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BEA Administration Console Startup


If you elected to install the Administration component, read this topic for important information about starting the BEA Administration Console.

This topic includes the following sections:


System Requirements

This section lists the hardware, operating system resources, and browser you must provide to support the BEA Administration Console.

Platforms Supported

The BEA Administration Console runs on all server platforms that support the BEA WebLogic Enterprise 5.1 T-Engine server software. For a complete list of supported platforms, see the section "Supported Platforms" on page 6-2.

Hardware Requirements

In addition to the hardware and software requirements for installing WebLogic Enterprise client and server software on your particular platform (see Chapter 6, "WebLogic Enterprise T-Engine Platform Data Sheets"), the BEA Administration Console requires a color display device with the following capabilities:

Operating System Requirements

Given the broad outlines of an application design, you must verify the availability of operating system resources needed to support your application. Operating system resources include:

For information about setting Microsoft Windows NT IPC parameters, see the section "Maximizing System Performance" on page 4-9.

For information about setting UNIX system IPC parameters, see the section "Verifying IPC Requirements" on page 4-17.

For more information about system tuning parameters for a particular platform, see WebLogic Enterprise T-Engine Platform Data Sheets.

Browser Requirements

Table 5-1 shows the browsers that are supported for the BEA Administration Console.

Table 5-1 Supported Browsers for the BEA Administration Console

Browsers Supported

Platforms Supported

Netscape 4.6.1 or Netscape 4.7

Microsoft Windows 2000, NT 4.0, Windows 98, Solaris 2.6, Solaris 7

Netscape 4.6.1

Compaq Tru64 Unix 4.0f and IBM AIX 4.3.3

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0

Microsoft Windows 2000, NT 4.0, and Windows 98

On all supported UNIX platforms, Netscape 4.6.1 or better is supported if the BEA Administration console is configured for zero-bit encryption. On all supported Windows platforms, Netscape 4.6.1 or better, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0, are supported if the Administration Console is configured for zero-bit encryption. Table 5-1 indicates the browser support if the Administration Console is configured for 40-bit, 56-bit, or 128-bit encryption.

An additional requirement is that all browsers must be running the browser vendor's Java plug-in version 1.1 or later.

The Administration Console encryption level is set in its webgui.ini file with the ENCRYPTBITS parameter. The ENCRYPTBITS parameters can be set to 0, 40, 56, or 128. This parameter specifies the strength of encryption used in communication between the GUI applet and the Administration Console server. The default is 128 bit.


Setting Up Your Environment

To run the BEA Administration Console, you need to set up two servers:

Starting tuxwsvr

To start tuxwsvr on UXIX systems, enter:

$ tuxwsvr -l //machine:port -i \
$ {TUXDIR}/udataobj/tuxwsvr.ini

To start tuxwsvr on Microsoft Windows NT systems:

  1. Open an MS-DOS window.

  2. Enter tuxwsvr -l//machine:port -i%TUXDIR%\udataobj\tuxwsvr.ini

During installation, the tuxwsvr.ini file is created. Usually, you do not need to edit this file. Under certain circumstances, however, you may want to edit this file. For example, you may decide, after installation, to move your Java files to a nondefault directory. In that case, you would need to edit the pathnames in the initialization file appropriately. For details, see the tuxwsvr(1) reference page in the BEA Tuxedo Reference.

Starting wlisten

To start wlisten, proceed as follows:

  1. Before starting wlisten, check the webgui.ini file (located in WLEDIR\udataobj\webgui for Microsoft Windows NT systems and in WLEDIR/udataobj/webgui for UNIX systems) to make sure that the default values assigned to the parameters during installation are appropriate. Otherwise, make the appropriate changes.

  2. For example, on a machine called popeye, the default port assigned to wlisten is 4003. To run wlisten with port 6060, edit the NADDR parameter line in the webgui.ini file, as follows:


    For details about other parameters in the webgui.ini file, see the wlisten(1) reference page in the BEA Tuxedo Reference.

  3. Start the wlisten process:

    $ wlisten


Starting the BEA Administration Console

To start the BEA Administration Console, proceed as follows:

  1. Start the browser.

  2. Enter the following URL:


    Use of this URL depends on the following assumptions:

  3. To start the BEA Administration Console, click the prompt at the bottom of the screen. The Login window is displayed.

  4. Enter your login name and password in the appropriate fields, and click LOGIN. The password must be one of the entries in the file in the WLEDIR/udataobj directory. The main window of the BEA Administration Console is displayed.

Table 5-2 contains instructions for accessing additional information about the BEA Administration Console main window.

Table 5-2 Accessing Information About the BEA Administration Console Main Window

If . . .

Then . . .

The main window is displayed and you want to start working with the GUI.

See the "Tutorial" section in the BEA Administration Console online help.

The main window is displayed and you want to read a description of it.

See Chapter 2, "A Tour of the Main Window," in the BEA Administration Console Online Help.

The main window does not display and the Connect Failed error message is displayed.

  1. Enter the ps command to verify that the wlisten process is running.

  2. If wlisten is not running, open the webgui.ini file and, in the line "NADDR=//lcsol1:4003," replace the port number (4003) with a valid port number.

  3. Enter wlisten again:
    $ wlisten -i \ WLEDIR/udataobj/webgui/webgui. ini

  4. Check that the tuwsvr process is running at the port as described in the URL.

  5. Verify the password. It must match one of the entries in the file in the WLEDIR/udataobj directory.

  6. Return to step 1 above.

5. To exit the BEA Administration Console, click Domain->Exit.

You may now start setting up your environment for your own application domain.