arbitrarily selected, duplication of names within the file would defeat their purpose and should be avoided. Duplicate names will produce unpredictable results.

Although all the states in the previous examples are JSPs, both current and result states can also be input processors or Pipelines. For more information on input processors and Pipelines, see Using Input Processors with Webflow and Using Pipelines with Webflow, respectively.

Using the Wildcard Character

In cases where you want all your Web pages to reach a certain target page, you can substitute the wildcard character (*) for a specific page name in the current state. For example, if you want customers to be able to reach the home page from every page within your Web site, a line in the file would read:


Default Webflow

Listing 2-3 shows the portion of the default Webflow that handles category browsing. It can also be viewed in a simple text editor by opening WL_COMMERCE_HOME/, where WL_COMMERCE_HOME is the top-level directory where you installed WebLogic Commerce Server.

Listing 2-3 Default Webflow for Category Browsing


# Handle category browsing


# Generic browse link gets browse parameters

# Move intermediate results

# Get all category detail

# Display category detail

# Handle errors



# Define the input processor classes
BrowseCategory.inputprocessor=com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.catalog.webflow. GetCategoryIP


Dynamically Modifying Your Site's Webflow

To dynamically modify your site's Webflow, consider the following:

To modify your site's Webflow, follow these steps:

  1. Start a simple text editor like Notepad.

  2. Open the default Webflow properties file, which can be found in WL_COMMERCE_HOME/, where WL_COMMERCE_HOME is the top-level directory where you installed WebLogic Commerce Server.

  3. Modify the file as necessary, using the syntax described in the previous sections.

  4. Save the modified file. You do not need to restart the server to view your changes if you have set the webflow.hotdeploy.enable property to true in the file.

Using Webflow in Your Web Pages

To utilize the Webflow mechanism, the URLs within your Web pages must include information that corresponds to a line in the file. Specifically, the URL must contain a page name and an event that match a current state in the file, as shown in Listing 2-4 and Listing 2-5.

Listing 2-4 URL Within a <FORM> Tag in the Web Page

<FORM method="post" action="<%=WebflowJSPHelper.createWebflowURL(pageContext, "login.jsp", button(createUser)", false)%>">

Listing 2-5 Corresponding Line in the File


These URLs are dynamically generated by a utility class called WebflowJSPHelper.

Note: In most cases, a Web page will use the WebflowJSPHelper class multiple times. Therefore, it is a good idea to import the class at the beginning of your Web page as shown in the following statement:

<%@ page import="com.beasys.commerce.webflow.WebflowJSPHelper" %>

As shown in Listing 2-4, the WebflowJSPHelper class has a createWebflowURL() method that takes four parameters: pageContext, the name of the current JSP with extension (origin), the event type and name, and a URL type. A URL type of true causes the returned string to include the origin and event parameters as query parameters. Using this information, the createWebflowURL() method returns an absolute URL.

Although the parameters of the createWebflowURL() method are always the same, the way you specify these parameters depends on whether you are generating the URL within a <FORM> tag or an <A> (anchor) tag.

To incorporate a URL using the <FORM> tag, use the action attribute to construct the URL as shown in Listing 2-4 . To incorporate a URL using the <A> tag, call the createWebflowURL() method as shown in Listing 2-6.

Listing 2-6 Dynamic URL Generation Within an <A> Tag

<a href="<%=WebflowJSPHelper.createWebflowURL(pageContext, "login.jsp", button(createUser)%>", false)>

In both cases, these statements are translated into login.jsp.button(createUser), which can be found in the file to the left of an equal sign, as shown in Listing 2-5. The value to the right of this equal sign will initiate the result state, and thus allow the Webflow mechanism to continue.

Webflow Search Order

There may be times when a transition in the Webflow is missing (that is, no result state has been specified). To prevent any problem from being visible to your customer, the Webflow will attempt to resolve missing transitions by searching through several possibilities to locate an alternate flow. These search possiblities are examined by the Webflow mechanism in the following order:

In summary, the search order attempts to prevent a missing transition in the Webflow from interrupting a customer's experience on your Web site. Rather, in the very worst case, the Webflow would load the configuration error page. If for some reason this file was missing, a predefined system error page (servererror.jsp), which is also beyond the scope of the Webflow mechanism, would be used instead.

Search Order Examples

Suppose the Webflow mechanism is attempting to locate the missing transition in the file. The following list illustrates the alternate transitions that may be used by the Webflow:

The Webflow search order will also be performed for input processors and Pipelines that are missing in the file. The following list illustrates the alternate transitions that may be used by the Webflow for the missing transition ShoppingCartIP.inputprocessor.success:

Similarly, the following list illustrates the alternate transitions that may be used by the Webflow for the missing transition ShoppingCartPC.pipeline.success:


Using Input Processors with Webflow

States in the file are not restricted to other Web pages. Input processors are predefined classes that provide a way to indirectly carry out more complex tasks using the Webflow mechanism. Input processors reduce the need to incorporate complex Java code into your JSPs, and help maintain the separation between presentation and business logic.

The role of input processors is to read data from the HTTPServletRequest and use it to create or update Java objects in a Pipeline session. In addition to working with this data, some input processors may also validate information supplied by the customer.

Note: It is not required that you use input processors in your customized Webflow. If you do not wish to use input processors, simply do not specify any input processors in the webflow.peoperties file.

This section provides information about invoking input processors from theWebflow and about chaining input processors. This section also points you to additional information about extending or developing your own input processors.

Syntax of Input Processors in the File

Input processors extend the syntax used for JSPs in the file. For example, if you want to verify that the customer filled in the required form fields for their address before sending the customer to the next page, you could use the ValidateAddress input processor as shown in Listing 2-7.

Listing 2-7 Input Processor for Address Validation


# ValidateAddress input processor


# Invoke the input processor

# Specify the fully qualified class name for the input processor

# Specify the result state for successful execution

# Specify the result state for unsuccessful execution

In the first line, a customer who clicks the Continue button causes the flow to be turned over to the input processor called ValidateAddressIP. The second line defines the full class name of the ValidateAddressIP input processor, which will validate the form fields. The third and fourth lines make use of the event types defined for input processors: success and exception. If the validation is successful, the result state indicated by the success event is to load the selectaddress.jsp file. If the validation is not successful, the ValidateAddressIP input processor directs the customer back to addaddress.jsp to make corrections.

Notes: For the complete list of event types and more information on the syntax of input processors in the Webflow, see Table 2-1.

If execution of an input processor is not successful, you may specify different result states identified by more than one exception event.

Chaining Input Processors

In addition to using input processors between JSPs and Pipelines, you can also use more than one input processor, or chain input processors. In a chaining arrangement, the result state of one successfully executed input processor will be another input processor, as shown in Listing 2-8.

Listing 2-8 Example of Input Processor Chaining


# Example of input processor chaining


# Invoke the first input processor

# Specify the fully qualified path name for the first input 
# processor

# Invoke the second input processor if the execution of the first
# input processor succeeds

# Specify the fully qualified class name for the second input
# processor

# Specify the result state for successful execution of the second
# input processor

# Specify the result state for unsuccessful execution of the first 
# input processor

# Specify the result state for successful execution of the second
# input processor

Further Customization of Input Processors

If you would like to customize your site even further, you might choose to create and implement your own input processors or define your own exceptions for use with input processors. However, there are some important rules you need to follow to accomplish these tasks. For more information, see Extending Webflow and Pipelines.

Note: Only Java/EJB programmers (or someone with similar technical knowledge and abilities) should attempt to customize input processors.


Using Pipelines with Webflow

Your site would not be considered an e-business if you simply displayed pages and performed some additional tasks with input processors. A customer's entire experience also relies upon the execution of back-end business processes that are related to where the customer is on your site and what the customer is trying to accomplish.

A Pipeline is an advanced mechanism invoked by the Webflow that initiates execution of specific tasks related to your business process. For example, if a customer attempts to move to another page on your site but you want to save the customer's identifying information to a database first, you could use a Pipeline.

All Pipelines are collections of individual Pipeline components, which can be either Java objects or stateless session EJBs. Pipeline components are the parts of a Pipeline that actually perform the tasks associated with the underlying business logic. When these tasks are complex, Pipeline components may also make calls to external services (other business objects). As in the case of input processors, the BEA Weblogic Commerce Server product provides predefined Pipeline components that you can use, or you can customize your site further by creating your own.

To successfully carry out business tasks, each Pipeline component must read attributes from a Pipeline session and if necessary, write modified versions of these attributes back to the Pipeline session. Pipeline session are available for the life of the HTTP session.

The Commerce Server provides a default Pipeline properties file to get you up and running quickly, and to provide you with a working example of this concept. You can modify this file to change the business logic associated with your Web pages, without having to edit each page individually.

Note: It is not required that you use Pipelines to execute business logic in your customized Webflow. If you do not wish to use Pipelines, simply do not specify any Pipelines in the webflow.peoperties file. However, eliminating Pipelines and Pipeline components results in a less scalable, 2-tier architecture instead of the 3-tier architecture provided by the Webflow/Pipeline infrastructure.

This section provides information about the default Pipeline and instructions for customizing it, and describes how to invoke Pipelines from the Webflow.

Customizing Pipelines Using the File

Much like the file specifies the flow of Web pages presented to a customer, the Pipeline properties file ( specifies the flow of business logic as the customer moves through each page of the site. This properties file contains one section for each JavaServer Page (JSP) and includes comments for increased readability.

Generically, Pipeline definitions can be written as:


where componentList is a comma-separated list of Pipeline components to be executed in sequence.

Once all Pipeline definitions are complete, you must specify definitions for each Pipeline component in the Pipeline. Each Pipeline component definition consists of three properties: className, jndiName, and isEJBSessionBean.

Table 2-2 describes each of the Pipeline component properties in detail.

Table 2-2 Pipeline Component Properties





Name of the class that implements the Pipeline component, required if isEJBSessionBean is false

A fully qualified Java class name


Specifies whether or not the Pipeline component is a session bean, and always requires a value

true | false


JNDI name of the session bean that implements the Pipeline component, required only if isEJBSessionBean=true

A string

Notes: Lines in the file should never contain spaces. Including spaces can result in errors that are difficult to locate.

Text within the file is case sensitive.

Syntax of the File

The top portion of the file should contain only Pipeline definitions. Pipeline definitions include:

Listing 2-9 is a Pipeline definition that might be used in the file.

Listing 2-9 Pipeline Definition Example


In this example, the Pipeline called orderPipeline consists of three Pipeline components (CalculateTaxPC, CalculateDiscountPC, TotalCartCostPC). The orderPipeline is also transactional.

Listing 2-10 shows the corresponding Pipeline component definitions that might be used in the file.

Listing 2-10 Pipeline Component Definition Example




Default Pipeline

Listing 2-11 shows portions of the default Pipeline property file that handle obtaining product categories (implemented as a Java object) and moving an item to a shopping cart (implemented as an EJB session bean). These can also be viewed in a simple text editor by opening WL_COMMERCE_HOME/, where WL_COMMERCE_HOME is the top-level directory where you installed WebLogic Commerce Server.

Listing 2-11 Default Pipelines for Product Categories and Shopping Cart


# Java class Pipeline for obtaining product categories


# GetTopCategories Pipeline definition

# GetCategoryPC Pipeline component definition

# GetSubcategoriesPC Pipeline component definition


# EJB session bean Pipeline for moving items to shopping cart


# MoveProductItemToShoppingCart Pipeline definition

# MoveProductItemToShoppingCartPC Pipeline component definition

Dynamically Modifying Your Site's Pipelines

To dynamically modify your site's Pipelines, consider the following:

To modify your site's Pipelines, follow these steps:

  1. Start a simple text editor like Notepad.

  2. Open the default Pipeline properties file, which can be found in WL_COMMERCE_HOME/, where WL_COMMERCE_HOME is the top-level directory where you installed WebLogic Commerce Server.

  3. Modify the file as necessary, using the syntax described in the previous sections.

  4. Save the modified file. You do not need to restart the server to view your changes if you have set the pipeline.hotdeploy.enable property to true in the file.

Eliminating Pipeline Components

The file provides an easy way to eliminate Pipeline components without the need for advanced programming skills. For example, you might want to eliminate a Pipeline component that performs your tax calculations in the CommitOrder Pipeline. The definition in the default file for the CommitOrder Pipeline is shown in Listing 2-12.

Listing 2-12 Default OrderCommit Pipeline

# CommitOrder
CommitOrder.componentList=CommitOrderPC, AuthorizePaymentPC,

To eliminate a Pipeline component, follow these steps:

Notes: These instructions assume that the Commerce Server software is installed and has been started.

You do not need to restart the server to view your changes if you have set the pipeline.hotdeploy.enable property to true in the file.

  1. Open the file and remove each reference to the Pipeline component you want to eliminate. For example, if tax calculations are not required, remove all tax calculation Pipeline components from the Pipeline definition, as shown in Listing 2-13. Be sure to save your changes.

    Listing 2-13 OrderCommit Pipeline Without Tax Calculation Component

    # CommitOrder
    CommitOrder.componentList=CommitOrderPC, AuthorizePaymentPC

  2. If necessary, edit the related JSPs to eliminate places in the user interface where the information is gathered. Be sure to save your changes.

    Note: There is no JSP that collects tax information. In the CommitOrder Pipeline example, you would not need to make changes to the user interface.

  3. If in step 2 you removed an entire JSP, you will need to open the file and change any reference(s) to bypass it. Be sure to save your changes.

Reordering Pipeline Components

The file also provides an easy way for you modify the sequence of Pipeline components, without the need for advanced programming skills.

To reorder a Pipeline component, all you need to do is open the file and change the order that the Pipeline components are listed in the Pipeline definition. Be sure to save your changes.

Using the same CommitOrder Pipeline example, say you wanted to authorize the payment after calculating the tax instead of before it (as in the default OrderCommit Pipeline). Listing 2-14 shows how to do this.

Listing 2-14 OrderCommit Pipeline with Tax Component Reordered

# CommitOrder
CommitOrder.componentList=CommitOrderPC, TaxCalculateAndCommitLineLevelPC, AuthorizePaymentPC

Note: You do not need to restart the server to view your changes if you have set the pipeline.hotdeploy.enable property to true in the file.

Using Pipelines in the Webflow

Pipelines are used in the file to initiate execution of the business logic required for a particular page. Each Pipeline must first be invoked by the Webflow, and then followed by a success and exception path. For example, if a customer were to submit their order for processing, the orderPipeline might be represented in the file as shown in Listing 2-15.

Listing 2-15 Using a Pipeline in the Webflow




The first line indicates that when a customer clicks on the Submit button, the Webflow will turn control over to the Pipeline called orderPipeline. If the Pipeline executes successfully (that is, if each component in the Pipeline executes without error), the second line sends the customer to a page that allows the customer to commit the order. If the Pipeline does not execute successfully, the third line specifies the exception and directs the customer back to the shopping cart page.

Further Customization of Pipelines

If you would like to customize your site even further, you might choose to create and implement your own Pipelines or define your own exceptions for use with Pipelines. However, there are some important rules you need to follow to accomplish these tasks. For a more information, see Extending Webflow and Pipelines.

Note: Only Java/EJB programmers (or someone with similar technical knowledge and abilities) should attempt to customize Pipelines.