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Catalog Administration Tasks


WebLogic Commerce Server provides administrators with command-line scripts, property files, and JSP-based administration screens that you can open in your browser. A common administration screen is provided for WebLogic Commerce Server and WebLogic Personalization Server. The administration functions allow you to manage the behavior and content of your product catalog.

For catalog administration, the tasks include:


Starting the Server

The WebLogic Commerce Server Administration Tools run as a Web application in the WebLogic Server environment. The server must be running before you can use the Administration Tools.

When you start the server for a WebLogic Commerce Server application, you are in fact passing WebLogic Commerce Server-specific property values (and other required values, such as the location of the Java 2 SDK) to the WebLogic Server. This information gives the server instance the context it needs to provide services to the application.

For administrators, WebLogic Commerce Server provides a StartCommerce.bat (Windows) or (UNIX) script. Detailed instructions can be found in the chapter "Starting the Server" in the Deployment Guide.


Starting the Administration Tool

With the server running, as outlined in the previous section, you can start the main administration screen by opening the following URL in your browser:


The previous URL assumes that you are running the server on your local machine and you want to run administration tasks for the local machine. If the WebLogic Commerce Server application is running on a remote node, you can specify the remote node name to invoke its administration screen. For example, if the remote node is named blues, you can use the following URL:


Another option on Windows systems is to start the main administration screen by using the following Start menu path:

Start -->Programs -->WebLogic Commerce Server 3.2 -->Administration Tool (Server must be running)

A third option is to click the Administration link that appears in the top banner of most JSP templates. Figure 4-1 shows the link in an extract of the main.jsp template.

Figure 4-1 Link to Administration Screens from JSP Template

Before the browser can open the page, you must log into the Administrator account, as shown in Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2 Administration Login Screen

WebLogic Commerce Server defines an Administrator account name for you. The initial password is password (lowercase characters). (See Changing the Administrator Password for a related discussion.)

Following valid login credentials, the main administration screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3 Main Administration Screen

Most of the remaining sections in this chapter describe the tasks you can perform when you click the Catalog Management item on the main administration screen.

Figure 4-4 identifies the two types of links on the Catalog Management graphic.

Figure 4-4 Links on the Catalog Management Graphic

When you click the icon that looks like a catalog book, the main Catalog Administration screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-5.

Figure 4-5 Main Catalog Management Screen

Table 4-1 summarizes the catalog management functional areas.

Table 4-1 Catalog Management Functional Areas

Catalog Management Functional Areas



You can add categories, edit the attributes for categories, move items from one category to another category, and remove categories from the product catalog.


You can add items, edit the attributes for items, add custom attributes for items, and remove items from the product catalog.


You can tune the performance of your catalog by adjusting the size and Time-to-Live (TTL) properties for the separate, in-memory caches defined for categories and items. Balancing the cache to match your peak usage can significantly improve the satisfaction level of customers using your e-commerce Web site.


Changing the Administrator Password

As noted earlier, the initial account information for the administrator account supplied with WebLogic Commerce Server is as follows:

Username:  administrator
Password: password

To change the password of the administrator account, follow these steps:

  1. Open and log into the main Administration Tool screen, as described in Starting the Administration Tool. The server must be running. One way to start the main administration screen is to enter the URL in your browser:


  2. When you are prompted to log in, enter the current password.

  3. On the main administration screen, click the User Management graphic, as shown in Figure 4-6.

    Figure 4-6 Link to User Management on Main Administration Screen

  4. On the User Management screen, click the underlined Users link, as shown in Figure 4-7.

    Figure 4-7 Users Link on the User Management Screen

  5. On the Users screen, search for the administrator account name, as shown in Figure 4-8.

    Figure 4-8 Searching for the Administrator Account

    After you enter administrator in the Username input box, click the Search button.

  6. In the Search Results screen, click the underlined administrator link, as shown in Figure 4-9.

    Figure 4-9 Administrator Link in the User Account Search Results

    Warning: Do not click the red X to the right of the account name. Clicking the red X will delete the account.

  7. On the Users: administrator screen, click the Edit button, as shown in Figure 4-10.

    Figure 4-10 Edit Button on Users: administrator Screen

  8. On the Users: username screen, enter the new password twice, as shown in Figure 4-11.

    Figure 4-11 Entering the New Password

    Warning: Make sure you remember the new password for the administrator account! That sounds obvious, but there is a potential "Catch-22" situation. To change the account password again, you must log into the administration screens, a step that requires the current administrator account. If you forget the account's password, you will have to recreate the Commerce database.

After you enter the new password, click the Save button. Then click the Home button to return to the main administration screen.


Loading Data into the Product Catalog

WebLogic Commerce Server provides a DBLoader program that you can use to bulk load data into the product catalog database. While you could use a WebLogic Commerce Server administration screen to add new item or category data, one record at a time, this is impractical when you need to load hundreds or thousands of records. The DBLoader program is also useful if you want to load legacy data from an existing database into the WebLogic Commerce Server database.

You can also use a database vendor's specific loader program such as Oracle SQL*Loader, or a data loader by a third-party company, to populate the product catalog database.

For details, see Using the Product Catalog Database Loader.


Adding Categories to the Catalog

You can add a new category by using either the DBLoader program, as described in Using the Product Catalog Database Loader,or by using the administration screens. This section explains how to use the administration screens.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Make sure the server is running. See the section Starting the Server.

  2. Start the Administration Tool. See the section Starting the Administration Tool.

  3. On the main administration screen, click the Catalog Management graphic.

  4. On the main Catalog Management screen, click the Create button on the Categories graphic, as shown in Figure 4-12.

    Figure 4-12 Create Button on Categories Graphic

    On the Categories screen, you can either add a new category at the current level in the catalog hierarchy, or you can click an existing category name to create a subcategory. Figure 4-13 shows a portion of the Categories screen. To save space in this document, only a subset of the categories defined in the sample data are shown in the figure.

    Figure 4-13 Portion of Categories Screen When the Create Button Is Clicked

    As you will recall from the section Catalog Hierarchy, the categories in the product catalog are organized as a hierarchy. It is useful to repeat the diagram that illustrates this concept:

    An individual item can reside in more than one category. However, categories cannot reside outside of their hierarchical path. In other words, a category that resides in one path of the hierarchy cannot also reside in another path of the hierarchy.

  5. To add a new category at the current level in the hierarchy, click the red and white plus sign icon on the Categories screen. If you are on the highest level of the categories hierarchy, the link text next to the plus-sign icon is: "Add a subcategory to top level". For example, assume that you want to add a "Z" category because the electronic store will now offer different types of zithers, which are a type of stringed musical instruments. After you create the category Z, you will then create a "Zithers" subcategory.

  6. Figure 4-14 and Figure 4-15 show the top portion and bottom portion of the Create New SubCategory screen, after you click the plus-sign icon. (The screen is split into two figures for space reasons only.)

    Figure 4-14 Top Portion of the Create New SubCategory Screen

    Figure 4-15 Bottom Portion of the Create New SubCategory Screen

  7. Enter the required fields, which are indicated by the asterisk (*). The required field are:

  8. After you enter the field values, click the Create button to create the new category. (Or click the Back button on the screen to cancel the current create category operation.)

  9. When the new category has been created, a confirmation message is displayed on the refreshed Categories screen. Figure 4-16 shows a portion of a sample screen after we added the Z category under the hierarchical catalog's top-level root.

    Figure 4-16 Confirmation Screen After New Category `Z' Created

  10. When you click the Back button near the bottom of the create category screen (not the browser's Back button), the Category screen is refreshed to include the category you just added, as shown in Figure 4-17.

    Figure 4-17 Newly Added Category Near Bottom of Category Screen

  11. To create subcategories in a existing category, first click the red arrow to the left of the category name. For example, assume that you want to add the Zithers category under the Z category. To do this, click the red right-arrow next to the Z category. Figure 4-18 shows how the updated screen looks at this point.

    Figure 4-18 Updated Screen While Adding a Subcategory

    The icon next to the Z category changes to a red, hollow, left-facing arrow. To proceed, click the plus-sign icon that appears indented below the category. In this example, you can click the plus-sign icon next to the text, Add to Subcategory to Z.

  12. Figure 4-19 shows the top portion of the next screen: Create New Subcategory below Category : 'Z'. On this screen, we have just entered data into the first three fields.

    Figure 4-19 Creating a New Subcategory

Click the Create button to create the new category Zithers under the category Z.

The process for creating other categories in the catalog hierarchy is the same as outlined in previous steps.


Adding Items to the Catalog

You can add one or more product items to an existing category by using either the DBLoader program, as described in Using the Product Catalog Database Loader, or by using the administration screens. This section explains how to use the administration screens. After the catalog's categories and items are stored in the database, you will perform a separate set of steps to assign items to categories, as described in the section Assigning Items to Categories.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Make sure the server is running. See the section Starting the Server.

  2. Start the Administration Tool. See the section Starting the Administration Tool.

  3. On the main administration screen, click the Catalog Management graphic.

  4. On the main Catalog Management screen, click the Create button on the Items graphic, as shown in Figure 4-20.

    Figure 4-20 Create Button on Items Graphic

  5. The Create New Item screen is displayed. Figure 4-21 and Figure 4-22 shows the top portion and bottom portion of the screen.

    Figure 4-21 Top Portion of the Create New Item Screen

    Figure 4-22 Bottom Portion of Create New Item Screen

  6. Edit the product item fields. The required fields, indicated with an asterisk (*) next to the field name, are:

  7. For example, assume that you need to add a new product item, a "Yakaha 30-String Zither." Figure 4-23 shows the top portion of the screen as it appears when information is being added about this item.

    Figure 4-23 Adding a New Product Item

    When you add an item, make sure you add a full set of keywords that describe the item. Doing so will make it easier for the Web site users to find items in the catalog via keyword-based searches. Adding lots of descriptive keywords will also make it easier for you to find items in the administration screens when you want to assign them to one or more categories. You can always remove keywords later if too many keywords are returning spurious results in keyword searches.

    For example, Figure 4-24 shows the portion of the Create a New Item screen where you can enter keywords. Type the each keyword into the left-side text box, and click the right arrow to add it to the list. If necessary, highlight an unwanted keyword in the right-side list and then click the left arrow to remove it from the list.

    Figure 4-24 Entering Keywords on the Create a New Item Screen

    Note: By default, all keywords that are entered on this administration screen are converted to lowercase characters. Because the search engine is case sensitive, this consistent conversion means that your subsequent searches for items via keyword searches should use lowercase characters. You can enter keywords in mixed case or ALL CAPS, but the keywords are stored in lowercase, by default. This behavior is set in the file. For more information, see the section Using the File.

  8. After you enter the field values, click the Create button to create the new item. (Or click the Back button on the screen to cancel the create item operation.)

  9. When the new item has been created, a confirmation message is displayed on the refreshed Item screen: The item was created.


Controlling the Visibility of Items in the Catalog

The visibility attribute of items in the product catalog is currently only applied to the results of keyword searches and query-based searches. Thus if users of your deployed Web site are browsing for an item (by clicking through the catalog's hierarchy of categories and subcategories), by default they will see the item even if you left the Visible check box unchecked.

To make an item invisible to the end users of the catalog, in the current release you must:

An uncategorized item, also known as an orphaned item, is one that has been removed from all categories, but still resides in the WLCS_PRODUCT table in the Commerce database.

For searches by Web site users of the catalog, the default end-user CatalogRequest object has the showAll attribute set to false; thus invisible items are not displayed. In contrast the default administrator's CatalogRequest object has the showAll attribute set to true, ensuring that administrators can see invisible items when they perform search operations via the administration screens.


Assigning Items to Categories

Assuming that you have already entered categories and items in the Commerce database, either through a bulk loader program like DBLoader or through the administration screens, you can assign each item to one or more categories. This section shows how to use a WebLogic Commerce Server administration screen to make the assignments.

What if I Have a Large Amount of Data?

If you have a catalog with hundreds of categories and thousands or tens of thousands of items, making the assignments via the administration screen is obviously not practical. An alternative is to use the DBLoader. Create a text data input file to populate the WLCS_PRODUCT_CATEGORY table in the database. As illustrated in Figure 2-1 (the Entity-Relation diagram for the Catalog tables), the WLCS_PRODUCT_CATEGORY table maps the CATEGORY_ID primary key from WLCS_CATEGORY table to the SKU primary key for the WLCS_PRODUCT table.

For related information, also see:

Using the Administration Screens to Assign Items to Categories

The steps to assign items to categories in the administration screens are as follows:

  1. Make sure the server is running. See the section Starting the Server.

  2. Start the Administration Tool. See the section Starting the Administration Tool.

  3. On the main administration screen, click the Catalog Management graphic.

  4. On the main Catalog Management screen, click the underlined Categories link.

  5. In the Catalog hierarchy display, click the category or subcategory into which you want to add the item.

    Note: To expand a current category and reveal its subcategories (if any), make sure you click the red arrow to the left of a category name. If you instead click the current category's underlined name, you are taken to its Edit Category screen.

  6. When the category or subcategory that you want to add items to is shown in the hierarchy, click its underlined link. For example, assume that you clicked the red arrow next to the Z category, then clicked the underlined Zithers (Z30-40) link. (These sample categories were added to the catalog in the previous section, Adding Categories to the Catalog.)

  7. Figure 4-25 shows the top portion of a sample Editing Category: Zithers screen. Notice the link near the top of the display: To modify the items assigned to this category, click here.

    Figure 4-25 Sample Editing Category Screen with Modify Link

  8. Click the link titled, To modify the items assigned to this category, click here. When you do, a screen is displayed that is similar to the one shown in Figure 4-26. In this particular screen, there are currently no items assigned to the Zithers category.

    Figure 4-26 Modify Items Assigned to Category Screen

  9. The Items Assigned to Category text box shows the items that are already in this category. (In this example so far, there are no items in the Zithers category.) You can search for the item you want to add or remove. There are three modes of search: keyword-based search, query-based searches, or orphaned-items search ("Uncategorized Items") search. The search results are displayed on the left side text box. To add an item to the category, you can move the item to the right-side text box by clicking on the right arrow.

    Warning: You must click the Save button to commit any changes to the category before performing a new search or leaving this page.

  10. For example, assume that you need to assign the Yakaha 30-String Zither to the Zithers category. (This item was added to the sample data in the catalog in the section Adding Items to the Catalog.) You can search for the keywords that we entered for the item earlier in this chapter. Figure 4-27 shows a sample Modify Items Assigned to Category screen where the instrument keyword was entered, the search results found the item, and the results were displayed in the left-side Search Results box.

    Figure 4-27 Sample Keyword Search Results on Modify Items Assigned to Category Screen

  11. To add one or more items to the current category, select them in the left-side text box and then click the right-arrow button. This step will move the items to the right-side text box. If you moved items, remember to click the Save button near the bottom of the page before you perform another search or leave this page. If no errors occur after you click the Save button, WebLogic Commerce Server displays a confirmation message. In this example, the message was: Category `Zithers' has been updated.

  12. To find items, via the query-based search, that you want to add to the category, you can use an expression such as the following examples:

    price > 100 && price <= 300 

    name like 'Y*' 

    !(price > 100) || (msrpAmount >= 300) 

    modifiedDate < now 

    When the search results are displayed in the left-side text box, use the right-arrow button to move the appropriate items into the right-side Category Items text box. If you move items from the left text box to the right text box, or from the right text box to the left text box, remember to click the Save button near the bottom of the page before you perform another search or leave this page. For details about the query-based search syntax, see the section Query-based Search Syntax.

  13. To find a product item that is no longer associated with any categories in the catalog, but the item is still in the catalog, click the underlined Uncategorized Items link.

  14. Again, to add one or more items (that you located via one of the three search options) to the current category, select them in the left-side text box and then click the right-arrow button. This step will move the items to the right-wide text box. If you moved items, remember to click the Save button near the bottom of the page before you perform another search or leave this page.


Edit the Attributes for Categories and Items

You can use the catalog administration screens to edit the attributes for existing categories and items.

Editing Category Attributes

To edit the attributes for a category, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure the server is running. See the section Starting the Server.

  2. Start the Administration Tool. See the section Starting the Administration Tool.

  3. On the main administration screen, click the Catalog Management graphic.

  4. On the main Catalog Management screen, click the underlined Categories button on the Categories graphic.

  5. On the main Categories screen, you can find the category you want to modify by either:

  6. When the category you want to modify is displayed, click the name of the category. For example, Figure 4-29 shows a portion of the resulting screen when we clicked the Chargers (149) category.

    Figure 4-29 Editing Category: Chargers Sample Screen

  7. On this screen, you can add, change, or remove the category attributes. See the screen itself online for the full set of attributes that can be modified. Also see The WLCS_CATEGORY Database Table for a description of the fields.

    Warning: By design, you cannot modify the category's unique identifier. If you had to change a category identifier, you would have to delete the category itself and then create a new category with a new, unique identifier. But be careful! As noted on the administration screen, removing a category removes it and all of its subcategories. In Oracle databases, this feature is known as a cascading delete operation. This feature is currently not supported in Cloudscape.

    Also, product items that are associated with removed categories may be orphaned (unless they belong to another category in the hierarchy). Orphaned items are allowed to remain in the catalog, and can be reassigned later to one or more categories. The caveat here is that by deleting a category, you may be inadvertently removing many subcategories from the catalog. Check the hierarchy carefully before clicking the red X next to a category name.

  8. After you edit the attributes for the category, click the Save button to commit your changes to the database. Or, to exit the screen without committing your changes, click the Back button.

Editing Product Item Attributes

The steps to edit the attributes for a product item are as follows:

  1. Make sure the server is running. See the section Starting the Server.

  2. Start the Administration Tool. See the section Starting the Administration Tool.

  3. On the main administration screen, click the Catalog Management graphic.

  4. On the main Catalog Management screen, click the underlined Items button on the Items graphic.

  5. On the Item Search screen, you can find the product item by either entering one of its keywords, or by entering an query-based search expression, or by searching for orphaned items. For example, Figure 4-30 shows a portion of the resulting screen after we entered the keyword hammer. The list of matching items show the value for each item's Name field.

    Figure 4-30 Sample Keyword Search Results for Product Items

  6. Another search option on the Item Search screen is entering an query-based search expression such as one of the following:

    price > 10 && price <= 50 

    name like 'L*' 

    !(price > 20) || (msrpAmount >= 30) 

    modifiedDate < now 

    If more than 10 search results have been returned, you can click the underlined Next button or Previous button (if any) to read through the list. For details about the query-based search syntax, see the section Query-based Search Syntax.

    Figure 4-31 shows the results of a search for price > 10 && price <= 50.

    Figure 4-31 Sample Query-based Search to Find a Product Item

  7. After you find the item you want to modify, click the underlined item name to edit its attributes. Figure 4-32 shows the resulting screen when we click the search result for wrench-9-18854.

    Figure 4-32 Sample Initial Edit Item Attributes Screen

  8. Click the red and white Edit button. Figure 4-33 shows a portion of a resulting Edit Item Information screen. (Notice how the price is indeed greater than 10 and less than or equal to 50, from the prior search that returned this as a matching item.)

    Figure 4-33 Sample Edit Item Information Screen

  9. On this screen, you can add, change, or remove the item's attributes. For example, you can change the item's price, short and long descriptions, its basic inventory setting, and its visibility in the catalog. See an Edit Item Information screen online for the full set of attributes that can be modified. See the section The WLCS_PRODUCT Database Table for details about the item's fields. Also see the section Controlling the Visibility of Items in the Catalog for important related information.

  10. Before you save any changes on this Edit Item Information screen, you can view or change the item's inventory setting on a related screen. For information about this setting, see the next section, Edit the Availability of an Item.

  11. After you edit the attributes for the item, click the Save button to commit your changes to the database. Or, to exit the screen without committing your changes, click the Back button. If no errors occur when you save your changes, WebLogic Commerce Server displays the message "The item was updated successfully".


Edit the Availability of an Item

In the current release, WebLogic Commerce Server provides a simple inventory setting in its administration pages. The Edit Item Information screen includes a link to the inventory function. (Please see the previous section, Editing Product Item Attributes, for information about how to find an item and get to the Edit Item Information screen.)

Figure 4-33 in the previous section showed the top portion of an Edit Item Information screen, which included the link, "For inventory information, click here." Figure 4-34 shows the Item Inventory screen that is displayed when you click this link.

Figure 4-34 Sample Item Inventory Screen

On this screen, you can click the Yes or No option to indicate whether the specific product item is in stock. Enter a text string (which can be displayed to a user of your Web site on the item details screen) to indicate the shipping time. You can optionally enter additional comments about the item's inventory.

Note: In the current release, WebLogic Commerce Server does not implement an automated inventory-count calculation.

If you made any changes on the Item Inventory screen, click the Save button. Otherwise, click the Back button.


How Are Categories and Items Displayed to the Web Site User?

You can control the format and content of category and item data that is displayed to the Web site's users by setting the Display URLs field for each category or item. The WebLogic Commerce Server catalog includes the URL of three JSPs for items and categories:

This approach allows, for example, the colors and layout of individual items to be controlled on as fine a grained level as necessary. Categories can be assigned different JSPs to define a "look and feel" for the category. Items can be given different layout logic that is appropriate to the item.

By simply editing the name of the display JSPs in the Catalog Management Administration Tools, you can introduce promotional text, seasonal greetings, or special offers in the catalog. The default values that appear in the Display JSP URL field on the create/edit category or item screen are read from the file in WL_COMMERCE_HOME/classes. For example:

# Default JSP for Categories
catalog.category.jsp.default =/commerce/catalog/includes/category.jsp

# Default JSPs for Product Items
catalog.item.jsp.default.summary =/commerce/catalog/includes/itemsummary.jsp
catalog.item.jsp.default.details =/commerce/catalog/includes/itemdetails.jsp

The URL values defined in the file are relative to the WLCS Web application directory. However, you can prepend any URL or URI string that you need. Although you could use fully qualified local URLs, that could introduce portability problems if you need to move the application to another server.

You can change these Display JSP defaults in You also can overwrite the defaults URLs on the Administration screen by providing a pointer to another JSP template of your own design. And you can modify the format and content of the default or customized included JSP files. The values for the Display JSP URLs are stored in the following fields in the Commerce database:

In the catalog's master JSP files (the JSPs that contain the <jsp:include...> tags), a related design decision is made by the Web designer or programmer about the type of summary or detail pages to be presented. For example, the searchdetails.jsp template is coded to return the summary JSP for items:

<%-- Get the summary JSP from the current product item --%>
<catalog:getProperty object="<%= item %>"
getterArgument="<%= new Integer(ProductItem.SUMMARY_DISPLAY_JSP_INDEX) %>"

<%-- Included the summary JSP --%>
<jsp:include page="<%= summaryJsp.getUrl() %>" flush="true"/>


Deleting Items or Removing Items from One or More Categories

As described earlier in this chapter, you can assign an item to one or more categories. If necessary, you could subsequently use administration screens to:

Caching Considerations

Whenever possible, you should perform any Catalog Management operations during non-peak Web site usage. When you delete an item or remove an item from a category, WebLogic Commerce Server will automatically remove the item record from the ProductItemCache or CategoryCache. This step ensures that subsequent Web site users get a valid view of the available, categorized items.

However, if you use an SQL tool to directly delete an item from the database (WLCS_PRODUCT database table), or remove an association between an item and a category (WLCS_PRODUCT_CATEGORY mapping database table), you should flush the caches for items and categories. Flushing these in-memory caches is an administration function. For more information about caching, see the section Improving Catalog Performance by Optimizing the Catalog Cache.

Deleting an Item from the Catalog

To permanently delete an item from the catalog database via administration screens, start by finding the item via one of the provided search options:

The steps to delete an item are as follows:

  1. Make sure the server is running. See the section Starting the Server.

  2. Start the Administration Tool. See the section Starting the Administration Tool.

  3. On the main administration screen, click the Catalog Management graphic.

  4. On the main Catalog Management screen, click the underlined Items link.

  5. On the Item Search screen, perform one of the following steps:

    1. In the Keyword input box, enter a keyword that you know is associated with the item you need to delete, and then click its Search button. For example, Figure 4-35 shows the Search results on the refreshed Item Search screen after you search for the keyword cabinet.

      Figure 4-35 Sample Search for an Item Using Cabinet Keyword

      In the Search Results list, when the item that you need to delete is displayed, click the red X icon to the right of the item name.

      Warning: When you click the red X icon, the delete operation is immediate and permanent; a confirmation screen is not displayed.

    2. Or in the Query input box, enter an query-based search, such as one of the following examples to find the item you need to delete; then click its Search button.

      price > 100 && price <= 150 

      name like 'cabinet*' 

      modifiedDate < now 

      Note: The query expression name like is case sensitive. For example, figure shows the results of a query search that used the expression: name like `cabinet*'. Had the search string been name like `Cabinet*' the search would have yielded no string matches given the sample data provided by the product. For more information about the query syntax, see the section Query-based Search Syntax.

      Figure 4-36 Sample Query-based Search Results Screen

      In the Search Results list, when the item that you need to delete is displayed, click the red X icon to the right of the item name.

      Warning: When you click the red X icon, the delete operation is immediate and permanent; a confirmation screen is not displayed.

    3. Or click the Search button next to the text: Search for items which are not assigned to any category. Figure 4-37 shows the search results when you click this option. The layout of the text and results has been modified in the figure to fit into this document.

      Figure 4-37 Sample Search Results for Uncategorized Items

      In the Search Results list, when the item that you need to delete is displayed, click the red X to the right of the item name.

      Warning: When you click the red X icon, the delete operation is immediate and permanent; a confirmation screen is not displayed.

Removing an Item from One or More Categories

The process to remove an item from one or more categories is similar to the process of assigning items to categories, which is explained in the section Using the Administration Screens to Assign Items to Categories.

For a given item, you can remove it (unassign it), one category at a time. If you remove the item from all categories, it remains in the Commerce database and is flagged as an uncategorized item, also known as an orphaned item.

Removing an item from one or more categories is different than deleting the item entirely from the database. If you need to delete an item entirely, see the section Deleting an Item from the Catalog.

The steps to remove an item from a category are covered in the following list. Due to their similarity, the sample screens that would duplicate the ones shown in the section Using the Administration Screens to Assign Items to Categories are not repeated here.

Note: To remove an item from a particular category, you must know in advance the name of the category to which the item is currently assigned. As the administrator, if you do not have this information, run the catalog's Web application and browse through the hierarchy of categories to find the item. If necessary, check with the development team to confirm that you are about to remove the item from the correct category (because the item can be associated with more than one category).

  1. Make sure the server is running. See the section Starting the Server.

  2. Start the Administration Tool. See the section Starting the Administration Tool.

  3. On the main administration screen, click the Catalog Management graphic.

  4. On the main Catalog Management screen, click the underlined Categories link.

  5. In the Catalog hierarchy display, click the category or subcategory into which you want to remove the item.

    Note: To expand a current category and reveal its subcategories (if any), make sure you click the red arrow to the left of a category name. If you instead click the current category's underlined name, you are taken to its Edit Category screen.

  6. When the category or subcategory name is shown in the hierarchy, click its underlined link.

  7. On the Editing Category: <category name> screen, click the following link: To modify the items assigned to this category, click here.

  8. Figure 4-38 shows a sample screen In this example, assume that we need to remove one of the pneumatic hammer items from the following category:

    Root --> H --> Hammers --> Pneumatic

    Figure 4-38 Removing an Item from a Category

    On the screen, the second item in the Items Assigned to Category text box has been highlighted, and the cursor (not shown) is hovering over the left arrow.

  9. Click the left arrow to remove the item from the category.

  10. Click the Save button near the bottom of the screen to make the change. Or click the Back button near the bottom of the screen (before clicking the Save button) to cancel any updates you made on the screen.

If you need to remove an item from more than one category, you must do so one category at a time. After removing the item from the first category, follow the steps (starting at step 4) to remove the category from the next category.


Removing Categories

To remove a category, find the category or subcategory via administration screens and click the red X icon to the right of the target category or subcategory name. When you click the red X icon, you are prompted for a confirmation before the deletion starts.

Warning: Removing a category removes it and all of its subcategories (if any). In Oracle databases, this feature is known as a cascading delete operation. Cascading deletes are not supported currently in Cloudscape.

Also, product items that are associated with removed categories may be orphaned (unless they belong to another category in the hierarchy). Orphaned items are allowed to remain in the catalog, and can be reassigned later to one or more categories. The caveat here is that by deleting a category, you may be inadvertently removing many subcategories from the catalog. Check the hierarchy carefully before clicking the red X next to a category name

With this caveat in mind, to remove a category from the catalog's hierarchy, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure the server is running. See the section Starting the Server.

  2. Start the Administration Tool. See the section Starting the Administration Tool.

  3. On the main administration screen, click the Catalog Management graphic.

  4. On the main Catalog Management screen, click the underlined Categories button on the Categories graphic.

  5. On the main Categories screen, you can find the category you want to modify by either:

  6. When the category you want to remove is displayed, click the red X icon to the right of the category name. Just to emphasize the caveat again, be aware that:


Moving Items from One Category to Another Category

To move an item from one category to another category:


Define Custom Attributes for Items

You can define a property set that establishes custom attributes for an item. For a given item, a custom attribute that you define can be used in addition to the default attribute that was set by WebLogic Commerce Server in the Product Catalog database tables.

Warning: The default Product Catalog attributes that are provided by WebLogic Commerce Server (based on Dublin Core) are retrieved in a single SQL statement (from a single database table) and are cached. However, custom attributes typically require a single SQL statement (which involves multiple database tables) and are not cached. For optimal performance, BEA recommends that the use of custom attributes be minimized and that the catalog developer maps their attributes onto the default Dublin Core attributes. For related information about the category and item caches, see the section Improving Catalog Performance by Optimizing the Catalog Cache.

WebLogic Commerce Server uses the existing product architecture for defining property sets and assigning values to custom attributes. Both items and categories implement the ConfigurableEntity interface, allowing property sets to be used to define custom attributes for items and categories. At run time, these properties can be accessed or modified using the standard getProperty or setProperty interfaces of ConfigurableEntity.

The property set editor was introduced with an earlier release of WebLogic Personalization Server. Now the property set editor extends support to a new class of Property Set for the WebLogic Commerce Server catalog, and the product provides administrative tools that allow the custom attributes of categories and items to be edited. These tools are based on the familiar user interface for editing the custom attributes of groups and user (respectively).

You therefore have a number of options for customizing the WebLogic Commerce Server Product Catalog:


Improving Catalog Performance by Optimizing the Catalog Cache

WebLogic Commerce Server provides tools that allow you to tune the response-time efficiency of your product catalog by adjusting the size and behavior of in-memory cache settings. Two separate caches have been implemented:

There is only one instance of each cache per server. In a WebLogic Server clustered environment, the cache is specific to each server. Thus if you make adjustments to a CategoryCache or ProductItemCache on a particular server in the cluster, and you want that adjustment to take effect on other servers in the cluster, you must invoke the Administration Tools on each server machine and make the updates separately.

Values for each cache are defined in the file and on a catalog administration screen. As the site administrator, your primary tasks related to the setup and maintenance of the caches are as follows:

By experimenting with the size and Time-to-Live (TTL) values for each cache, you can achieve optimal performance of the catalog. Most importantly, you can significantly improve the satisfaction level of customers who are shopping on your Web site. The goal of the cache is to avoid, as much as possible, excessive accesses to the Commerce database as the application software performs catalog data lookup requests.

Cache-Related Values in

The WL_COMMERCE_HOME\ file includes the following values related to the category and item caches:

# Cache entries



Table 4-2 describes the values defined for each cache property:

Table 4-2 Cache Property Values in

Property Value

Default Value



2160000 milliseconds (360 minutes, or 6 hours)

Sets the Time-to-Live (TTL) value that gets assigned to each item record that is added to the ProductItemCache. When the value has expired, the item is removed from the cache. Then as new item records are accessed by users (items retrieved from the database), a copy of each record is added to the server-wide item cache.


10000 items

Sets the maximum number of product items that can be loaded into the ProductItemCache.



Can be set to true or false. BEA recommends that you always leave the cache enabled; if your catalog has highly volatile product item data, use a lower TTL value to ensure that the data is refreshed at appropriate intervals


86400000 milliseconds (1440 minutes, or 24 hours)

Sets the Time to Live (TTL) value that is assigned to each category record in the CategoryCache. When the value has expired, the category record is removed from the cache. Then as new category records are accessed by users (categories retrieved from the database), a copy of each record is added to the server-wide category cache.


1000 categories

Sets the maximum number of category records that can be loaded into the CategoryCache.



Can be set to true or false. BEA recommends that you always leave this cache enabled; if your catalog has highly volatile category data, use a lower TTL value to ensure that the data is refreshed at appropriate intervals.

Use the caching statistics to understand whether the values that you select initially are too low or too high.

Note: Remember that in a WebLogic Server clustered environment, the cache is specific to each server. Thus if you make adjustments to a CategoryCache or ProductItemCache on a particular server in the cluster, and you want that adjustment to take effect on other servers in the cluster, you must perform the administration tasks on each server machine and make the updates separately.

Considering Hardware Costs Versus the Cost of Dissatisfied Web Site Users

BEA recommends that you provide sufficient hardware memory resources so that you can cache your entire product catalog. As you consider the options for implementing a caching strategy to support your e-commerce Web site's product catalog, ask the following question. In the long-term, what is more expensive:

BEA suggests that, almost certainly, losing customers due to poor site performance will be far more costly than purchasing the necessary RAM hardware to support your site.

What's in Each Cache Initially?

When the server starts, it reads the property values for the CategoryCache and ProductItemCache from the file. But those values simply set the behavior and potential size of the separate caches. Each cache is initially empty.

As users start accessing the site's pages and requests for category or product item data are received, the WebLogic Commerce Server software first checks to see if the requested category or item record is in the cache. If the record resides in cache, it is returned to the requesting user and displayed. If the record does not reside in cache, the record is retrieved from the Commerce database, put in cache, returned to the requesting user and displayed.

If you are interested in the architectural view of how the catalog service managers use cache, see the section Catalog Architecture and Services.

The Catalog Cache Administration Screen

To start the catalog cache administration screen, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure the server is running. See the section Starting the Server.

  2. Start the Administration Tool. See the section Starting the Administration Tool.

    Note: As previously mentioned, in a WebLogic Server clustered environment the cache is specific to each server. Thus if you make adjustments to a CategoryCache or ProductItemCache on a particular server in the cluster, and you want that adjustment to take effect on other servers in the cluster, you must perform the administration tasks on each server and make the updates separately.

    From your browser, you can administer another server in the cluster by specifying the other server's name in the URL (assuming that the WebLogic server software is already running on the remote machine). For example, if the machine Blues is a remote server in the cluster, you can use the following URL from a browser sessions on your local machine to invoke the main administration screen for the remote server:


  3. On the main administration screen, click the Catalog Management graphic.

  4. On the main Catalog Management screen, click the Configure button on the Cache graphic, as shown in Figure 4-40.

    Figure 4-40 Configure Button on Cache Graphic

  5. Figure 4-41 shows the resulting initial Cache Statistics and Configuration screen.

    Figure 4-41 Initial Cache Statistics and Configuration Screen

  6. On the Cache Statistics and Configuration screen, you can:

  7. The buttons on the screen perform the following functions:

A basic approach to working with the statistics is as follows:

  1. Reset the caching statistics in the administration screen.

  2. Let the Web site run for awhile.

  3. Examine the statistics and look at the Hit Rate (the % of times the requested record was found in the cache, instead of having to get the record from the database).

  4. Adjust the caching values in the administration screen.

Repeat this process until the Hit Rate is high.


Using the File

In the WebLogic Commerce Server's default Product Catalog configuration, the file serves two purposes. The first part of the file defines values for internationalization string constants and constant configuration parameters, while the second part of the file defines the names of the tables, columns, and the SQL statements used by the JDBC catalog implementation to perform persistence activities.

Note: To learn more about string constants and constant configuration parameters, see Some Property Values You Might Modify. To learn how to modify the names of tables, columns, and so on, see Editing the Catalog Schema Definition.

In most cases, you will not have to modify the content of the file. However, some of the properties are relevant to developers who need to extend the catalog to suit specific business requirements, or to internationalize the catalog for non-English readers.


The default file is located in WL_COMMERCE_HOME\classes, where WL_COMMERCE_HOME is the directory in which you installed the WebLogic Commerce Server software.

Some Property Values You Might Modify

The file contains over 1000 lines of name/value properties. Table 4-3 lists a subset of the properties to introduce you to the type of information contained within the file. After reading this summary, you should be able to decide if your catalog's environment would benefit by adjusting the values in

Table 4-3 Summary of Values in the File


Value and Description

MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss z

Sets the default format of DATE or TIMESTAMP fields in the database.



Sets the default size of the ViewIterators created by Pipeline Components. You should set this parameter to a large enough value so that a typical set of items will not require an excessive number of trips to the database.



Sets the maximum search results returned by the catalog. -1 means unlimited search results size. You can dynamically change the search results by using the get/set MaxSearchResults methods on the CatalogQuery object.



Used by the Administration pages to determine whether keywords should be case converted. Possible values are:

  • lower

  • upper

  • none



Sets the default JSP file used to display a category.



Sets the default JSP file used to display an item's summary page.



Sets the default JSP file used to display an item's details page.


The JNDI name of the CatalogManager used to access Custom properties.


The file includes numerous properties for catalog-related messages. A few examples: =The date format is invalid. Please enter a valid date.

user.message.error.duplicate.user =A category with the specified identifier already exists. Category identifiers must be unique within the catalog. =The search expression you have entered is invalid. Please try again.

If desired, you can change the value on the right side of the equal sign. For example, internationalization (I18N) developers can translate the values to a non-English language.

Types of messages:

  • General user messages

  • Category messages

  • Item messages

  • Search messages

  • Tag messages

  • Error messages

    See the files for the full set of messages.

Editing the Catalog Schema Definition

In addition to modifying some name/value pairs in the file, you may also want to customize the names of the tables and/or columns used by the BEA WebLogic Commerce Server Product Catalog system.

The schema and persistence definition section of the file are referenced by the Tier 2 JDBC catalog Service Providers. As such, the configuration parameters listed in this section are subject to change, and extreme care should be taken when editing these persistence parameters.

The name of the persistence definition (or schema) file used by the Tier 2 Service Providers is loaded from the deployment environment of the stateless session beans. Therefore, it is possible to deploy multiple instances of the catalog services that are bound to different schema files. This allows multiple instances of the WebLogic Commerce Server Product Catalog to be deployed, bound to distinct tables or columns.

Note: For more information about multiple Product Catalog instances, see Method 3: Multiple Product Catalog Instances.

By editing the schema file you can modify the names of tables and columns. The SQL scripts should also be modified to reflect the new names. An example from the default schema file is presented in Listing 4-1.

Listing 4-1 Default Schema File



By editing the right-hand side of the equal sign, you can modify the names of the tables used by the WebLogic Commerce Server Product Catalog Tier 2 persistence mechanism.

Notes: It is not currently possible to add or remove attributes by editing the schema file. New attributes (schema additions) are best handled by writing a new CustomDataManager stateless session bean that reads and writes the values of the new properties, or by using the provided CustomDataManager, which will store the values in the WLCS_CAT_ set of tables.

Please refer to the comments within the file for additional details.