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Section 1 - Commands



intro -introduction to BEA TUXEDO commands and application programs


Section(1) describes, in alphabetic order, shell-level commands delivered with the BEA TUXEDO software.

Reference Page Command Syntax

Unless otherwise noted, commands described in the Synopsis section of a reference page accept options and other arguments according to the following syntax and should be interpreted as explained below.

name [ -option . . . ] [cmdarg . . .

where name is the name of an executable file, option is a string of one of the following two types: noargletter . . . or argletter optarg [, . . .] (An option is always preceded by a "-".)


is a single letter representing an option that requires no option-argument. More than one noargletter can be grouped after a "-"


is a character string that satisfies a preceding argletter . Multiple optargs following a single argletter must be separated by commas, or separated by white space and enclosed in quotes.


is a pathname (or other command argument) that represents an operand of the command.


(dash) by itself means that additional arguments are provided in the standard input.


(two dashes) means that what follows are arguments for a subordinate program.

[ ]

surrounding an option or cmdarg, mean that the option or argument is not required.

{ }

surrounding cmdargs that are separated by an or sign, mean that one of the choices must be selected if the associated option is used.

. . .

means that multiple occurrences of the option or cmdarg are permitted.



bldc_dce -Build a BEA TUXEDO system client that can be called via OSF/DCE


bldc_dce [-o output_file] [-i idl_options] [-f firstfiles]
[-l lastfiles] [idl_file . . .]


bldc_dce parses any input IDL and related ACF source files and combines them with C source and object files and the OSF/DCE libraries to generate a BEA TUXEDO system client that can be called via DCE RPC (it is a DCE RPC client).

The command line arguments include the input IDL source file and options to control the actions of the IDL compiler. The options are as follows:

-o output_file

The default filename is a.out .

-i idl_options

Specifies options to be passed to the IDL compiler. Options associated with the C compilation system are automatically provided by this program. This option can be used to provide the "-no_mepv " option such that the application can provide a Manager Entry Point Vector.

-f firstfiles

Specifies compiler options, C source and object files to be included on the compilation before the BEA TUXEDO system and OSF/DCE libraries.

-l lastfiles

Specifies C libraries to be included on the compilation after the BEA TUXEDO system and OSF/DCE libraries.

See Also

tidl (1)



blds_dce-Build a BEA TUXEDO system server that calls OSF/DCE


blds_dce [-o output_file] [-i idl_options] [-f firstfiles]
[-l lastfiles] [-s service] [idl_file . . .]


blds_dce parses any input IDL and related ACF source files and combines them with C source and object files and the OSF/DCE libraries to generate a BEA TUXEDO system server that can make DCE RPC calls. The primary use of this command is to make a BEA TUXEDO system-to-OSF/DCE gateway process.

The command line arguments include the input IDL source file and options to control the actions of the IDL compiler. The options are as follows:

-o output_file

The default filename is a.out .

-i idl_options

Specifies options to be passed to the IDL compiler. Options associated with the C compilation system are automatically provided by this program. This option can be used to provide the "-no_mepv " option such that the application can provide a Manager Entry Point Vector.

-f firstfiles

Specifies compiler options, C source and object files to be included on the compilation before the BEA TUXEDO system and OSF/DCE libraries.

-l lastfiles

Specifies C libraries to be included on the compilation after the BEA TUXEDO system and OSF/DCE libraries.

-s service[,service . . .]

Specifies the services to be advertised by the server.

See Also

tidl (1)



build_dgw -build customized domain gateway process


build_dgw [ -c dmtype] [ -o name] [ -v ]


build_dgw is used to construct a customized BEA TUXEDO domain gateway module. The files included by the caller should include only the application buffer type switch and any required supporting routines. The command combines the files supplied by the -c option with the standard BEA TUXEDO libraries necessary to form a gateway load module. The load module is built by the cc(1) command described in UNIX System reference manuals which build_dgw invokes. The options to build_dgw have the following meaning:

-c dmtype

specifies a domain type that characterizes communications access module domain gateway. The value of dmtype must appear in the domain type table located in $TUXDIR/udataobj/DMTYPE . Each line in this file has the form:


Using the dmtype value, build_dgw retrieves the corresponding entry from $TUXDIR/udataobj/DMTYPE . The access_module_lib specifies the libraries used by a this particular type of domain instantiation. The comm_libs parameter contains a list of the networking communications libraries used by the access module. The tm_typesw_lib parameter defines a list of libraries or object modules with the definition of the typed buffers used by the local application. If this parameter is not defined, the gateway will be linked with the default typed buffer definitions. The gw_typesw_lib parameter applies only to a gateway of type OSITP (see below) and defines a list of libraries or object modules used by the gateway to transform buffers into the protocol required by the remote domain. There should be a one-to-one mapping between the buffer types defined in the tm_typesw array (see typesw (5) and tuxtypes (5)) and the gw_typesw array. If this parameter is not defined, the gateway will be linked with the default typed buffer definitions provided with the OSITP instantiation.

Currently, dmtype may be set to one of the following values:


builds a gateway for communications with another BEA TUXEDO domain. The build_dgw command will use the standard BEA TUXEDO libnws.a networking library. This is the default option.


builds a gateway for communications with an OSI TP domain. The OSITP access module uses the XAP-TP interface. The pathname for the library containing the XAP-TP primitives is provider dependent and should be set according to the provider's specifications.

-o name

specifies the name of the file the output gateway load module is to have. If not supplied, the load module is named GWTDOMAIN for the TDOMAIN type and GWOSITP for the OSITP type. Note that the name selected for the load module must also be the name used for the definition of the gateway in the *SERVERS section of the TUXCONFIG file.


specifies that build_dgw should work in verbose mode. In particular, it writes the cc command to its standard output.

build_dgw normally uses the cc command to produce the a.out . In order to allow for the specification of an alternate compiler, build_dgw checks for the existence of a shell variable named CC . If CC does not exist in build_dgw 's environment, or if it is the string "" , build_dgw will use cc as the compiler. If CC does exist in the environment, its value is taken to be the name of the compiler to be executed. Likewise, the shell variable CFLAGS is taken to contain a set of parameters to be passed to the compiler.


build_dgw is supported as a BEA TUXEDO-supplied compilation tool on UNIX operating systems only.


The following example shows how to build a domain gateway of type TDOMAIN.

CC=ncc CFLAGS="-I $TUXDIR/include" ; export CC CFLAGS build_dgw -o DGW

The following example shows use of build_dgw for an OSI TP instantiation:

build_dgw -c OSITP -o OTPGW

For the /TDOMAIN and /OSITP instantiations, the DMTYPE file will contain the following entries:

TDOMAIN:$TUXDIR/lib/libgwt.a:$TUXDIR/lib/libnwi.a $TUXDIR/lib/libnws.a::
OSITP:$TUXDIR/lib/libgwo.a:-l xaptp -l ositp::

The paths for the libxaptp.a and libositp.a libraries are installation and provider dependent. The application administrator must specify the correct pathnames before building an OSITP gateway instantiation.

See Also

cc (1), ld (1) in UNIX System reference manuals , tuxtypes (5), typesw (5)



buildclient -construct a BEA TUXEDO client module


buildclient [ -C ] [ -v ] [ {-r rmname | -w } ] [ -o name]
[ -f firstfiles] [ -l lastfiles]


buildclient is used to construct a BEA TUXEDO client module. The command combines the files supplied by the -f and -l options with the standard BEA TUXEDO libraries to form a load module. The load module is built by buildclient using the default C language compilation command defined for the operating system in use. The default C language compilation command for the UNIX System is the cc (1) command described in UNIX System reference manuals.


specifies that buildclient should work in verbose mode. In particular, it writes the compilation command to its standard output.


specifies that the client is to be built using the workstation libraries. The default is to build a native client if both native mode and workstation mode libraries are available. This option cannot be used with the -r option.

-r rmname

specifies the resource manager associated with this client. The value rmname must appear in the resource manager table located in $TUXDIR/udataobj/RM . Each line in this file is of the form:


(See buildtms (1) for further details.) Using the rmname value, the entry in $TUXDIR/udataobj/RM is used to include the associated libraries for the resource manager automatically and to set up the interface between the transaction manager and resource manager properly. The value TUXEDO/D includes the libraries for the TUXEDO System/D resource manager. The value TUXEDO/SQL includes the libraries for the TUXEDO System/SQL resource manager. Other values can be specified as they are added to the resource manager table. If the -r option is not specified, the default is that the client is not associated with a resource manager. Refer to the ubbconfig (5) reference page.


specifies the file name of the output load module. If not supplied, the load module is named a.out .


specifies one or more user files to be included in the compilation and link edit phases of buildclient first, before the BEA TUXEDO libraries. If more than one file is specified, file names must be separated by white space and the entire list must be enclosed in quotation marks. This option may be specified multiple times. The CFLAGS and ALTCFLAGS environment variables, described below, should be used to include any compiler options and their arguments.


specifies one or more user files to be included in the compilation and link edit phases of buildclient last, after the BEA TUXEDO libraries. If more than one file is specified, file names must be separated by white space and the entire list must be enclosed in quotation marks. This option may be specified multiple times.


specifies COBOL compilation.

Environment Variables


buildclient uses the environment variable TUXDIR to find the System/T libraries and include files to use during compilation of the client process.


buildclient normally uses the default C language compilation command to produce the client executable. The default C language compilation command is defined for each supported operating system platform and is defined as cc (1) for UNIX System. In order to allow for the specification of an alternate compiler, buildclient checks for the existence of an environment variable named CC . If CC does not exist in buildclient 's environment, or if it is the string "" , buildclient will use the default C language compiler. If CC does exist in the environment, its value is taken to be the name of the compiler to be executed.


The environment variable CFLAGS is taken to contain a set of arguments to be passed as part of the compiler command line. This is in addition to the command line option "-I${TUXDIR}/include " passed automatically by buildclient . If CFLAGS does not exist in buildclient 's environment, or if it is the string "" , no compiler command line arguments are added by buildclient .


When the -C option is specified for COBOL compilation, buildclient normally uses the BEA TUXEDO shell cobcc which in turn calls cob to produce the client executable. In order to allow for the specification of an alternate compiler, buildclient checks for the existence of an environment variable named ALTCC . If ALTCC does not exist in buildclient 's environment, or if it is the string "" , buildclient will use cobcc . If ALTCC does exist in the environment, its value is taken to be the name of the compiler command to be executed.


The environment variable ALTCFLAGS is taken to contain a set of additional arguments to be passed as part of the COBOL compiler command line when the -C option is specified. This is in addition to the command line option

"-I${TUXDIR}/include "

passed automatically by buildclient . When the -C option is used, putting compiler options and their arguments in the buildclient -f option will generate errors; they must be put in ALTCFLAGS . If not set, then the value is set to the same value used for CFLAGS , as specified above.


The environment variable COBOPT is taken to contain a set of additional arguments to be used by the COBOL compiler, when the -C option is specified.


The environment variable COBCPY indicates which directories contain a set of COBOL copy files to be used by the COBOL compiler, when the -C option is specified.


The environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH (for Solaris and Digital UNIX systems) indicates which directories contain shared objects to be used by the COBOL compiler, in addition to the BEA TUXEDO system shared objects.On HP UX systems the corresponding environment variable is SHLIB_PATH . For AIX systems the environment variable is LIBPATH . And on Windows NT the corresponding environment variable is LIB .


buildclient is supported as a BEA TUXEDO-supplied compilation tool on UNIX and MS-DOS operating systems. However, due to file naming restrictions, only the buildclt alias is supported on MS-DOS. Note that file names supplied as part of the buildclient command line must conform to the syntax and semantics of the resident operating system.

The MS-DOS version of buildclt has significant differences from the UNIX System version. These differences warrant a separate man page for the MS-DOS version of the command. Therefore, a separate buildclt (1) reference page is also included to describe the command for the MS-DOS environment.


CC=ncc CFLAGS="-I /APPDIR/include"; export CC CFLAGS
buildclient -o empclient -f emp.c -f "userlib1.a userlib2.a"

COBDIR=/usr/lib/cobol LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$COBDIR/coblib:$TUXDIR/lib
buildclient -C -o empclient -f name.cbl -f "userlib1.a userlib2.a"

See Also

buildclt (1), buildserver (1), buildtms (1), compilation (5),
cc (1), ld (1) in a UNIX System reference manual.



buildclt -construct a BEA TUXEDO Workstation client program for MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT, and OS/2.


buildclt [ -C ] [ -v ] [ -m {m | l} ] [ -c {m | b | i} ]
[ -o name ] [ -f firstfiles ] [ -F Firstlibs ] [ -l libfiles ]
[ -W ] [ -O ] [ -P ] [ -d deffile ]


buildclt is used to construct a BEA TUXEDO workstation client program for MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT, and OS/2. The command combines the files supplied by the -f and -l options with the standard BEA TUXEDO libraries to form an executable program. The load module is built by buildclt using the C and COBOL language compilation commands defined for the operating system in use. The options to buildclt have the following meaning:


specifies that buildclt should work in verbose mode. In particular, it writes the compilation command to its standard output.

-o name

specifies the file name of the output program. If not supplied, the program is named client.exe .

-f firstfiles

specifies one or more user files (or options to the compiler or linker) to be included on the command line first, before the BEA TUXEDO libraries. If more than one file is specified, file names must be separated by white space and the entire list must be enclosed in double quotation marks. This option may be specified multiple times.

-F Firstlibs

specifies one or more standard or import (not dynamic-link) libraries to be included before the BEA TUXEDO libraries. If more than one file is specified, file names must be separated by white space and the entire list must be enclosed in double quotation marks. This option may be specified multiple times.

-l libfiles

specifies one or more standard or import (not dynamic-link) libraries to be included after the BEA TUXEDO libraries. If more than one file is specified, file names must be separated by white space and the entire list must be enclosed in double quotation marks. This option may be specified multiple times.

-d deffile

specifies a module definition file used for linking an MS Windows, Windows NT or OS/2 program.

-m {m | l}

specifies the memory model to be used for compilation and linking of a client. The values for this option are m and l for the medium and large memory models, respectively. The large memory model is the default value for this option. The medium memory model is no longer supported for DOS. The memory model needs only to be specified for Windows and OS/2 16-bit compilation.

-c {m | i}

specifies the compilation system to be used. The supported values for this option are m or i for the Microsoft C/C++ compiler, or the IBM CSET2 compiler, respectively. The Microsoft C compiler is the default value for this option. The IBM CSET2 compiler can only be used for OS/2 32-bit compilation.


Compile and link an MS Windows or Windows NT client.


Compile and link an OS/2 character-mode client.


Compile and link an OS/2 Presentation Manager client.


specifies COBOL compilation.

The following environment variables must be set for the COBOL environment.


The environment variable COBCPY indicates which directories contain a set of COBOL copy files to be used by the COBOL compiler.

Microsoft C Compilation

The buildclt command assumes that directories for needed libraries are specified in the environment variables INCLUDE and LIB . They might look like the following:


Note that in the above example, C:MSVC is the directory where MS Visual C++ resides; earlier versions such as C600 or C700 can be used. Note that in the above example, C:NET is the directory where Novell Lan Workplace resides; earlier versions resided in C:XLN and can be used.

Note that COBOL source files that reference ATMI calls must be compiled with the LITLINK option.

The names of all libraries used for linking the client followed by the files specified in the -l option are put into a temporary response file and linking is done using the command line:

LINK firstfiles, outname @tmpfile

are the filenames specified with the -f option, outname is the output file name (default client.exe ), and tmpfile is the temporary response file name. The -f option should be used to include any necessary options to be passed to LINK (for example, /ST:10000 to set the default stack size to 10000 bytes). The -l option should be used to include any necessary network provider libraries (for example, mlibsock.lib ). To create an executable that can be debugged using Codeview (assuming that the object files have been compiled with the -Zi option), use -f /CO .


MS-DOS C Compilation:

buildclt -cm -ml -o emp.exe -f "/CO/ST:10000/SE:200" -f emp.obj -l llibsock.lib

WINDOWS C Compilation:

buildclt -W -cm -mm -o emp.exe -f "/CO emp.obj" -d emp.def rc -k emp.res emp.exe

OS2 16-Bit:

buildclt -O -cm -ml -o emp.exe -f "/NOI/ST:15000/CO emp.obj" -d emp.def

OS2 32-Bit IBM:

buildclt -O -ci -f "/NOI/ST:25000 /CO emp.obj" -o emp.exe

Windows NT:

!include <ntwin32.mak>
rc -r emp.rc
buildclt -W -f "emp.obj emp.res" -l "$(winlibs)" -oemp.exe





-f "/NOD/NOE/SE:300/CO/ST:10000" -l LLIBSOCK




EMP.DEF \ -f "/NOD/NOE/SE:300/CO"

See Also

Microsoft C/C++ Programming Techniques, Microsoft Corporation. Micro Focus COBOL/2 Operating Guide, Micro Focus Ltd. Micro Focus COBOL/2 Workbench for DOS and OS2, Micro Focus Ltd.



buildserver -construct a BEA TUXEDO server load module


buildserver [-C] [-s { @filename | service[,service...][:func] | :func } ] [-n maxdynam] [-v] [-o outfile] [-f firstfiles]
[-l lastfiles] [{-r|-g} rmname] [-k]


buildserver is used to construct a BEA TUXEDO server load module. The command combines the files supplied by the -f and -l options with the standard server main routine and the standard BEA TUXEDO libraries to form a load module. The load module is built by the cc (1) command, which buildserver invokes. (See cc (1) in any UNIX System reference manual.) The options to buildserver have the following meaning:


specifies that buildserver should work in verbose mode. In particular, it writes the compilation command to its standard output.

-o outfile

specifies the name of the file the output load module is to have. If not supplied, the load module is named SERVER .

-n maxdynam

specifies the maximum number of dynamic services the user can specify when the server is run. A dynamic service allows the user to specify at run time the function within the server that is to process the service. If -n is not specified, the maximum number of such services is set to 25.

-f firstfiles

specifies one or more user files to be included in the compilation and link edit phases of buildserver first, before the BEA TUXEDO libraries. If more than one file is specified, file names must be separated by white space and the entire list must be enclosed in quotation marks. This option may be specified multiple times. The CFLAGS and ALTCFLAGS environment variables, described below, should be used to include any compiler options and their arguments.

-l lastfiles

specifies one or more user files to be included in the compilation and link edit phases of buildserver last, after the BEA TUXEDO libraries. If more than one file is specified, file names must be separated by white space and the entire list must be enclosed in quotation marks. This option may be specified multiple times.

-r rmname

specifies the resource manager associated with this server. The value rmname must appear in the resource manager table located in $TUXDIR/udataobj/RM . Each line in this file is of the form:


(See buildtms (1) for further details.) Using the rmname value, the entry in $TUXDIR/udataobj/RM is used to include the associated libraries for the resource manager automatically and to set up the interface between the transaction manager and resource manager properly. The value TUXEDO/D includes the libraries for the BEA TUXEDO System/D resource manager. The value TUXEDO/SQL includes the libraries for the BEA TUXEDO System/SQL resource manager. Other values can be specified as they are added to the resource manager table. If the -r option is not specified, the default is to use the null resource manager. Refer to the ubbconfig (5) reference page.

-s { @filename | service [,service ...][:func ] | :func } ]

specifies the names of services that can be advertised when the server is booted. Service names (and implicit function names) must be less than or equal to 15 characters in length. An explicit function name (that is, a name specified after a colon) can be up to 128 characters in length. Names longer than these limits are truncated with a warning message. When retrieved by tmadmin (1) or TM_MIB (5), only the first 15 characters of a name are displayed. (See servopts (5).) All functions that can be associated with a service must be specified with this option. In the most common case, a service is performed by a function that carries the same name; that is, the x service is performed by function x . For example, the specification

-s x,y,z

will build the associated server with services x , y , and z , each to be processed by a function of the same name. In other cases, a service (or several services) may be performed by a function of a different name. The specification

-s x,y,z:abc

builds the associated server with services x , y , and z , each to be processed by the function abc . Spaces are not allowed between commas. Function name is preceded by a colon. In another case, the service name may not be known until runtime. Any function that can have a service associated with it must be specified to buildserver . To specify a function that can have a service name mapped to it, put a colon in front of the function name. For example, the specification

-s :pqr

builds the server with a function pqr , which can have a service association. tpadvertise (3c) could be used to map a service name to the pqr function.

A filename can be specified with the -s option by prefacing the filename with the '@' character. Each line of this file is treated as an argument to the -s option. You may put comments in this file. All comments must start with the '#' character. This file can be used to specify all the functions in the server that may have services mapped to them.

The -s option may appear several times. Note that services beginning with the `_' or '.' character are reserved for system use, and buildserver will fail if the -s option is used to include such a service in the server.


specifies COBOL compilation.

buildserver normally uses the cc command to produce the a.out . In order to allow for the specification of an alternate compiler, buildserver checks for the existence of a shell variable named CC . If CC does not exist in buildserver 's environment, or if it is the string "" , buildserver will use cc as the compiler. If CC does exist in the environment, its value is taken to be the name of the compiler to be executed. Likewise, the shell variable CFLAGS is taken to contain a set of parameters to be passed to the compiler.


keeps the server main stub. buildserver generates a main stub with data structures such as the service table and a main() function. This is normally compiled and then removed when the server is built. This option indicates that the source file should be kept (to see what the source file name is, use the -v option).

Note: The generated contents of this file may change from release to release; DO NOT count on the data structures and interfaces exposed in this file. This option is provided to aid in debugging of build problems.

Environment Variables


buildserver uses the environment variable TUXDIR to find the BEA TUXEDO libraries and include files to use during compilation of the server process.


buildserver normally uses the default C language compilation command to produce the server executable. The default C language compilation command is defined for each supported operating system platform and is defined as cc (1) for the UNIX System. In order to allow for the specification of an alternate compiler, buildserver checks for the existence of an environment variable named CC . If CC does not exist in buildserver 's environment, or if it is the string "" , buildserver will use the default C language compiler. If CC does exist in the environment, its value is taken to be the name of the compiler to be used.


The environment variable CFLAGS is taken to contain a set of arguments to be passed as part of the compiler command line. This is in addition to the command line option "-I${TUXDIR}/include " passed automatically by buildserver . If CFLAGS does not exist in buildserver 's environment, or if it is the string "" , no compiler command line arguments are added by buildserver .


When the -C option is specified for COBOL compilation, buildserver normally uses the BEA TUXEDO shell cobcc (1) which in turn calls cob to produce the server executable. In order to allow for the specification of an alternate compiler, buildserver checks for the existence of an environment variable named ALTCC . If ALTCC does not exist in buildserver 's environment, or if it is the string "" , buildserver will use cobcc . If ALTCC does exist in the environment, its value is taken to be the name of the compiler command to be executed.


The environment variable ALTCFLAGS is taken to contain a set of additional arguments to be passed as part of the COBOL compiler command line when the -C option is specified. This is in addition to the command line option "-I${TUXDIR}/include " passed automatically by buildserver . When the -C option is used, putting compiler options and their arguments in the buildserver -f option will generate errors; they must be put in ALTCFLAGS . If not set, then the value is set to the same value used for CFLAGS , as specified above.


The environment variable COBOPT is taken to contain a set of additional arguments to be used by the COBOL compiler, when the -C option is specified.


The environment variable COBCPY indicates which directories contain a set of COBOL copy files to be used by the COBOL compiler, when the -C option is specified.


The environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH indicates which directories contain shared objects to be used by the COBOL compiler, in addition to the BEA TUXEDO shared objects.


In earlier releases, the -g option was allowed to specify a genoption of sql or database . For upward compatibility, this option is a synonym for the -r option. The genoption database is equivalent to TUXEDO/D , and the genoption sql is equivalent to TUXEDO/SQL .


buildserver is supported as a BEA TUXEDO-supplied compilation tool on UNIX Systems only.


Some compilation systems may require some code to be executed within the main() . For example, this could be used to initialize constructors in C++ or initialize the library for COBOL. A general mechanism is available for including application code in the server main() immediately after any variable declarations and before any executable statements. This will allow for the application to declare variables and execute statements in one block of code. The application exit is defined as follows. #ifdef TMMAINEXIT #include "mainexit.h" #endif . To use this feature, the application should include "-DTMMAINEXIT" in the ALTCFLAGS (for COBOL) or CFLAGS (for C) environment variables and provide a mainexit.h in the current directory (or use the -I include option to include it from another directory).

For example, Micro Focus Cobol V3.2.x with a PRN number with the last digits greater than 11.03 requires that cobinit () be called in main before any COBOL routines, if using shared libraries. This can be accomplished by creating a mainexit.h file with a call to cobinit() (possibly preceded by a function prototype) and following the procedure above.


The following example shows how to specify the resource manager (-r TUXEDO/SQL ) libraries on the buildserver command line:

buildserver -r TUXEDO/SQL -s OPEN_ACCT -s CLOSE_ACCT -o ACCT
-f ACCT.o -f appinit.o -f util.o

The following example shows how buildserver can be supplied CC and CFLAGS variables and how -f can be used to supply a -lm option to the CC line to link in the math library:

CFLAGS=-g CC=/bin/cc buildserver -r TUXEDO/SQL -s DEPOSIT
-s WITHDRAWAL -s INQUIRY -o TLR -f TLR.o -f util.o -f -lm

The following example shows use of the buildserver command with no resource manager specified:

buildserver -s PRINTER -o PRINTER -f PRINTER.o

The following example shows COBOL compilation:

-C TRUNC=ANSI -C OSEXT=cbl" COBDIR=/usr/lib/cobol
-s CLOSE_ACCT -o ACCT -f ACCT.o -f appinit.o -f util.o

See Also

buildtms (1), ubbconfig (5), servopts (5)
cc (1), ld (1) in a UNIX System reference manual



buildtms (1) construct a transaction manager server load module


buildtms [ -v ] -o name -r rm_name


buildtms is used to construct a transaction manager server load module.

While several TM servers are provided with BEA TUXEDO, new resource managers may be provided to work with BEA TUXEDO for distributed transaction processing. The resource manager must conform to the X/OPEN XA interface. The following four items must be published by the resource manager vendor: the name of the structure of type xa_switch_t that contains the name of the resource manager, flags indicating capabilities of the resource manager, and function pointers for the actual XA functions; the name of the resource manager that is contained in the name element of the xa_switch_t structure; the name of the object files that provide the services of the XA interface and supporting software; and the format of the information string supplied to the OPENINFO and CLOSEINFO parameters in the UBBCONFIG configuration file. See ubbconfig (5).

When integrating a new resource manager into the BEA TUXEDO system, the file $TUXDIR/udataobj/RM must be updated to include the information about the resource manager. The format of this file is


where rm_name is the resource manager name, rm_structure_name is the name of the xa_switch_t structure, and library_names is the list of object files for the resource manager. White space (tabs and/or spaces) is allowed before and after each of the values and may be embedded within the library_names. The colon (: ) character may not be embedded within any of the values. Lines beginning with a pound sign (# ) are treated as comments and are ignored.

A transaction manager server for the new resource manager must be built using buildtms and installed in $TUXDIR/bin . buildtms uses the buildserver (1) command to build the resulting a.out . The options to buildtms have the following meaning:


specifies that buildtms should work in verbose mode. In particular, it writes the buildserver command to its standard output and specifies the -v option to buildserver .

-o name

specifies the name of the file the output load module is to have.

-r rm_name

specifies the resource manager associated with this server. The value rm_name must appear in the resource manager table located in $TUXDIR/udataobj/RM . The entry associated with the rm_name value is used to include the correct libraries for the resource manager automatically and properly to set up the interface between the transaction manager and resource manager (using the xa_switch_t structure).

buildtms uses the buildserver command to produce the a.out. buildserver uses the CC and CFLAGS environment variables, if set, for the compiler and compiler flags, respectively. See buildserver (1) for further details.


buildtms is supported as a BEA TUXEDO system-supplied compilation tool for UNIX and Windows NT systems.


buildtms -o $TUXDIR/bin/TMS_D -r TUXEDO/D # standard System/D TMS
buildtms -o $TUXDIR/bin/TMS_XYZ -r XYZ/SQL # TMS for XYZ resource manager

See Also

buildserver (1), ubbconfig (5)



buildwsh build customized workstation handler process


buildwsh [ -v ] [ -o name] [ -f files]


buildwsh is used to construct a customized BEA TUXEDO workstation handler module. The files included by the caller should include only the application buffer type switch and any required supporting routines. The command combines the files supplied by the -f option with the standard BEA TUXEDO libraries necessary to form a workstation handler load module. The load module is built by the cc (1) command described in UNIX System reference manuals, which buildwsh invokes. The options to buildwsh have the following meaning:


specifies that buildwsh should work in verbose mode. In particular, it writes the cc command to its standard output.

-o name

specifies the file name of the output workstation handler load module. The name specified here must also be specified with the -w WSHname option of the WSL (5) server in the SERVER section of the configuration file. If not supplied, the load module is named WSH .

-f firstfiles

specifies one or more user files to be included in the compilation and/or link edit phases of buildwsh. Source files are compiled using the either the cc command or the compilation command specified through the CC environment variable. Object files resulting from compilation of source files and object files specified directly as arguments to the -f option are included after all object files necessary to build a base workstation handler process and before the BEA TUXEDO libraries. If more than one file is specified, file names must be separated by white space and the entire list must be enclosed in quotation marks. This option can be specified multiple times.

buildwsh normally uses the cc command to produce the a.out. In order to allow for the specification of an alternate compiler, buildwsh checks for the existence of a shell variable named CC . If CC does not exist in buildwsh 's environment, or if it is the string "", buildwsh will use cc as the compiler. If CC does exist in the environment, its value is taken to be the name of the compiler to be executed. Likewise, the shell variable CFLAGS is taken to contain a set of parameters to be passed to the compiler.

If your application uses shared libraries, it is not necessary to go through this compile and link process. See the description in the "Buffer Types" chapter of the book BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide.


buildwsh is supported as a BEA TUXEDO-supplied compilation tool on UNIX operating systems only.


ncc CFLAGS="-I $TUXDIR/include"; export CC CFLAGS buildwsh
-o APPWSH -f apptypsw.o

See Also

buildclient (1), wsl (5) cc(1), ld (1) in UNIX System reference manuals



cobcc COBOL compilation interface


cobcc [option...] filename...


cobcc is used as an interface shell to the COBOL compiler. It is invoked, by default, when buildclient (1) or buildserver (1) is executed with the -C (COBOL) option. This can be overridden by specifying the ALTCC environment variable.

The following list indicates the options recognized by cobcc . To use these options, set the environment variable ALTCFLAGS to the string of options to be recognized by cobcc when running buildclient or buildserver . Consult your documentation for the COBOL and C compilers to see what effect the various options have.

Note that for cobcc , unlike cc and cob , all options must come before any filenames.


This option specifies that the link phase should be suppressed. That is, compilation will be done but an executable program will not be generated.

-p -g -r -O

These option are passed directly to the COBOL compiler.

-l argument

This option and its argument are passed directly to the COBOL compiler (with no white space separating them).

-L argument

This option and its argument are passed directly to the COBOL compiler (with one space separating them).

-o output_file

This option is used to specify the name of the executable file that is output from the link stage.

-E -P -S

These options are passed through the COBOL compiler to the C compiler, and also cause suppression of the link phase.

-A -C -H -f -G

These options are passed through the COBOL compiler to the C compiler.


This option causes warnings to be suppressed from both the COBOL and C compilers.

-D argument

This option and its argument are passed through the COBOL compiler to the C compiler. It is used to define macros in C.

{-T -Y -U -I -B -X -F -q} argument

Each of these options takes an argument.The option and its argument are passed through the COBOL compiler to the C compiler.

-V -v

Each of these options is passed both to the COBOL compiler and the C compiler.

-a -s

Each of these options is passed to the loader.

-u argument

This option and its argument are passed to the loader.

-W argument

The argument may consist of up to three comma-separated fields. If the first part of the argument is -p or -0 , it is passed to the C compiler. If it starts with -a , it is passed to the assembler. If it starts with -l , it is passed to the loader. If it starts with -C , it is passed to the COBOL compiler. Otherwise, it is passed through to the C compiler.

The options and their arguments and the file names are passed to the COBOL compiler with the correct options so that the right information is processed by the COBOL compiler, the C compiler, or the loader. The COBOL compiler name is assumed to be cob and already in the PATH .

See Also

buildclient (1), buildserver (1), cc reference page, Micro Focus COBOL/2 Operating Guide, Micro Focus Ltd.



dmadmin -BEA TUXEDO Domain Administration Command Interpreter


dmadmin [ -c ]


dmadmin is an interactive command interpreter used for the administration of domain gateway groups defined for a particular BEA TUXEDO application. dmadmin can operate in two modes: administration mode and configuration mode.

dmadmin enters administration mode when called with no parameters. This is the default. In this mode, dmadmin can be run on any active node (excluding workstations) within an active application. Application administrators can use this mode to obtain or change parameters on any active domain gateway group. Application administrators may also use this mode to create, destroy, or reinitialize the DMTLOG for a particular local domain. In this case, the domain gateway group associated with that local domain must not be active, and dmadmin must be run on the machine assigned to the corresponding gateway group.

dmadmin enters configuration mode when it is invoked with the -c option or when the config subcommand is invoked. Application administrators can use this mode to update or add new configuration information to the binary version of the domain configuration file (BDMCONFIG ).

dmadmin requires the use of the DOMAIN administrative server (DMADM ) for the administration of the BDMCONFIG file and the gateway administrative server (GWADM ) for the re-configuration of active DOMAIN gateway groups (there is one GWADM per gateway group).

Administration Mode Commands

Once dmadmin has been invoked, commands may be entered at the prompt (">") according to the following syntax:

command [arguments]

Several commonly occurring arguments can be given defaults via the default command. Commands that accept parameters set via the default command check default to see if a value has been set. If one hasn't, an error message is returned.

Once set, a default remains in effect until the session is ended, unless changed by another default command. Defaults may be overridden by entering an explicit value on the command line, or unset by entering the value "*". The effect of an override lasts for a single instance of the command.

Output from dmadmin commands is paginated according to the pagination command in use (see the paginate subcommand below).

Commands may be entered either by their full name or their abbreviation (shown in parentheses) followed by any appropriate arguments. Arguments appearing in square brackets, [], are optional; those in curly braces, {}, indicate a selection from mutually exclusive options. Note that for many commands local_domain_name is a required argument, but note also that it can be set with the default command.

The following commands are available in administration mode:

advertise (adv) -d local_domain_name [{ | service }]

Advertise all remote services provided by the named local domain or the specified remote service.

audit (audit) -d local_domain_name [{off | on }]

Activate (on) or deactivate (off) the audit trace for the named local domain. If no option is given, then the current setting will be toggled between the values on and off, and the new setting will be printed. The initial setting is off.

chbktime (chbt) -d local_domain_name -t bktime

Change the blocking timeout for a particular local domain.

config (config )

Enter configuration mode. Commands issued in this mode follow the conventions defined in the section "Configuration Mode Commands" later in this reference page.

connect (co) -d local_domain_name [-R remote_domain_name ]

Connect the local domain gateway to the remote gateway. If the connection attempt fails and you have configured the local domain gateway to retry a connection, repeated attempts to connect (via automatic connection retry processing) is made. (If -R is not specified, then the command applies to all remote domains configured for this local gateway.)

crdmlog (crdlog)[-d local_domain_name ]

Create the domain transaction log for the named local domain on the current machine (that is, the machine where dmadmin is running). The command uses the parameters specified in the DMCONFIG file. This command fails if the named local domain is active on the current machine or if the log already exists.

default (d ) [-d local_domain_name ]

Set the corresponding argument to be the default local domain. Defaults may be unset by specifying "*" as an argument. If the default command is entered with no arguments, the current defaults are printed.

disconnect (dco) -d local_domain_name [-R remote_domain_name ]

Break the connection between the local domain gateway and the remote gateway and do not initiate connection retry processing. If no connection is active, but automatic connection retry processing is in effect, then stop the automatic retry processing. (If -R is not specified, then the command applies to all remote domains configured for this local gateway.)

dsdmlog (dsdlg) -d local_domain_name [ -y ]

Destroy the domain transaction log for the named local domain on the current machine (that is, the machine where dmadmin is running). An error is returned if a DMTLOG is not defined for this local domain, if the local domain is active, or if outstanding transaction records exist in the log. The term outstanding transactions means that a global transaction has been committed but an end-of-transaction has not yet been written. This command prompts for confirmation before proceeding unless the -y option is specified.

echo (e) [{off | on} ]

Echo input command lines when set to on. If no option is given, then the current setting is toggled, and the new setting is printed. The initial setting is off.

forgettrans (ft) -d local_domain_name [ -t tran_id ]

Forget one or all heuristic log records for the named local domain. If the transaction identifier tran_id is specified, then only the heuristic log record for that transaction will be forgotten. The transaction identifier tran_id can be obtained from the printtrans command or from the ULOG file.

help (h) [command ]

Print help messages. If command is specified, the abbreviation, arguments, and description for that command are printed. Omitting all arguments causes the syntax of all commands to be displayed.

indmlog (indlg) -d local_domain_name [ -y ]

Reinitialize the domain transaction log for the named local domain on the current machine (that is, the machine where dmadmin is running). An error is returned if a DMTLOG is not defined for this local domain, if the local domain is active, or if outstanding transaction records exist in the log. The term outstanding transactions means that a global transaction has been committed but an end-of-transaction has not yet been written. The command prompts for confirmation before proceeding unless the -y option is specified.

paginate (page ) [{off | on }]

Paginate output. If no option is given, then the current setting will be toggled, and the new setting is printed. The initial setting is on, unless either standard input or standard output is a non-tty device. Pagination may only be turned on when both standard input and standard output are tty devices.The shell environment variable PAGER may be used to override the default command used for paging output. The default paging command is the indigenous one to the native operating system environment, for example, the command pg is the default on UNIX System operating environments.

passwd (passwd) [ -r ] local_domain_name remote_domain_name

Prompts the administrator for new passwords for the specified local and remote domains. The -r option specifies that existing passwords and new passwords should be encrypted using a new key generated by the system. The password is limited to at most 30 characters.

printdomain (pd) -d local_domain_name

Print information about the named local domain. Information printed includes a list of connected remote domains, a list of remote domains being retried (if any), global information shared by the gateway processes, and additional information that is dependent on the domain type instantiation.

printstats (pstats) -d local_domain_name

Print statistical and performance information gathered by the named local domain. The information printed is dependent on the domain gateway type.

printtrans (pt) -d local_domain_name

Print transaction information for the named local domain.

quit (q)

Terminate the session.

resume (res) -d local_domain_name [{ -all | service }]

Resume processing of either the specified service or all remote services handled by the named local domain.

stats (stats) -d local_domain_name [{ off | on | reset }]

Activate (on), deactivate (off), or reset (reset) statistics gathering for the named local domain. If no option is given, then the current setting will be toggled between the values on and off, and the new setting will be printed. The initial setting is off.

suspend (susp) -d local_domain_name [{ -all | service }]

Suspend one or all remote services for the named local domain.

unadvertise (unadv) -d local_domain_name [{ -all | service }]

Unadvertise one or all remote services for the named local domain.

verbose (v) [{off | on}]

Produce output in verbose mode. If no option is given, then the current setting will be toggled, and the new setting is printed. The initial setting is off.

! shellcommand

Escape to shell and execute shellcommand.


Repeat previous shell command.

# [text ]

Lines beginning with "#" are comment lines and are ignored.


Repeat the last command.

Configuration Mode Commands

The dmadmin command enters configuration mode when executed with the -c option or when the config subcommand is used. In this mode, dmadmin allows run-time updates to the BDMCONFIG file. dmadmin manages a buffer that contains input field values to be added or retrieved, and displays output field values and status after each operation completes. The user can update the input buffer using any available text editor.

dmadmin first prompts for the desired section followed by a prompt for the desired operation.

The prompt for the section is as follows:

17) QUIT
Enter Section [1]:

The number of the default section appears in square brackets at the end of the prompt. You can accept the default by pressing RETURN or ENTER . To select another section enter its number, then press RETURN or ENTER .

dmadmin then prompts for the desired operation.

Enter Operation [1]:

The number of the default operation is printed in square brackets at the end of the prompt. Pressing RETURN or ENTER selects this option. To select another operation enter its number, then press RETURN or ENTER .

The currently supported operations are:

  1. FIRST - Retrieve the first record from the specified section. No key fields are needed (they are ignored if in the input buffer).

  2. NEXT - Retrieve the next record from the specified section, based on the key fields in the input buffer.

  3. RETRIEVE - Retrieve the indicated record from the specified section by key field(s) (see fields description below).

  4. ADD - Add the indicated record in the specified section. Any fields not specified (unless required) take their defaults as specified in dmconfig (5). The current value for all fields is returned in the output buffer. This operation can only be done by the BEA TUXEDO administrator.

  5. UPDATE - Update the record specified in the input buffer in the selected section. Any fields not specified in the input buffer remain unchanged. The current value for all fields is returned in the input buffer. This operation can only be done by the BEA TUXEDO administrator.

  6. DELETE - Delete the record specified in the input buffer from the selected section. This operation can only be done by the System/T administrator.

  7. NEW SECTION - Clear the input buffer (all fields are deleted). After this operation, dmadmin immediately prompts for the section again.

  8. QUIT - Exit the program gracefully (dmadmin is terminated). A value of q for any prompt also exits the program.

For configuration operations, the effective user identifier must match the BEA TUXEDO administrator user identifier (UID ) for the machine on which this program is executed. When a record is updated or added, all defaults and validations used by dmloadcf (1) are enforced.

dmadmin then prompts whether or not to edit the input buffer. Enter editor to add/modify fields [n]? Entering a value of y will put the input buffer into a temporary file and execute the text editor. The environment variable EDITOR is used to determine which editor is to be used; the default is "ed ". The input format is in field name/field value pairs and is described in the "CONFIGURATION INPUT FORMAT " section below. The field names associated with each DMCONFIG section are listed in tables in the subsections below. The semantics of the fields and associated ranges, defaults, restrictions, etc, are described in dmconfig (5). In most cases, the field name is the same as the KEYWORD in the DMCONFIG file, prefixed with "TA_ ". When the user completes editing the input buffer, dmadmin reads it. If more than one line occurs for a particular field name, the first occurrence is used and other occurrences are ignored. If any errors occur, a syntax error will be printed and dmadmin prompts whether or not to correct the problem. Enter editor to correct?

If the problem is not corrected (response n ), then the input buffer will contain no fields. Otherwise, the editor is executed again.

Finally, dmadmin asks if the operation should be done. Perform operation [y]?

When the operation completes, dmadmin prints the return value as in Return value TAOK followed by the output buffer fields. The process then begins again with a prompt for the section. All output buffer fields are available in the input buffer unless the buffer is cleared.

Entering break at any time restarts the interaction at the prompt for the section.

When "QUIT" is selected, dmadmin prompts for authorization to create a backup ASCII version of the configuration: Unload BDMCONFIG file into ASCII backup [y]? If a backup is selected, dmadmin prompts for the file name. Backup filename [DMCONFIG]. On success, dmadmin indicates that a backup was created; otherwise, an error is printed.

Configuration Input Format

Input packets consist of lines formatted as follows:

fldname fldval

The field name is separated from the field value by one or more tabs (or spaces).

Lengthy field values can be continued on the next line by having the continuation line begin with one or more tabs (which are dropped when read back into dmadmin ).

Empty lines consisting of a single newline character are ignored.

To enter an unprintable character in the field value or to start a field value with a tab, use a backslash followed by the two-character hexadecimal representation of the desired character (see ASCII(5) in a UNIX reference manual). A space, for example, can be entered in the input data as \20. A backslash can be entered using two backslash characters. dmadmin recognizes all input in this format, but its greatest usefulness is for non-printing characters.

Configuration Limitations

The following are general limitations of the dynamic domain reconfiguration capability:

Restrictions for Configuration Field Identifiers/

The following sections describe, for each DMCONFIG section, what the field identifiers are associated with each DMCONFIG field, what the field type of the identifier is, and when the field can be updated. All applicable field values are returned with the retrieval operations. Fields that are allowed and/or required for adding a record are described in dmconfig (5). Fields indicated below as key are key fields that are used to uniquely identify a record within section These key fields are required to be in the input buffer when updates are done and are not allowed to be updated dynamically. The Update column indicates when a field can be updated. The possible values are:

Configuring the dm_local_domains section

The following table lists the fields in the *DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section.


Field Identifier


















































format: {NONE | APP_PW | DM_PW}




format:{TDOMAIN | OSITP }

Configuring the dm_remote_domains section

The following table lists the fields in the *DM_REMOTE_DOMAINS section.


Field Identifier














format: {TDOMAIN | OSITP }

Configuring the dm_tdomain section

The *DM_TDOMAIN section contains the network addressing parameters required by TDOMAIN type domains. The following lists the fields in this section:


Field Identifier











ASCII format

(no embedded NULL characters)




If the domain identifier (TA_LDOM ) is a local domain identifier, then the TA_NWADDR and TA_NWDEVICE fields can be updated if the gateway group representing that local domain is not running.

Configuring the dm_ositp section

The *DM_OSITP section contains the network addressing parameters required by OSITP type domains. The following lists the fields in this section:


Field Identifier





























If the domain identifier (TA_LDOM ) is a local domain identifier, then the other fields in this table can be updated if the gateway group representing that local domain is not running.

Configuring the dm_local_services Section

The following table lists the fields in the *DM_LOCAL_SERVICES section.


Field Identifier





























Configuring the dm_remote_services Section

The following table lists the fields in the *DM_REMOTE_SERVICES section.


Field Identifier






















format: { Y | N }



















Configuring the dm_routing Section

The following table lists the fields in the *DM_ROUTING section.


Field Identifier

















Configuring the dm_access_control Section

The following table lists the fields in the *DM_ACCESS_CONTROL section.


Field Identifier











Configuring the dm_passwords Section

The following table lists the fields in the *DM_PASSWORDS section.


Field Identifier















format: { Y | N | U }




format: { Y | N | U }

The TA_LPWD and TA_RPWD show the existence of a defined password for the local and/or the remote domain. Passwords are not displayed. If an UPDATE operation is selected, the value of the corresponding field must be set to U . The program will then prompt with echo turned off for the corresponding passwords.

Diagnostics in Configuration Mode

dmadmin fails if it cannot allocate an FML typed buffer, if it cannot determine the /etc/passwd entry for the user, or if it cannot reset the environment variables FIELDTBLS or FLDTBLDIR .

The return value printed by dmadmin after each operation completes indicates the status of the requested operation. There are three classes of return values.

The following return values indicate a problem with permissions or a BEA TUXEDO communications error. They indicate that the operation did not complete successfully.


The calling process specified an ADD , UPDATE , or DELETE operation but it is not running as the BEA TUXEDO administrator. Update operations must be run by the administrator (that is, the user specified in the UID attribute of the RESOURCES section of the TUXCONFIG file).


A BEA TUXEDO error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to userlog (3).


An operating system error has occurred.


blocking timeout occurred. The input buffer is not updated so no information is returned for retrieval operations. The status of update operations can be checked by doing a retrieval on the record that was being updated.

The following return values indicate a problem in doing the operation itself and generally are semantic problems with the application data in the input buffer. The string field TA_STATUS will be set in the output buffer and will contain short text describing the problem. The string field TA_BADFLDNAME will be set to the field name for the field containing the value that caused the problem (assuming the error can be attributed to a single field).


An error occurred while reading the BDMCONFIG file.


The operation attempted to add a duplicate record.


A field value or set of field values are inconsistently specified.


The record specified for the operation was not found.


The operation attempted to do an update but there was not enough space in the BDMCONFIG file.


A field value is out of range or is invalid.


A field value is required but not present.


A field value for a string field is too long.


The operation attempted to do an update that is not allowed.

The following return values indicate that the operation was successful.


The operation succeeded. No updates were done to the BDMCONFIG file.


The operation succeeded. Updates were made to the BDMCONFIG file.

When using dmunloadcf to print entries in the configuration, optional field values are not printed if they are not set (for strings) or 0 (for integers). These fields will always appear in the output buffer when using dmadmin . In this way, it makes it easier for the administrator to retrieve an entry and update a field that previously was not set. The entry will have the field name followed by a tab but no field value.

Configuration Example

In the following example, dmadmin is used to add a new remote domain. For illustration purposes, ed (1) is used for the editor.

$ EDITOR=ed dmadmin
> config
17) QUIT
Enter Section [1]: 2
Enter Operation [1]: 4
Enter editor to add/modify fields [n]? y
Perform operation [y]? <return>
Return value TAUPDATED
Buffer contents:
TA_STATUS Update completed successfully
Enter Operation [4]: 7
Enter Section [1]: 8
Enter Operation [6]: 4
Enter editor to add/modify fields [n]? y
TA_NWADDR 0x00020401c0066d05
TA_NWDEVICE /dev/tcp
Perform operation [y]? <return>
Return value TAUPDATED
Buffer contents:
TA_NWADDR 0x00020401c0066d05
TA_NWDEVICE /dev/tcp
TA_STATUS Update completed successfully
Enter Operation [4]: 8
> quit

The dmadmin program ends.


If dmadmin is run with the application administrator's UID , it assumes a trusted user and Security is bypassed. If dmadmin is run with another user ID, and if the security option is enabled in the TUXCONFIG file, then the corresponding application password is required to start the dmadmin program. If standard input is a terminal, then dmadmin will prompt the user for the password with echo turned off. If standard input is not a terminal, the password is retrieved from the environment variable, APP_PW . If this environment variable is not specified and an application password is required, then dmadmin will fail to start.

When running with another user ID (other than the UID of the administrator) only a limited set of commands is available.

Environment Variables

dmadmin resets the FIELDTBLS and FLDTBLDIR environment variables to pick up the ${TUXDIR}/udataobj/dmadmin field table. Hence, the TUXDIR environment variable should be set correctly.

If the application requires security and the standard input to dmadmin is not from a terminal, then the APP_PW environment variable must be set to the corresponding application password.

The TUXCONFIG environment variable should be set to the pathname of the BEA TUXEDO configuration file.

General Diagnostics

If the dmadmin command is entered before the system has been booted, the following message is displayed:

No bulletin board exists. Only logging commands are available.

dmadmin then prompts for the corresponding commands.

If an incorrect application password is entered or is not available to a shell script through the environment, then a log message is generated, the following message is displayed, and the command terminates: Invalid password entered.


dmadmin must be installed on BEA TUXEDO R5.0 or later. Other nodes in the same domain with an R5.0 gateway may be BEA TUXEDO R4.1 or later.


dmadmin is supported as a BEA TUXEDO-supplied administrative tool on UNIX operating systems only.

See Also

dmloadcf (1), dmconfig (5), DMADM (5), tmadmin (1) BEA TUXEDO Domain Guide



dmloadcf -parse a DMCONFIG file and load binary BDMCONFIG configuration file


dmloadcf [-c] [-n] [-y] [-b blocks] {dmconfig_file | - }


dmloadcf reads a file or the standard input that is in DMCONFIG syntax, checks the syntax, and optionally loads a binary BDMCONFIG configuration file. The BDMCONFIG environment variable points to the path name of the BDMCONFIG file where the information should be stored.

dmloadcf prints an error message if it finds any required section of the DMCONFIG file missing. If a syntax error is found while parsing the input file, dmloadcf exits without performing any updates to the BDMCONFIG file.

dmloadcf requires the existence of the $TUXDIR/udataobj/DMTYPE file. This file defines the valid domain types. If this file does not exist, dmloadcf exits without performing any updates to the BDMCONFIG file.

The effective user identifier of the person running dmloadcf must match the UID in the RESOURCES section of the TUXCONFIG file.

The -c option to dmloadcf causes the program to print minimum IPC resources needed for each local domain (gateway group) in this configuration. The BDMCONFIG file is not updated.

The -n option to dmloadcf causes the program to do only syntax checking of the ASCII DMCONFIG file without actually updating the BDMCONFIG file.

After syntax checking, dmloadcf checks to see if the file pointed to by BDMCONFIG exists, is a valid BEA TUXEDO file system, and contains BDMCONFIG tables. If these conditions are not true, the user is prompted to create and initialize the file with Initialize BDMCONFIG file : path [y, q]? where path is the complete file name of the BDMCONFIG file. Prompting is suppressed if the standard input or output are not terminals, or if the -y option is specified on the command line. Any response other than "y " or "Y " will cause dmloadcf to exit without creating the configuration file.

If the BDMCONFIG file is not properly initialized, and the user has given the go-ahead, dmloadcf creates the BEA TUXEDO file system and then creates the BDMCONFIG tables. If the -b option is specified on the command line, its argument is used as the number of blocks for the device when creating the BEA TUXEDO file system. If the value of the -b option is large enough to hold the new BDMCONFIG tables, dmloadcf will use the specified value to create the new file system; otherwise, dmloadcf will print an error message and exit. If the -b option is not specified, dmloadcf will create a new file system large enough to hold the BDMCONFIG tables. The -b option is ignored if the file system already exists. The -b option is highly recommended if BDMCONFIG is a raw device (that has not been initialized) and should be set to the number of blocks on the raw device. The -b option is not recommended if BDMCONFIG is a regular UNIX file.

If the BDMCONFIG file is found to have been initialized already, dmloadcf ensures that the local domain described by that BDMCONFIG file is not running. If a local domain is running, dmloadcf prints an error message and exits. Otherwise, dmloadcf , to confirm that the file should be overwritten, prompts the user with:

"Really overwrite BDMCONFIG file [y, q]?"

Prompting is suppressed if the standard input or output are not a terminal or if the -y option is specified on the command line. Any response other than "y " or "Y " will cause dmloadcf to exit without overwriting the file.

If the SECURITY parameter is specified in the RESOURCES section of the TUXCONFIG file, then dmloadcf will flush the standard input, turn off terminal echo and prompt the user for an application password as follows: Enter Application Password? The password is limited to 30 characters. The option to load the ASCII DMCONFIG file via the standard input (rather than a file) cannot be used when this SECURITY parameter is turned on. If the standard input is not a terminal, that is, if the user cannot be prompted for a password (as with a here file, for example), then the environment variable APP_PW is accessed to set the application password. If the environment variable APP_PW is not set with the standard input not a terminal, then dmloadcf will print an error message, generate a log message and fail to load the BDMCONFIG file.

Assuming no errors, and if all checks have passed, dmloadcf loads the DMCONFIG file into the BDMCONFIG file. It will overwrite all existing information found in the BDMCONFIG tables.


dmloadcf is supported as a BEA TUXEDO-supplied administrative tool on UNIX operating systems only.

Environment Variables

The environment variable APP_PW must be set for applications that require security (the SECURITY parameter in the TUXCONFIG file is set to APP_PW ) and dmloadcf is run with something other than a terminal as the standard input.

The BDMCONFIG environment variable should point to the BDMCONFIG file.


The following example shows how a binary configuration file is loaded from the bank.dmconfig ASCII file. The BDMCONFIG device is created (or reinitialized) with 2000 blocks:

dmloadcf -b 2000 bank.dmconfig


If an error is detected in the input, the offending line is printed to standard error along with a message indicating the problem. If a syntax error is found in the DMCONFIG file or the system is currently running, no information is updated in the BDMCONFIG file and dmloadcf exits with exit code 1.

If dmloadcf is run on an active node, the following error message is displayed:

*** dmloadcf cannot run on an active node ***

If dmloadcf is run by a person whose effective user identifier doesn't match the UID specified in the TUXCONFIG file, the following error message is displayed:

*** UID is not effective user ID ***

Upon successful completion, dmloadcf exits with exit code 0. If the BDMCONFIG file is updated, a userlog message is generated to record this event.

See Also

dmunloadcf (1), dmconfig (5), ubbconfig (5), BEA TUXEDO Domains Guide, BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide



dmunloadcf -unload binary BDMCONFIG domain configuration file




dmunloadcf translates the BDMCONFIG configuration file from the binary representation into ASCII. This translation is useful for transporting the file in a compact way between machines with different byte orderings and backing up a copy of the file in a compact form for reliability. The ASCII format is the same as is described in dmconfig (5).

dmunloadcf reads values from the BDMCONFIG file pointed to by the BDMCONFIG environment variable and writes them to its standard output.


dmunloadcf is supported as a BEA TUXEDO-supplied administrative tool on UNIX operating systems only.


To unload the configuration in /usr/tuxedo/BDMCONFIG into the file bdmconfig.backup : BDMCONFIG=/usr/tuxedo/BDMCONFIG dmunloadcf > bdmconfig.backup


dmunloadcf checks that the file pointed to by the BDMCONFIG environment variable exists, is a valid BEA TUXEDO file system, and contains BDMCONFIG tables. If any of these conditions is not met, dmunloadcf prints an error message and exits with error code 1. Upon successful completion, dmunloadcf exits with exit code 0.

See Also

dmloadcf (1), dmconfig (5) BEA TUXEDO Domain Guide



gencat -generate a formatted message catalog


gencat [-m] catfile msgfile . . .


The gencat utility merges the message text source file(s) msgfile into a formatted message database catfile . The database catfile will be created if it does not already exist. If catfile does exist its messages will be included in the new catfile . If set and message numbers collide, the new message-text defined in msgfile will replace the old message text currently contained in catfile . The message text source file (or set of files) input to gencat can contain either set and message numbers or simply message numbers, in which case the set NL_SETD([see nl_types (5)])is assumed.

The format of a message text source file is defined in the list below. Note that the fields of a message text source line are separated by a single ASCII space or tab character. Any other ASCII spaces or tabs are considered to be part of the subsequent field.

$set n comment

Where n specifies the set identifier of the following messages until the next $set, $delset or end-of-file appears. n must be a number in the range (1-{NL_SETMAX }). Set identifiers within a single source file need not be contiguous. Any string following the set identifier is treated as a comment. If no $set directive is specified in a message text source file, all messages will be located in the default message set. NL_SETD .

$delset n comment

Deletes message set n from an existing message catalogue. Any string following the set number is treated as a comment. (Note: if n is not a valid set it is ignored.)

$ comment

A line beginning with a dollar symbol $ followed by an ASCII space or tab character is treated as a comment.

m message-text

The m denotes the message identifier, which is a number in the range (1-{NL_MSGMAX }). (Do not confuse this message text syntax with the -m command line option described under NOTES .) The message-text is stored in the message catalogue with the set identifier specified by the last $set directive, and with message identifier m . If the message-text is empty, and an ASCII space or tab field separator is present, an empty string is stored in the message catalog. If a message source line has a message number, but neither a field separator nor message-text, the existing message with that number (if any) is deleted from the catalogue. Message identifiers need not be contiguous. The length of message-text must be in the range (0-{NL_TEXTMAX }).

$quote c

This line specifies an optional quote character c, which can be used to surround message-text so that trailing spaces or null (empty) messages are visible in a message source line. By default, or if an empty $quote directive is supplied, no quoting of message-text will be recognized. Empty lines in a message text source file are ignored. Text strings can contain the special characters and escape sequences defined in the following table:



Escape Sequence




horizontal tab



vertical tab






carriage return



form feed






bit pattern



The escape sequence \ddd consists of backslash followed by 1, 2 or 3 octal digits, which are taken to specify the value of the desired character. If the character following a backslash is not one of those specified, the backslash is ignored.

Backslash followed by an ASCII newline character is also used to continue a string on the following line. Thus, the following two lines describe a single message string:

1 This line continues \
to the next line

which is equivalent to:

1 This line continues to the next line


gencat is supported as a BEA TUXEDO-supplied tool on UNIX and MS-DOS operating systems.


This version of gencat produces a catalog that at run-time is read into malloc 'ed space. Shared catalogs available with some versions of gencat are not available. On some systems, generation of malloc 'ed catalogs requires that the -m option be specified. This option can be specified on the command line, but has no effect. malloc 'ed catalogs are the default; the -m option is supported for compatibility only.

The catalog file generated by this command is limited in size to 64K. Larger catalog files will result in an error being reported by this command and no catalog file being generated.

See Also

nl_types (5)



loadfiles-load files into shared memory cache


loadfiles -k key [files] [--]


loads the files specified in the command line or the standard input into a shared memory cache associated with key . If a shared memory cache exists for key then a directory of files in that cache is printed, and no files are added to the cache. When the cache is created its permissions are set to 0666. This permission means that the cache is readable and writable by everyone on the system. Files to be loaded into the cache are taken from the standard input if -- is specified on the command line instead of files .

ipcrm(1) destroys the shared memory cache created by loadfiles .


The command:

loadfiles -k${MSKIPCKEY} file1 file2

loads file1 and file2 into a shared memory cache associated with the value of the shell variable MSKIPCKEY .


Only the last part of a file name is stored in the cache's directory. For example, /etc/motd would be stored as motd . Therefore one can not have both /etc/motd and /tmp/motd in the cache at the same time.

See Also

ipcrm (1) in a UNIX System reference manual



mio , wmio -Mask input/output program


mio [ -B ] [ -n ] [ -e ] [ -F ] [ -t ] [ -i fname] [ -m fname]
[ -r rname] [ -p rname] [ -s service] [ -b usrname] [ -u file]
wmio [options]


Note: For BEA TUXEDO Sample Application only.mio is the Data Entry System mask input/output handler. It reads mask object files created by the compiler and displays user-defined forms on the standard output.Once the forms are filled out, their contents are shipped to a server in the form of fielded buffers. If the form has been created with the parameter TRANMODE set to TRAN , mio is invoked in transaction mode. See the BEA TUXEDO Programmer's Guide for a detailed explanation.

wmio is a version of mio build using the workstation libraries. On sites supporting just BEA TUXEDO Workstation, only the wmio command will be present.

The following command line options are available:


Synchronous (blocking) calls are made. mio will block on send calls and wait if there is a blocking condition.


Allow shell escapes. Escape to the shell is via an esc ! .


Print packets sent to and received from the server on the standard error. When this option is used, the standard error should be directed away from the terminal on which mio is run.


Don't allow mio to be terminated from a terminal. Presumably, it will be terminated by a signal.


Use usrname for this process in the bulletin board. usrname can include printf (3) notation to append the process id. For example, teller%d will append the process id to the string teller to make the usrname unique. nnnnn is mio 's process id.


Override destination services specified on all masks and always send mio output to service .


Run mio in test mode. Useful for testing recently compiled masks.


Record mio session into disk file rname . The session can be played back with the -p option.


Playback mio session, using rname as the input file instead of user terminal input. In the standard case, rname was created by a previous run of mio with the -r option.


fname is displayed instead of the initial mask. Exiting fname terminates mio .


fname is an alternate initial mask.


This option is used to redefine the character sequences that constitute mio 's function keys. file contains a list of character sequences and keywords as described in udfk (5).

By default, the following function keys are defined by mio . These can be changed with the -u option.


display help message for the current field


display error message for the current field


go back a page


go forward a page


go forward a field


go back a field

CTRL-j or down arrow

go down a line

CTRL-k or up arrow

go up a line

BACKSPACE (CTRL-h) or left arrow

go back one space

CTRL-l or right arrow

go forward one space


delete a character


insert a character


quit this form and return to previous level


go to home field


transmit form to server


transmit form to server


transmit form to server


transmit form to server


transmit form to server


transmit form to server


transmit form to server


transmit form to server


transmit form to server


transmit form to server


transmit form to server


display defaults cyclically


move to the left and down a line


clear the form


print the form


refresh the form


escape to a shell


The terminfo (4) database must exist for mio to run, and the TERMINFO shell variable must point to the correct directory.


mio and/or wmio are supported as BEA TUXEDO-supplied clients on UNIX operating systems only.

Environment Variables


APP_PW must be set to the application password in a security application if standard input is not from a terminal. WSNADDR , WSDEVICE , and optionally, WSTYPE, must be set if access is from a workstation. See compilation (5) for more details on setting environment variables for client processes.

See Also

udfk (5),
BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide,
terminfo (4) in a UNIX System reference manual

mkfldhdr, mkfldhdr32(1)


mkfldhdr , mkfldhdr32 -Create header files from field-tables


mkfldhdr [-d outdir] [ field_table... ]
mkfldhdr32 [-d outdir] [ field_table... ]


mkfldhdr translates each field table file to a corresponding header file suitable for inclusion in C programs. he resulting header files provide #define macros for converting from field names to field IDs. Header file names are formed by concatenating a .h to the simple file name for each file to be converted.

The field table names may be specified on the command line; each file is converted to a corresponding header file.

If the field table names are not given on the command line, then the program uses the FIELDTBLS environment variable as the list of field tables to be converted, and FLDTBLDIR environment variable as a list of directories to be searched for the files. FIELDTBLS specifies a comma-separated list of field table file names. If FIELDTBLS has no value, fld.tbl is used as the name of the (only) field table file (in this case, the resulting header file will be (fld.tbl.h ). The FLDTBLDIR environment variable is a colon-separated list of directories in which to look for each field table whose name is not an absolute path name; the search for field tables is very similar to the search for executable commands using the UNIX System PATH variable. If FLDTBLDIR is not defined, only the current directory is searched. Thus, if no field table names are specified on the command line and FIELDTBLS and FLDTBLDIR are not set, mkfldhdr will convert the field table fld.tbl in the current directory into the header file fld.tbl.h .

The -d option is available to specify that the output header files are to be created in a directory other than the present working directory.

mkfldhdr32 is used for 32-bit FML. It uses the FIELDTBLS32 and FLDTBLDIR32 environment variables.


Error messages are printed if the field table load fails or if an output file cannot be created.



mkfldhdr produces the #include files maskftbl.h , DBftbl.h , and miscftbl.h in the current directory by processing the files maskftbl , DBftbl , and miscftbl in directory /project/fldtbls .

With environment variables set as in the example above, the command mkfldhdr -d$FLDTBLDIRprocesses the same input field-table files, and produces the same output files, but places them in the directory given by the value of the environment variable FLDTBLDIR .

The command mkfldhdr myfieldsprocesses the input file myfields and produces myfields.h in the current directory.

See Also

Fintro (3fml), field_tables (5)



mklanginfo -compiles language information constants for a locale


mklanginfo [fname]


This program takes the file specified as an argument, and converts the input into a file suitable for placement in $TUXDIR/locale /xx/LANGINFO where xx is a specific locale. The standard input is used if a file argument is not specified. The language values are used by setlocale (3c), strftime (3c) and nl_langinfo (3c).

mklanginfo reads input lines, ignoring lines that begin with white space or '#'. Value input lines must be of the form

<token> = "value"

(the characters between the token and the double-quoted value can be anything but a double quote as long as white space appears after the token). If value is the null string, the line is ignored. Otherwise, token must either be a integer between 1 and 48, inclusive, or a string as follows:

Integer String Value 1

DAY_1 Day 1 of the week, e.g., Sunday 2
DAY_2 Day 2 of the week, e.g., Monday 3
DAY_3 Day 3 of the week, e.g., Tuesday 4
DAY_4 Day 4 of the week, e.g., Wednesday 5
DAY_5 Day 5 of the week, e.g., Thursday 6
DAY_6 Day 6 of the week, e.g., Friday 7
DAY_7 Day 7 of the week, e.g., Saturday 8
ABDAY_1 Abbreviated day 1 of the week, e.g., Sun 9
ABDAY_2 Abbreviated day 2 of the week, e.g., Mon 10
ABDAY_3 Abbreviated day 3 of the week, e.g., Tue 11
ABDAY_4 Abbreviated day 4 of the week, e.g., Wed 12
ABDAY_5 Abbreviated day 5 of the week, e.g., Thu 13
ABDAY_6 Abbreviated day 6 of the week, e.g., Fri 14
ABDAY_7 Abbreviated day 7 of the week, e.g., Sat 15
MON_1 Month 1 of the year, e.g., January 16
MON_2 Month 2 of the year, e.g., February 17
MON_3 Month 3 of the year, e.g., March 18
MON_4 Month 4 of the year, e.g., April 19
MON_5 Month 5 of the year, e.g., May 20
MON_6 Month 6 of the year, e.g., June 21
MON_7 Month 7 of the year, e.g., July 22
MON_8 Month 8 of the year, e.g., August 23
MON_9 Month 9 of the year, e.g., September 24
MON_10 Month 10 of the year, e.g., October 25
MON_11 Month 11 of the year, e.g., November 26
MON_12 Month 12 of the year, e.g., December 27
ABMON_1 Abbreviated month 1 of the year, e.g., Jan 28
ABMON_2 Abbreviated month 2 of the year, e.g., Feb 29
ABMON_3 Abbreviated month 3 of the year, e.g., Mar 30
ABMON_4 Abbreviated month 4 of the year, e.g., Apr 31
ABMON_5 Abbreviated month 5 of the year, e.g., May 32
ABMON_6 Abbreviated month 6 of the year, e.g., Jun 33
ABMON_7 Abbreviated month 7 of the year, e.g., Jul 34
ABMON_8 Abbreviated month 8 of the year, e.g., Aug 35
ABMON_9 Abbreviated month 9 of the year, e.g., Sep 36
ABMON_10 Abbreviated month 10 of the year, e.g., Oct 37
ABMON_11 Abbreviated month 11 of the year, e.g., Nov 38
ABMON_12 Abbreviated month 12 of the year, e.g., Dec 39
RADIXCHAR Radix character, e.g., '.' 40
THOUSEP Separator for thousands 41
YESSTR Affirmative response string, e.g., yes 42
NOSTR Negative response string, e.g., no 43
CRNCYSTR Currency symbol 44
D_T_FMT string for formatting date and time, e.g., "%a%b%d%H:%M:0Y" 45
D_FMT string for formatting date, e.g., "%m/%d/%y" 46
T_FMT string for formatting time, e.g., "H:%M:%S" 47
AM_FMT Ante Meridian affix, e.g., AM 48
PM_FMT Post Meridian affix, e.g., PM

The input lines may appear in any order (if an input line appears more than once for the same value, the last line for that value is used).

After processing the file, mklanginfo prints the string name and string value for each language information constant listed above to the standard error in the order specified above. The null string is used as a value for any language information constant not specified; nl_langinfo will use the default value for the C locale (U.S. English values) for these unset constants.

If a file name is specified on the command name, mklanginfo writes the compiled output to fname .out ; otherwise, the output is written to the standard output. The format is a list of all of the null-terminated string values (without newlines).


If an error occurs in reading the file or in the syntax, an error message is printed to the standard error and the program exits with exit code 1. On success, the program exits with exit code 0.


The defaults for the BEA TUXEDO system (locale C) are located in $TUXDIR/locale/C/lang.text . To provide French values, an administrator might do the following: mkdir $TUXDIR/locale/french cd $TUXDIR/locale/french cp $TUXDIR/locale/C/lang.text. ed lang.text... convert to French values w q mklanginfo lang.text > LANGINFO


$TUXDIR/locale/C/lang.text - the default values for the C locale $TUXDIR/locale/C/LANGINFO - the "compiled" file for the C locale $TUXDIR/locale/xx/LANGINFO - the "compiled" file for the "xx" locale


The mklanginfo command and the resulting LANGINFO file are needed only if the BEA TUXEDO system compatibility functions for setlocale (), strftime (), or nl_langinfo () are used. The functions provided with the UNIX System use a different set and format of files.

See Also

setlocale (3c), strftime (3c), nl_langinfo (3c), langinfo (5)



pic_uform -picture to UFORM conversion program


pic_uform [-l lastchar] [-f firstchar] [-s fillchar] [-r rows] infile outfile


pic_uform is a tool used to create a skeleton UFORM source definition (outfile ) from an edit file image of a form (infile ). The placement of fields and literals on the form is identical to their placement in the edit file.

No differentiation is made between protected and unprotected fields. Fields are designated as follows:

The last line of all fields begins with lastchar . By default this is + but it can be reset with the -l option. All other lines of fields begin with firstchar . By default this is = but it can be reset with the -f option. All other positions in fields contain fillchar . fillchar defaults to a _ , but may be reset with the -s option. The tab character, (\t ), or the space character, (" "), can not be used as substitutes for the defaults.

A new page is indicated by a form feed (CTRL-L ). New pages are automatically generated when the number of rows on a page exceeds the rows argument on the command line. By default the maximum number of rows on a page is 24. The last row on a page is always reserved for the status line so only rows-1 rows are available on each page.

All text (other than fields) is assumed to be literals.


The input:

+___________ +___________ +___________
+___________ +___________ +___________


The output:

1 25 0 1 19 L "THIS IS A TEST MASK"
+2 1 0 1 12 U
- 33 0 1 12 U
- 65 0 1 12 U
+1 1 0 1 12 U
- 33 0 1 12 U
- 65 0 1 12 U
+1 25 0 1 8 L "PAGE TWO"
+2 1 0 3 13 U


Whenever the form edit image changes and a new UFORM skeleton is produced, all modifications made to the old skeleton, such as validations, help messages, etc., must be made to the new skeleton.

See Also

BEA TUXEDO Data Entry System Guide



qmadmin -Queue manager administration program


[QMCONFIG=<device>] qmadmin [<device>]


With the commands listed below, qmadmin provides for creation, inspection and modification of message queues. The name of the device (file) on which the universal device list resides (or will reside) for the queue space may either be specified as a command line argument or via the environment variable QMCONFIG . If both are specified, the command option is used.

As a system-provided server, qmadmin does not go through normal initialization, so it does not pick up the value of ULOGPFX . As a result, any log entries generated by qmadmin commands are written to the current working directory. This is corrected by setting and exporting the ULOGPFX environment variable to the pathname of the directory where the userlog is located.

qmadmin uses the greater than sign, > , as a prompt. Arguments are entered separated by white space (tabs and/or spaces). Arguments that contain white space may be enclosed within double quotes; if an argument enclosed within double quotes contains a double quote, the internal double quote must be escaped with a backslash. Commands will prompt for the information if it is not given on the command line. A warning message is displayed and the prompt shown again, if a required argument is not entered.

The user can exit the program by entering q or CTRL-d> when prompted for a command. Output from a command may be terminated by hitting BREAK ; the program then prompts for the next command. Hitting return when prompted for a command repeats the previously executed command, except after a break.

Note that there is no way to effectively cancel a command once you press RETURN ; hitting BREAK only terminates output from the command, if any. Therefore, be sure that you type a command exactly as you intended before pressing RETURN .

Output from qmadmin commands is paginated according to the pagination command in use (see the paginate subcommand below).

When first entering qmadmin , no queue space is opened. A queue space is created using qspacecreate and is opened using qopen . The qaborttrans , qclose , qchangeprio , qchangequeue , qchangetime , qcommittrans , qchange , qcreate , qdeletemsg , qinfo , qlist , qprinttrans and qset commands can only be executed when a queue space is open.

qmadmin Commands

Commands may be entered either by their full name or their abbreviation (if available, the abbreviation is listed below in parentheses following the full name), followed by any appropriate arguments. Arguments appearing in square brackets, [], are optional; those in curly braces, {}, indicate a selection from mutually exclusive options.

chdl [dlindex [newdevice ]]

Change the name for a universal device list entry. The first argument is the index of the device on the universal device list that is to be changed (device indexes are returned by lidl ). The program will prompt for it if not provided on the command line. The second argument is the new device name. If not provided on the command line, the program prints the current device name and then prompts for a new one. The name is limited to 64 characters in length. Files or data will no longer be accessible via the old name after the device name is changed so this command must be used cautiously. A more detailed description of the Universal Device List and Volume Table of Contents are provided in the BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide.

crdl [device [offset [size ]]]

Create an entry in the universal device list. Note: The first entry in the device list must correspond to the device that is pointed to by QMCONFIG and must have an offset of 0. If arguments are not provided on the command line, the program will prompt for them. The arguments are the device name, the block number at which space may begin to be allocated, and the number of physical pages (disk sectors) to be allocated. More than one extent can be allocated to a given file (for example, allocate /Dave/waifs 0 500 and then allocate /Dave/waifs 1000 500 for a total of 1000 blocks allocated but blocks 500 through 999 are unused). Several blocks from the first device entry are used by the device list and table of contents. Up to 25 entries may be created on the device list.

dsdl [-y] [dlindex ]

Destroy an entry found in the universal device list. The dlindex argument is the index on the universal device list of the device that is to be removed from the device list. If not provided on the command line, the program will prompt for it. Entry 0 cannot be removed until all VTOC files and other device list entries are destroyed first (since entry 0 contains the device which holds the device list and table of contents, destroying it also destroys these two tables.) VTOC files can be removed only by removing the associated entities (for example, by destroying a queue space that resides on the device). The program prompts for confirmation unless -y is specified.

echo (e) [{off | on }]

Echo input command lines when set to on . If no option is given, then the current setting is toggled, and the new setting is printed. The initial setting is off .

help (h) [{command | all }]

Print help messages. If command is specified, the abbreviation, arguments, and description for that command are printed. all causes a description of all commands to be displayed. Omitting all arguments causes the syntax of all commands to be displayed.

ipcrm [-f ] [-y ] [queue_space_name ]

ipcrm removes the IPC data structures used for the specified queue space. If not provided on the command line, the program prompts for the queue space name. If the specified queue space is open in qmadmin , it will be closed. ipcrm knows all IPC resources used by the queue space and is the only way that the IPC resources should be removed. qmadmin ensures that no other processes are attached to the queue space before removing the IPC resources. The -f option can be specified to force removal of IPC resources even if the other processes are attached. This command prompts for confirmation before execution if the -f option is specified, unless the -y option is specified.

ipcs [queue_space_name ]

ipcs lists the IPC data structures used for a queue space, if any (none may be used if the queue space is not opened by any process). If not provided on the command line, the program prompts for the queue space name.

lidl [dlindex ]

Print the universal device list. For each device the following is listed: the index, the name, the starting block, and the number of blocks on the device. In verbose mode, a map is printed that shows free space (starting address and size of free space). If dlindex is specified, then only the information for that device list entry is printed.


Prints information for all VTOC table entries. The information printed for each entry includes the name of the VTOC table, the device on which it is found, the offset of the VTOC table from the beginning of the device and the number of pages allocated for that table. There are a maximum of 100 entries in the VTOC .

paginate (page ) [{off|on }]

Paginate output. If no option is given, then the current setting will be toggled, and the new setting is printed. The initial setting is on, unless either standard input or standard output is a non-terminal device. Pagination may only be turned on when both standard input and standard output are terminal devices. The shell environment variable PAGER may be used to override the default command used for paging output. The default paging command is the pager indigenous to the native operating system environment, e.g., the command pg is the default on UNIX System operating environments.

qaborttrans (qabort ) [-y ] [tranindex ]

Heuristically abort the precommitted transaction associated with the specified transaction index, tranindex . The program will prompt for the transaction index if not specified on the command line. If the transaction is known to be decided and the decision was to commit, qaborttrans will fail. The index is taken from the previous execution of the qprinttrans command. Confirmation is requested unless the -y option is specified. This command should be used with care.

qaddext [queue_space_name [pages ]]

Add an extent to the queue space. The queue space must not be active (no processes can be attached to the queue space). If not specified on the command line, the program prompts for the queue space name and the number of additional physical pages to allocate for the queue space. If the specified queue space is open in qmadmin , it will be closed. The number of pages will be rounded down to the nearest multiple of bits-per-byte divided by 2 (normally 4). Space will be allocated from extents defined in the UDL associated with the QMCONFIG device. Each new queue space extent uses an additional entry in the VTOC (a maximum of 100 entries are available). The queue manager names the extents such that they can be quickly identified and associated with the queue space.

qchange [queue_name [out-of-order [retries [delay [high [low [cmd ]]]]]]]

Modify a queue in the currently open queue space. The arguments may be given on the command line or the program will prompt for them: the queue name, whether out-of-order enqueuing is allowed (not allowed, top of queue, before a specified msgid ); the number of retries and delay time in seconds between retries; and the high and low limits for execution of a threshold command and the threshold command itself. The out-of-order values are none, top or msgid . Both top and msgid may be specified separated by a comma. The threshold values are used to allow for automatic execution of a command when a threshold is reached. The high limit specifies when the command is executed. The low limit must be reached before the command will be executed again when the high limit is reached. For example, if the limits are 100 and 50 messages, the command will be executed when 100 messages are on the queue, and will not be executed again until the queue has been drained down to 50 messages and has filled again to 100 messages. The queue capacity can be specified in bytes or blocks used by the queue (number followed by a "b" or "B" suffix), percentage of the queue space used by the queue (number followed by a "%"), or total number of messages on the queue (number followed by an "m"). The threshold type for the high and low threshold values must be the same. It is optional whether or not the type is specified on the low value, but if specified, it must match the high value type. When specified on the command line, the threshold command should be enclosed in double quotation marks if it contains white space. The retry count indicates how many times a message can be dequeued and the transaction rolled back, causing the message to be put back on the queue. A delay between retries can also be specified. When the retry count is reached, the message is moved to the error queue defined for the queue space. If it does not exist, the message is dropped. The queue ordering values for the queue cannot be changed.

qchangeprio (qcp ) [-y ] [newpriority ]

This command can be used to change the message priority for messages on a queue that allows priority as an ordering criteria. The queue that is affected is set using the qset command and the selection criteria for limiting the messages to be updated are set using the qscan command. If no selection criteria are set, then all messages on the queue will be changed: confirmation is requested before this is done unless the -y option is specified. It is recommended that the qlist command be executed to see what messages will be modified (this reduces typographical errors). The newpriority value specifies the new priority which will be used when the message(s) are forwarded for processing. It must be in the range 1 to 100, inclusive. If not provided on the command line, the program will prompt for it.

qchangequeue (qcq ) [-y ] [newqueue ]

This command can be used to move messages to a different queue within the same queue space. The queue from which messages are moved is set using the qset command and the selection criteria for limiting the messages to be moved are set using the qscan command. If no selection criteria are set, then all messages on the queue will be moved: confirmation is requested before this is done unless the -y option is specified. It is recommended that the qlist command be executed to see what messages will be moved (this reduces typographical errors). The newqueue value specifies the new queue name to which the message(s) will be moved. If not provided on the command line, the program will prompt for it.

qchangetime (qct ) [-y ] [newtime ]

This command can be used to change the execution time for messages on a queue that allows time as an ordering criteria. The queue that is affected is set using the qset command and the selection criteria for limiting the messages to be updated are set using the qscan command. If no selection criteria are set, then all messages on the queue will be changed: confirmation is requested before this is done unless the -y option is specified. It is recommended that the qlist command be executed to see what messages will be modified (this reduces typographical errors). The newtime value can be either relative to the current time or an absolute value. If not provided on the command line, the program will prompt for it. The format of a relative onetime is +seconds> where seconds> is the number of seconds from now that the message is to be executed (0 implies immediately). The format of an absolute newtime is YY[MM[DD[HH[MM[SS]]]]] which is described in qscan .


Close the currently open queue space.

qcommittrans (qcommit) [-y ] [tranindex ]

Heuristically commit the precommitted transaction associated with the specified transaction index tranindex . The program will prompt for the transaction index if not specified on the command line. If the transaction is known to be decided and the decision was to abort, qcommittrans will fail. The index is taken from the previous execution of the qprinttrans command. Confirmation is requested unless the -y option is specified. This command should be used with care.

qcreate (qcr) [queue_name [qorder [out-of-order [retries [delay
[high [low [cmd ]]]]]]]]

Create a queue in the currently open queue space. The arguments may be given on the command line or the program will prompt for them: the queue name, the queue ordering (fifo or lifo, by priority, by time); whether out-of-order enqueuing is allowed (not allowed, top of queue, before a specified msgid ); the number of retries and delay time in seconds between retries; and the high and low limits for execution of a threshold command and the threshold command itself. The queue ordering values are fifo , lifo , priority and time . When specifying the queue ordering, the most significant sort value must be specified first, followed by the next most significant sort value, etc.; fifo or lifo can only be specified as the least significant (or only) sort value. If neither fifo or lifo is specified, then the default is fifo within whatever other sort criteria are specified. Multiple sort values may be specified separated by commas. The out-of-order values are none , top or msgid . Both top and msgid may be specified separated by a comma. The threshold values are used to allow for automatic execution of a command when a threshold is reached. The high limit specifies when the command is executed. The low limit must be reached before the command will be executed again when the high limit is reached. For example, if the limits are 100 and 50 messages, the command will be executed when 100 messages are on the queue, and will not be executed again until the queue has been drained below 50 messages and has filled again to 100 messages. The queue capacity can be specified in bytes or blocks used by the queue (number followed by a "b" or "B" suffix), percentage of the queue space used by the queue (number followed by a "%"), or total number of messages on the queue (number followed by an "m"). The threshold type for the high and low threshold values must be the same. It is optional whether or not the type is specified on the low value, but if specified, it must match the high value type. When specified on the command line, the threshold command should be enclosed in double quotation marks if it contains white space. The retry count indicates how many times a message can be dequeued and the transaction rolled back, causing the message to be put back on the queue.A delay between retries can also be specified. When the retry count is reached, the message is moved to the error queue defined for the queue space. If it does not exist, the message is dropped.

qdeletemsg (qdltm) [-y]

This command can be used to delete messages from a queue. The queue that is affected is set using the qset command and the selection criteria for limiting the messages to be deleted are set using the qscan command. If no selection criteria are set, then all messages on the queue will be deleted: confirmation is requested before this is done. It is recommended that the qlist command be executed to see what messages will be deleted (this reduces typographical errors). This command prompts for confirmation unless the -y option is specified.

qdestroy (qds) [{ -p | -f }] [-y] [queue_name ]

Destroy the named queue. By default, an error is returned if requests exist on the queue or a process is attached to the queue space. The -p option can be specified to "purge" any messages from the queue and destroy it, if no processes are attached to the queue space. The -f option can be specified to "force" deletion of a queue, even if messages or processes are attached to the queue space; if a message is currently involved in a transaction the command fails and an error is written to userlog . This command prompts for confirmation before proceeding unless the -y option is specified.

qinfo [queue_name ]

List information for associated queue or for all queues. This command lists the number of messages on the specified queue or all queues if no argument is given, and the amount of space used by the messages associated with the queue. In verbose mode, this command also lists the queue creation parameters for each queue.

qlist (ql)

This command lists messages on a queue. The queue that is affected is set using the qset command and the selection criteria for limiting the messages to be listed are set using the qscan command. If no selection criteria are set, then all messages on the queue will be listed. For each message selected, the message identifier is printed. The scheduled processing time is printed if execution time is among the sort criteria for the queue, and for messages that have a scheduled retry time (due to rollback of a transaction). The correlation identifier is printed if present and if verbose mode is on.

qopen [queue_space_name ]

Open and initialize the internal structures for the specified queue space. If not provided on the command line, the program will prompt for it. If a queue space is already opened in qmadmin , it is closed.

qprinttrans (qpt)

Print transaction table information for currently outstanding transactions. The transaction identifier, an index used for aborting or committing transactions with qaborttrans or qcommittrans , and transaction status are printed.

qscan [{ [-t time1[-time2] ] [-p priority1[-priority2] ] [-m msgid ]
[-i corrid ] | none }]

This command sets the selection criteria used for the qchangeprio, qchangequeue, qchangetime, qdeletemsg, and qlist commands. An argument of none indicates no selection criteria; all messages on the queue will be affected. Executing this command with no argument prints the current selection criteria values. When command line options give a value range (fpr example, -t or -p ) the the value range may not contain white space. The -t option can be used to indicate a time value or a time range. The format of time1 and time2 is: YY[MM[DD[HH[MM[SS]]]] ] specifying the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. Units omitted from the date-time value default to their minimum possible values. For example, "7502" is equivalent to "750201000000". The years 00-37 are treated as 2000-2037, 70-99 are treated as 1970-1999 and 38-69 are invalid. The -p option can be used to indicate a priority value or a priority range. Priority values are in the range 1 to 100, inclusive. The -m option can be used to indicate a message identifier value, assigned to a message by the system when it is enqueued. The message identifier is unique within a queue and its value may be up to 32 characters in length. Values that are shorter than 32 characters are padded on the right with nulls (0x0). Backslash and non-printable characters (including white space characters like space, newline, and tab) must be entered with a backslash followed by a two-character hexadecimal value for the character (for example, space is 20, as in "hello20world"). The -i option can be used to indicate an correlation identifier value associated with a message. The identifier value is assigned by the application, stored with the enqueued message, and passed on to be stored with any reply or error message response such that the application can identify responses to particular requests. The value may be up to 32 characters in length. Values that are shorter than 32 characters are padded on the right with nulls (0x0). Backslash and non-printable characters (including white space characters like space, newline, and tab) must be entered with a backslash followed by a two-character hexadecimal value for the character (for example, space is 20, as in "my20id20value").

set [queue_name ]

This command sets the queue name that is used for the qchangeprio, qchangequeue, qchangetime, qdeletemsg, and qlist commands. Executing this command with no argument prints the current queue name.

qsize [pages [queues [transactions [processes [messages ]]]]]

Compute the size of shared memory needed for a queue space with the specified size in pages , queues , concurrent transaction s, processes , and queued messages . If the values are not provided on the command line, the program will prompt for them. The number of system semaphores needed will also be printed.

qspacechange (qspch ) [queue_space_name [ipckey [trans [procs
[errorq [inityn [blocking ]]]]]]

Change the parameters for a queue space. The queue space must not be active (no processes can be attached to the queue space). If not provided on the command line, the program will prompt for the information. The values are described in qspacecreate . If the specified queue space is open in qmadmin , it will be closed. To add new extents, qaddext must be used. The number of queues cannot be modified.

qspacecreate (qspc) [queue_space_name [ipckey [pages [queues [trans
[procs [messages [errorq
[inityn [blockin g]]]]]]]]

Create a queue space for queued messages. If not provided on the command line, the program will prompt for the information: the queue space name, the ipckey for the shared memory segment and semaphore; number of physical pages to allocate for the queue space; the number of queues; the number of concurrent transactions; the number of processes concurrently attached to the queue space; the number of messages that may be queued at one time; the name of an error queue for the queue space; whether or not to initialize pages on new extents for the queue space; and the blocking factor for doing queue space initialization and warm start disk input/output. The number of physical pages will be rounded down to the nearest multiple of bits-per-byte divided by 2 (normally 4). The error queue is used to hold messages that have reached the maximum number of retries (they are moved from their original queue to the error queue). The administrator is responsible for ensuring that this queue is drained. The number of physical pages allocated must be large enough to hold the overhead for the queue space (one page plus one page per queue). If the initialization option is specified as 'y' or 'Y', then the space used to hold the queue space is initialized and this command may run for a while. In verbose mode, a period (.) is printed to the standard output after completing initialization of each 5% of the queue space. If the initialization option is not turned on but the underlying device is not a character special device, then the file will be initialized if it not already the size specified for the extent (that is, the file will be grown to allocate the specified space). When reading and writing blocks during creation of the queue space and during warm start (restart of the queue space), the size of input and output operations will be done as a multiple of the disk page size as specified by the blocking factor.

qspacedestroy (qspds) [-f] [-y] [ queue_space_name ]

Destroy the named queue space. If not provided on the command line, the program will prompt for it. If the specified queue space is open in qmadmin , it will be closed. By default, an error is returned if processes are attached to the queue space or if requests exist on any queues in the queue space. See the qdestroy command for destroying queues that contain requests. The -f option can be specified to "force" deletion of all queues, even if they may have messages or processes are attached to the queue space. This command prompts for confirmation before proceeding unless the -y option is specified.

qspacelist (qspl ) [queue_space_name ]

List the creation parameters for the queue space. If not specified on the command line, the program will prompt for it. If a queue space name is not entered, then the parameters for the currently open queue space are printed (an error occurs if a queue space is not open and a value is not entered). In addition to printing the values for the queue space (as set either when creating the queue space with qspacecreate or as they were last changed with qspacechange ), the sizes for all queue space extents are printed.

quit (q)

Terminate the session.

verbose (v) [{off | on }]

Produce output in verbose mode. If no option is given, then the current setting will be toggled, and the new setting is printed. The initial setting is off .

! shellcommand

Escape to shell and execute shellcommand .


Repeat previous shell command.

# [text ]

Lines beginning with "#" are comment lines and are ignored.


Repeat the last command.


The following sequence shows how to set up a queue.

$ QMCONFIG=/dev/rawfs qmadmin
qmadmin - Copyright (c) 1987 ATT; 1991 USL. All rights reserved.
# create the list of devices on which the queue space
# can exist; specify two devices, 80000 and 600
# blocks, respectively
# NOTE: the first one will actually contain the device list
# create first device on a raw slice
> crdl /dev/rawfs 0 80000
Created device /dev/rawfs, offset 0, size 80000 on /dev/rawfs
# create another device on a UNIX file
> crdl /home/queues/FS 0 600
Created device /home/queues/FS, offset 0, size 600 on /dev/rawfs
# if you want a list of the device list
> v Verbose mode is now on

> lidl
universal device index. 0:
name: /dev/rawfs
start: 0
size: 20000
free space map(1 entry used 47 available):
size[1]: 79974 addr[1]: 26
universal device index. 1:
name: /home/queues/FS
start: 0
size: 600
free space map(1 entry used 47 available):
size[1]: 600 addr[1]: 0
# create a queue space
> qspacecreate
Queue space name: myqueuespace
IPC Key for queue space: 42000
Size of queue space in disk pages: 50000
Number of queues in queue space: 30
Number of concurrent transactions in queue space: 20
Number of concurrent processes in queue space: 30
Number of messages in queue space: 20000
Error queue name: ERRORQ
Initialize extents (y, n [default=n]): y
Blocking factor [default=16]: 16
# open queue space
> qopen myqueuespace
# use queue space defaults for queue
> qcreate
Queue name: service1
queue order (priority, time, fifo, lifo): fifo
out-of-ordering enqueuing (top, msgid, [default=none]): top,msgid
retries [default=0]: 1
retry delay in seconds [default=0]: 30
High limit for queue capacity warning (b for bytes used, B for blocks used,
% for percent used, m for messages [default=100%]): 100m
Reset (low) limit for queue capacity warning [default=0m]: 50
queue capacity command: /usr/app/bin/mailadmin myqueuespace service1
# get out of the program
> q


The administrator for the queue must be the same as the BEA TUXEDO administrator. The device on which the queue resides must be owned by the administrator and qmadmin can only be run as the administrator for the queue. All IPC resources allocated for the queue will be owned by the queue administrator and will be created with mode 0600.


qmadmin is supported as a BEA TUXEDO-supplied administrative tool on UNIX operating systems only. It cannot be run from a workstation.

See Also

BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide



rex -off-line regular expression compiler and tester



rex pattern-file C-file


rex pattern [file...]


When invoked without arguments, rex reads regular expressions from the standard input and writes initialized character arrays to the standard output. Normally, the output would be included in a C program to preclude the need for calling recomp (3c). This saves on both execution time and program size. The command rex compiles the regular expressions on the standard input (normally redirected from an input file) and writes the output to the standard output (normally redirected to an output file).

The input file may contain several patterns, each of the form: name string [string...]

where name is the C name to be used for the output array and string is the regular expression enclosed with double quotes. Where more than one string follows a name they are concatenated into one string . (Multiple strings are strictly a formatting convenience.) If double quotes occur in the pattern they need to be preceded by a backslash. The output may be included in a C program or compiled and later loaded. In the C program that uses the rex output, rematch(abc,line,0) will apply the regular expression named abc to line .

Sample input file:

<cname "[a-zA-Z_][a-(3c)-Z0-9_]*"

tn "\\\\(([0-9]{3})$0\\\\)"

Corresponding output:

/* pattern: "[a-aA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" */
char cname[] = {
... };

/* pattern: "\\\\(([0-9]{3})$0\\\\)([0-9]{3})$1-([0-9]{4})$2" */
char tn[] = {
... };

rex can be used to try patterns against test data by invoking it with one or more arguments. The first argument is taken as a pattern (regular expression) to be applied to each line of the files whose names are mentioned in the remaining arguments. If no file-name arguments are given the standard input is used. The special filename, - , may be used as an argument to refer to the standard input.

When matching text is found, the line containing the match is printed and the matching portion of the line is underlined. In addition, any text extracted for specified sub-patterns is printed on separate line(s).

For example, the command

rex '(^| )([0-9]+)$0(|$)'

with input

... or 200 programmers in one week.
This sentense has 3 erors.
I need 12 bad men.


... or 200 programmers in one week.
$0 = \Q200'

This sentense has 3 erors.
$0 = \Q3'

I need 12 bad men.
$0 = \Q12'


rex prints the associated error messages for errors returned from recomp() or rematch() (see recomp (3c)). Other errors include file open errors, argument errors, etc. and are self-explanatory.

See Also

recomp (3c)



tidl -Interface Definition Language compiler


tidl [option] ... filename [option]...


tidl parses the input IDL and related ACF source file, and optionally generates a header file, and client and server stubs and auxiliary files. The generated source code can be compiled using compilers for Classic C, ANSI C, or C++.

The command line arguments include the input IDL source file and options to control the actions of the IDL compiler. The options are as follows:

-client type

This option specifies the client-side files to be generated. The values for type are as follows:


Generates client stub and auxiliary files. This is the default if the -client option is not specified.


Generates client stub file only


Generates client auxiliary file only. Currently, auxiliary files are not generated so this option has no effect.


Generates no client files.

-server type

This option specifies the server-side files to be generated. The values for type are as follows:


Generates server stub and auxiliary files. This is the default if the -server option is not specified.


Generates server stub file only


Generates server auxiliary file only. Currently, auxiliary files are not generated so this option has no effect.


Generates no server files.

-cstub filename

Specifies the filename for the client stub file. If the filename does not have a .c extension, the IDL compiler will add it. The default client stub name (if -cstub is not specified) is the base name of the IDL source file (the simple file name without any directory prefix, or any suffix following a period) with _cstub.c appended. The associated client stub object file is the name of the client stub file with .c changed to .o .

-sstub filename

Specifies the filename for the server stub file. If the filename does not have a .c extension, the IDL compiler will add it. The default server stub name (if -sstub is not specified) is the base name of the IDL source file (the simple file name without any directory prefix, or any suffix following a period) with _sstub.c appended. The associated server stub object file is the name of the server stub file with .c changed to .o .

-caux filename

Specifies the filename for the client auxiliary file. If the filename does not have a .c extension, the IDL compiler will add it. The default client auxiliary name (if -caux is not specified) is the base name of the IDL source file (the simple file name without any directory prefix, or any suffix following a period) with _caux.c appended. The associated client auxiliary object file is the name of the client auxiliary file with .c changed to .o .

-saux filename

Specifies the filename for the server auxiliary file. If the filename does not have a .c extension, the IDL compiler will add it. The default server auxiliary name (if -saux is not specified) is the base name of the IDL source file (the simple file name without any directory prefix, or any suffix following a period) with _saux.c appended. The associated server auxiliary object file is the name of the server auxiliary file with .c changed to .o .

-header filename

Specifies the filename for the generated header file. The default header file name (if -header is not specified) is the base name of the IDL source file (the simple file name without any directory prefix, or any suffix following a period) with .h appended.

-out directory

Specifies the directory in which output files are created. The default (if -out is not specified) is to put the files in the present working directory.

-keep type

Specifies which file types to retain. By default, the IDL compiler creates a C source file (for example, a client stub), uses the C compiler to produce an object file, and deletes the C source file. The file types that can be retained are as follows:


Does not create any files or invoke the C compiler.


Saves only the C source files and does not invoke the C compiler.


Saves only the object files, deleting the C source files (this is the default).


Saves both the C source and object files.

-I directory

Specifies a directory in which to search for imported IDL files and include files. White space following the -I is optional. The -I option can be specified multiple times to list multiple directories. The default behavior is to search the present working directory, then the directories specified with the -I option in the order specified, and then the system IDL directory ($TUXDIR/include ). This order is also used to pass include directories to the C preprocessor and C compiler. If a file exists in more than one directory, the first one that is found in the search order is used.


When used with no -I options, specifies that only the present working directory be searched for import and include files. When used with one or more -I options, specifies that only the -I directories be searched (not the present working directory or the system IDL directory).

-cpp_cmd "cmd "

Specifies the C preprocessor command to invoke for expanding source files. By default, the C preprocessor is not invoked on DOS and OS2, and defaults to /lib/cpp , /usr/ccs/lib/cpp , or /usr/lib/cpp (in that order) otherwise.


Specifies that the C preprocessor not be invoked to expand source files. This implies that the source files cannot have preprocessor directives (such as macro replacements and #include).

-cpp_opt "opt"

Specifies additional options to be passed to the C preprocessor. The default is the null string. The IDL compiler invokes a command line composed of the values for -cpp_cmd , -cpp_opt , -D and -U arguments (in the order specified), -I arguments (in the order specified), and the source file name (the IDL or ACF file name).

-D name[=def]

Defines a name and optionally a value that is passed to the C preprocessor. More than one symbol can be defined by specifying the -D option more than once. White space following the -D is optional.

-U name

Undefines a name for C preprocessor. More than one symbol can be undefined by specifying the -U option more than once. White space following the -U is optional.

-cc_cmd "cmd"

Specifies the C compiler command for creating object files. The default (if -cc_cmd is not specified) is "cc -c ".

-cc_opt "opt"

Specifies additional C compiler options. The default (if -cc_opt is not specified) is the null string. The IDL compiler invokes a command line composed of the values for -cc_cmd , -cc_opt , -I arguments (in the order specified), and the source file name (the stub or auxiliary file name).


Specifies that the input source file be checked for syntax errors without generating any output files.


Specifies that warning messages from the compiler are not to be printed.


Displays IDL compiler options chosen (either explicitly or implicitly) without compilation of the source file. When used with the -v option, it indicates what actions would be taken without the -confirm option without executing them (for example, messages are printed for parsing input files, creating and compiling output files).


Specifies verbose mode. Messages are printed to the standard error output indicating actions being taken (for example, parsing input files, creating and compiling output files).


Displays the version of the IDL compiler.


Take the IDL source input from standard input instead of a file. Default file names are generated as if the input IDL source file is named "a.idl " (for example, the default client stub file will be named "a_cstub.c ").


Generate a Client Entry Point Vector (CEPV). By default, functions in the client stub module are named the same as the operation names in the interface definition. However, this will not allow for multiple versions of the interface, interfaces with the same operation names, or both local and remote versions of the same functions to be linked into the same client program (the operation names will be multiply defined). When the -cepv option is specified, the function names will be declared local to the client stub and a Client Entry Point Vector (array of function pointers) will be defined (globally) in the client stub with the name interface_vmajor_minor_c_epv , where interface is the interface name, major is the major version number, and minor is the minor version number. The interface operations must be called indirectly using the addresses in the CEPV.


Does not generate a Manager (server) Entry Point Vector (MEPV). By default, it is assumed that the application functions in the server are named the same as the operation names in the interface definition.However, this will not allow for multiple versions of the interface, interfaces with the same operation names, or both local and remote versions of the same functions to be linked into the same server program (the operation names will be multiply defined). Normally, a Manager Entry Point Vector (array of function pointers) is defined (globally) in the server stub with the name name interface_vmajor_minor_s_epv , where interface is the interface name, major is the major version number, and minor is the minor version number, and initialized with the operation names. It is used to call the application service functions. When the - no_mepv option is specified, the MEPV is not generated in the server stub and the application is responsible for setting up the structure. In this way, the application can set the entry point names to whatever is used by the application instead of names based on the operations.

-error all

Specifies additional error checking. By default, the IDL compiler quits after 50 errors are detected.

-port level

Specifies the level of portability checking. The following levels are supported:


Specifies that warnings messages are to be printed if two identifiers differ only in case.


Specifies no additional portability checking is to be done. This is the default.


Specifies that enumeration literals are not to be generated in the stub files. By default, enumeration literals are generated.


Specifies that ANSI C const declarations are to be used for constant values instead of #define definitions.

For the IDL source file and any imported IDL files, the compiler searches for a related ACF with a .acf suffix added to the basename of the IDL source file. The directories that are searched are the same directories specified for the C preprocessor (see -I and -no_def_idir above), plus ACF files are searched for in the directory specified in the IDL source file name.


The IDL filename tbase.idl is reserved for use by the IDL compiler.


Here is an example IDL source file, math1.idl.

interface math1
import "math2.idl";

long add_op([in] long first1, [in] long second);
long sub_op([in] long first1, [in] long second);

Here is a sample ACF source file, math1.acf.

interface math1
include "stdio";
[code] add_op([fault_status,comm_status] result);

The following command line will compile math1.idl generating client side only files out/math1_cs.c and out/math1_cs.o (no auxiliary files are needed), along with out/math1.h . The IDL compiler will look for math2.idl (which might have the division and multiplication operations) in the current directory, in the app subdirectory, and in $TUXDIR/include .

tidl math1.idl -Iapp -client all -server none -keep all
-cstub math1_cs -out app

See Also

uuidgen (1)



tlisten -Generic listener process


tlisten [-d device ] -l nlsaddr [-u {uid-# | uid-name}] [-z bits ] \
[ -Z bits ]


tlisten is a network independent listener process that runs as a daemon process on BEA TUXEDO application processors and provides remote service connections for other BEA TUXEDO processes, for example, tmboot (1). The following command line options are used by tlisten :

-d device

Full pathname of the network device. This parameter is optional. For releases prior to v6.4, it should be used if the underlying network provider requires it.

-l nlsaddr

Network address at which the process listens for connections.

TCP/IP addresses may be specified in the following forms: "// hostname:port_number " "// #.#.#.#:port_number "

In the first format, tlisten finds an address for hostname using the local name resolution facilities (usually DNS). hostname must be the local machine, and the local name resolution facilities must unambiguously resolve hostname to the address of the local machine. In the second example, the "#.#.#.#" is in dotted decimal format. In dotted decimal format, each # should be a number from 0 to 255 . This dotted decimal number represents the IP address of the local machine. In both of the above formats, port_number is the TCP port number at which the tlisten process will listen for incoming requests. port_number can either be a number between 0 and 65535 or a name. If port_number is a name, then it must be found in the network services database on your local machine. The address can also be specified in hexadecimal format when preceded by the characters "0x". Each character after the initial "0x" is a number between 0 and 9 or a letter between A and F (case insensitive). The hexadecimal format is useful for arbitrary binary network addresses such as IPX/SPX or TCP/IP. The address can also be specified as an arbitrary string.The value should be the same as that specified for the NLSADDR parameter in the NETWORK section of the configuration file.

-u {uid-# | uid-name }

tlisten will run as the indicated user. This option supports the startup of tlisten as part of system initialization by root . This option is required if the user running tlisten is root . The tlisten process can therefore be started by root , but will not run as root . Non-root users of the tlisten command do not need to use the -u option. Non-root users can set the -u option, but it can only be set to their own user id and is effectively a no-op. Each instantiation of a tlisten process on a processor is capable of supporting all BEA TUXEDO applications that use the same application administrator user id.

-z [0|40|128]

When establishing a network link between a BEA TUXEDO administrative process and tlisten , require at least this minimum level of encryption. 0 means no encryption, while 40 and 128 specify the length (in bits) of the encryption key. If this minimum level of encryption cannot be met, link establishment will fail. The default value is 0 .

-Z [0|40|128]

When establishing a network link between a BEA TUXEDO administrative process and tlisten , allow encryption up to this level. 0 means no encryption, while 40 and 128 specify the length (in bits) of the encryption key. The default value is 128 . The -z or -Z options are available only if either the International or Domestic BEA TUXEDO system Security Add-on Package is installed.

The tlisten process authenticates most service requests. tlisten reads a file with a list of passwords, and any process requesting a service must present at least one of the passwords found in the file. If the APPDIR environment variable is set, passwords will be obtained from a file named APPDIR/.adm/ . If this file is not found, the system will look for TUXDIR/udataobj/ , which is created when the BEA TUXEDO system is installed. A zero-length or missing password file disables password checking. When running in this insecure mode, the tlisten and any process connecting to tlisten will generate a userlog warning message.

Processes which request services from tlisten such as tmboot find the passwords to be used during authentication in files on their own machines. They use the same methods as the tlisten to find their password files.

Environment Variables

Link-level Encryption

If the link-level encryption feature is in operation between tlisten and a requesting process such as tmboot , then link-level encryption will be negotiated and activated before authentication occurs.


The only way to stop a tlisten process with normal termination is by sending it a SIGTERM signal.

Recommended Use

We recommend that you start one tlisten process for each application upon system startup. Remember to set the TUXDIR and APPDIR environment variables before invoking tlisten .

One alternative method for starting the tlisten process is to start it manually. The -u option can be omitted if the tlisten process is started by the application administrator. Duplicate tlisten command invocations using the same network address will terminate automatically and gracefully log an appropriate message.

Network Addresses

Suppose the local machine on which the tlisten is being run is using TCP/IP addressing and is named , with address . Further suppose that the port number at which the tlisten should accept requests is 2334 . Assume that port number 2334 has been added to the network services database under the name bankapp-nlsaddr . The address specified by the -l option could be represented in the following ways:


The last of these representations is hexadecimal format. The 0002 is the first part of a TCP/IP address. The 091E is the port number 2334 translated into a hexadecimal number. After that each element of the IP address is translated into a hexadecimal number. Thus the 155 becomes 9B , 2 becomes 02 and so on.

For a STARLAN network, a recommended address of uname .tlisten will usually yield a unique name.

Windows NT Control Panel Applet

Administrative privileges on a remote NT machine are required in order to start a tlisten process on that machine through the Control Panel Applet.

See Also

ubbconfig (5)



tmadmin -BEA TUXEDO bulletin board command interpreter


tmadmin [ -r ] [ -c ] [ -v ]


With the commands listed below, tmadmin provides for inspection and modification of bulletin boards and associated entities in either a uniprocessor, multiprocessor or networked environment. The TUXCONFIG and TUXOFFSET environment variables are used to determine the location and offset where the BEA TUXEDO configuration file has been loaded.

If tmadmin is invoked with the -c option, it enters configuration mode. The only valid commands are default, echo, help, quit, verbose, livtoc, crdl, lidl, dsdl , indl , and dumptlog . tmadmin may be invoked in this mode on any node, including inactive nodes. A node is considered active if tmadmin can join the application as an administrative process or client (via a running BBL ).

The -r option instructs tmadmin to enter the bulletin board as a client instead of the administrator and provides read-only access. This is useful if it is desired to leave the administrator slot unoccupied. Only one tmadmin process can be the administrator at a time. When the -r option is specified by a user other than the BEA TUXEDO administrator and security is turned on, the user will be prompted for a password.

The -v option causes tmadmin to display the BEA TUXEDO version number and license number. After printing out the information, tmadmin exits. If the -v option is entered with either of the other two options, the others are ignored; only the information requested by the -v option is displayed.

Normally, tmadmin may be run on any active node within an active application. If it is run on an active node that is partitioned, then commands are limited to read only access to the local bulletin board. These command include bbls, bbparms, bbstat, default, dump, dumptlog, echo, help, interfaceparms, printactiveobject, printclient, printinterface, printfactory, printjdbcconnpool, printnet, printqueue, printroute, printserver, printservice, printtrans, printgroup, reconnect, quit, serverparms, serviceparms , and verbose , in addition to the configuration commands. If the partitioned node is the backup node for the MASTER (specified as the second entry on the MASTER parameter in the RESOURCES section of the configuration file), the master command is also available to make this node the MASTER for this part of the partitioned application.

If the application is inactive, tmadmin can only be run on the MASTER processor. In this mode, all of the configuration mode commands are available plus the TLOG commands (crlog, dslog , and inlog ) and boot .

Once tmadmin has been invoked, commands may be entered at the prompt (">") according to the following syntax: command [arguments]

Several commonly occurring arguments can be given defaults via the default command. Commands that accept parameters set via the default command check default to see if a value has been set. If one hasn't, an error message is returned.

In a networked or multiprocessor environment, a single bulletin board can be accessed by setting a default machine (the logical machine id (LMID ) as listed in the MACHINES section of the UBBCONFIG file). If the default machine is set to all , all bulletin boards are accessed. If machine is set to DBBL , the distinguished bulletin board is addressed. The default machine is shown as part of the prompt, as in: MASTER>

If machine is not set via the default command, the DBBL is addressed (the local BBL is used in a SHM configuration).

The machine value for a command can generally be obtained from the default setting (printserver is an example). A caution is required here, however, because some commands (the TLOG commands, for example) act on devices found through TUXCONFIG ; a default setting of DBBL or all results in an error. There are some commands where the machine value must be provided on the command line (logstart is an example); the value does not appear as an argument to the -m option.

After being set, a default remains in effect until the session is ended, unless changed by another default command. Defaults may be overridden by entering an explicit value on the command line, or unset by entering the value * . The effect of an override lasts for a single instance of the command.

Output from tmadmin commands is paginated according to the pagination command in use (see the paginate subcommand below).

There are some commands that have either verbose or terse output. The verbose command can be used to set the default output level. However, each command (except boot, shutdown and config ) takes a -v or -t option to turn verbose or terse output on for that command only. When output is printed in terse mode, some of the information (for example, LMID or GROUP name, service or server name) may be truncated. Truncation may be at either the left or right end of the value. The more important end of the value is not truncated. Truncation is indicated by a plus sign (+) . The entire value may be seen by re-entering the command in verbose mode.

tmadmin Commands

Commands may be entered either by their full name or their abbreviation (as given in parentheses), followed by any appropriate arguments. Arguments appearing in square brackets, [], are optional; those in curly braces, {}, indicate a selection from mutually exclusive options. Note that command line options that do not appear in square brackets need not appear on the command line (that is, they are optional) if the corresponding default has been set via the default command. Ellipses following a group of options in curly brackets, {}..., indicate that more than one of the options may appear on the command line (at least one must appear).

aborttrans (abort) [ -yes ] [ -g groupname ] tranindex

If groupname is specified (on the command line or by default), abort the transaction associated with the specified transaction index tranindex at the specified server group. Otherwise, notify the coordinator of the transaction to abort the global transaction. If the transaction is known to be decided and the decision was to commit, aborttrans will fail. The index is taken from the previous execution of the printtrans command. To completely get rid of a transaction, printtrans and aborttrans must be executed for all groups that are participants in the transaction. This command should be used with care.

advertise (adv) {-q qaddress [ -g groupname ]
[-i srvid ] | -g groupname -i srvid } service [: func ]

Create an entry in the service table for the indicated service. service may be mapped onto a function func . If qaddress is not specified, then both groupname and srvid are required to uniquely identify a server. If this service is to be added to an MSSQ set, all servers in the set will advertise the service. If all servers in an MSSQ set cannot advertise the service, the advertisement is disallowed. Services beginning with the character '_' are reserved for use by system servers and will fail to be advertised for application servers.

bbclean (bbc) machine

Check the integrity of all accessers of the bulletin board residing on machine machine , and the DBBL as well. bbclean will gracefully remove dead servers and will restart them if they are marked as restartable. It will also remove those resources no longer associated with any processes. As its last step, bbclean causes the DBBL to check the status of each BBL . If any BBL does not respond within SCANUNIT seconds, it is marked as partitioned. To clean only the Distinguished Bulletin Board, machine should be specified as DBBL . In SHM mode, bbclean restarts the BBL , if it has failed; the machine parameter is optional.

bbparms (bbp)

Print a summary of the bulletin board's parameters, such as the maximum number of servers, objects, interfaces, and services.

bbsread (bbls) machine

List the IPC resources for the bulletin board on machine machine. In SHM mode, the machine parameter is optional. Information from remote machines is not available.

bbstats (bbs )

Print a summary of bulletin board statistics. (See also shmstats )

boot (b) [ options ]

This command is identical to the tmboot (1) command. See tmboot(1) for an explanation of options and restrictions on use.

broadcast (bcst) [-m machine ] [-u usrname ] [-c cltname ] [text ]

Broadcasts an unsolicited notification message to all selected clients. The message sent is a typed buffer of the type STRING with the data being text. text may be no more than 80 characters in length. If text is to contain multiple words, then it must be enclosed in quotation marks ("text text"). If any parameter is not set (and does not have a default), then it is taken to be the wildcard value for that identifier.

changeload (chl ) [-m machine ] {-q qaddress [-g groupname ]
[-i srvid ] -s service | -g groupname -i srvid -s service | -I interface [-g groupname ] } newload

Change the load associated with the specified service or interface to newload. If qaddress is not specified, then both groupname and srvid must be specified. For BEA WLE, interface may be specified. If machine is set to all or is not set, the change is made on all machines; otherwise, a local change is made on the specified machine. Local changes are over-ridden by any subsequent global (or local) changes.

changepriority (chp) [-m machine ] {-q qaddress [-g groupname ]
[-i srvid ] -s service | -g groupname -i srvid -s service | -I interface [-g groupname ] } newpri

Change the dequeuing priority associated with the specified service or interface to newpri. If qaddress is not specified, then both groupname and srvid must be specified. For BEA WLE, interface may be specified. If machine is set to all or is not set, the change is made on all machines; otherwise, a local change is made on the specified machine. Local changes are over-ridden by any subsequent global (or local) changes.

changetrace (chtr) [-m machine ] [-g groupname ] [-i srvid] newspec

Change the runtime tracing behavior of currently executing processes to newspec . (See tmtrace (5) for the syntax of newspec .) To change the trace specification of a specific currently-running server process, supply the -g and -i options. To change the configuration of currently-running server processes in a specific group, supply the -g option without the -i option. To change the configuration of all currently-running client and server processes on a particular machine, specify the -m option. If none of the -g , -i , and -m options is supplied, then all non-administrative processes on the default machine are affected. This command does not affect the behavior of clients or servers that are not currently executing, nor /WS clients.

changetrantime (chtt) [-m machine ] {-q qaddress [-g groupname ] -
[-i srvid ] -s service | -g groupname -i srvid -s service | -I interface [-g groupname ] } newtlim

Change the transaction timeout value associated with the specified service or interface to newtlim . If qaddress is not specified, then both groupname and srvid must be specified. For BEA WLE, interface may be specified. If machine is set to all or is not set, the change is made on all machines; otherwise, a local change is made on the specified machine. Local changes are over-ridden by any subsequent global (or local) changes.

committrans (commit) [ -yes ] -g groupname tranindex

Commit the transaction associated with the specified transaction index tranindex at the specified server group. committrans will fail if the transaction has not been pre-committed at the specified server group or if the transaction is known to be abort-only. The index is taken from the previous execution of the printtrans command. This command prompts for confirmation before proceeding unless the -yes option is used. This command should be used with care.

config (conf )

This command is identical to the tmconfig (1) command. See tmconfig (1) for an explanation of its use.

crdl -b blocks -z config -o configoffset [ -O newdefoffset ] [ newdevice ]

Create an entry in the universal device list. blocks specifies the number of physical blocks to be allocated on the device. The default blocks value is initialized to 1000 blocks. configoffset specifies the block number at which space may begin to be allocated. If the -o option is not given and a default has not been set, the value of the environment variable FSOFFSET is used. If FSOFFSET is not set, the default is 0. config points to the first device (which contains the device list); it must be an absolute pathname (starting with /). If the -z option is not given and a default has not been set, the path named by the FSCONFIG environment variable is used. The newdevice argument to the crdl command, if specified, points to the device being created; it must be an absolute pathname (starting with /). If this parameter is not given, the newdevice defaults to the config device. newdefoffset specified an offset to the beginning of newdevice . If not specified with the -O (capital O) option of default, the default is 0 (zero).

crlog (crlg) -m machine

Create the DTP transaction log for the named or default machine (it cannot be "DBBL" or "all"). An error is returned if a TLOG is not defined for the machine on the configuration. This command references the TUXCONFIG file to determine the BEA TUXEDO file system containing the TLOG , the name of the TLOG in that file system, the offset, and the size (see ubbconfig (5)).

default (d ) [-g groupname ] [-i srvid ] [-m machine ] [-u usrname ] [-c cltname ]
[-q qaddress ] [-s service ] [-b blocks ] [-o offset ] [-z config ] [-a { 0|1|2 }] [-I interface] [-B objectid] [-r routingname] [-p jdbcconnpool ]

Set the corresponding argument to be the default group name, server ID, machine, user name, client name, queue address, service name, device blocks, device offset, or UDL configuration device path, which must be an absolute pathname starting with / . See printservice for information on the -a option. For BEA WLE systems, you can also set corresponding arguments to be the default object interface name, object ID, factory-based routing name, or JDBC connection pool. When the object ID parameter is specified (with -B), the machine argument (-m ) must also be specified. All defaults may be unset by specifying * as an argument. If machine has been set to a machine identifier, and later retrievals are to be done from the Distinguished Bulletin Board, machine should be set to DBBL . Unsetting the machine (-m * ) is equivalent to setting it to DBBL . If the default command is entered with no arguments, the current defaults are printed.

dsdl [ -yes ] -z config [ -o offset ] dlindex

Destroy an entry found in the universal device list. The dlindex argument is the index on the universal device list of the device that is to be removed from the device list. Entry 0 cannot be removed until all VTOC files and other device list entries are destroyed first (because entry 0 contains the device which holds the device list and table of contents, destroying it also destroys these two tables.) config points to the device containing the universal device list; it must be an absolute pathname (starting with /). If the -z option is not given and a default has not been set, the path named by the FSCONFIG environment variable is used. offset specifies an offset into config . If the -o option is not given and a default has not been set, the value of the environment variable FSOFFSET is used. If FSOFFSET is not set, the default is 0. This command prompts for confirmation before proceeding unless the -yes option is used.

dslog (dslg ) [ -yes ] -m machine

Destroy the DTP transaction log for the named or default machine (it cannot be "DBBL" or "all"). An error is returned if a TLOG is not defined for the machine, if the application is not inactive, or if outstanding transaction records exist on the log. The term outstanding transactions means that a global transaction has been committed but an end-of-transaction has not yet been written. This command references the TUXCONFIG file to determine the BEA TUXEDO file system containing the TLOG and name of the TLOG in that file system. This command prompts for confirmation before proceeding unless the -yes option is specified.

dump (du ) filename

Dump the current bulletin board into the file filename.

dumptlog (dl ) -z config [ -o offset ] [ -n name ] [ -g groupname ] filename

Dumps an ASCII version of the TLOG into the specified filename. The TLOG is located on the specified config and offset, and has the specified name. If the -n option is not given and a default has not been set, the name "TLOG" is used. config points to the device containing the universal device list; it must be an absolute pathname (starting with /). If the -z option is not given and a default has not been set, the path named by the FSCONFIG environment variable is used. The -o offset option can be used to specify an offset into config. If the -o option is not given and a default has not been set, the value of the environment variable FSOFFSET is used. If FSOFFSET is not set, the default is 0. If groupname is specified, then only log records for transactions where that group is the coordinator will be dumped.

echo (e) [{off | on}]

Echo input command lines when set to on . If no option is given, then the current setting is toggled, and the new setting is printed. The initial setting is off .

help (h) [{ command | all }]

Print help messages. If command is specified, the abbreviation, arguments, and description for that command are printed. all causes a description of all commands to be displayed. Omitting all arguments causes the syntax of all commands to be displayed.

initdl (indl ) [ -yes ] -z config [ -o offset ] dlindex

Reinitializes a device on the device list. The argument dlindex is the index of the device on the universal device list of the device that is to be reinitialized. All space on the specified device is freed; this means that any files, etc., stored on the device may be overwritten in the future so this command must be used cautiously. This command prompts for confirmation before proceeding unless the -yes option is used. config points to the device containing the universal device list; it must be an absolute pathname (starting with /). If the -z option is not given and a default has not been set, the path named by the FSCONFIG environment variable is used. The -o offset option can be used to specify an offset into config. If the -o option is not given and a default has not been set, the value of the environment variable FSOFFSET is used. If FSOFFSET is not set, the default is 0.

inlog [ -yes ] -m machine

Reinitialize the DTP transaction log for the named or default machine (it cannot be "DBBL" or "all"). An error is returned if a TLOG is not defined for the machine or if the application is not inactive. If outstanding transactions exist on the TLOG , data may be inconsistent across resource managers acting as participants in these transactions since the resource managers may abort the local transaction instead of correctly committing the transaction. This command references the TUXCONFIG file to determine the BEA TUXEDO file system containing the TLOG and name of the TLOG in that file system. This command prompts for confirmation before proceeding unless the -yes option is specified.

interfaceparms (ifp) -g groupname -I interface

Print information about a specific object interface, including the name of the interface, and the load, priority, timeout, and transaction timeout value associated with it. The groupname and interface arguments must be unique.

lidl -z config [ -o offset ] [ dlindex ]

Print the universal device list. For each device the following is listed: the name, the starting block, and the number of blocks on the device. In verbose mode, a map is printed which shows free space (starting address and size of free space). If dlindex is specified, then only the information for that device list entry is printed. config points to the device containing the universal device list; it must be an absolute pathname (starting with /). If the -z option is not given and a default has not been set, the path named by the FSCONFIG environment variable is used. The -o offset option can be used to specify an offset into config. If the -o option is not given and a default has not been set, the value of the environment variable FSOFFSET is used. If FSOFFSET is not set, the default is 0.

livtoc -z config [ -o offset ]

Prints information for all VTOC table entries. The information printed for each entry includes the name of the VTOC table, the device on which it is found, the offset of the VTOC table from the beginning of the device and the number of pages allocated for that table. config points to the device containing the universal device list; it must be an absolute pathname (starting with /). If the -z option is not given and a default has not been set, the path named by the FSCONFIG environment variable is used. The -o offset option can be used to specify an offset into config . If the -o option is not specified, the value of the environment variable FSOFFSET is used. If FSOFFSET is not set, the default is 0.

loadtlog -m machine filename

Read the ASCII version of a TLOG from the specified filename (produced by dumptlog ) into the existing TLOG for the named or default machine (it cannot be "DBBL" or "all").

logstart machine

Force a warm start for the TLOG information on the specified machine. This should normally be done following a loadtlog and after disk relocation during server group migration.

master (m ) [ -yes ]

If run on the backup node when partitioned, the backup node takes over as the acting master node and a DBBL is booted to take over administrative processing. If run on the master node when the backup node is acting as the master, the DBBL is migrated to the master node, and the backup node is no longer the acting master node. This command prompts for confirmation before proceeding unless the -yes option is specified.

migrategroup (migg ) [-cancel ] group_name

The migrategroup command takes the name of a server group. If the configuration file specifies the MIGRATE option and an alternate location for the group, all servers in group_name are migrated to the alternate location. Servers must be shutdown for migration with the command: shutdown -R -g groupname . The -R option retains server names in the bulletin board so that migration can be done. The migration can be canceled after the shutdown -R by the command: migrategroup -cancel groupname . The -cancel option deletes the server names from the bulletin board.

migratemach (migm) [-cancel] machine

All servers running on the specified machine are migrated to their alternate location. Servers must be shutdown for migration with the command: shutdown -R -l machine When the migratemachine command is used, all server groups located on machine must have the same alternate location (otherwise migrategroup must be used). Migration of an LMID (i.e., machine) that contains /Host gateway servers implies the migration of these gateway servers to the alternate LMID . Specifying the -cancel option causes the cancellation of an in progress migration. In progress means that the servers have been shutdown with the -R option on tmshutdown but have not yet been migrated.

paginate (page ) [{off | on }]

Paginate output. If no option is given, then the current setting will be toggled, and the new setting is printed. he initial setting is on, unless either standard input or standard output is a non-tty device. Pagination may only be turned on when both standard input and standard output are tty devices.The shell environment variable PAGER may be used to override the default command used for paging output. The default paging command is indigenous to the native operating system environment, e.g., the command pg is the default in a UNIX System operating environment.


Prompt the administrator for a new application password in an application requiring security.

pclean (pcl ) machine

pclean first forces a bbclean on the specified machine to restart or cleanup any servers that may require it. If machine is partitioned, entries for processes and services identified as running on machine are removed from all non-partitioned bulletin boards. If machine is not partitioned, any processes or services that can not be restarted or cleaned up are removed.

printclient (pclt) [-m machine ] [-u usrname ] [-c cltname ]

Print information for the specified set of client processes. If no arguments or defaults are set, then information on all clients is printed. The -m, -u, and -c options or defaults can be used to restrict the information to any combination of machine, user name, or client name.

printconn (pc) [-m machine ]

Print information about conversational connections. The -m option or default can be used to restrict the information to connections to or from the specified machine. A machine value of "all" or "DBBL" will print information from all machines.

printactiveobject (pao) [-B objectid ] [-m machine ]

Print information about objects that are active in the domain. The information includes the object ID, interface name, service name, program name, group ID, process ID, reference count, and type. The command accepts an object ID and a machine ID as optional parameters. If no object ID is specified, information for all active objects is printed. If no machine ID is specified, information is provided for all active objects on the machine where the command is issued. Any object ID that contains over 128 characters is displayed as a 40-character, alphanumeric, hash value. Types are either CORBA or JAVA.

printfactory (pf)

Print information about object factories registered with the factory finder. The information includes the name of the interface, its factory identifier, and attributes of the current factory status. This command takes no arguments.

printgroup (pg) [-m machine ] [-g groupname ]

Print server group table information. The default is to print information for all groups. The -g and -m options or defaults can be used to restrict the information to a combination of group or machine. The information printed includes the server group name, the server group number, primary and alternate LMIDs, and the current location.

printinterface (pif) [-m machine ] [-g groupname ] [-I interface ]

Print information about specified object interfaces, including the interface name, queue name, group ID, machine ID, routing name, and the number of requests done by the interface. The command accepts a machine name, group name, and interface name as optional parameters. If a machine name is specified, the number of active objects for the interface is printed. Otherwise, a hyphen (-) indicates that the information about active objects is unavailable.

printjdbcconnpool (pjcp) [-g groupname ] [-i srvid ]
jconnpoolname ]

Print information about JDBC connection pools. The default prints information about all connection pools configured in the domain. The display can be restricted by group, server, or connection pool using the -g , -i , and -p options. High-water mark of connections, clients currently waiting, and other details are displayed in verbose mode. For more information, see the BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide.

printmodule (pmod) [-g groupname ] [-i srvid ]

Displays information about all the modules installed in the domain (such as EJB or CORBA Java archive files).

printnet (pnw ) [ mach_list ]

Print network connection information. The default is to print information for all machines. The printnet command optionally takes a comma separated list of machines (LMIDs ) as arguments. If specified, information is restricted to network connections involving the specified machines. For each machine, an indication is given if the machine is partitioned. If not partitioned, information is printed indicating the machines to which it is connected and counts of messages in and out.

printqueue (pq ) [qaddress ]

Print queue information for all application and administrative servers. The default is to print information about all queues. The qaddress command line or default can be used to restrict information to a specific queue. Output includes the server name and the name of the machine on which the queues reside.

printroute (pr) [-r routingname]

Print information about factory-based routing definitions, including routing name, type, field, and ranges. If routingname is not specified, all existing routes are displayed. This commands prints routes for both BEA TUXEDO data dependent routing and BEA WLE factory-based routing. The type field in the output displays FACTORY for factory-based routing entries and SERVER for data-dependent routing entries. When information for data-dependent routing entries has been requested in verbose mode, the output includes buffer type and field type.

printserver (psr ) [-m machine ] [-g groupname ] [-i srvid ] [-q qaddress ]

Print information for application and administrative servers. The -q , -m , -g and -i options can be used to restrict the information to any combination of queue, machine, group or server. Information specific to JavaServers is printed only in verbose mode.

printservice (psc ) [-m machine ] [-g groupname ] [-i srvid ] [-a { 0|1|2 } ]
[-q qaddress ] [-s service ]

Print information for application and administrative services. The -q , -m , -g , -i and -s options can be used to restrict the information to any combination of queue address, machine, group, server or service. The -a option allows you to select the class of service; -a0 limits the display to application services, -a1 selects application services plus system services callable by an application, -a2 selects both of those plus system services callable by BEA TUXEDO.

printtrans (pt) [-g groupname ] [-m machine ]

Print global transaction table information for either the specified or the default machine. If machine is "all " or "DBBL ", then information will be merged together from transaction tables at all non-partitioned machines in the application. The command line or default groupname value can be used to restrict the information to transactions where the group is a participant (including the coordinator) in the transaction. When printed in terse mode, the transaction identifier, an index used for aborting or committing transactions with aborttrans or committrans , transaction status, and count of participants is printed. In verbose mode, transaction timeout information and participant information (e.g., server group names and statuses including who the coordinator is) is also printed.

quit (q )

Terminate the session.

reconnect (rco ) non-partitioned_machine1 partitioned_machine2

Initiate a new connection from the non-partitioned machine to the partitioned machine. reconnect forces a new connection from the non-partitioned machine to the partitioned machine. If a connection is already active, it is closed before the reconnect. This may cause in-transit messages to be lost, resulting in transaction timeouts. It is possible for a machine or network connection to be down, but the network interface driver will continue to accept and buffer requests without any error indication to the BRIDGE . In this case, reconnect will fail, forcing the BRIDGE to recognize that the remote machine cannot be reached. Note that in most cases, after network problems are resolved, the BRIDGE reconnects automatically, making manual intervention (with reconnect ) unnecessary.

resume (res ) {-q qaddress | -g groupname | -i srvid | -s service | -I interface } . . .

Resume (unsuspend) services. The -q , -g , -s , -I, and -i options can be used to restrict the resumed services to any combination of queue, group, service, interface, and server. (at least one of these options must be specified or have a default.) Thus > resume -q servq8 is a shorthand way of unsuspending all services advertised on the queue with the address servq8 . Once a suspended service is resumed, the offering server will be selected as a candidate server for that service, as well as for other (unsuspended) services it may offer. If multiple servers are reading from a single queue, the status of a particular service is reflected in all servers reading from that queue.

serverparms (srp ) -g groupname -i srvid

Print the parameters associated with the server specified by groupname and srvid for a group.

serviceparms (scp) -g groupname -i srvid -s service

Print the parameters associated with the service specified by groupname, srvid and service.

shmstats (sstats) [ ex | app ]

If MODEL SHM is specified in the configuration file, shmstats can be used to assure more accurate statistics. When entered with no argument, shmstats returns the present setting of the TMACCSTATS flag of the bbparms.options member of the bulletin board structure. This tells you whether statistics presently being gathered are exact or approximate. If the command is entered with ex specified, shmstats turns on the TMACCSTATS flag, locks the bulletin board and zeroes out the counters for server table, queue table and service table entries.

shutdown (stop ) [options ]

This command is identical to the tmshutdown (1) command. tmshutdown options can be used to select servers to be stopped. See tmshutdown (1) for an explanation of options and restrictions on use.

suspend (susp ) {-q qaddress | -g groupname | -i srvid | -s service | -I interface } . . .

Suspend services. The -q , -g , -s , -I, and -i options can be used to restrict the suspended services to any combination of queue, group, service, interface, and server (At least one of these options must be specified or have a default.) Thus > suspend -q servq8 is a shorthand way of suspending all services advertised on the queue with the address servq8 . When a service is suspended, the offering server will no longer be selected as a candidate server for that service, although it will continue to be selected to process other services it may offer. Queued requests for the suspended service are processed until the queue is drained. If multiple servers are reading from a single queue, the status of a particular service is reflected in all servers reading from that queue.

unadvertise (unadv )

{-q qaddress [-g groupname ] [-i srvid ] | -g groupname -i srvid } service

Remove an entry in the service table for the indicated service. If qaddress is not specified, then both groupname and srvid are required to uniquely identify a server. Specifying either a queue or a particular server on that queue achieve the same results. If this service is to be removed from a multiple server, single queue (MSSQ) set, then the advertisement for service will be removed from all servers reading from that queue.

verbose (v ) [{off | on }]

Produce output in verbose mode. If no option is given, then the current setting will be toggled, and the new setting is printed. The initial setting is off . The -v (verbose) and -t (terse) options on individual commands can be used to temporarily override the current setting.

! shellcommand

Escape to shell and execute shellcommand.


Repeat previous shell command.

# [text ]

Lines beginning with "#" are comment lines and are ignored.


Repeat the last command.


When tmadmin runs as the administrator, it does not pass through security since it is already checked to be the application administrator's login ID.

The only time that tmadmin may run as someone other than the application administrator is if the -r option is used to access the application as a client. If such a user invokes tmadmin with the -r option, and if security is turned on for the application, then the application password is required to access application data. If standard input is a terminal, then tmadmin will prompt the user for the password with echo turned off on the reply. If standard input is not a terminal, the password is retrieved from the environment variable, APP_PW . If this environment variable is not specified and an application password is required, then tmadmin will fail.

Environment Variables

tmadmin acts as an application client if the -r option is used or if it cannot register as the application administrator. If this is the case, then the APP_PW environment variable must be set to the application password in a security application if standard input is not from a terminal.


If the tmadmin command is entered before the system has been booted, the following message is displayed:

No bulletin board exists. Entering boot mode


tmadmin then waits for a boot command to be entered.

If the tmadmin command is entered, without the -c option, on an inactive node that is not the MASTER , the following message is displayed and the command terminates:

Cannot enter boot mode on non-master node.

If an incorrect application password is entered or is not available to a shell script through the environment, then a log message is generated, the following message is displayed and the command terminates:

Invalid password entered.


tmadmin may be run on any node within an active interoperating application. However, the commands and command line arguments available are restricted to those available via tmadmin in the release corresponding to the node where tmadmin is running. For example, the commands broadcast , passwd and printclient are not available on Release 4.1 nodes.


tmadmin is supported as a BEA TUXEDO-supplied administrative tool on UNIX operating systems only.


The machine option has no effect in a non-networked uniprocessor environment.

See Also

tmloadcf (1), tmboot (1), tmshutdown (1), compilation (5), ubbconfig (5),
BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide



tmboot -bring up a BEA TUXEDO configuration


tmboot [-l lmid] [-g grpname] [-i srvid] [-s aout] [-o sequence]
[-S] [-A] [-b] [-B lmid] [-T grpname] [-e command] [-w] [-y] [-q]
[-n] [-c] [-M] [-d1]


tmboot brings up a BEA TUXEDO application in whole or in part depending on the options specified. tmboot can be invoked only by the administrator of the bulletin board (as indicated by the UID parameter in the configuration file) or by root . tmboot can be invoked only on the machine identified as MASTER in the RESOURCES section of the configuration file, or the backup acting as the MASTER , that is, with the DBBL already running (via the master command in tmadmin (1)). Except, if the -b option is used; in that case, the system can be booted from the backup machine without it having been designated as the MASTER .

With no options, tmboot executes all administrative processes and all servers listed in the SERVERS section of the configuration file named by the environment variables, TUXCONFIG and TUXOFFSET . If the MODEL is MP , a DBBL administrative server is started on the machine indicated by the MASTER parameter in the RESOURCES section. An administrative server (BBL ) is started on every machine listed in the MACHINES section. For each group in the GROUPS section, TMS servers are started based on the TMSNAME and TMSCOUNT parameters for each entry. All administrative servers are started followed by servers in the SERVERS sections. Any TMS or gateway servers for a group are booted before the first application server in the group is booted. The TUXCONFIG file is propagated to remote machines as necessary. tmboot normally waits for a booted process to complete its initialization (that is, tpsvrinit() ) before booting the next process.

Booting a gateway server implies that the gateway advertises its administrative service, and also advertises the application services representing the foreign services based on the CLOPT parameter for the gateway (-A will cause all services defined when the gateway is built with buildgateway (1) to be advertised; -s can be used to give a list of services). If the instantiation has the concept of foreign servers, these servers are booted by the gateway at this time.

Booting an LMID is equivalent to booting all groups on that LMID .

Application servers are booted in the order specified by the SEQUENCE parameter, or in the order of server entries in the configuration file (see description in ubbconfig (5)). If two or more servers in the SERVERS section of the configuration file have the same SEQUENCE parameter, then tmboot may boot these servers in parallel and will not continue until they all complete initialization. Each entry in the SERVERS section can have a MIN and MAX parameter. tmboot boots MIN application servers (the default is 1 if MIN is not specified for the server entry) unless the -i option is specified; using the -i option causes individual servers to be booted up to MAX occurrences.

If a server can not be started, a diagnostic is written on the central event log (and to the standard output, unless -q is specified), and tmboot continues -- except that if the failing process is a BBL , servers that depend on that BBL are silently ignored; if the failing process is a DBBL , tmboot ignores the rest of the configuration file. If a server is configured with an alternate LMID and fails to start on its primary machine, tmboot automatically attempts to start the server on the alternate machine and, if successful, sends a message to the DBBL to update the server group section of TUXCONFIG .

For servers in the SERVERS section, only CLOPT , SEQUENCE , SRVGRP and SRVID are used by tmboot . Collectively, these are known as the server's boot parameters. Once the server has been booted, it reads the configuration file to find its runtime parameters. (See ubbconfig (5) for a description of all parameters.)

All administrative and application servers are booted with APPDIR as their current working directory. The value of APPDIR is specified in the configuration file in the MACHINES section for the machine on which the server is being booted.

The search path for the server executables is APPDIR , followed by TUXDIR/bin , followed by /bin and /usr/bin , followed by any PATH specified in the ENVFILE for the MACHINE . The search path is only used if an absolute path name is not specified for the server. Values placed in the server's ENVFILE are not used for the search path.

When a server is booted, the variables TUXDIR, TUXCONFIG, TUXOFFSET , and APPDIR , with values specified in the configuration file for that machine, are placed in the environment. The environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH is also placed in the environment of all servers. Its value defaults to $APPDIR:$TUXDIR/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:lib> where lib> is the value of the first LD_LIBRARY_PATH= line appearing in the machine ENVFILE . See ubbconfig (5) for a description of the syntax and use of the ENVFILE .

The ULOGPFX for the server is also set up at boot time based on the parameter for the machine in the configuration file. If not specified, it defaults to $APPDIR/ULOG .

All of these operations are performed before the application initialization function, tpsvrinit() , is called.

Many of the command line options of tmboot serve to limit the way in which the system is booted and can be used to boot a partial system. The following options are supported:

-l lmid

For each group whose associated LMID parameter is lmid, all TMS and gateway servers associated with the group are booted and all servers in the SERVERS section associated with those groups are executed.

-g grpname

All TMS and gateway servers for the group whose SRVGRP parameter is grpname are started followed by all servers in the SERVERS section associated with that group. TMS servers are started based on the TMSNAME and TMSCOUNT parameters for the group entry.

-i srvid

All servers in the SERVERS section whose SRVID parameter is srvid are executed.

-s aout

All servers in the SERVERS section with name aout are executed. This option can also be used to boot TMS and gateway servers; normally this option would be used in this way in conjunction with the -g option.

-o sequence

All servers in the SERVERS section with SEQUENCE parameter sequence are executed.


All servers in the SERVERS section are executed.


All administrative servers for machines in the MACHINES section are executed. Use this option to guarantee that the DBBL and all BBL and BRIDGE processes are brought up in the correct order (also see the -M option).


Boot the system from the BACKUP machine, (without having to make it the MASTER ).

-B lmid

A BBL is started on a processor with logical name lmid.


This option starts administrative servers on the master machine. If the MODEL is MP , a DBBL administrative server is started on the machine indicated by the MASTER parameter in the RESOURCES section. A BBL is started on the MASTER machine, and a BRIDGE is started if the LAN option and a NETWORK entry are specified in the configuration file.


Causes command line options to be printed on the standard output. Useful when preparing to use sdb to debug application services.

-T grpname

All TMS servers for the group whose SRVGRP parameter is grpname are started (based on the TMSNAME and TMSCOUNT parameters associated with the group entry). This option is the same as booting based on the TMS server name (-s option) and the group name (-g ).

-e command

Causes command to be executed if any process fails to boot successfully. command can be any program, script, or sequence of commands understood by the command interpreter specified in the SHELL environment variable. This allows an opportunity to bail out of the boot procedure. If command contains white space, the entire string must be enclosed in quotes. This command is executed on the machine on which tmboot is being run, not on the machine where the server is being booted.


Informs tmboot not to wait for servers to complete initialization before booting another server.This option should be used with caution. BBL s depend on the presence of a valid DBBL , ordinary servers require a running BBL on the processor on which they are placed. These conditions can not be guaranteed if servers are not started in a synchronized manner.This option overrides the waiting that is normally done when servers have sequence numbers.


Assumes a yes answer to a prompt that asks if all administrative and server processes should be booted. (The prompt appears only when the command is entered with none of the limiting options.)


Suppresses the printing of the execution sequence on the standard output. It implies -y .


The execution sequence is printed, but not performed.


Minimum IPC resources needed for this configuration are printed.

When the -l , -g , -i , -o , and -s options are used in combination, only servers that satisfy all qualifications specified will be booted. The -l , -g , -s , and -T options cause TMS servers to be booted; the -l , -g , and -s options cause gateway servers to be booted; the -l , -g , -i , -o , -s , and -S options apply to application servers. Options that boot application servers will fail if a BBL is not available on the machine.The -A , -M , and -B options apply only to administrative processes.

The standard input, standard output, and standard error file descriptors will be closed for all booted servers.


tmboot must run on the master node, which in an interoperating application must be the highest release available. tmboot detects and reports configuration file conditions that would lead to the booting of administrative servers such asWorkstation listeners on sites that cannot support them.


tmboot is supported as a BEA TUXEDO-supplied administrative tool on UNIX operating systems only.

Environment Variables

During the installation process, an administrative password file is created. When necessary, BEA TUXEDO searches for this file in the following directories (in the order shown): APPDIR/.adm/ TUXDIR/udataobj/ To ensure that your password file will be found, make sure you have set the APPDIR and/or TUXDIR environment variables.

Link-Level Encryption

If the link-level encryption feature is in operation between tmboot and tlisten , link-level encryption will be negotiated and activated first to protect the process by which messages are authenticated.


If TUXCONFIG is set to a non-existent file, two fatal error messages are displayed: error processing configuration file configuration file not found

If tmboot fails to boot a server, it will exit with exit code 1 and the user log should be examined for further details; otherwise it will exit with exit code 0.

If tmboot is run on an inactive non-master node, a fatal error message is displayed: tmboot cannot run on a non-master node.

If tmboot is run on an active node that is not the acting master node, a fatal error message is displayed: tmboot cannot run on a non acting-master node in an active application.

If the same IPCKEY is used in more than one TUXCONFIG file, tmboot fails with the following message: Configuration file parameter has been changed since last tmboot

If there are multiple node names in the MACHINES section in a non-LAN configuration, a fatal error message is displayed: Multiple nodes not allowed in MACHINES for non-LAN application.

If tlisten is not running on the MASTER machine in a LAN application, a warning message will be printed. In this case, tmadmin (1) will not be able to run in administrator mode on remote machines; it will be limited to read-only operations. This also means that the backup site will be unable to to reboot the master site after failure.


To start only those servers located on the machines logically named CS0 and CS1 : tmboot -l CS0 -l CS1 To start only those servers named CREDEB and belonging to group DBG1 : tmboot -g DBG1 -s CREDEB1 To boot a BBL on the machine logically named PE8 , as well as all those servers whose location is specified as PE8 : tmboot -B PE8 -l PE8

To view minimum IPC resources needed for the configuration: tmboot -c

The following is an example of the output produced by the -c option:

Ipc sizing (minimum /T values only) ...
Fixed Minimums Per Processor
Variable Minimums Per Processor
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
sfpup 60 1 60 A + 1 10 20 76K
sfsup 63 5 63 A + 1 11 22 76K
where 1 = A = 8.

The number of expected application clients per processor should be added to each MSGMNI value. MSGMAP should be twice MSGMNI . SHMMIN should always be set to 1.

The minimum IPC requirements can be compared to the parameters set for your machine. See the System Administrator's Guide for your machine for information about how to change these parameters. If the -y option is used, the display will differ slightly from the above example.


The tmboot command ignores the hangup signal (SIGHUP ). If a signal is detected during boot, the process continues.

Minimum IPC resources displayed with the -c option apply only to the configuration described in the configuration file specified; IPC resources required for a resource manager, for a mask cache, or for other BEA TUXEDO configurations are not considered in the calculation.

See Also

tmadmin (1), tmshutdown (1), tmloadcf (1), ubbconfig (5), BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide



tmconfig -Dynamically update and retrieve information about the BEA TUXEDO configuration for a running system




tmconfig is an interactive program that can be used to update some of the configuration file parameters, or MIB attributes, and add records to some of the TUXCONFIG sections while the BEA TUXEDO application is running. tmconfig manages a buffer that contains input field values to be added, updated, or retrieved and displays output field values and status after each operation completes. The user can update the input buffer using any available text editor.

tmconfig is a BEA TUXEDO system client. (It will show up as tmconfig with the user name being the login name in the tmadmin printclient command.) If the application is using the SECURITY feature, it will prompt for the application password.

tmconfig first prompts for the desired section followed by a prompt for the desired operation.

The prompt for the section is as follows.


The default section appears in square brackets at the end of the prompt.

tmconfig then prompts for the desired operation.

Operation: 1) FIRST 2) NEXT 3) RETRIEVE 4) ADD 5) UPDATE

The default operation is printed in square brackets at the end of the prompt. Entering return will select this option. The other options are selected by entering the number and RETURN .

The currently supported operations are:

For administrator operations, the effective user identifier must match the BEA TUXEDO administrator user identifier (UID) for the machine on which this program is executed. When a record is updated or added, all default values and validations used by tmloadcf (1) are enforced.

tmconfig then prompts whether or not to edit the input buffer. Enter editor to add/modify fields [n]? Entering a value of y will put the input buffer into a temporary file and execute the text editor. The environment variable EDITOR is used to determine which editor to be used and the default is ed . The input format is in fieldname/field value pairs and is described in the INPUT FORMAT section below. The field names associated with each UBBCONFIG section are listed in tables in the sub-sections below. The semantics of the fields and associated ranges, default values, restrictions, etc. are described in ubbconfig (5). Note that permissions values are specified in decimal, not octal. In most cases, the field name is the same as the KEYWORD in the UBBCONFIG file, prefixed with "TA_". When the user completes editing the input buffer, tmconfig reads it. If more than one line occurs for a particular field name, the first occurrence is used and other occurrences are ignored. If any errors occur, a syntax error will be printed and tmconfig prompts whether or not to correct the problem. Enter editor to correct?

If the problem is not corrected (response n), then the input buffer will contain no fields. Otherwise, the editor is executed again.

Finally, tmconfig asks if the operation should be done. Perform operation [y]?

When the operation completes, tmconfig prints the return value as in Return value TAOK followed by the output buffer fields. The process then begins again with a prompt for the section. All output buffer fields are available in the input buffer unless the buffer is cleared.

Entering break at any time restarts the interaction at the prompt for the section.

When QUIT is selected, tmconfig prompts for creating a backup ASCII version of the configuration: Unload TUXCONFIG file into ASCII backup [y]? If a backup is selected, tmconfig prompts for the file name. Backup filename [UBBCONFIG]? On success, tmconfig indicates that a backup was created; otherwise an error is printed.

Input Format

Input packets consist of lines formatted as follows:

fldname fldval

The field name is separated from the field value by one or more tabs.

Lengthy field values can be continued on the next line by having the continuation line begin with one or more tabs (which are dropped when read back into tmconfig ).

Empty lines consisting of a single newline character are ignored.

To enter an unprintable character in the field value or to start a field value with a tab, use a backslash followed by the two-character hexadecimal representation of the desired character (see ASCII(5) in a UNIX reference manual). A space, for example, can be entered in the input data as \20. A backslash can be entered using two backslash characters. tmconfig recognizes all input in this format, but the greatest usefulness of the hexadecimal format is for non-printing characters.


The following are general limitations of the dynamic reconfiguration capability:

Relationship between tmconfig, ubbconfig and MIBs

In what are now ancient releases of BEA TUXEDO all application configuration was accomplished by editing an ASCII file, the UBBCONFIG file, that contained all the configuration parameters for an application. A later version compiled that file into a binary format known as TUXCONFIG , by using tmloadcf(1).Yet another release introduced tmconfig , which enabled dynamic updates (that is, updates while the system was active) of a number of TUXCONFIG parameters. A more recent development was the introduction of BEA TUXEDO Management Information Bases (MIBS) which redefined BEA TUXEDO resources into classes and attributes. With the advent of MIBS, the BEA TUXEDO system also provided an admin API that enables an administrator (or a user) to access and change the attributes of an application programmatically. To keep documentation from getting out of synch, BEA TUXEDO documentation will no longer maintain section tables in this reference page for tmconfig , except for the table for the Network Section. Instead, you will be referred to the appropriate MIB class where the attributes can be found.

When Attributes (Fields) Can Be Updated and Who Can Do It

One feature of the former tmconfig tables was a column that told when a field can be updated.That information is carried in the MIB reference pages, but in a form that requires a little more digging on your part. See the description of Permissions in MIB(5). The Permissions columns in MIB tables look like typical read, write and execute permissions that you may familiar with for files, but they carry more weight than that. For example, by using additional letters they can indicate whether or not the field can be changed when the system is active.

Study the description in MIB(5) before you attempt to use tmconfig .


For attributes in this section, please see the T_DOMAIN class in the TM_MIB (5) reference page.


The ADD operation is not valid for this section. Since there is only one record in this section, the RETRIEVE operation is the same as the FIRST operation (no key field is required). The NEXT operation will always return record not found.

Changes to TA_LDBAL , TA_CMTRET , and TA_SYSTEM_ACCESS only affect new clients and servers that are subsequently booted. TA_SYSTEM_ACCESS cannot be changed if NO_OVERRIDE is specified and any server entries exist that don't match the specified access type (PROTECTED or FASTPATH ). Changes to TA_NOTIFY and TA_AUTHSVC only affect new clients that are subsequently started.

Updates to parameters other than those listed above will not appear in your unloaded ASCII backup file.


For attributes in this section, please see the T_MACHINE class in the TM_MIB (5) reference page.


A machine cannot be added unless LAN appears in the OPTIONS in the RESOURCES section.

Updates to parameters other than those listed above will not appear in your unloaded ASCII backup file.

GROUPS Section

For attributes in this section, please see the T_GROUP class in the TM_MIB (5) reference page.


For attributes in this section, please see the T_SERVER class in the TM_MIB (5) reference page.


Parameter changes in the SERVERS section take effect the next time that an associated server is booted (and not restarted) If multiple servers are defined in an MSSQ set (using TA_RQADDR ), they must have the same services booted (e.g., changes to TA_CLOPT or ENVFILE must not affect the services that are booted such that they don't match currently booted servers). If TA_MAX is changed, automatic spawning of conversational servers for the new server identifiers will not happen until one or more servers in the server set are booted.

Services Section

For attributes in this section, please see the T_SERVICE class and the T_SVCGRP class in the TM_MIB (5) reference page.


Parameter changes in the SERVICES section take effect the next time a server offering the service is booted (and not restarted). Updates to TA_ROUTINGNAME are allowed only with a missing or NULL valued TA_SRVGRP field. In this case, all matching *SERVICES entries will have their TA_ROUTINGNAME updated simultaneously. The TA_ROUTINGNAME corresponds to the ROUTING field in the *SERVICES section.

Updates to parameters other than those listed above will not appear in your unloaded ASCII backup file.


The following table lists the fields in the NETWORK section.


Field Identifier

Field Type










ASCII format (no embedded NULL characters)







ASCII format (no embedded NULL characters)


A record cannot be added while the associated LMID is booted.

No operations can be done on the NETWORKS section unless LAN appears in the OPTIONS in the RESOURCES section.

Updates to parameters other than those listed above will not appear in your unloaded ASCII backup file.


For attributes in this section, please see the T_ROUTING class in the TM_MIB (5) reference page.


The ROUTING section cannot be updated while the system is running. New ROUTING section entries may be added provided the bulletin board sizing parameters MAXDRT , MAXRFT and MAXRTDATA in the RESOURCES section were set to allow for growth.

WSL Section

For attributes in this section, please see the T_WSL class in the TM_MIB (5) reference page.


The T_WSL class should be used to update the CLOPT for WSL servers, even though this is available via the SERVER section.


For attributes in this section, please see the T_WSL Class in the TM_MIB (5) reference page.

NETMAP Section

For attributes in this section, please see the T_NETMAP Class in the TM_MIB (5) reference page.


If tmconfig is run in a secure application, it requires an application password to access the application. If the standard input is a terminal, tmconfig prompts the user for the password with echo turned off on the reply. If the standard input is not a terminal, the password is retrieved from the environment variable, APP_PW . If this environment variable is not specified and an application password is required, then tmconfig will fail.

Workstation Client

As aWorkstation client, the command is named wtmconf on DOS and wtmconfig otherwise. The UPDATE and ADD commands are not supported (TAEPERM is returned).

Environment Variables

tmconfig resets the FIELDTBLS and FLDTBLDIR environment variables to pick up the ${TUXDIR }/udataobj/tpadmin field table. TUXDIR must be set correctly.

APP_PW must be set to the application password in a secure application if standard input is not from a terminal.

TUXCONFIG (for non-workstation clients) and WSADDR and possibly WSDEVICE and WSTYPE (for workstation clients) must be set correctly such that the program can register as a client.


tmconfig fails if it cannot allocate a typed buffer, if it cannot determine the /etc/passwd entry for the user, if it cannot become a client process, if it cannot create a temporary file in /tmp for the input buffer editing, or if it cannot reset the environment variables FIELDTBLS or FLDTBLDIR .

The return value printed by tmconfig after each operation completes indicates the status of the requested operation. There are three classes of return values.

The following return values indicate a problem with permissions or a BEA TUXEDO communications error. They indicate that the operation did not complete successfully.


The calling process specified a TA_UPDATE or TA_ADD opcode but is not running as the BEA TUXEDO administrator.


A BEA TUXEDO error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to userlog (3).


An operating system error has occurred.


A blocking timeout occurred. The input buffer is not updated so no information is returned for retrieval operations. The status of update operations can be checked by doing a retrieval on the record that was being updated.

The following return values indicate a problem in doing the operation itself and generally are semantic problems with the application data in the input buffer. The string field TA_STATUS will be set in the output buffer indicating the problem. The string field TA_BADFLDNAME will be set to the field name for the field containing the value that caused the problem (assuming the error can be attributed to a single field).


A field value out of range or is invalid.


A field value or set of field values are inconsistently specified (e.g., specifying an existing RQADDR value for a different SRVGRP and SERVERNAME ).


An error occurred while reading the TUXCONFIG file.


The operation attempted to add a duplicate record.


The record specified for the operation was not found.


A field value is required but not present.


A field value for a string field is too long.


The operation attempted to do an update that is not allowed.


The operation attempted to do an update but there was not enough space in the TUXCONFIG file and/or the Bulletin Board.

The following return values indicate that the operation was successful, at least at the MASTER site.


The operation succeeded. No updates were done to the TUXCONFIG file or the Bulletin Board.


The operation succeeded. Updates were made to the TUXCONFIG file and/or the Bulletin Board.


The operation succeeded at the MASTER site but failed at one or more non-MASTER sites. The non-MASTER sites will be marked as invalid or partitioned. See the administrator's guide for further information.


The UPDATE and ADD operations are not allowed if a BEA TUXEDO 4.0 or 4.1 node is booted. These nodes must be shutdown before doing these operations. When re-booted, they will pick up the changes.

tmunloadcf Compatibility

When using tmunloadcf (1) to print entries in the configuration, certain field values are not printed if they are not set (for strings) or 0 (for integers), or if they match the default value for the field. These fields will always appear in the output buffer when using tmconfig . In this way, it makes it easier for the administrator to retrieve an entry and update a field that previously was not set. The entry will have the field name followed by a tab but no field value.


In the following example, tmconfig is used to correct the network address specified on a Workstation Listener server. It happens to be the first entry in the servers section. For illustration purposes, ed(1) is used for the editor.

$ EDITOR=ed tmconfig


Operation: 1) FIRST 2) NEXT 3) RETRIEVE 4) ADD 5) UPDATE
6) CLEAR BUFFER 7) QUIT [1]: 1
Enter editor to add/modify fields [n]? <return>
Perform operation [y]? <return>
Return value TAOK
Buffer contents:
TA_GRACE 86400
TA_STATUS Operation completed successfully
TA_CLOPT -A -- -d/dev/tcp -M4 -m2 -x5 -n0x0002fe19c00b6d6b
6) NETWORK 7) ROUTING q) QUIT 9) WSL [4]10) NETGROUPS 11) NETMAP [4]: <return>
Operation: 1) FIRST 2) NEXT 3) RETRIEVE 4) ADD 5) UPDATE
6) CLEAR BUFFER 7) QUIT [1]: 5
Enter editor to add/modify fields [n]? y
TA_CLOPT -A -- -d/dev/tcp -M4 -m2 -x5 -n0x0002fe19c00b690E
Perform operation [y]? <return>
Return value TAUPDATED
Buffer contents:
TA_GRACE 86400
TA_STATUS Update completed successfully
TA_CLOPT -A -- -d/dev/tcp -M4 -m2 -x5 -n0x0002fe19c00b690E
6) NETWORK 7) ROUTING q) QUIT 9) WSL [1] 10) NETGROUPS 11) NETMAP {1}: q
Unload TUXCONFIG file into ASCII backup [y]? <return>
Backup filename [UBBCONFIG]? <return>
Configuration backed up in UBBCONFIG
$ # boot the changed server
$ tmboot -s WSL -i 2

See Also

tmloadcf (1), tmboot (1), userlog (3c), ubbconfig (5), TM_MIB (5).



tmloadcf -parse a UBBCONFIG file and load binary TUXCONFIG configuration file


tmloadcf [-n] [-y] [-c] [-b blocks] {ubbconfig_file | -}


tmloadcf reads a file or the standard input that is in UBBCONFIG syntax, checks the syntax, and optionally loads a binary TUXCONFIG configuration file. The TUXCONFIG and (optionally) TUXOFFSET environment variables point to the TUXCONFIG file and (optional) offset where the information should be stored. tmloadcf can only be run on the MASTER machine, as defined in the RESOURCES section of the UBBCONFIG file, unless the -c or -n option is specified.

tmloadcf prints a warning message if it finds any section of the UBBCONFIG file missing, other than a missing NETWORK section in a configuration where the LAN OPTION is not specified (see ubbconfig (5)) or a missing ROUTING section. If a syntax error is found while parsing the input file, tmloadcf exits without performing any updates to the TUXCONFIG file.

The effective user identifier of the person running tmloadcf must match the UID , if specified, in the RESOURCES section of the UBBCONFIG file.

The -c option to tmloadcf causes the program to print minimum IPC resources needed for this configuration. Resource requirements that vary on a per-processor basis are printed for each processor in the configuration. The TUXCONFIG file is not updated.

The -n option to tmloadcf causes the program to do only syntax checking of the ASCII UBBCONFIG file without actually updating the TUXCONFIG file.

After syntax checking, tmloadcf checks to see if the file pointed to by TUXCONFIG exists, is a valid WLE or BEA TUXEDO system file system, and contains TUXCONFIG tables. If these conditions are not true, the user is prompted to decide if they want tmloadcf to create and initialize the file with Initialize TUXCONFIG file: path [y, q]?. Prompting is suppressed if the standard input or output are not terminals, or if the -y option is specified on the command line. Any response other than "y " or "Y " will cause tmloadcf to exit without creating the configuration file.

If the TUXCONFIG file is not properly initialized, and the user has given the go-ahead, tmloadcf creates the BEA TUXEDO system file system and then creates the TUXCONFIG tables. If the -b option is specified on the command line, its argument is used as the number of blocks for the device when creating the BEA TUXEDO system file system. If the value of the -b option is large enough to hold the new TUXCONFIG tables, tmloadcf will use the specified value to create the new file system; otherwise, tmloadcf will print an error message and exit. If the -b option is not specified, tmloadcf will create a new file system large enough to hold the TUXCONFIG tables. The -b option is ignored if the file system already exists.

The -b option is highly recommended if TUXCONFIG is a raw device (that has not been initialized) and should be set to the number of blocks on the raw device. The -b option is not recommended if TUXCONFIG is a regular UNIX file.

If the TUXCONFIG file is determined to already have been initialized, tmloadcf ensures that the system described by that TUXCONFIG file is not running. If the system is running, tmloadcf prints an error message and exits.

If the system is not running and TUXCONFIG file already exists, tmloadcf will prompt the user to confirm that the file should be overwritten with

Really overwrite TUXCONFIG file [y, q]?

Prompting is suppressed if the standard input or output are not a terminal or if the -y option is specified on the command line. Any response other than "y " or "Y " will cause tmloadcf to exit without overwriting the file.

If the SECURITY parameter is specified in the RESOURCES section of the configuration, then tmloadcf will flush the standard input, turn off terminal echo and prompt the user for an application password as follows:

Enter Application Password?
Reenter Application Password?

The password is limited to 30 characters. The option to load the ASCII UBBCONFIG file via the standard input (rather than a file) cannot be used when the SECURITY parameter is turned on. If the standard input is not a terminal, that is, if the user cannot be prompted for a password (as with a here file, for example), then the environment variable APP_PW is accessed to set the application password. If the environment variable APP_PW is not set with the standard input not a terminal, then tmloadcf will print an error message, generate a log message and fail to load the TUXCONFIG file.

Assuming no errors, and if all checks have passed, tmloadcf loads the UBBCONFIG file into the TUXCONFIG file. It will overwrite all existing information found in the TUXCONFIG tables.

Note that some values are rounded during the load and may not match when they are unloaded. These include but are not limited to MAXRFT and MAXRTDATA .

When tmloadcf encounters a continuous string of five or more asterisks (* ) in a UBBCONFIG file, it treats this as a placeholder for a password and prompts the user to create the password. The password is then stored in TUXCONFIG in encrypted form. This feature applies to the OPENINFO statement in the GROUPS section or a DBPASSWORD or PROPS statement in the JDBCCONNPOOLS section of the UBBCONFIG file. The tmunloadcf utility can be used to store the encrypted password in the UBBCONFIG file, using the double at sign (@@ ) as delimiters. See the BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide for more information about encrypting passwords.


tmloadcf must run on the master node, which must be the latest release available in an interoperating application.

Environment Variables

The environment variable APP_PW must be set for applications that have the SECURITY parameter specified and must run tmloadcf with something other than a terminal as the standard input.


To load a configuration file from UBBCONFIG file BB.shm , initialized the device with 2000 blocks: tmloadcf -b2000 -y BB.shm


If an error is detected in the input, the offending line is printed to standard error along with a message indicating the problem. If a syntax error is found in the UBBCONFIG file or the system is currently running, no information is updated in the TUXCONFIG file and tmloadcf exits with exit code 1.

If tmloadcf is run by a person whose effective user identifier doesn't match the UID specified in the UBBCONFIG file, the following error message is displayed:

*** UID is not effective user ID ***

If tmloadcf is run on a non-master node, the following error message is displayed:

tmloadcf cannot run on a non-master node.

If tmloadcf is run on an active node, the following error message is displayed:

tmloadcf cannot run on an active node.

Upon successful completion, tmloadcf exits with exit code 0. If the TUXCONFIG file is updated, a userlog message is generated to record this event.

See Also

tmunloadcf (1), ubbconfig (5), BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide



stmshutdown-shutdown a set of BEA TUXEDO servers


tmshutdown [options]


tmshutdown stops the execution of a set of servers or removes the advertisements of a set of services listed in a configuration file. Only the administrator of the bulletin board (as indicated by the UID parameter in the configuration file) or root can invoke the tmshutdown command. tmshutdown can be invoked only on the machine identified as MASTER in the RESOURCES section of the configuration file, or the backup acting as the MASTER , that is, with the DBBL already running (via the master command in tmadmin (1)). An exception to this is the -P option which is used on partitioned processors (see below).

With no options, tmshutdown stops all administrative, TMS , and gateway servers, and servers listed in the SERVERS section of the configuration file named by the TUXCONFIG environment variable and removes their associated IPC resources. For each group, all servers in the SERVERS section, if any, are shutdown followed by any associated gateway servers (for foreign groups) and TMS servers. Administrative servers are shutdown last.

Application servers without SEQUENCE parameters are shutdown first in reverse order of the server entries in the configuration file, followed by servers with SEQUENCE parameters that are shutdown from high to low sequence number. If two or more servers in the SERVERS Section of the configuration file have the same SEQUENCE parameter, then tmshutdown may shut down these servers in parallel. Each entry in the SERVERS Section may have an optional MIN and MAX parameter. tmshutdown shuts down all occurrences of a server (up to MAX occurrences) for each server entry, unless the -i option is specified; using the -i option causes individual occurrences to be shut down.

If it is not possible to shutdown a server, or remove a service advertisement, a diagnostic is written on the central event log (see userlog (3c)). The following is a description of all options:

-l lmid

For each group whose associated LMID parameter is lmid, all servers in the SERVERS section associated with the group are shut down, followed by any TMS and gateway servers associated with the group.

-g grpname

All servers in the SERVERS section associated with the specified group (that is, whose SRVGRP parameter is grpname) are shutdown, followed by all TMS and gateway servers for the group. TMS servers are shutdown based on the TMSNAME and TMSCOUNT parameters for the group entry. For a foreign group, the gateway servers for the associated entry in the HOST section are shutdown based on GATENAME and GATECOUNT . Shutting down a gateway implies its administrative service and all advertised foreign services are unadvertised, in addition to stopping the process.

-i srvid

All servers in the SERVERS section whose SRVID parameter is srvid are shutdown. Do not enter a SRVID greater than 30,000; this indicates system processes (that is, TMS s or gateway servers) that should only be shutdown via the -l or -g options.

-s aout

All servers in the SERVERS section with name aout are shutdown. This option can also be used to shutdown TMS and gateway servers.

-o sequence

All servers in the SERVERS section with SEQUENCE parameter sequence are shutdown.


All servers in the SERVERS section are shutdown.


All administrative servers are shutdown.


This option shuts down administrative servers on the master machine. The BBL is shut down on the MASTER machine, and the BRIDGE is shut down if the LAN option and a NETWORK entry are specified in the configuration file. If the MODEL is MP , the DBBL administrative server is shut down.

-B lmid

The BBL on the processor with logical name lmid is shutdown.

-T grpname

All TMS servers for the server group whose SRVGRP parameter is grpname are shut down (based on the TMSNAME and TMSCOUNT parameters associated with the server group entry).

-w delay

Tells tmshutdown to suspend all selected servers immediately and waits for shutdown confirmation for only delay seconds before forcing the server to shut down by sending a SIGTERM and then a SIGKILL signal to the server. Note: servers to which the -w option may be applied should not catch the UNIX signal SIGTERM .


tmshutdown suspends all selected servers immediately and forces them to shut down in an orderly fashion (TERM ) or preemptively (KILL ). Note: This option maps to the UNIX signals SIGTERM and SIGKILL on platforms which support them. By default, a SIGTERM initiates orderly shutdown in a BEA TUXEDO server. Application resetting of SIGTERM could cause to be unable to shutdown the server.


Assumes a yes answer to a prompt that asks if all administrative and server processes should be shutdown. (The prompt appears only when the command is entered with none of the limiting options.)


Suppresses the printing of the execution sequence on the standard output. It implies -y .


The execution sequence is printed, but not performed.


For migration operations only, shuts down a server on the original processor without deleting its bulletin board entry in preparation for migration to another processor. The -R option must be used with either the -l or -g option (e.g., tmshutdown -l lmid -R ) The MIGRATE option must be specified in the RESOURCES section of the configuration file.


Shuts down BBL s even if clients are still attached.

-H lmid

On a uniprocessor, all administrative and applications servers on the node associated with the specified lmid are shut down. On a multiprocessor(e.g., 3B4000), all PEs are shut down, even if only one PE is specified.

-P lmid

With this option, tmshutdown attaches to the bulletin board on the specified lmid, ensures that this lmid is partitioned from the rest of the application (that is, does not have access to the DBBL ), and shuts down all administrative and application servers. It must be run on the processor associated with the lmid in the MACHINES section of the configuration file.

The -l , -g , -s , and -T options cause TMS servers to be shut down; the -l , -g , and -s options cause gateway servers to be shut down; the -l , -g , -i , -s , -o , and -S options apply to application servers; the -A , -M , and -B options apply only to administrative processes. When the -l , -g , -i , -o , and -s options are used in combination, only servers that satisfy all qualifications specified will be shut down.

If the distributed transaction processing feature is being used such that global transactions are in progress when servers are shutdown, transactions that have not yet reached the point where commit is logged after pre-commit will be aborted; transactions that have reached the commit point will be completed when the servers (for example, TMS ) are booted again.


tmshutdown must run on the master node, which in an interoperating application must be the highest release available.


If tmshutdown fails to shut down a server or a fatal error occurs, it will exit with exit code 1 and the user log should be examined for further details; otherwise it will exit with exit code 0.

If tmshutdown is run on an active node that is not the acting master node, a fatal error message is displayed: tmshutdown cannot run on a non acting-master node in an active application.

If shutting down a process would partition active processes from the DBBL , a fatal error message is displayed: cannot shutdown, causes partitioning.

If a server has died, the following somewhat ambiguous message is produced: CMDTUX_CAT:947 Cannot shutdown server GRPID


To shutdown the entire system and remove all BEA TUXEDO IPC resources (force it if confirmation not received in 30 seconds): tmshutdown -w 30 To shutdown only those servers located on the machine with lmid of CS1 . Since the -l option restricts the action to servers listed in the SERVERS section, the BBL on CS1 is not shutdown: tmshutdown -l CS1


The tmshutdown command ignores the hangup signal (SIGHUP ). If a signal is detected during shutdown, the process continues.

See Also

tmadmin (1), tmboot (1), ubbconfig (5), BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide



tmunloadcf -unload binary TUXCONFIG configuration file




tmunloadcf translates the TUXCONFIG configuration file from the binary representation into ASCII. This translation is useful for transporting the file in a compact way between machines with different byte orderings and backing up a copy of the file in a compact form for reliability. The ASCII format is the same as is described in ubbconfig (5).

tmunloadcf reads values from the TUXCONFIG file pointed to by the TUXCONFIG and TUXOFFSET environment variables and writes them to its standard output.

Note that some values are rounded during configuration and may not match values set during tmloadcf or via the TMIB interface. These include but are not limited to MAXRFT and MAXRTDATA .

When a TUXCONFIG contains a password that was encrypted using tmloadcf , tmunloadcf stores that password in encrypted form in the UBBCONFIG file using the double at sign (@@ ) as delimiters. For example:

OPENINFO="Oracle_XA: Oracle_XA+Acc=P/Scott/@@A0986F7733D4@@+SesTm=30+LogDit=/tmp"


For BEA TUXEDO applications, tmunloadcf is supported only on non-Workstation sites running BEA TUXEDO system Release 6.0 or later.


To unload the configuration in /usr/tuxedo/tuxconfig into the file tconfig.backup run:

tmunloadcf > tconfig.backup


tmunloadcf checks that the file pointed to by the TUXCONFIG environment variable exists, is a valid BEA TUXEDO system file system, and contains TUXCONFIG tables. If any of these conditions is not met, tmunloadcf prints an error message and exits with error code 1. Upon successful completion, tmunloadcf exits with exit code 0.

See Also

tmloadcf (1), ubbconfig (5), BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide



tpacladd -add a new Access Control List on the system

TUXCONFIG=tuxconfig tpacladd [-g gid[,gid...]] [-t type] name


Invoking tpacladd adds a new Access Control List entry to the BEA TUXEDO security data files. This information is used for BEA TUXEDO access control to services, events, and application queues. A BEA TUXEDO configuration with SECURITY set to USER_AUTH , ACL, or MANDATORY_ACL must be created before running this command successfully.

The following options are available:

-g gid,...

A list of one or more existing group's integer identifiers or character-string names. This option indicates what groups have access to the named object. If not specified, an entry is added with no groups.

-t type

The type of the object. It can be one of ENQ , DEQ , SERVICE , or POSTEVENT . The default is SERVICE .


A unique string of printable characters that specifies the name of a service, event, or application queue for which access is to be granted. It may not contain a colon (: ), pound sign (# ), or a newline (\n ).

Before running this command, the application must be configured using either the graphical user interface or tmloadcf (1). tpacladd must be run on the configuration MASTER if the application is not active; if active, this command can run on any active node.


This command is available only on non-Workstation sites running BEA TUXEDO Release 6.0 or later.


The tpacladd command exits with a return code of 0 upon successful completion.

See Also

tpacldel (1), tpaclmod (1), tpgrpadd (1), tpgrpdel (1), tpgrpmod (1), AUTHSVR (5), BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide



tpaclcvt -convert BEA TUXEDO security data files


TUXCONFIG=tuxconfig tpaclcvt [-u userfile] [-g groupfile]


tpaclcvt checks and converts the existing user file used by the BEA TUXEDO system 5 AUTHSVR into the format used for BEA TUXEDO system 6. It will also generate a group file based on /etc/group or a similar file. The following options are available:

-u userfile

The name of the BEA TUXEDO user file. If not specified, the user file is not converted.

-g groupfile

The name of the group file, normally /etc/group. If not specified, the group file is not converted.

Before running this command, the application must be configured using either the graphical user interface or tmloadcf (1). tpaclcvt must be run on the configuration MASTER when the application is not active.


This command is available only on non-Workstation sites running BEA TUXEDO Release 6.0 or later.

See Also

tpgrpadd (1), tpusradd (1), AUTHSVR (5), BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide



tpacldel -delete an Access Control List


TUXCONFIG=tuxconfig tpacldel [-t type] name


Invoking tpacldel deletes an existing Access Control List entry from the BEA TUXEDO security data files. A BEA TUXEDO configuration with SECURITY set to USER_AUTH , ACL, or MANDATORY_ACL must be created before running this command successfully.

The following options are available:

-t type

The type of the object. It can be one of ENQ , DEQ , SERVICE , or POSTEVENT . If not specified, the default type is SERVICE .


Identifier the existing ACL entry to be deleted.

Before running this command, the application must be configured using either the graphical user interface or tmloadcf (1). tpacldel must be run on the configuration MASTER if the application is not active; if active, this command can run on any active node.


This command is available only on non-Workstation sites running BEA TUXEDO Release 6.0 or later.


The tpacldel command exits with a return code of 0 upon successful completion.

See Also

tpacladd (1), tpaclmod (1), AUTHSVR (5), BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide



tpaclmod -modify an Access Control List on the system


TUXCONFIG=tuxconfig tpaclmod [-g gid[,gid...]] [-t type] name


Invoking tpaclmod modifies an Access Control List entry in the BEA TUXEDO security data files, replacing the group identifier list. This information is used for BEA TUXEDO access control to services, events, and application queues. A BEA TUXEDO configuration with SECURITY set to USER_AUTH , ACL , or MANDATORY_ACL must be created before running this command successfully.

The following options are available:

-g gid ,...

A list of one or more existing group's integer identifiers or character-string names. This option indicates what groups have access to the named object. If not specified, the entry is modified to have no groups.

-t type

The type of the object. It can be one of ENQ , DEQ , SERVICE , or POSTEVENT . The default is SERVICE .


An existing ACL name.

Before running this command, the application must be configured using either the graphical user interface or tmloadcf (1). tpaclmod must be run on the configuration MASTER if the application is not active; if active, this command can run on any active node.


This command is available only on non-Workstation sites running BEA TUXEDO Release 6.0 or later.


The tpaclmod command exits with a return code of 0 upon successful completion.

See Also

tpacladd (1), tpacldel (1), AUTHSVR (5), BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide



tpaddusr -create a BEA TUXEDO password file


tpaddusr usrname file [cltname [uid]]


This command allows an application administrator to create a UNIX System style password file suitable for use with the BEA TUXEDO AUTHSVR (5) server. tpaddusr adds the user usrname to the password file file (the file cannot be /etc/passwd) . The administrator is prompted for an initial password to be associated with the user. file will be created if necessary with permissions 0600. cltname , if specified, indicates a further qualifier on the password entry. usrname and/or cltname may be specified as the character '*' which is considered a wildcard by AUTHSVR (5). uid , if specified, indicates the numeric user identifier to be returned with a successful authentication of the user. cltname and uid default to '*' and -1 respectively if not specified.


The cltname values tpsysadm and tpsysop are treated specially by AUTHSVR (5) when processing authentication requests. These cltname values will not be matched against wildcard cltname specifications in the password file.

Additionally, regardless of the order of addition to the password file, wildcard entries are considered after explicitly specified values. An authentication request is authenticated against only the first matching password file entry.


This command is available only on UNIX System sites running BEA TUXEDO Release 5.0 or later.


This command is used to configure users for SECURITY USER_AUTH . For compatibility with SECURITY ACL or MANDATORY_ACL (including the ability to migrate to these security levels), the following restrictions should be applied. 1. User names should be unique and not use the wild-card. 2. User identifiers should be greater than 0, less than 128K, and unique. 3. The file name should be $APPDIR/tpusr .

These restrictions are enforced by the tpusradd (1) command.


The following sequence of command invocations shows the construction of a simple password file.

$ # 1. Add usrname foo with wildcard cltname and no uid
$ tpaddusr foo /home/tuxapp/pwfile
$ # 2. Add usrname foo with cltname bar and uid 100
$ tpaddusr foo /home/tuxapp/pwfile bar 100
$ # 3. Add usrname foo with tpsysadm cltname and no uid
$ tpaddusr foo /home/tuxapp/pwfile tpsysadm
$ # 4. Add wildcard usrname with tpsysop cltname and no uid
$ tpaddusr '*' /home/tuxapp/pwfile tpsysop
$ # 5. Add wildcard usrname with wildcard cltname and no uid
$ tpaddusr '*' /home/tuxapp/pwfile '*'

The following table shows the password file entry (indicated by numbers shown above) used to authenticate various requests for access to the application. N/A indicates that the request is disallowed because no password file entry exists to be matched against.

Usrname Cltname Password Entry
------ ------- --------------
"foo" "bar" 2
"foo" "" 1
"foo" "tpsysadm" 3
"foo" "tpsysop" 4
"guest" "tpsysop" 4
"guest" "bar" 5
"guest" "tpsysadm" N/A

Lastly, following is an example SERVERS section entry for an instance of AUTHSVR that works with the password file generated above.

AUTHSVR SRVGRP=G SRVID=1 RESTART=Y GRACE=0 MAXGEN=2 CLOPT="-A -- -f /home/tuxapp/pwfile"

See Also

tpdelusr (1), tpmodusr (1), tpusradd (1), tpusrdel (1), tpusrmod (1), AUTHSVR (5)



tpdelusr -Delete a user from a BEA TUXEDO password file


tpdelusr usrname file [cltname]


This command allows an application administrator to maintain a UNIX System style password file suitable for use with the BEA TUXEDO AUTHSVR (5) server. depletes is used to delete the password file entry for the indicated surname /cattlemen combination (the file cannot be /etc./passed ). cattlemen defaults to '*' if not specified. Wildcards specified for usrname and/or cltname match only the corresponding wildcard entry in the password file, they are not expanded to all matching entries.


The cltname values tpsysadm and tpsysop are treated specially by AUTHSVR (5) when processing authentication requests. These cltname values will not be matched against wildcard cltname specifications in the password file.

Additionally, regardless of the order of addition to the password file, wildcard entries are considered after explicitly specified values. An authentication request is authenticated against only the first matching password file entry.


This command is available only on UNIX System sites running BEA TUXEDO Release 5.0 or later.


This command is used to configure users for SECURITY USER_AUTH . For compatibility with SECURITY ACL or MANDATORY_ACL (including the ability to migrate to these security levels), the following restrictions should be applied. 1. User names should be unique and not use the wild-card. 2. User identifiers should be greater than 0, less than 128K, and unique. 3. The filename should be $APPDIR/tpusr .

These restrictions are enforced by the tpusrdel (1) command.

See Also

tpaddusr (1), tpmodusr (1), tpusradd (1), tpusrdel (1), tpusrmod (1), AUTHSVR (5), BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide



tpgrpadd -add a new group on the system


TUXCONFIG=tuxconfig tpgrpadd [-g gid] grpname


The tpgrpadd command creates a new group definition on the system by adding the appropriate entry to the BEA TUXEDO security data files. This information is used for BEA TUXEDO system authentication with the AUTHSVR (5) server and for access control. A TUXEDO configuration with SECURITY set to USER_AUTH , ACL , or MANDATORY_ACL must be created before running this command successfully.

The following options are available:

-g gid

The group identifier for the new group. This group identifier must be a non-negative decimal integer below 16K. gid defaults to the next available (unique) identifier greater than 0. Group identifier 0 is reserved for the "other" group.


A string of printable characters that specifies the name of the new group. It may not include a pound sign (#), comma (,), colon (:) or a newline (n).

Before running this command, the application must be configured using either the graphical user interface or tmloadcf (1). tpgrpadd must be run on the configuration MASTER if the application is not active; if active, this command can run on any active node.


This command is available only on non-Workstation sites running BEA TUXEDO system Release 6.0 or later.


The tpgrpadd command exits with a return code of 0 upon successful completion.

See Also

tpgrpdel (1), tpgrpmod (1), tpusradd (1), tpusrdel(1), tpusrmod (1), AUTHSVR (5), BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide



tpgrpdel -delete a group from the system


TUXCONFIG=tuxconfig tpgrpdel grpname


The tpgrpdel command removes a group definition from the system by deleting the entry for the relevant group from the BEA TUXEDO security data files. It does not, however, remove the group ID from the user file. A BEA TUXEDO configuration with SECURITY set to USER_AUTH, ACL, or MANDATORY_ACL must be created before running this command successfully.

The following options are available:


The name of an existing group to be deleted.

Before running this command, the application must be configured using either the graphical user interface or tmloadcf (1). tpgrpdel must be run on the configuration MASTER if the application is not active; if active, this command can run on any active node.


This command is available only on non-Workstation sites running BEA TUXEDO system Release 6.0 or later.


The tpgrpdel command exits with a return code of 0 upon successful completion.

See Also

tpgrpadd (1), tpgrpmod (1), tpusradd (1), tpusrdel (1), tpusrmod (1), AUTHSVR (5), BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide



tpgrpmod -modify a group on the system


TUXCONFIG=tuxconfig tpgrpmod [-g gid] [-n name] grpname


The tpgrpmod modifies the definition of the specified group by modifying the appropriate entry to the BEA TUXEDO security data files. A BEA TUXEDO configuration with SECURITY set to USER_AUTH, ACL, or MANDATORY_ACL must be created before running this command successfully.

The following options are available:

-g gid

The new group identifier for the group. This group identifier must be a non-negative decimal integer below 16K. Group identifier 0 is reserved for the "other" group.

-n name

A string of printable characters that specifies the new name of the group. It may not include a comma (,), colon (:) or a newline (n).


The current name of the group to be modified.

Before running this command, the application must be configured using either the graphical user interface or tmloadcf (1). tpgrpmod must be run on the configuration MASTER if the application is not active; if active, this command can run on any active node.


This command is available only on non-Workstation sites running BEA TUXEDO system Release 6.0 or later.


The tpgrpmod command exits with a return code of 0 upon successful completion.

See Also

tpgrpadd (1), tpgrpdel (1), tpusradd (1), tpusrdel (1), tpusrmod (1), AUTHSVR (5), BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide



tpmodusr -Maintain a BEA TUXEDO system password file


tpmodusr usrname file [cltname]


This command allows an application administrator to maintain a UNIX System style password file suitable for use with the BEA TUXEDO system AUTHSVR (5) server. A BEA TUXEDO configuration with SECURITY set to USER_AUTH, ACL, or MANDATORY_ACL must be created before running this command successfully.

tpmodusr is used to modify the password for the indicated user in the password file file (the file cannot be /etc/passwd). The administrator is prompted for a new password to be associated with the user. cltname defaults to '*' if not specified. Wildcards specified for usrname and/or cltname match only the corresponding wildcard entry in the password file, they are not expanded to all matching entries.


The cltname values tpsysadm and tpsysop are treated specially by AUTHSVR (5) when processing authentication requests. These cltname values will not be matched against wildcard cltname specifications in the password file.

Additionally, regardless of the order of addition to the password file, wildcard entries are considered after explicitly specified values. An authentication request is authenticated against only the first matching password file entry.


This command is available only on UNIX System sites running BEA TUXEDO system Release 5.0 or later.


This command is used to configure users for SECURITY USER_AUTH . For compatibility with SECURITY ACL or MANDATORY_ACL (including the ability to migrate to these security levels), the following restrictions should be applied. 1. User names should be unique and not use the wildcard. 2. User identifiers should be greater than 0, less than 128K, and unique. 3. The file name should be $APPDIR/tpusr .

These restrictions are enforced by the tpusrmod (1) command.

See Also

tpaddusr(1) , tpdelusr (1), tpusradd (1), tpusrdel (1), tpusrmod (1), AUTHSVR (5), BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide



tpusradd -add a new principal on the system


TUXCONFIG=tuxconfig tpusradd [-u uid ] [-g gid] [-c client_name] usrname


Invoking tpusradd adds a new principal (user or domain) entry to the BEA TUXEDO security data files. This information is used for per-user authentication with the AUTHSVR (5) server. A BEA TUXEDO system configuration with SECURITY set to USER_AUTH , ACL , or MANDATORY_ACL must be created before running this command successfully.

The system file entries created with this command have a limit of 512 characters per line. Specifying long arguments to several options may exceed this limit.

The following options are available:

-u uid

The user identification number. uid must be a positive decimal integer below 128K. uid must be unique within the list of existing identifiers for the application. uid defaults to the next available (unique) identifier greater than 0.

-g gid

An existing group's integer identifier or character-string name. This option defines the new user's group membership It defaults to the "other" group (identifier 0).

-c client_name

A string of printable characters that specifies the client name associated with the user. If specified, it generally describes the role of the associated user, and provides a further qualifier on the user entry. It may not contain a colon (: ) or a newline (n ). If not specified, the default is the wildcard '*' which will authenticate successfully for any client name specified.


A string of printable characters that specifies the new login name of the user. It may not contain a colon (: ), pound sign (# ), or a newline (n ). The user name must be unique within the list of existing users for the application.

The administrator is prompted for an initial password to be associated with the user.

Before running this command, the application must be configured using either the graphical user interface or tmloadcf (1). tpusradd must be run on the configuration MASTER if the application is not active; if active, this command can run on any active node.

See AUTHSVR (5) for further information about per-user authentication and configuring administrator permissions.


This command is available only on non-Workstation sites running BEA TUXEDO system Release 6.0 or later.


The tpusradd command exits with a return code of 0 upon successful completion.


The following sequence of command invocations shows the construction of a simple user file.

$ # 1. Add usrname foo with wildcard cltname and no uid
$ tpusradd -c '*' foo
$ # 2. Add usrname foo with cltname bar and uid 100
$ tpusradd -u 100 -c bar foo
$ # 3. Add usrname foo with tpsysadm cltname and no uid
$ tpusradd -c tpsysadm foo

The following table shows the user entry (indicated by numbers shown above) used to authenticate various requests for access to the application and the associated uid/gid. N/A indicates that the request is disallowed because no user file entry exists to be matched against.

Usrname Cltname Password Entry Uid Gid
------- ------- -------------- --- ---
"foo" "bar" 2 100 0
"foo" "" 1 1 0
"foo" "tpsysadm" 3 0 8192
"guest" "tpsysadm" N/A N/A N/A

Lastly, following is an example SERVERS section entry for an instance of AUTHSVR that works with the user file generated above.


See Also

tpgrpadd (1), tpgrpdel (1), tpgrpmod (1), tpusrdel (1), tpusrmod (1), AUTHSVR (5), BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide



tpusrdel -delete a user from the system


TUXCONFIG=tuxconfig tpusrdel usrname


The tpusrdel command deletes a principal (user or domain name) definition from the system. It removes the definition of the specified user. A BEA TUXEDO configuration with SECURITY set to USER_AUTH , ACL , or MANDATORY_ACL must be created before running this command successfully.

usrname specifies an existing user name to be deleted.

Before running this command, the application must be configured using either the graphical user interface or tmloadcf (1). tpusradd must be run on the configuration MASTER if the application is not active; if active, this command can run on any active node.


This command is available only on non-Workstation sites running BEA TUXEDO system Release 6.0 or later.


The tpusrdel command exits with a return code of 0 upon successful completion.

See Also

tpgrpadd (1), tpgrpdel (1), tpgrpmod (1), tpusradd (1), tpusrmod (1).



tpusrmod -modify user information on the system


TUXCONFIG=tuxconfig tpusrmod [-u uid ] [-g gid] [-c client_name]
[-l new_login] [-p] usrname


Invoking tpusrmod modifies a principal (user or domain) entry to the BEA TUXEDO security data files. This information is used for BEA TUXEDO system authentication with the AUTHSVR (5) server. A BEA TUXEDO system configuration with SECURITY set to USER_AUTH , ACL , or MANDATORY_ACL must be created before running this command successfully.

The system file entries created with this command have a limit of 512 characters per line. Specifying long arguments to several options may exceed this limit.

The following options are available:

-u uid

The new user identification number. uid must be a positive decimal integer below 128K. uid must be unique within the list of existing identifiers for the application.

-g gid

An existing group's integer identifier or character-string name. It redefines the user's group membership.

-c client_name

A string of printable characters that specifies the new client name for the user. It may not contain a colon (: ) or a newline (n ).

-l new_login

A string of printable characters that specifies the new login name of the user. It may not contain a colon (: ), pound sign (# ), or a newline (n ). The user name must be unique within the list of existing users for the application. This option also implies the -p option to re-set the password.


tpusrmod will modify the password for the indicated user. The administrator is prompted for a new password to be associated with the user.


A string of printable characters that specifies the name of an existing user to be modified.

Before running this command, the application must be configured using either the graphical user interface or tmloadcf (1). tpusradd must be be run on the configuration MASTER if the application is not active; if active, this command can run on any active node.

See AUTHSVR (5) for further information about per-user authentication and configuring administrator permissions.


This command is available only on non-/WS sites running BEA TUXEDO system Release 6.0 or later.


The tpusrmod command exits with a return code of 0 upon successful completion.

See Also

tpgrpadd (1), tpgrpdel (1), tpgrpmod (1), tpusradd (1), tpusrdel (1), AUTHSVR (5), BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide



tuxadm -BEA TUXEDO Web GUI CGI gateway


http://cgi-bin/tuxadm[TUXDIR=tuxedo_directory | INIFILE=initialization_file][other_parameters]


tuxadm is a common gateway interface (CGI) process used to initialize the Web GUI from a browser. As shown in the Synopsis above, this program is usable only as a location, or URL from a Web browser; it would not normally be executed from a standard command-line prompt. It uses the QUERY_STRING environment variable to parse its argument list, as is normal for CGI programs.

tuxadm parses its arguments and finds a Web GUI initialization file. If the TUXDIR parameter is present, the initialization file is taken to be $TUXDIR/udataobj/webgui/webgui.ini by default. If the INIFILE option is present, then the value of that parameter is taken to be the full path to the initialization file. Other parameters may also be present. Any additional parameters can be used to override values in the initialization file. See the wlisten reference page for a complete list of initialization file parameters. (Note that the ENCRYPTBITS parameter may not be overridden by the tuxadm process unless the override is consistent with the values allowed in the actual initialization file.)

The normal action of tuxadm is to generate, to its standard output, HTML commands that build a Web page that launches the Web GUI applet. The general format of the Web page is controlled by the TEMPLATE parameter of the initialization file, which contains arbitrary HTML commands, with the special string %APPLET% on a line by itself in the place where the Web GUI applet should appear. By using other parameters from the initialization file (such as CODEBASE , WIDTH , HEIGHT , and so on) a correct APPLET tag is generated that contains all the parameters necessary to create an instance of the Web GUI.


tuxadm generates HTML code that contains an error message if a failure occurs. Because of the way CGI programs operate, there is no reason to return an error code of any kind from tuxadm .

See Also

wlisten (1), tuxwsvr (1)



TuxShell-Shell interface to BEA TUXEDO system utilities for Macintosh




This Macintosh executable runs BEA TUXEDO system utilities. The user, using a word processor, creates a script of the utilities to be run, making sure to save the script in text-only format. The user then runs this script using the RUN command under the FILE menu. The user can also specify certain environment variables with the ENVIRONMENT command, located under the FILE menu. Under the UTILITIES menu can be found wud (1) and wud32 (1). The only other option under the FILE menu is QUIT , which quits the TuxShell.

TuxShell runs a user defined script. The script accepts the BEA TUXEDO system commands gencat (1), mklanginfo (1), mkfldhdr (1), mkfldhdr32 (1), bkenq (1), viewc (1), viewc32 (1), viewdis (1) and viewdis32 (1). Environment variables can be set and unset with the Set and Unset commands. Set and Unset have the following format:

Set Name Value
Unset Name

Command line options for any of the utilities may be specified in the script. However, no utility can read from stdin , so any attempt to do so will log an error.

If either the viewc (1) or viewc32 (1) utility is to be run with the MPW compiler or the Metrowerks compiler, then the ToolServer program (available from Apple) must be running, with the TUXDIR and Commands environment variables set properly. If the THINK C compiler is to be used then the VIEWC_DNR.prj project must be located in the {TUXDIR}:lib directory. If the Metrowerks compiler is being used, then:


The MPW tools that are delivered with the Metrowerks compiler must be installed.


The mwscript script (found in $TUXDIR/bin ) is executed by the viewc and viewc32 compilers.


TuxShell was designed to run on Macintosh systems.

Environment Variables

If the viewc (1) or viewc32 (1) is to be run, then the CC variable must be set to THINK_C if the THINK C compiler is to be used. If these utilities are to be used with the MPW compiler, then the CC variable must be set to applec . If viewc (1) or viewc32 (1) is to be run with the Metrowerks compiler, then the CC variable must be set to mwerks and the MWERKS_MPW variable must be set to the directory containing the MPW tools that come with the Metrowerks compiler.


The {TUXDIR}:bin directory will contain stdout and stderr files resulting from the run of the script. Other messages may be logged in the ULOG file.

Note that view files compiled for THINK C are not compatible with view files compiled for the Metrowerks compiler.

See Also

gencat (1), mkfldhdr (1), mkfldhdr32 (1), mklanginfo (1), viewc (1), viewc32 (1), viewdis (1), viewdis32 (1), bkenq (1), wud (1), wud32 (1)



tuxwsvr -Mini Web Server for use with BEA TUXEDO Web GUI


tuxwsvr -l nlsaddr [ -d device ] [-L logfile] [-F]
-i initialization_file


tuxwsvr is a World Wide Web server process that can be used to support the BEA TUXEDO Web GUI by customers who do not have a commercial Web server or a public-domain Web server on the machine where the BEA TUXEDO Web GUI processes are running. tuxwsvr places itself in the background when invoked unless otherwise specified, and continues running until the machine shuts down or the tuxwsvr process is killed using an operating system command.

tuxwsvr contains all functionality necessary to support the BEA TUXEDO Web GUI, but does not include many features present in commercial Web servers, such as preforked processes, server-side HTML includes (.shtml files), default directory indexes, and https connections. (Note, however, that the BEA TUXEDO Web GUI can be run in secure mode without an https connection since it implements its own encryption protocol.) For performance reasons, the generic Web server does not perform reverse DNS lookups for received requests.

The following command-line options are used by tuxwsvr :

-l nlsaddr

Network address at which the process listens for connections. TCP/IP addresses may be specified in the following forms:

"//hostname:port_number "
"//#.#.#.#:port_number "

In the first format, tuxwsvr finds an address for hostname using the local name resolution facilities (usually DNS). hostname must be the local machine, and the local name resolution facilities must unambiguously resolve hostname to the address of the local machine. In the second example, the "#.#.#.#" is in dotted decimal format. In dotted decimal format, each # should be a number from 0 to 255 . This dotted decimal number represents the IP address of the local machine. In both of the above formats, port_number is the TCP port number at which the tlisten process will listen for incoming requests. port_number can either be a number between 0 and 65535 or a name. If port_number is a name, then it must be found in the network services database on your local machine. The address can also be specified in hexadecimal format when preceded by the characters "0x". Each character after the initial "0x" is a number between 0 and 9 or a letter between A and F (case insensitive). The hexadecimal format is useful for arbitrary binary network addresses such as IPX/SPX or TCP/IP. The address can also be specified as an arbitrary string. For example, string addresses are used in STARLAN networks.

-d device

Full pathname of the network device. For Release 6.4 or higher, this parameter is optional. For prior releases, it should be used if required by the underlying network provider (for example, tcp )

-L logfile

Prefix of the name of the file used by tuxwsvr to log Web requests and error messages. The actual name of the logfile is formed by adding a seven-character string (. mmddyy) indicating the month, day, and year to this prefix. If this option is not specified, the Web server log file prefix is WB in the current directory. The first log message written on each successive day that the tuxwsvr process runs is written to a new file.


Specifies that tuxwsvr should run in the foreground rather than placing itself in the background. This option is mainly useful for testing and debugging. (The tuxwsvr process automatically runs in the background unless otherwise specified; the trailing ampersand (&) on the command line is not required.)

-i initialization_file

An initialization file must be specified on every tuxwsvr command line. The command-line option that lets you do so is -i . The following section describes the format of an initialization file.

Initialization File Format

An initialization file contains mappings to directories needed by the Web server and, possibly, some comment lines. (The latter are marked by # signs at the beginning of the line.) Each non-comment line consists of three fields separated by white space.

Initialization File Format




Either "HTML" or "CGI," indicating the type of files (HTML files or executable CGI programs) residing in the directory described in this line.


A path prefix. (If a particular request matches more than one prefix, the first matching prefix mapping in the file is chosen.)


The directory or file to which the path prefix (in Field 2) is mapped.

The last non-comment line in the initialization file must have a prefix of '/'. If any line prior to the last non-comment line in the initialization file has a prefix of '/', a warning message is generated.

A Note about Changing the Initialization File

The initialization file is read once at startup time. Thus, if you make any changes to this file, you must stop and restart tuxwsvr before your changes will take effect.

Example of a UNIX System Initialization File

The following is an example of an initialization file for a UNIX system.

CGI /cgi-bin /home/tuxedo/udataobj/webgui/cgi-bin
CGI /webgui /home/tuxedo/udataobj/webgui/cgi-bin
HTML /java /home/tuxedo/udataobj/webgui/java
HTML /doc /home/tuxedo/doc
HTML / /home/tuxedo/udataobj/webgui

Suppose the Web server is running on port 8080 on the following machine:

Enter a request to either of the following URLs:

Your request will have two effects:

(a) It will invoke the program

(b) It will set the environment variable QUERY_STRING
to TUXDIR=/home/tuxedo in the program,
as stated in the World Wide Web CGI specification.

Note that it is not a good idea to specify $TUXDIR/bin as a value for an initialization file CGI directory since doing so makes it possible for Web users to invoke any BEA TUXEDO executable. (Such users would not, however, be able to see the output from executables other than tuxadm since these other executables are not written as CGI programs.)

Also, note that in the example above the first HTML line is redundant since the second HTML line would map subdirectories of /java to the same filepath. Nevertheless, we have included this line since some users might wish to place their java class files in a location other than the one in which they have stored their HTML documents.

Example of a Windows NT Initialization File

The following is an example of an initialization file for a Windows NT system.

HTML /tuxedo/webgui D:\\tuxedo\\htmldocs
CGI /cgi-bin C:\\cgi-bin
HTML /java D:\\tuxedo\\udataobj\\webgui\\java
HTML / D:\\tuxedo\\udataobj\\webgui

Suppose the Web server is running on port 80 on machine ntsvr1. Enter the following URL:


The following file will be retrieved:


Presumably this file is a customer-created page that will invoke the Web GUI.


There is only one way to achieve a normal termination of a tuxwsvr process: by sending it a SIGTERM signal.

Recommended Use

In the current release of BEA TUXEDO System/T the tuxwsvr process is provided as a Web server for the BEA TUXEDO administrative GUI for those customers who do not have a commercial Web server. On UNIX systems, we recommend adding a command line of the following format to UNIX initialization scripts so that the Web server will be started automatically:

TUXDIR=tuxdir_pathname $TUXDIR/bin/tuxwsvr \ -l nlsaddr -i initialization_file

tuxdir_pathname represents the full pathname of the location of the System/T software for that application. nlsaddr is the network-dependent address to be used by this tuxwsvr process.

One alternative method for starting the tuxwsvr process is to start it manually using the command line recommended above. A second alternative is to use cron jobs to start the tuxwsvr process periodically (daily, or perhaps even more often). Duplicate tuxwsvr command invocations using the same network address will terminate automatically and gracefully log an appropriate message.

Network Addresses

The only restriction on the network address specified for the tuxwsvr process by the application administrator is that it be a unique address on the specified network. For a STARLAN network, a recommended address of uname.tuxwsvr will usually yield a unique name. For TCP/IP, the address is formed from a unique port selected by the application administrator paired with the node identifier for the local machine, that is, 0x0002ppppnnnnnnnn. Unique port values for a particular machine (pppp) need to be negotiated among users of that network/machine combination; higher port numbers tend to be better since lower numbers are frequently used for system related services. The appropriate value for the node field (nnnnnnnn) can be found in the /etc/hosts file by using the following steps:

Step 1: Enter uname -n
Returns node_name

Step 2: Enter grep node_name /etc/hosts
Returns node_name

You must convert the dot notation into eight hexadecimal digits.

Examples of Network Addresses

Suppose the local machine on which the tuxwsvr is being run is using TCP/IP addressing. The machine is named and its address is . Further suppose that the port number at which the tuxwsvr should accept requests is 2334 . Assume that port number 2334 has been added to the network services database under the name bankapp-tuxwsvr . The address specified by the -l option could be represented in any of several ways:


The last line shows how to represent the address in hexadecimal format: 0002 is the first part of a TCP/IP address, 091E is a hexadecimal translation of the port number 2334 , and 9B02C112 is the hexadecimal translation of the IP address, . (In the latter translation, 155 becomes 9B , 2 becomes 02 , and so on.)

For a STARLAN network, a recommended address of uname.tuxwsvr will usually yield a unique name.

See Also

tuxadm (1), wlisten (1)



txrpt -BEA TUXEDO system server/service report program


txrpt [-t] [-n names] [-d mm/dd] [-s time] [-e time]


txrpt analyzes the standard error output of a BEA TUXEDO system server to provide a summary of service processing time within the server. The report shows the number of times dispatched and average elapsed time in seconds of each service in the period covered. txrpt takes its input from the standard input or from a standard error file redirected as input. Standard error files are created by servers invoked with the -r option from the servopts (5) selection; the file can be named by specifying it with the -e servopts option. Multiple files can be concatenated into a single input stream for txrpt . Options to txrpt have the following meaning:


order the output report by total time usage of the services, with those consuming the most total time printed first. If not specified, the report is ordered by total number of invocations of a service.

-n names

restrict the report to those services specified by names. names is a comma-separated list of service names.

-d mm/dd

limit the report to service requests on the month, mm, and day, dd, specified. The default is the current day.

-s time

restrict the report to invocations starting after the time given by the time argument. The format for time is hr[:min[:sec]].

-e time

restrict the report to invocations that finished before the specified time. The format for time is the same as the -s flag.

The report produced by txrpt covers only a single day. If the input file contains records from more than one day, the -d option controls the day reported on.


Make sure that the ULOGDEBUG variable is not set to y when a server is collecting statistics for analysis via txrpt . Debugging messages in the file will be misinterpreted by txrpt .


For the following command line:

txrpt -nSVC1 -d10/15 -s11:01 -e14:18 newr

The report produced looks like this:

START AFTER: Thu Oct 15 11:01:00 1992
END BEFORE: Thu Oct 15 14:18:00 1992

SVCNAME 11a-12n 13p-14p 14p-15p TOTALS
Num/Avg Num/Avg Num/Avg Num/Avg
------ -------- -------- -------- -------
SVC1 2/0.25 3/0.25 1/0.96 6/0.37
------- ------- ------- ------- -------
TOTALS 2/0.25 3/0.25 1/0.96 6/0.37

The above example shows that SVC1 was requested a total of six times within the specified period and that it took an average of 0.37 seconds to process the request.

See Also

servopts (5)



ud , wud -BEA TUXEDO driver program


ud [-p] [-ddelay] [-eerror_limit] [-r] [-ssleeptime] [-ttimeout]
[-n] [-u {n | u | j}] [-Uusrname] [-Ccltname] [-Sbuffersize]
ud32 [options]
wud [options]
wud32 [options]


ud reads an input packet from its standard input using Fextread (3fml). The packet must contain a field identified as the name of a service. The input packet is transferred to an FML fielded buffer (FBFR ) and sent to the service. If the service that receives the FBFR is one that adds records to a database, ud provides a method for entering bulk fielded data into a database known to the BEA TUXEDO system.

By using flags (see INPUT FORMAT ) to begin the lines of the input packet, you can use ud to test BEA TUXEDO services.

By default, after sending the FBFR to the service, ud expects a return FBFR . The sent and reply FBFR s are printed to ud 's standard output; error messages are printed to standard error.

ud32 uses FML32 buffers of type FBFR32 .

wud and wud32 are versions of ud and ud32 built using the Workstation libraries. On sites supporting just Workstation, only the wud and wud32 commands will be present.


ud supports the following options:


suppress printing of the sent and returned fielded buffers.


expect a delayed reply for every request. delay specifies the maximum delay time in seconds before time out. If time-out occurs, an error message is printed on stderr . If ud receives reply messages for previous requests within the delay time, they will be indicated as delayed RTN packets. Hence, it is possible to receive more than one reply packet within a delay time interval. The -d option is not available for wud on DOS operating systems.

-e error_limit

ud stops processing requests when errors exceed the limit specified in error_limit . If no limit is specified, the default is 25.


ud should not expect a reply message from servers.

-s sleeptime

sleep between sends of input buffers. sleeptime is the time, in seconds, of the sleep.

-t timeout

ud should send requests in transaction mode. timeout is the time, in seconds, before the transaction is timed out. The -d delay and -r (no reply) options are not allowed in combination with the -t option.

-u {n | u | j}

specify how the request buffer is modified before reading each new packet. The n option indicates that the buffer should be reinitialized (treated as new). The u option indicates that the buffer should be updated with the reply buffer using Fupdate (3fml). The j option indicates that the reply buffer should be joined with the request buffer using Fojoin (3fml).


reinitialize the buffer before reading each packet (i.e., treat each buffer as a new buffer). This option is equivalent to -un and is maintained for compatibility.

-U usrname

Use usrname as the user name when joining the application.

-S buffersize

If the default buffer size is not large enough, the -S option can be used to raise the limit. buffersize can be any number up to MAXLONG .

The -d delay and -r options are mutually exclusive.

Input Format

Input packets consist of lines formatted as follows:

[ flag ] fldname fldval

flag is optional. If flag is not specified, a new occurrence of the field named by fldname with value fldval is added to the fielded buffer. If flag is specified, it should be one of:


occurrence 0 of fldname in FBFR should be changed to fldval .


occurrence 0 of fldname should be deleted from FBFR . The tab character is required; fldval is ignored.


the value in fldname should be changed. In this case, fldval specifies the name of a field whose value should be assigned to the field named by fldname .


the line is treated as a comment and is ignored.

If fldname is the literal value SRVCNM , fldval is the name of the service to which FBFR is to be passed.

Lengthy field values can be continued on the next line by having the continuation line begin with a tab.

A line consisting only of the newline character ends the input and sends the packet to ud .

If an input packet begins with a line consisting of the character n followed by the newline character, the FBFR is reinitialized. FBFR reinitialization can be specified for all packets with the -un option on the command line.

To enter an unprintable character in the input packet, use the escaping convention followed by the hexadecimal representation of the desired character (see ASCII (5) in a UNIX reference manual). An additional backslash is needed to protect the escape from the shell. A space, for example, can be entered in the input data as 20. ud recognizes all input in this format, but its greatest usefulness is for non-printing characters.

Processing Model

Initially, ud reads a fielded buffer from its standard input and sends it to the service whose name is given by the fldval of the line where fldname equals SRVCNM . Unless the -r option is selected, ud waits for a reply fielded buffer. After obtaining the reply, ud reads another fielded buffer from the standard input. In so doing, ud retains the returned buffer as the current buffer. This means that the lines on the standard input that form the second fielded buffer are taken to be additions to the buffer just returned. That is, the default action is for ud to maintain a current buffer whose contents are added to by a set of input lines. The set is delimited by a blank line. ud may be instructed to discard the current buffer (that is, to reinitialize its FBFR structure) either by specifying the -un option on the command line, or by including a line whose only character is the letter n as the first line of an input set. ud may be instructed to merge the contents of the reply buffer into the request buffer by specifying either the -uu option (Fupdate is used) or the -uj option (Fojoin is used).


If ud is run in a security application, it requires an application password to access the application. If standard input is a terminal, ud prompts the user for the password with echo turned off on the reply. However, since ud accepts bulk input on standard input, standard input will typically be a file and not a terminal. In this case, the password is retrieved from the environment variable, APP_PW . If this environment variable is not specified and an application password is required, then ud will fail.


These commands are supported as BEA TUXEDO-supplied clients on UNIX and MS-DOS operating systems.

Environment Variables

FLDTBLDIR and FIELDTBLS must be set and exported. FLDTBLDIR must include $TUXDIR/udataobj in the list of directories. FIELDTBLS must include Usysflds as one of the field tables.

APP_PW must be set to the application password in a security application if standard input is not from a terminal. TPIDATA must be set to the application specific data necessary to join the application in a security application with an authentication server if standard input is not from a terminal.

WSNADDR , WSDEVICE and optionally WSTYPE must be set if access is from a workstation. See compilation (5) for more details on setting environment variables for client processes.


ud fails if it cannot become a client process, if it cannot create the needed FBFR s, or if it encounters a UNIX system error. It also fails if it encounters more than 25 errors in processing a stream of input packets. These can be syntax errors, missing service names, errors in starting or committing a transaction, time-outs and errors in sending the input FBFR or in receiving the reply FBFR .


The final fielded buffer in the input stream should be terminated by a blank line.


$ud <EOF>
ADDR 21 Valley Road
ADDR 1 Main Street

In this example, ud first sends a fielded buffer to the service BUY with CLIENT field set to J. Jones, ADDR field set to 21 Valley Road, STOCK field to AAA , and SHARES field set to 100.

When the fielded buffer is returned from the BUY service, ud uses the next set of lines to change SRVCNM to SELL , STOCK to XXX , and SHARES to 300 . Also, it creates an additional occurrence of the STOCK field with value YYY and an additional occurrence of the SHARES field with value 150. This fielded buffer is then sent to the SELL service (the new value of the SRVCNM field).

When SELL sends back a reply fielded buffer, ud discards it by beginning the next set of lines with a line containing only the character n . ud then begins building an entirely new input packet with a SRVCNM of BUY , CLIENT of value T. Smith , and so on.

See Also

Fextread (3fml), compilation (5), ascii (5) in a UNIX system reference manual, BEA TUXEDO Programmer's Guide, BEA TUXEDO FML Programmer's Guide, BEA WebLogic Enterprise Administration Guide



udfk_test -verify user-defined function key file


udfk_test [-v] file


reports on errors in the file containing user-defined function keys. The file is normally passed to mio (1) with the -u option. mio can also detect an incorrectly formatted file, but its diagnostics are limited, compared to those of udfk_test . When run with the -v option, udfk_test prints the character sequence associated with each mio command, based on the contents of file .

See Also

mio (1), udfk (5)



uuidgen -generate a Universal Unique Identifier (UUID )


uuidgen [-o filename] [{-i | -n number}] [-v] [-h] [-?]


uuidgen , by default, generates a Universal Unique Identifier (UUID ) on the standard output.The UUID is used to uniquely identifier an IDL interface definition. The format for a UUID string consists of eight hexadecimal digits followed by a dash, followed by three groups of four hexadecimal digits separated by dashes, followed by a dash and twelve hexadecimal digits (see the EXAMPLES below).

The following uuidgen (1) options are supported:


Produces an IDL file template, including a UUID string (see EXAMPLES for the file format). This option cannot be specified with the -n option.

-n number

Generates the specified number of UUID strings. This option cannot be specified with the -i option.

-o filename

Redirects the output to the specified file.


Displays the version number for uuidgen (1) but does not generate a UUID string.

-h or -?

Display help information for uuidgen (1).

Network Address

The generation of the UUID requires the availability of a 48-bit IEEE 802 address. Since this is not available in all environments and the method of determination is not portable, several methods are available for use with the BEA TUXEDO system version of uuidgen .

Note that in each of these cases, a 32-bit address is formed and the remainder of the address (for 48-bits) is treated as 00.00.


uuidgen will exit with a non-zero exit code if an invalid command-line option is specified, or if it cannot open the output file. A warning is printed if an invalid network address value is given and the value is used.


Generate a UUID string:


Generate an IDL template for developing an interface definition:

uuidgen -i
interface INTERFACE

Generate two UUID strings:

uuidgen -n 2

See Also

tidl (1)



viewc , viewc32 -View compiler for BEA TUXEDO views


viewc [-n] [-d viewdir] [-C] viewfile [viewfile ...]
viewc32 [-n] [-d viewdir] [-C] viewfile [viewfile ...]


viewc is a view compiler program.It takes a source viewfile and produces:

viewc32 is used for 32-bit FML. It uses the FIELDTBLS32 and FLDTBLDIR32 environment variables.

The viewfile is a file containing source view descriptions. More than one viewfile can be specified on the viewc command line as long as the same VIEW name is not used in more than one viewfile.

By default, all views in the viewfile are compiled and two or more files are created: a view object file (suffixed with .V ) and a C header file (suffixed with .h ). The name of the object file is viewfile.V in the current directory unless an alternate directory is specified through the -d option. C header files are created in the current directory.

If the -C option is specified, then one COBOL copy file is created for each VIEW defined in the viewfile. These copy files are created in the current directory.

At viewc compile time, the compiler matches each fieldid and field name specified in the viewfile with information obtained from the field table file, and stores mapping information in an object file for later use. Therefore, it is essential to set and export the environment variables FIELDTBLS and FLDTBLDIR to point to the related field table file. For more information on FIELDTBLS and FLDTBLDIR please refer to the BEA TUXEDO FML Programmer's Guide and the BEA TUXEDO Programmer's Guide.

If the viewc compiler can not match a field name with its fieldid because either the environment variables are not set properly or the field table file does not contain the field name, a warning message Field not found is displayed.

With the -n option, it is possible to create a view description file for a C structure that is not mapped to an FML buffer. The BEA TUXEDO Programmer's Guide tells how to create and use such an independent view description file.

The following options are interpreted by viewc :


used when compiling a view description file for a C structure that does not map to an FML buffer. It informs the view compiler not to look for FML information.

-d viewdir

used to specify that the view object file is to be created in a directory other than the current directory.


used to specify that COBOL copy files are to be created.


The output view file is a binary file that is machine and compiler dependent. That is, it will not work to generate a view on one machine with a specific compiler and use it on another machine type or with a compiler that generates structure offsets differently (e.g., different padding or packing).

When a view file description file is compiled on DOS or OS/2, the name of the object file has a .VV suffix instead of a .V suffix because the file names are not case dependent. The following additional options are recognized.

-m {m | l}

specifies the memory model to be used for compilation and linking of a client. The supported values for this option are m and l for the medium and large memory models, respectively. The large memory model is the default for this option. The -m option is supported for DOS only.

-c {m | b}

specifies the C compilation system to be used. The supported value for this option is m for the Microsoft C compiler. The Microsoft C compiler is the default for this option. The -c option is supported for DOS and WINDOWS only.

-1 filename

specifies that pass 1 should be run, and the resulting batch file should be called filename .bat should be created. After this file is created, it, should be executed before running pass 2. Using pass 1 and pass 2 increases the size of the views that can be compiled.

-2 filename

specifies that pass 2 should be run to complete processing, using the output from pass 1.

See Also

Fintro (3), BEA TUXEDO Programmer's Guide



viewdis , viewdis32 -view disassembler for binary viewfiles


viewdis viewobjfile ... viewdis32 viewobjfile ...


viewdis disassembles a view object file produced by the view compiler and displays view information in viewfile format. In addition, it displays the offsets of structure members in the associated structure.

One or more viewobjfiles (suffixed with .V ) can be specified on the command line. By default, the viewobjfile in the current directory is disassembled. If this is not found, an error message is displayed.

Since the information in the viewobjfile was obtained from a match of each fieldid and field name in the viewfile with information in the field table file, it is important to set and export the environment variables FIELDTBLS and FLDTBLDIR .

The output of viewdis looks the same as the original view description(s), and is mainly used to verify the correctness of the compiled object view descriptions.

viewdis32 is used for 32-bit FML. It uses the FIELDTBLS32 and FLDTBLDIR32 environment variables.

See Also

viewc (1), BEA TUXEDO FML Programmer's Guide



wlisten -BEA TUXEDO Web GUI listener process


wlisten [-i initialization_file]


wlisten is a listener process that receives incoming connections from Web GUI applets and starts a Web GUI gateway process (wgated ). All wlisten options are taken from an initialization file that is specified by the -i option. If the -i option is not given, then $TUXDIR/udataobj/webgui/webgui.ini is used as the default initialization file. The format and parameters allowed in the initialization file are described below. A default initialization file is generated during system installation.

wlisten places itself in the background when invoked (unless the initialization file contains the FOREGROUND=Y parameter), and continues running until the machine shuts down or the wlisten process is killed through an operating system command.

The following command-line option is used by wlisten :

-i initialization_file

Specifies that wlisten should use the initialization_file specified for parameters used during Web GUI sessions. The format of the initialization file is specified below. Most parameters of the initialization file are set to reasonable values at BEA TUXEDO installation time. If this option is not specified on the command line, then the default initialization file location is $TUXDIR/udataobj/webgui/webgui.ini .

Initialization File

The initialization file specified by the -i option contains parameters that allow the applet, wlisten process, and gateway process to coordinate certain pieces of configuration information necessary for the connection and subsequent operation of the Web GUI.

Most of the parameters contained in the initialization file are configured when BEA TUXEDO is installed. Other parameters may be added automatically when the Web GUI is being run, in response to user input. For example, if you connect to a domain, the GUI adds a listing for that domain to the initialization file. The next time you use the pull-down Domain menu (above the Power Bar in the main GUI window), you will see the new domain listed. Do not be alarmed if you notice that lines have been added or changed in your initialization file without your having explicitly edited the file.

The initialization file consists of commentary lines (blank lines or lines beginning with the # character) and keyword lines. Keyword lines are of the form keyword=value . The allowed keywords and values are outlined below:

TUXDIR= directory

The directory in which the BEA TUXEDO software is installed. There is no default for this parameter; you must assign a value. Note that if the -i option is not given to wlisten , then TUXDIR must be set in the environment (and normally should be set to the value specified in the initialization file.)

NADDR= network_address

Specifies the network address to be used by wlisten . There is no default for this parameter; you must assign a value. The format of the network address is the same as that allowed by tlisten and other BEA TUXEDO commands. (See "NETWORK ADDRESSES ", below, for a complete description.)

DEVICE= device

Specifies the network device to be used by wlisten . This variable is optional. For releases prior to v6.4, the default is the empty string, which means that no network device has been selected. (This is appropriate for some systems, such as Microsoft NT.) Use the same value here that you would use for the -d option of tlisten . On some UNIX systems the value should be /dev/tcp ; whether or not you assign this value depends on the operating system.


Specifies whether wlisten should run in the foreground. The default is N meaning that wlisten will put itself in the background automatically. The only reason to use this option is for testing and debugging.

WIDTH= pixels and HEIGHT= pixels

Specifies the width and height, respectively, for the applet. This area is used for password prompting if security is enabled. The defaults are 400 and 150, respectively.

FRAMEWIDTH= pixels and FRAMEHEIGHT= pixels

Specifies the width and height, respectively, for the main applet window in which administration takes place. The defaults are 750 and 550, respectively.


Sets the encryption mode used by the gateway and applet connection. The default is 0 , meaning there is no encryption. If the 40 option is chosen, then 40-bit RC4 encryption will take place. In this case, a tlisten password file must exist and authentication must occur in order to exchange encryption keys.

DOCBASE= document_root

Specifies the document base where the BEA TUXEDO Web GUI help files are found. This parameter is set during BEA TUXEDO installation and, under normal circumstances, it should not be changed afterward. There is no default for this parameter; you must assign a value in the initialization file.

CODEBASE= applet_root

Specifies the URL for the code base where BEA TUXEDO Web GUI applet files are found. This parameter is set during BEA TUXEDO installation and, under normal circumstances, it should not be changed afterward. There is no default for this parameter; you must assign a value in the initialization file.

SNAPDIR= snapshot_directory

Specifies the server directory path in which userlog snapshot files and event log snapshot files are stored. (The value of SNAPDIR is a full pathname rather than a URL.) It is set during BEA TUXEDO installation and, under normal circumstances, it should not be changed afterward. There is no default for this parameter; you must assign a value in the initialization file.

SNAPBASE= http_root

Specifies the URL base in which userlog snapshot files and event log snapshot files are stored. (The value of SNAPBASE is a URL rather than a full pathname.) It is set during BEA TUXEDO installation and, under normal circumstances, it should not be changed afterward. There is no default for this parameter; you must assign a value in the initialization file.

TEMPLATE= template_path

Specifies the pathname of the template file used to deliver the Web GUI applet to the user at startup time. The template file must contain the string %APPLET% on a line by itself, which is the place in the file where the Web GUI applet will appear. The rest of the file should be a standard HTML format file that typically contains instructions, a logo, or other information for use by the Web GUI administrator. The default pathname is: $TUXDIR/udataobj/webgui/webgui.html

INIFILE= init_file

Specifies the full path for the initialization file to be used by the applet. Under normal circumstances, the initialization file itself is used, but it is technically possible for the applet user to use an initialization file other than the one used by the gateway process. We do not recommend using an alternative initialization file, however, because if two initialization files are used they must be kept consistent with each other. For example, the NADDR and CODEBASE parameters, as well as, various directory parameters, must be set to identical values, and the value of the ENCRYPTBITS parameter must be consistent between the two files. Thus an application in which two files are used is more error prone than an application in which only one is used.

FLDTBLDIR32= field_table_dir and FIELDTBLS32= field_tables

Specifies the field table directories and values, respectively, for use with the Web GUI. These parameters are set to the proper values by the BEA TUXEDO installation program; under normal circumstances they should not be changed later.


The only way to stop a wlisten process with a normal termination is by sending it a SIGTERM signal.

Recommended Use

To Ensure Automatic Starting of the Listener

To make sure the Web GUI listener is started automatically, we recommend adding a command line in the following format to your UNIX system initialization scripts:

$TUXDIR/bin/wlisten -i initialization_file

To start the wlisten process manually, enter the command line shown above after a system prompt.

To Ensure Administrative Password Will Be Found

During the installation process, an administrative password file is created. When necessary, BEA TUXEDO searches for this file in the following directories (in the order shown):

APPDIR/.adm/ TUXDIR/udataobj/

To ensure that your administrative password file will be found, make sure you have set the APPDIR and/or TUXDIR environment variables.

Network Addresses

Suppose the local machine on which wlisten is being run is using TCP/IP addressing. The machine is named and its address is .

Further suppose that the port number at which wlisten should accept requests is 2334 . Assume that port number 2334 has been added to the network services database under the name bankapp-nlsaddr . The address specified by the -l option may be represented in any of several ways:


The last line shows how to represent the address in hexadecimal format: 0002 is the first part of a TCP/IP address, 091E is the hexadecimal translation of the port number 2334 , and 9B02CU2 is an element-by-element hexadecimal translation of the IP address, . (In the latter translation, 155 becomes 9B , 2 becomes 02 , and so on.)

For a STARLAN network, a recommended address of uname .wlisten will usually yield a unique name.

See Also

tuxadm (1), tuxwsvr (1)