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Guide to the University Sample Applications

The Guide to the University Sample Applications describes the University sample applications that are provided with the BEA WebLogic Enterprise (WLE) software. This document is intended for application designers and programmers who would find a set of progressive examples useful in understanding the WebLogic Enterprise software



An Overview of the University Sample Applications

Naming Conventions Used in the University Sample Applications


Setting Up Your Environment

System Prerequisites

Editing the setenv and UBBCONFIG Files

   Naming Conventions for the setenv and UBBCONFIG Files

   Setting setenv Parameters

   Setting the UBBCONFIG Parameters

   Running the setenv Command


The Basic Sample Application

How the Basic Sample Application Works

The OMG IDL for the Basic Sample Application

Generating the Client Stubs and the Skeletons

Writing the Client Application

Writing the Server Application

Configuring the Basic Sample Application

Building the Basic Sample Application

   Copying the Files for the Basic Sample Application into a Work Directory

   Changing the Protection on the File for the Basic Sample Application

   Setting the Environment Variables

   Initializing the University Database

   Loading the UBBCONFIG File

Compiling the Basic Sample Application

Running the Basic Sample Application

   Starting the Server Application

   Starting the CORBA C++ Client Application

   Starting the CORBA Java Client Application

   Starting the ActiveX Client Application

Using the Client Applications in the Basic Sample Application

   The CORBA C++ Client Application

   The CORBA Java Client Application

   The ActiveX Client Application


The Security Sample Application

How the Security Sample Application Works

The Development Process for the Security Sample Application


   The Client Application

   The Server Application


   The ICF File

Building the Security Sample Application

   Copying the Files for the Security Sample Application into a Work Directory

   Changing the Protection on the Files for the Security Sample Application

   Setting the Environment Variables

   Initializing the University Database

   Loading the UBBCONFIG File

Compiling the Security Sample Application

Running the Security Sample Application

   Starting the University Server Application

   Starting the CORBA C++ Client Application

   Starting the CORBA Java Client Application

   Starting the ActiveX Client Application

Using the Client Applications in the Security Sample Application

   The CORBA C++ Client Application

   The CORBA Java Client Application

   The ActiveX Client Application


The Transactions Sample Application

How the Transactions Sample Application Works

The Development Process for the Transactions Sample Application


   The Client Application

   The University Server Application


   The ICF File

Building the Transactions Sample Application

   Copying the Files for the Transactions Sample Application into a Work Directory

   Changing the Protection on the Files for the Transactions Sample Application

   Setting the Environment Variables

   Initializing the University Database

   Loading the UBBCONFIG File

   Creating a Transaction Log

Compiling the Transactions Sample Application

Running the Transactions Sample Application

   Starting the Server Application

   Starting the CORBA C++ Client Application

   Starting the CORBA Java Client Application

   Starting the ActiveX Client Application

Using the Client Applications in the Transactions sample application

   The CORBA C++ Client Application

   The CORBA Java Client Application

   The ActiveX Client Application


The Wrapper Sample Application

How the Wrapper Sample Application Works

The Development Process for the Wrapper sample application


   The Client Application

   The Server Application


   The ICF File

Building the Wrapper Sample Application

   Copying the Files for the Wrapper Sample Application into a Work Directory

   Changing the Protection on the Files for the Wrapper Sample Application

   Setting the Environment Variables

   Initializing the University Database

   Loading the UBBCONFIG File

   Creating a Transaction Log

Compiling the Wrapper Sample Application

Running the Wrapper Sample Application

   Starting the Server Application

   Starting the CORBA C++ Client Application

   Starting the CORBA Java Client Application

   Starting the ActiveX Client Application

Using the Client Applications in the Wrapper Sample Application

   The CORBA C++ Client Application

   The CORBA Java Client Application

   The ActiveX Client Application


The Production Sample Application

How the Production Sample Application Works

   Replicating Server Applications

   Replicating Server Groups

   Using a Stateless Object Model

   Using Factory-based Routing

The Development Process for the Production Sample Application


   The Client Application

   The Server Application


      Replicating Server Application Processes and Server Groups

      Implementing Factory-based Routing

   The ICF File

Building the Production Sample Application

   Copying the Files for the Production Sample Application into a Work Directory

   Changing the Protection on the Files for the Production Sample Application

   Setting the Environment Variables

   Initializing the University Database

   Loading the UBBCONFIG File

   Creating a Transaction Log

Compiling the Production Sample Application

Running the Production Sample Application

   Starting the Server Application

   Starting the CORBA C++ Client Application

   Starting the CORBA Java Client Application

   Starting the ActiveX Client Application

How the Production Sample Application Can Be Scaled Further


Setting Up the Database

Database Support

Setup Instructions for the Oracle Database

   Setup for Local Database Instance

   Setup for Remote Database Instance