Class DeactivateReasonValue


public final class DeactivateReasonValue
extends java.lang.Object
implements org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static DeactivateReasonValue DR_METHOD_END
          Indicates that the object is being deactivated after the completion of a method.
static DeactivateReasonValue DR_SERVER_SHUTDOWN
          Indicates that the object is being deactivated because the server is being shut down in an orderly fashion.
static DeactivateReasonValue DR_TRANS_ABORTED
          When the deactivate_object() method is invoked with this reason code, the transaction is marked for rollback only.This reason code is used only for objects that have the transaction activation policy.
static DeactivateReasonValue DR_TRANS_COMMITTING
          Indicates that a Current.commit() operation was invoked for the transaction in which the object is involved.
static DeactivateReasonValue DR_TRANS_POSTCOMMIT
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final DeactivateReasonValue DR_METHOD_END
Indicates that the object is being deactivated after the completion of a method. It is used if the object's deactivation policy is:


public static final DeactivateReasonValue DR_SERVER_SHUTDOWN
Indicates that the object is being deactivated because the server is being shut down in an orderly fashion. It is used if the object's deactivation policy is:

Note: when a server is shut down in an orderly fashion, all transactions that the server is involved in are marked for rollback.


public static final DeactivateReasonValue DR_TRANS_COMMITTING
Indicates that a Current.commit() operation was invoked for the transaction in which the object is involved. This reason code is used only for objects that have the transaction activation policy. It can occur when the transaction is started by either the client or the TP Framework. The deactivate_object() method is invoked just before the transaction manager's two-phase commit algorithm begins; that is, before prepare is sent to the resource managers.

The CORBA object is allowed to vote on the outcome of the transaction when the deactivate_object() method is invoked with the DR_TRANS_COMMITTING reason code. By invoking Current.rollback_only(), the method can force the transaction to be rolled back; otherwise, the two-phase commit algorithm continues. The transaction is not necessarily committed just because the Current.rollback_only() is not invoked in this method. Any other CORBA object or resource manager involved in the transaction could also vote to roll back the transaction.


public static final DeactivateReasonValue DR_TRANS_ABORTED
When the deactivate_object() method is invoked with this reason code, the transaction is marked for rollback only.This reason code is used only for objects that have the transaction activation policy. It can occur when the transaction is started by either the client or automatically by the system.


public static final DeactivateReasonValue DR_TRANS_POSTCOMMIT