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WebLogic Enterprise T-Engine Installation on UNIX Systems


This topic includes the following sections:


Platforms Supported

The platforms listed in Table 3-1 are supported.

Table 3-1 Supported Platforms


Operating System



Tru64 UNIX

4.0f on Alpha systems



11.00 32-bit plus patches B.11.00.B0315






7.1.1 (C++ only)

Sun Microsystems


2.6 and 7 (SPARC)

Notes: The WebLogic Enterprise 5.1 software for Solaris is available in two varieties, depending upon whether you are building WebLogic Enterprise applications with either the Standard Mode or Compatibility Mode of the Sun Workshop Compiler C++ 5.0 software. For important details about how to choose the version of WebLogic Enterprise 5.1 for Solaris you need, see step 6 in the section UNIX Installation Procedure.

If you install the WebLogic Enterprise software on a Solaris system, there is a way to tell which version of WebLogic Enterprise (Standard Mode or Compatibility Mode) was installed. The /udataobj directory under the installed WebLogic Enterprise directory will contain either a CompatibilityMode.txt file or a StandardMode.txt file. The file has one line that states: You have installed components for Sun Solaris v<OS-version> <mode-type>.

For the hardware and software requirements for these operating systems, see WebLogic Enterprise T-Engine Platform Data Sheets.


Installing the WebLogic Enterprise Software on UNIX Systems

This section describes how to install the WebLogic Enterprise software on UNIX systems.

Preinstallation Considerations

This section describes some important tasks that you should perform before starting the WebLogic Enterprise installation.

Backing Up Files

If you are installing WLE software on a system that already has M3 or WebLogic Enterprise software installed, there are some files that you may want to back up prior to the installation, and then restore them after the installation is complete. This is because some files that you may have modified for your M3 or WebLogic Enterprise software are overwritten when the WebLogic Enterprise software is installed.

To avoid having to modify these files again, proceed as follows:

  1. If you are installing one or more of the WLE server software components, back up the RM file to a temporary location. This file is located in the TUXDIR/udataobj directory where $TUXDIR is the directory in which the prior WebLogic Enterprise or M3 software exists.

  2. If you are installing the BEA Administration Console, back up the webgui.ini file to a temporary location. This file is located in the M3DIR/udataobj/webgui or WLEDIR/udataobj/webgui directory.

  3. After the installation is complete, restore these files to their original locations.

Stopping WebLogic Enterprise or BEA Tuxedo Applications and Related Services

Before beginning the installation, make sure no BEA Tuxedo or WebLogic Enterprise client or server applications are running. For information about the tmshutdown command, see Starting and Shutting Down Applications in the Administration section of the WebLogic Enterprise online documentation.

Checking That Your Account Has the Required Privileges

On most systems, you need superuser privileges to mount the software CD. The account that you log on to to perform the installation must have administrative privileges.

UNIX Installation Procedure

It takes approximately 10 minutes to install the software.

Warning: If you are re-installing the WebLogic Enterprise 5.1 software on your system, and you also already installed the optional WebLogic Enterprise Encryption Package software (56-bit or 128-bit) on your system, you must:

To install the WebLogic Enterprise software on a UNIX operating system, complete the following steps:

  1. Log on to the system with administrative privileges.

  2. Insert the WebLogic Enterprise CD into the reader.

  3. Mount the CD as a file system. For platform-specific instructions on how to do this, see WebLogic Enterprise T-Engine Platform Data Sheets. On most systems, you need superuser privileges to perform the mount.

    Note: If your system does not have a directly connected CD reader, you can mount the CD on a remote system, share (export) the CD file system, and then mount the remote file system. For detailed instructions for each platform, see WebLogic Enterprise T-Engine Platform Data Sheets. Alternatively, you can mount the CD on a remote system, copy the contents of the CD directory for your platform to the system in which you plan to install the WebLogic Enterprise software, and continue with the remainder of the installation procedure.

  4. Use the cd command to change your working directory to the root of the WebLogic Enterprise 5.1 software CD.

  5. Run the ls command in the root directory to check the CD's contents. If all the files are in lowercase characters, begin the installation by entering:


    If all the files are in uppercase characters, begin the installation by entering:


  6. The installation procedure lists the available platform choices. Enter the number that corresponds to the installation's target platform.

    Note: If you are installing the WebLogic Enterprise 5.1 software on a Solaris 2.6 system or a Solaris 7 system, the installation procedure displays a prompt asking you to choose the version of WebLogic Enterprise 5.1 that is compatible with the applications and software components you intend to use on the Solaris system. The prompt offers the following choices:

  7. The remaining prompts in this chapter show a sample WebLogic Enterprise 5.1 installation on a Solaris 2.6 system. For example, a confirmation prompt is displayed. (In this example, assume we indicated in the previous step that we want to install the Solaris 2.6 Compatibility Mode version.)

    ** You have chosen to install software for **

    BEA WebLogic Enterprise Release 5.1

    This directory contains the BEA WLE Installation Software for
    Sun Solaris v2.6 on Sun SPARC (Compatibility Mode).

    Is this correct? [y,n,q]:

  8. Enter y to accept the selection; or enter n to reject the selection and return to the list of platforms; or enter q to quit the installation.

  9. An informational messages and the initial component selection menu are displayed:

    To terminate the installation at any time
    press the interrupt key,
    typically <del>, <break>, or <ctrl+c>.

    The following components are available:

      1     servers         BEA WebLogic Enterprise Servers

      2     clients         BEA WebLogic Enterprise Clients

      3     admcon          BEA Administration Console

    Select the one you wish to install [?,??,q]:

    The server and client components have packages that you can select for a more specific installation. Enter the number 1 to display all the WebLogic Enterprise server packages; or enter 2 to display all the WebLogic Enterprise client packages; or enter 3 to display the Administration Console component; or enter a single question mark (?) to display a brief help message; or enter two question marks (??) to redisplay the menu; or enter q to quit the installation.

  10. If you entered the number 1 in the component selection menu to view the list of WebLogic Enterprise server packages, the following menu is displayed:

    The following packages are available:

      1     wletsrv    BEA WebLogic Enterprise Tuxedo Server

      2     wlecsrv    BEA WebLogic Enterprise CORBA C++ Server

      3     wlejsrv    BEA WebLogic Enterprise CORBA Java Server

      4     wlej2ee    BEA WebLogic Enterprise J2EE Server

    Select the package(s) you wish to install (or 'all' to install
    all packages) (default: all) [?,??,q]:

    Select the server package you want to install. (Although the prompt implies that you could enter different combinations of server packages, you can only enter a single type of server during each installation procedure, or you can enter all, the default option, to install all packages at once.)

    Note: When you select a server package, that server package and its corresponding client packages are installed. The Administration Console component is not installed. If you later want to install the Administration Console on your system, you can run the installation procedure again to select and install the Administration Console.

    Note: The BEA Tuxedo server software is always installed as a base component for any of the other WebLogic Enterprise servers. Also, the CORBA Java and J2EE server components are always installed together, even if you only select one of those items.

    If instead you entered 2 in the component selection menu to view the list of WebLogic Enterprise client packages, the following menu is displayed:

    The following packages are available:

      1     wletcli   BEA Tuxedo Client

      2     wleccli   BEA CORBA C++ Client

      3     wlejcli   BEA CORBA Java Client

      4     wlercli   BEA RMI/EJB Client

    Select the package(s) you wish to install (or 'all' to install
    all packages) (default: all) [?,??,q]:

    Select the client package you want to install. Or enter all, the default option, to install all the client packages.

    If instead you entered 3 in the initial component selection menu, the following menu is displayed:

    The following packages are available:

      1     admcon     BEA Administration Console

    Select the package(s) you wish to install (or 'all' to install
    all packages) (default: all) [?,??,q]:

    Enter the number 1 or the word all if you want to install the Administration Console.

  11. The installation procedure displays the name of the component you are installing, and lists copyright information. For example, if you selected 1 in the initial component selection menu, and then selected 3, CORBA Java Servers, the procedure displays the following:

    BEA WebLogic Enterprise CORBA Java Server
    (sparc) Release 5.1
    Copyright (c) 2000 BEA Systems, Inc.
    All Rights Reserved.
    BEA and WebLogic are trademarks of BEA Systems, Inc.

    SSLplus is a trademark of Certicom Corporation, 2000.
    BSAFE is a trademark of RSA Data Security, Inc., 2000.

  12. Enter the target directory for the selected software. The following prompt is displayed:

    Directory where WebLogic Enterprise files are to be installed [?,q]:

    For example, you could enter the /usr/local/wledir directory.

    Most server components can be installed in any directory whose file system has enough disk space to accommodate them. There may be one or more server components that have to be installed over an existing WebLogic Enterprise server component.

    When you enter the directory name, the installation program verifies it by using the following criteria:

  13. The file system for the target directory is checked for available space. For example:

    Determining if sufficient space is available ...
    272989 blocks are required
    16118268 blocks are available to /usr/local/wledir

    Using /usr/local/wledir as the WebLogic Enterprise base directory

    If enough disk space is available, the installation continues. If there is insufficient disk space, the installation returns to the prompt asking for the name of a directory.

  14. If you entered 3 or all in the initial component selection menu, indicating that the installation would include the Administration Console, you are asked to choose between the following:

  15. Again, you have a choice. If you accept the default, the following prompt is displayed:

    Creating /usr/local/wledir/udataobj/webgui/java

    Using /usr/local/wledir/udataobj/webgui/java as the BEA Administration Console document tree

    Directory where BEA Administration Console CGI programs are to
    be installed (default: /usr/local/wledir/udataobj/webgui/cgi-bin) [?,q]:

    Press the Enter key to accept the default locations, if desired.

  16. If you accept the default, the following prompt is displayed:

    Creating /usr/local/wledir/udataobj/webgui/cgi-bin

    Using /usr/local/wledir/udataobj/webgui/cgi-bin as the BEA Administration Console CGI directory

    Web server client prefix for CGI directory.  /cgi-bin is a good choice for most web servers. (default: /cgi-bin) [?,q]:  

    Press the Enter key to accept the default locations, if desired.

  17. If you accept the default, the following prompt is displayed:

    Using /cgi-bin as the BEA Administration Console CGI prefix

  18. At this point, the installation program proceeds to install the WebLogic Enterprise files.

  19. After the installation of the WebLogic Enterprise files is completed, the following text and prompt is displayed for each server component you have chosen to install:

    ... finished


    Changing file permissions...
    ... finished

    Processing default license file...
    ... finished

    Install tlisten password? [y/n]:

  20. If you want to specify a tlisten password, enter y; otherwise, enter n. For information about the tlisten password and instructions for setting it, see the section "Selecting an Administrative Password" on page 1-17. If you enter y, the following prompt is displayed:

    Please enter the tlisten password:                                                  

  21. Enter the tlisten password. The following prompt is displayed for each server component that you have chosen to install:

    Please verify the password: 

  22. Enter the tlisten password again. The following prompt is displayed:

    tlistpwd: INFO: Password appended to file "/usr/local/wledir/udataobj/".

    Verifying installation... 
    ... Installation successful!

    If your license file is accessible, you may install it now.
    Install license file? [y/n]:

  23. If you want to install the WebLogic Enterprise software license now, enter y; otherwise, enter n and install the license later. If you enter y, the following prompt is displayed:

    To terminate the license update at any time
    press the interrupt key,
    typically <del>, <break>, or <ctrl+c>.

    Directory containing source license text file [?,q]:   

    Warning: Pressing one of the interrupt keys mentioned in the prompt terminates the installation, not just the license update.

  24. Insert the license diskette, which is shipped in the WebLogic Enterprise software box, in the diskette reader on your machine, mount the disk (if necessary), copy the lic.txt file to a system directory, and enter the location of the lic.txt file at the prompt. For example, if you copy the lic.txt file to /usr, enter /usr. The following prompt is displayed:

    Using /usr/lic.txt to copy license information.

    Updating /usr/local/wledir/udataobj/lic.txt with license information.

    Please don't forget to fill out and send in your registration card

  25. After the installation is completed, unmount the CD file system and remove the CD from the reader. For platform-specific instructions for unmounting the CD, see WebLogic Enterprise T-Engine Platform Data Sheets.

Installing the T-Engine Product License After You Install the WebLogic Enterprise Software

If you elected not to install the T-Engine product license when you installed the WebLogic Enterprise software, you can install the T-Engine license using the BEA License Utility.

Note: Your T-Engine product license is on a 3.5-inch diskette that is either attached to the outside of the WebLogic Enterprise product box, or mailed to you. For general information about licenses, see the section Checking the WebLogic Enterprise Product Boxes.

To install the T-Engine license, complete the following steps:

  1. Insert the license diskette WebLogic Enterprise in the diskette reader on your machine, mount the disk (if necessary), and copy the lic.txt file to a directory of your choice, but not to the wledir directory or any of its subdirectories.

  2. Change to the bin directory where you installed the WebLogic Enterprise software. For example:

    cd /usr/local/wledir/bin

  3. Enter sh ./

    The following prompt is displayed:

    To terminate the license update at any time
    press the interrupt key,
    typically <del>, <break>, or <ctrl+c>.

    Directory containing source license text file [?,q]:

  4. Enter the name of the directory that contains the lic.txt file (for example, /kits/license). The following prompt is displayed:

    Using /kits/license/lic.txt to copy license information.

    Directory where WebLogic Enterprise files are installed. [?,q]:

  5. Enter /usr/local/wledir or the name of the directory where you installed the WebLogic Enterprise software. The following prompt is displayed:

    Updating /usr/local/wledir/udataobj/lic.txt with license information.

If you Installed WebLogic Enterprise on Solaris

If you installed the WebLogic Enterprise software on a Solaris system, there is a way to tell which version of WebLogic Enterprise (Standard Mode or Compatibility Mode) was installed. The /udataobj directory under the installed WebLogic Enterprise directory contains either a CompatibilityMode.txt file or a StandardMode.txt file. The file has one line that states: You have installed components for Sun Solaris v<OS-version> <mode-type>.

Running Simpapp to Verify the WebLogic Enterprise CORBA C++ Software Installation

To verify that you have successfully installed the WebLogic Enterprise CORBA C++ client and server software, run the simpapp application. This "simple application" is a WebLogic Enterprise client/server application that converts strings to uppercase and lowercase letters.

Note: This section assumes you installed all WebLogic Enterprise server components, or one of the CORBA server components. If you installed only the J2EE server component, see the next section, "Running Simpapp to Verify the WebLogic Enterprise CORBA Java Software Installation" on page 3-15, for information about running an EJB sample to verify the installation.

Before running the sample application, see Chapter 6, "WebLogic Enterprise T-Engine Platform Data Sheets" for important information about prerequisite software.

To run simpapp, complete the following steps:

  1. Make sure that the directory in which you installed the WebLogic Enterprise software is set in the environment variable TUXDIR. For example, if you installed the software in the default directory, enter the following to set the TUXDIR environment variable: TUXDIR=/usr/local/wledir; export TUXDIR.

  2. Create a directory under wledir and copy the content of the simpapp directory to it.

    Notes: If you installed all WebLogic Enterprise servers or the CORBA C++ server component in the default directory, a C++ simpapp directory is located at usr/local/wledir/samples/corba/simpapp.

  3. Change (cd) to the copy directory.

  4. To change the permissions on all the files to allow full access, enter:
    chmod 777 *

  5. Ensure that make is in your path.

  6. To run simpapp automatically, enter ./runme.ksh. The simpapp application runs and prints the following messages:

    Testing simpapp
    cleaned up
    loaded ubb
    saved results

  7. To run simpapp manually to observe the processes starting and stopping, do the following:

    1. Enter KSH.

    2. Enter . ./results/setenv.ksh.

    3. Enter tmloadcf -y results/ubb.

    4. Enter tmboot -y. The application starts several processes.

    5. Enter ./simple_client. The prompt String? is displayed.

    6. Enter a word in lowercase letters. The application converts the word to uppercase and then to lowercase letters and displays the results.

    7. Enter tmshutdown -y. The application shuts down the processes.

  8. To restore the directory to its original state, enter:

    1. . ./results/setenv.ksh

    2. make -f clean

Running Simpapp to Verify the WebLogic Enterprise CORBA Java Software Installation

To verify that you have successfully installed the WebLogic Enterprise CORBA Java client and server software, run the simpapp_java application. This "simple application" is a WebLogic Enterprise client/server application that converts strings to uppercase and lowercase letters.

Notes: This section assumes you installed all WebLogic Enterprise server components, or the CORBA Java server components. If you installed only the J2EE server component, see the next section, "Running Simpapp to Verify the WebLogic Enterprise CORBA Java Software Installation" on page 3-15, for information about running an EJB sample to verify the installation.

If you have installed the CORBA Java server components, the CORBA C++ components are also automatically installed. Therefore, if running simpapp_java as described in this section is successful, it also verifies that the CORBA C++ components were installed correctly.

Before running the sample application, see Chapter 6, "WebLogic Enterprise T-Engine Platform Data Sheets" for important information about prerequisite software. For example, on NT systems, you must first download and install the Java 2 SDK version 1.2.2.

Before running the sample application, see Chapter 6, "WebLogic Enterprise T-Engine Platform Data Sheets" for important information about prerequisite software.

To run simpapp_java, complete the following steps:

  1. Make sure that the directory in which you installed the WebLogic Enterprise software is set in the environment variable TUXDIR. For example, if you installed the software in the default directory, enter the following to set the TUXDIR environment variable: TUXDIR=/usr/local/wledir; export TUXDIR.

  2. Create a directory under wledir and copy the content of the simpapp directory to it.

    Notes: If you installed all WebLogic Enterprise servers or the CORBA Java server component in the default directory, a simpapp_java directory is located at usr/local/wledir/samples/corba/simpapp_java.

  3. Change (cd) to the copy directory.

  4. To change the permissions on all the files to allow full access, enter:
    chmod 777 *

  5. Ensure that make is in your path.

  6. To run simpapp automatically, enter ./runme.ksh. The simpapp_java application runs and prints the following messages:

Testing simpapp
cleaned up
loaded ubb
saved results

  1. To run simpapp_java manually to observe the processes starting and stopping, do the following:

    1. Enter KSH.

    2. Enter . ./results/setenv.ksh.

    3. Enter tmloadcf -y results/ubb.

    4. Enter tmboot -y. The application starts several processes.

    5. Enter ./simple_client. The prompt String? is displayed.

    6. Enter a word in lowercase letters. The application converts the word to uppercase and then to lowercase letters and displays the results.

    7. Enter tmshutdown -y. The application shuts down the processes.

  2. To restore the directory to its original state, enter:

    1. . ./results/setenv.ksh

    2. make -f clean

Running a Basic EJB Sample to Verify the WebLogic Enterprise J2EE Software Installation

If you installed only the WebLogic Enterprise J2EE server component, you can run the stateless session EJB sample provided by the WebLogic Enterprise software to verify the installation.

Before running the sample application, see Chapter 6, "WebLogic Enterprise T-Engine Platform Data Sheets" for important information about prerequisite software. For example, on NT systems, you must first download and install the Java 2 SDK version 1.2.2.

This sample demonstrates the usage of a stateless session EJB that uses a simple stock trader application. This sample demonstrates how the client must maintain any persistent state-such as the change in the cash account-across repeated calls to the session EJB. All the logic for the balance is encapsulated in the client, where all the persistence is provided by the container and the logic is maintained in the EJB.

The EJB in this sample provides basic trading methods, such as buying and selling stocks. Because there are no persistent stores involved in this sample, all the stock data are set in the deployment descriptor of the EJB as environment properties. The container supplies the data to the EJB through the JNDI lookup operation.

To build the EJB sample, complete the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the directory in which you installed WebLogic Enterprise is set in the environment variable TUXDIR. Also make sure to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory path where you installed the Java 2 SDK software. For example:

    JAVA_HOME =/usr/local/JDK1.2.2  	

  2. Make a copy of the $TUXDIR/samples/j2ee/ejb directory into a working directory.

  3. Change the directory to the working directory.

  4. Change the permissions on all the files to give them write-access. For example:

    prompt>chmod -R +w *

    Change the permission of the runme.ksh file to give it execute permission, as in the following command:

    prompt>chmod +x runme.ksh

  5. Run the JavaServer version of the sample automatically by entering the runme command:

    prompt>. ./runme.ksh basic statelessSession

  6. A number of messages are displayed, along with information about whether the build procedure was successful. The sample is built, the servers are booted, and the client is run once.

After you have executed the runme command, you can run the samples manually if you like.

To run the samples manually:

  1. Change the current directory to the basic/statelessSession directory.

  2. Ensure that your environment is set correctly by entering the following command:

    prompt>. ./setenv.ksh

  3. Boot the server, run the client, and shut down the server by entering the following commands:

    prompt>tmboot -y

    prompt>. ./run_client.ksh

    prompt>tmshutdown -y

To restore the sample application directory to its original state:

  1. Change to the work directory.

  2. Enter the following command, where TUXDIR is the directory in which you installed the WebLogic Enterprise software:

    prompt>. $TUXDIR/samples/j2ee/ejb/clean.ksh

For more information about the stateless session EJB sample application, see the Guide to the EJB Sample Applications in the WebLogic Enterprise online documentation.


Removing (Uninstalling) the WebLogic Enterprise Software from Your System

To remove the software from your system, use the following procedure. This procedure also removes the WebLogic Enterprise Encryption Package software, if present on your system.

  1. Log on as the WebLogic Enterprise administrator or superuser.

  2. Make sure that no BEA Tuxedo or WebLogic Enterprise client or server applications are running. Use tmshutdown to shut down all WebLogic Enterprise applications.

  3. Enter the following command:

    prompt> rm -rf wledir

    where wledir is the WebLogic Enterprise base directory.