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BEA WebLogic Enterprise Release 5.1

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This topic presents an overview of the BEA WebLogic Enterprise product and describes the development process for developing distributed CORBA applications and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) using the WebLogic Enterprise software.


Overview of the WebLogic
    Enterprise Product

Presents an overview of the WebLogic Enterprise product.

The WebLogic Enterprise CORBA
    Programming Environment

Describes the CORBA programming environment available in the WebLogic Enterprise product and the architectural components of the CORBA programming environment.

The WebLogic Enterprise EJB
    Programming Environment

Describes the EJB programming environment available in the WebLogic Enterprise product and the architectural components of the EJB programming environment.

Developing WebLogic Enterprise
    CORBA Applications

Explains how to build a typical WebLogic Enterprise CORBA application using the Simpapp and Java Simpapp sample applications as examples.

Using Security

Describes how security is incorporated into a WebLogic Enterprise CORBA application. The Security sample application is used as an example.

Using Transactions

Describes how transactions are incorporated into a WebLogic Enterprise CORBA application. The Transactions sample application is used as an example.

Developing WebLogic Enterprise
    EJB Applications

Explains how to build a typical WebLogic Enterprise EJB application, using the statefulSession EJB application, which is shipped with the WebLogic Enterprise software, as an example.

Designing Enterprise JavaBeans for the
    WebLogic Enterprise System

Explains how to design a typical EJB application using the WebLogic Enterprise environment.

Related Topics


Describes how to administer WebLogic Enterprise systems.


Provides a list of books, specifications, and technical articles about CORBA and distributed object computing, transaction processing, and Java.


Contains the terms and definitions used in the WebLogic Enterprise online documentation.


Describes how to create distrbuted client and server applications using the WebLogic Enterprise software.


Describes WebLogic Enterprise reference information including commands, processes, and APIs.

Sample Applications

Provides access to the sample applications that demonstrate the tasks involved in developing WebLogic Enterprise applications and EJBs.