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   WLCS Documentation   |   Performance Tuning Guide   |   Previous Topic   |   Next Topic   |   Contents   |   Index

About the Performance Tuning Guide


The BEA WebLogicTM product family, composed of the BEA WebLogic Commerce ServerTM, BEA WebLogic Personalization ServerTM with Portal FrameworkTM, and BEA Campaign Manager for WebLogicTM, is designed to run on a range of server-class machines. Capacity planning is the process of determining the hardware types and software configurations required on these machines to adequately meet application needs. This document serves as a guide for capacity planning and performance tuning, specifically for solutions built with WebLogic Commerce and Personalization Servers, and Campaign Manager for WebLogic. It covers performance characteristics and capacity of specific application features (for example, login, update shopping cart, and so on), as well as specific guidelines for caching and other factors.

This document covers the following topics:


Important Notes

Capacity planning and performance tuning are not exact sciences. Every application is different and every user behavior is different. This document is meant only as a guide for developing capacity planning numbers and will encourage you to err on the side of caution.

Any and all recommendations provided in this Guide should be adequately verified before a given system is moved into production. There is no substitute for adequately testing a prototype to obtain capacity planning numbers.


Related Information

The following documents contain additional information about capacity planning.


Limitation of Liability

BEA Systems, Inc. assumes no liability for use or misuse of the information contained in this document. No guarantee is made as to the accuracy or correctness of the information contained herein. This document falls under the limitation of liability in the BEA WebLogic Commerce and Personalization Servers and Campaign Manager license document.


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