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Overview of the WebLogic Enterprise Product


This topic includes the following sections:


Product Overview

The BEA WebLogic Enterprise product features the integration of BEA Systems Inc. industry-leading technologies - a high performance Java application server and a scalable back-end transaction platform. These technologies are now merged into a single product that gives you maximum choice and flexibility in building robust e-commerce applications that extend from the Web to the enterprise.

The T-Engine in the WebLogic Enterprise product is built upon the proven infrastructure provided in the BEA TuxedoTM product. The T-Engine delivers a scalable transaction platform with unparalleled choice of development and deployment options. Using the T-Engine, you can build integrated enterprise applications using multiple programming models. CORBA, J2EE, and Tuxedo applications can all be developed with fully integrated transaction management, security, administration, and reliability capabilities.

The J-Engine in the WebLogic Enterprise product is built upon the BEA WebLogic ServerTM technology. The J-Engine offers an award-winning Java application server that incorporates the most comprehensive implementation of the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) standards. The application server provides the foundation for the rapid development of Web applications and the performance and reliability required for mission-critical e-commerce sites.

The WLE product incorporates JOLT and WLEC connection pooling technology. The JOLT and WLEC products for scalable connectivity between the T-Engine and J-Engine.

Figure 1-1 illustrates the WebLogic Enterprise product.

Figure 1-1 The WebLogic Enterprise Product

The following sections outline the features of the T-Engine and J-Engine in the WebLogic Enterprise product.


J-Engine Features

The J-Engine in WebLogic Enterprise product provides the following set of features:


T-Engine Features

The T-Engine in WebLogic Enterprise product provides the following set of features:

The rest of this Getting Started manual describes the programming environment of the T-Engine and the development process for CORBA objects and EJBs in the T-Engine environment. For a description of the programming environment and development process for the J-Engine, see the Overviews topic in the Weblogic Server portion of the online documentation CD.