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Web Server Installation

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The following sections describe how to uninstall the Web Server Security Service Module (SSM), the Web Services SSM, and the Service Control Manager (SCM):


Uninstalling the IIS Web Server SSM or Web Services SSM on Windows

To uninstall the Security Service Module from a Windows platform, do the following:

  1. Log in to the machine as Administrator.
  2. Stop the Authorization and Role Mapping Engine (ARME) for the Security Service Module that you are uninstalling: ARME.admin.hostname.
  3. Stop the Service Control Manager (SCM).
  4. Click Start, select Programs>BEA WebLogic Enterprise Security>Security Service Module>Uninstall Combo Security Service Manager.
  5. The Uninstall Welcome window appears.

  6. Click Next.
  7. The Choose Components window appears.

  8. Select the WLES SSMs to uninstall and click Next.
  9. The BEA Uninstaller window appears and the uninstall process begins.

Note: When you uninstall a Security Service Module, if it is the only remaining WebLogic Enterprise Security product on the machine, you are given the option of uninstalling the SCM. If you want to uninstall the Service Control Manager, check the Uninstall SCM box and click Next.

As the uninstall process runs, a checklist is displayed, listing the uninstallation tasks as they complete. After the product is removed, the "uninstall complete" message appears.

  1. Click Done.
  2. Open Windows Explorer and delete the directory for SSMs you just uninstalled. If you uninstalled both SSMs, IIS Web Server and Web Services, delete the top-level SSM directory. The default top-level directory is BEA_HOME\wles42-ssm.
  3. Note: If you checked the Uninstall SCM box during the uninstall, you also uninstalled the Service Control Manager, so delete the SCM directory as well. The default SCM directory is BEA_HOME\wles42-scm.

  4. To delete shortcuts for each SSM that you uninstalled from the Start>Programs>WebLogic Enterprise Security menu, right click on each shortcut you want to delete, and then choose delete.
  5. Note: If you do not delete the menu shortcuts and you reinstall the Web Server Security Service Module, duplicate product names appear in the Programs menu.

  6. If you have uninstalled all of the WebLogic Enterprise Security product software from your computer, and you do not know the passwords for the related asi users and groups, you must delete those users and groups. To delete the asi users and groups, perform the following steps:
    1. Select Start>Settings>Control Panel, click on Administrative Tools, click on Computer Management, and expand Local Users and Groups.
    2. Select Users and delete the Administration Application user (asiadmin by default) and the Service Control Manager user (scmuser by default)
    3. Select Groups and delete the WLES administrators group (asiadgrp) and the WLES users group (asiusers)
  7. You have successfully removed the SSM product software from your computer.


Uninstalling the Apache Web Server SSM or Web Services SSM on Solaris or Linux

To run the graphical mode uninstallation program, your console must support a Java-based GUI. If the uninstallation program determines that your system cannot support a Java-based GUI, the uninstallation program automatically starts in console mode.

To uninstall the Security Service Module from a Solaris platform:

  1. Log in to the machine as root (or su root).
  2. Stop the Authorization and Role Mapping Engine (ARME) for the Security Service Module that you are uninstalling: ARME.admin.hostname.
  3. Stop the Service Control Manager (SCM).
  4. Open a command shell and go to the uninstall directory for the product, for example:
  5. BEA_HOME/wles42-ssm/uninstall


    BEA_HOME/wles42-ssm represents the directory in which you installed the product.

  6. At the command prompt, type
  7. The BEA Uninstaller window appears and the uninstall process begins.

    Note: If your system supports a graphical user interface, the uninstallation program starts in graphical mode. If your system does not support a graphical user interface, the uninstallation program starts in console mode.

  8. Respond to the prompts to uninstall the product.

Note: When you uninstall a SSM, if it is the only remaining WebLogic Enterprise Security product on the machine, you are given the option of uninstalling the SCM. If you want to uninstall the Service Control Manager, check the Uninstall SCM box and click Next.

As the uninstall process runs, a checklist is displayed, listing the uninstallation tasks as they complete. After the product is removed, the "uninstall complete" message appears.

  1. If you system supports a graphical user interface, click Done.
  2. You have successfully removed Security Service Module from your computer.

Note: If you elected to uninstall the SCM, it is also uninstalled.


Uninstalling the SCM on Windows

Note: If you elected to uninstall the Service Control Manager (SCM) when you uninstalled the Security Service Module (SSM), this task is not necessary.

To uninstall the Service Control Manager from a Windows platform, do the following:

Note: Before uninstalling the Service Control Manager, you must remove all Security Service Modules from your machine. If a Security Service Module is still installed on your machine, the uninstall program does not allow you to uninstall the Service Control Manager.

  1. Log in to the machine as Administrator.
  2. Stop the Service Control Manager (SCM): WLES Service Control Manager.
  3. Click Start, select Programs>BEA WebLogic Enterprise Security>Service Control Manager>Uninstall Service Control Manager.
  4. The Uninstall Welcome window appears.

  5. Click Next.
  6. The BEA Uninstaller window appears and the uninstall process begins.

    As the uninstall process runs, a checklist is displayed, listing the uninstallation tasks as they complete. After the product is removed, the "uninstall complete" message appears.

  7. Click Done.
  8. You have successfully removed the Service Control Manager from your computer.

Note: The Uninstall program does not completely remove the WebLogic Enterprise Security software from your machine. Remnants of the software installation remain, such as product directories, log files, asi users and groups, and program menu shortcuts from your system. You can remove these manually. For removal instructions, see Additional Steps for Uninstalling the SCM on Windows

Additional Steps for Uninstalling the SCM on Windows

After the uninstall completes, you may notice that the product directory and various log files remain in the product directory, as well as program menu shortcuts and asi users and groups. You may remove these manually or you may want to keep them.

To remove these items, perform the following steps:

  1. Delete the product directories for each product that you uninstalled. Doing this removes all instance files that remain, unless you created them outside of the product directory. In this case, you need to go to the directory where you installed the instance and delete the instance directory.
  2. To delete shortcuts for each product that you uninstalled from the Start>Programs>WebLogic Enterprise Security menu, right click on each shortcut you want to delete, and then choose delete.
  3. Note: If you do not delete the menu shortcuts and you reinstall the product, duplicate product names appear in the Programs menu.

  4. To delete asi users and groups, open the Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Computer Management>Local Users and Groups window and delete the following users and groups:

If you know the passwords of asiadmin and scmuser (passwords typed in during a previous install, rather than accepting the defaults), then you may leave these users in place and enter those passwords when you reinstall the product.


Uninstalling the SCM on Solaris or Linux

Note: If you elected to uninstall the Service Control Manager when you uninstalled the Security Service Module, this task is not necessary.

To run the graphical mode uninstallation program, your console must support a Java-based GUI. If the uninstallation program determines that your system cannot support a Java-based GUI, the uninstallation program automatically starts in console mode.

To uninstall the Service Control Manager from a Unix platform:

Note: Before uninstalling the Service Control Manager, you must remove all Security Service Modules from your machine. If a Security Service Module is still installed on your machine, the uninstall program does not permit you to uninstall the Service Control Manager.

  1. Log in to the machine as root (or su root).
  2. Stop the Service Control Manager (SCM): WLES Service Control Manager.
  3. Open a command shell and go to the directory where you installed the Service Control Manager, then go to the uninstall directory. For example:
  4. WLES_HOME/wles42-scm/uninstall


    WLES_HOME/wles42-scm represents the directory in which you installed Service Control Manager component.

  5. At the command prompt, type
  6. The BEA Uninstaller window appears and the uninstall process begins.

    Note: If your system supports a graphical user interface, the uninstallation program starts in graphical mode. If your system does not support a graphical user interface, the uninstallation program starts in console mode.

  7. Respond to the prompts to uninstall the product.
  8. If you system supports a graphical user interface, click Done.
  9. You have successfully removed the Security Service Module from your computer.


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