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Getting Started with RMI - a Hello World Example

This example provides a distributed version of the classic Hello World program using remote method invocation (RMI) in a WebLogic Enterprise environment.

This topic includes the following sections:

Where can I find the RMI Hello World example?

In addition to the fully supported examples supplied on the CD-ROM with this release of WebLogic Enterprise (WLE), the BEA WLE team provides several unsupported code examples on a password protected Web site for WLE customers. You can get all the files for the WLE RMI Hello World example from this Web site. The URL for the unsupported samples WLE Web site is specified in the product Release Notes under "About This BEA WLE Release" in the subsection "Unsupported Samples and Tools Web Page." On the samples Web page, the RMI HelloWorld example is in a directory similar to the following:


What is the RMI Hello World Example and what do I need to run it?

The WLE RMI Hello World example is a simple application for demonstrating remote method invocations in a distributed WebLogic Enterprise environment. The example shows a client making a remote method call to a server object running on the host. When you run the client at the command line, "Hello World!" is displayed in response.

Required Software and Environment

To run the WLE RMI Hello World example, you need WLE installed on your system and the appropriate environment variables set. The Hello World example does some automated environment setup for you, so for now the only variables you should need to check are these:

For complete information on how to verify these settings, see the topic Setting Up Your WLE Development Environment.

Hello World Files

The files needed for this example are supplied on the BEA WebLogic Enterprise unsupported samples Web Site. You can get the URL for this Web site, and other related information about it, from the product Release Notes.

The files included are shown in the following table.




A remote interface


A remote object implementation that implements examples.hello.Hello


A client that invokes the remote method, sayHello

Registers the RMI implementation with the WLE server at startup


Server description file, which provides information about the WLE application required by the buildjavaserver command. When you run the runme script, one of the things it does is package the generated class files into a JAR file by running the WLE command buildjavaserver on the server.xml file


Windows (DOS) and UNIX scripts, respectively, that you can run to build and run the Hello World example. The runme script calls on all other files listed here, and generates new files.


Windows (DOS) and UNIX scripts, respectively, that you can run to remove files generated by the Hello World example.

Building and Running the Hello World Example

We suggest that first you just find the Hello World RMI example (on the Web site indicated in the product Release Notes), build it, and run it. This is an easy way to get familiar with WebLogic RMI on IIOP.

To build and run the Hello World example do the following:

  1. Make sure WLE is installed on your local system, and that the following environment variables are set to indicate the appropriate paths:

  2. Copy the RMI helloworld directory and files from the WLE Unsupported Samples Web page onto your local system.

    The URL for the unsupported samples WLE Web site is specified in the product Release Notes under "About This BEA WLE Release" in the subsection "Unsupported WLE Samples and Tools on BEA Web Site." On the samples Web page, the RMI HelloWorld example is in a directory similar to the following:


  3. Change directories (cd ) to your local WLE RMI helloworld example and type the following at the command line prompt:


    Running this script compiles, builds, and runs the RMI Hello World example. You should see output similar to the following, as a result of running the runme script.

    Setting up for RMI HelloWorld sample.
    --- Verifying some variables...
    --- Creating setenv.cmd...
    --- Creating ubbconfig...
    --- Creating run_client.cmd...
    --- Compiling Java sources...
    --- Generating Stub and Skeleton...
    --- Building the Jar...
    --- Creating tuxconfig...
    --- Booting WLE...
    Booting all admin and server processes in C:\myWLEapps\rmi\helloworld\tuxconfig
    INFO: BEA Engine, Version 2.4
    INFO: Serial #: 123456789, Expiration 2000-06-21, Maxusers 200
    INFO: Licensed to: Samantha Stevens

    Booting admin processes ...

    exec BBL -A :
    process id=271 ... Started.

    Booting server processes ...

    exec TMSYSEVT -A :
    process id=239 ... Started.
    exec TMFFNAME -A -- -N -M :
    process id=240 ... Started.
    exec TMFFNAME -A -- -N :

    process id=243 ... Started.
    exec TMFFNAME -A -- -F :
    process id=284 ... Started.
    exec JavaServer -A :
    process id=225 ... Started.
    exec ISL -A -- -n //SAMS:2468 :
    process id=274 ... Started.
    7 processes started.
    --- Running the RMI Client... (Should say "Hello World!")...
    Hello World!
    --- Shutting down WLE...
    Shutting down all admin and server processes in C:\myWLEapps\rmi\helloworld

    Shutting down server processes ...
    Server Id = 5 Group Id = GROUP1 Machine = simple: shutdown succeeded
    Server Id = 6 Group Id = GROUP2 Machine = simple: shutdown succeeded
    Server Id = 4 Group Id = GROUP1 Machine = simple: shutdown succeeded
    Server Id = 3 Group Id = GROUP1 Machine = simple: shutdown succeeded
    Server Id = 2 Group Id = GROUP1 Machine = simple: shutdown succeeded
    Server Id = 1 Group Id = GROUP1 Machine = simple: shutdown succeeded
    Shutting down admin processes ...

    Server Id = 0 Group Id = simple Machine = simple: shutdown succeeded
    7 processes stopped.
    --- Finished.

    Some of the tasks performed by the script are:

Notice also that as a result of running the runme script, you get several new files. Some of the more interesting ones are shown in the following table.

Generated File(s)


Java class files in classes/examples/helloworld/

The classes Hello.class , HelloClient.class , and HelloImpl.class were created by running the javac command on , , and , respectively.

RMI stub and skeleton classes in classes/examples/helloworld/

Hello_WLStub.class is a proxy for the client and Hello_WLSkel.class is a proxy class for the server. These class files were created by running the command java weblogic.rmic on the fully qualified package name of the implementation class, HelloImpl.class (java weblogic.rmic examples.hello.HelloImpl )


Registers the application at startup. This was created by running the javac command on .


The Hello World application packaged into a Java Archive (JAR) file for deployment. This was created by running the buildjavaserver command on the file server.xml


Serialized version of the server-implementation as specified in the server-descriptor-name section of the server.xml file. running the buildjavaserver command on the file server.xml


ASCII version of the WLE application configuration file containing parameters that the WLE software interprets to create an executable application.


Binary version of the WLE application configuration file. This was generated by running tmloadcf on the UBBCONFIG file.


Windows (DOS) and UNIX commands to set the WLE specific environment variables APPDIR and TUXDIR based on your current environment.


Windows (DOS) and UNIX commands to run the client with appropriate arguments.

For more information about these files, refer to Developing RMI Applications in WLE.

Cleaning up the Directory

If you want to start over, you can quickly remove all generated files from the example directory by running the following command in the helloworld directory:


Running the clobber command removes all generated files for the Hello World example, leaving only the original exampe files: the Java source files, server.xml file, and the runme commands for Windows and UNIX.

Understanding the Hello World Example

After you successfully run the the RMI Hello World example, you can walk through the process used to create it by referring to Developing RMI Applications in WLE. This topic steps through the entire development and runtime process using the Hello World files as an example.

Each of the key Java source code files is explained in detail in the following subtopics:

This topic also explains how to compile the Java source files with the javac compiler, how to generate stubs and skeletons with the WebLogic RMI compiler, package the class files into a WLE application, and build and run the application in the WLE environment.