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Creating CORBA Java Server Applications

This document describes how programmers can implement key features in the BEA WebLogic Enterprise (WLE) product to design and implement scalable, high-performance, Java server applications that run in a WLE domain. The Java examples shown in this book are based on the sample applications described in the Guide to the Java Sample Applications.

This document is intended for programmers who are interested in creating secure, scalable, transaction-based server applications. It assumes you are knowledgeable with the BEA TUXEDO system, CORBA, and Java programming.

This document covers the following topics:


Java Server Application Concepts


The Entities You Create to Build a WLE Java Server Application

   The Implementation of the CORBA Objects for Your Java Server Application

   The Server Object

Understanding Object References and Object State

   Generating Object References

   Managing Object State

Choosing Between Stateless and Stateful Objects

   When You Want Stateless Objects

   When You Want Stateful Objects

   Reading and Writing an Object's Data

   Using Design Patterns


Steps for Creating a Java Server Application

Summary of the Java Server Application Development Process

Step 1: Compile the OMG IDL file for the server application.

   Using the m3idltojava Compiler

Step 2: Write the methods that implement each interface's operations.

   Creating an Object Implementation File

   Implementing a Factory Object

   Using Threads with WLE

Step 3: Create the Server object.

   Writing the Code That Creates and Registers a Factory

   Releasing the Server Application

Step 4: Compile the Java source files.

Step 5: Define the object activation and transaction policies.

   Specifying Policies in XML

Step 6: Verify the environment variables.

Step 7: Finish the Server Description File.

Step 8: Deploy the server application.

Development and Debugging Tips

   Use of CORBA and WLE Exceptions and the User Log

   Detecting Error Conditions in the Callback Methods

   Common Pitfalls of OMG IDL Interface Versioning and Modification


Integrating Transactions into a Java Server Application

Overview of Transactions in the WLE System

Integrating Transactions in a WLE Client and Server Application

   Making an Object Automatically Transactional

   Enabling an Object to Participate in a Transaction

   Preventing an Object from Being Invoked While a Transaction Is Scoped

   Excluding an Object from an Ongoing Transaction

   Assigning Policies

   Using an XA Resource Manager

   Opening an XA Resource Manager

   Closing an XA Resource Manager

Transactions and Object State Management

   Delegating Object State Management to an XA Resource Manager

   Waiting Until Transaction Work Is Complete Before Writing to the Database

Notes on Using Transactions in the WLE System


Scaling a Java Server Application

Overview of the Scalability Features Available in the WLE System

Scaling a WLE Server Application

   Replicating Server Processes and Server Groups

   Scaling the Application Via Object State Management

   Factory-based Routing

   Enabling Multithreaded JavaServers

   Additional Design Considerations for the Teller Object

How the Bankapp Server Application Can Be Scaled Further