Package com.beasys.TobjS

Class Summary

Exception Summary
ActivateObjectFailed An error occurred during the execution of the object's com.beasys.Tobj_Servant.activate_object method.
ApplicationProblem An unspecified problem has occurred with the server application.
CannotProceed The FactoryFinder or CORBAservices Naming Service encountered an internal error during the search, with the error being written to the user log (ULOG).
CreateServantFailed The TP Framework is unable to create the object's servant class.
DeactivateObjectFailed An error occurred while the com.beasys.Tobj_Servant.deactivate_object method was invoked.
IllegalOperation Indicates that the com.beasys.Tobj.TP.deactivateEnable method was invoked by an object with the activation policy set to transaction.
InitializeFailed If an exception is raised in the com.beasys.Tobj.Server.initialize method, the TP Framework catches the exception.
InvalidDomain The domain specified in the request is invalid.
InvalidInterface Indicates that the specified interface_name is null.
InvalidName Raised if id is not one of the four names allowed (see id parameter).
InvalidObject Indicates that the factory value is null.
InvalidObjectId Indicates that the specified stroid is null.
InvalidServant The servant is invalid.
NilObject Indicates that the method was invoked outside the scope of an application's CORBA object execution.
NoSuchElement The specified element cannot be located.
NotFound An element was not found.
OrbProblem A problem exists with the Object Request Broker (ORB).
OutOfMemory The server process ran out of memory.
OverFlow Indicates that the id string is longer than 128 bytes (currently the maximum allowable length).
RegistrarNotAvailable Indicates that the FactoryFinder Registrar object cannot locate the CORBAservices Naming Service object.
ReleaseFailed The execution of the com.beasys.Tobj.Server.release method on the server implementation class failed.
UnknownInterface The execution of the com.beasys.Tobj.TP.create_object_reference method has failed because an unknown interface ID is specified in the request for an object.