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BEA WebLogic Enterprise Release 5.1

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What’s New and Improved in This Release 

The following enhancements have been made in the BEA WebLogic Enterprise 5.1 software:

Integration of the WebLogic Server product

This release includes the integration of the BEA WebLogic Server product (referred to as the J-Engine) in the BEA WebLogic Server product with the BEA Tuxedo® Engine (referred to as the T-Engine). The J-Engine provides the front-end EJB container that interfaces with the Web and browser users. The T-Engine provides the back-end EJB container that supports secure interoperability across multiple programming models (ATMI, CORBA, and EJB) and languages (Java and C++).

Java Enterprise Tuxedo application programming interfaces (APIs)

These APIs enable CORBA Java objects and EJBs to call Tuxedo services running in the same BEA WebLogic Enterprise domain.

BEA Jolt

BEA Jolt allows Java client applications to make calls on a Tuxedo service that exists in a BEA Tuxedo or BEA WebLogic Enterprise domain and has been certified to support BEA WebLogic Enterprise software.

BEA WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity

This product uses IIOP connection pools to allow servlets and EJBs running in the BEA WebLogic Server environment to invoke CORBA objects in the BEA WebLogic Enterprise environment.

BEA WebLogic Enterprise T-Engine and BEA WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity enhancements

Provides support for SSL-based connections in the connection pool between the J-Engine and the T-Engine and allows transaction context to be passed from the J-Engine to the T-Engine environment (connection multiplexing using transactions).

A JDBC/XA driver for local or distributed XA connections to Oracle 8.0.5 databases

Support for Naming services for BEA WebLogic Enterprise CORBA C++ and CORBA Java applications

Additional tmadmin command options and TM_MIB classes to support new EJB and JDBC features

Optional 56-bit or 128-bit Encryption Package software

Provides Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Link-Level Encryption (LLE) support for BEA WebLogic Enterprise J-Engine applications..

Enhancements to the EJB Deployer GUI to support additional tasks including
     Hot deployment of EJBs.

EJB and RMI applications enhancements

EJB and RMI applications are now able to use stubs generated by the idltojava compiler to invoke BEA WebLogic Enterprise CORBA objects.

Two new Notification Service sample applications

For information on how to access these sample applications, see the “Unsupported Samples and Tools Web Page.”

Two versions of BEA WebLogic Enterprise software for Solaris systems

A version built using the Sun Microsystems, Inc. WorkShop 5.0 compiler in standard mode and a version built using the same compiler in compatibility mode. You have the option of installing the desired version.

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