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Oracle CEP Examples

This section contains information on the following subjects:


Overview of the Samples Provided in the Distribution Kit

Oracle Complex Event Processing, or Oracle CEP for short, includes three complete examples: HelloWorld, which is a basic skeleton of a a typical Oracle CEP application, a Foreign Exchange (FX) example that includes a multiple components, and a Signal Generation example that simulates market trading and trend detection.

These examples are provided in two forms, as follows:

The samples use Ant as their development tool; for details about Ant and installing it on your computer, see the Apache Ant Project.

Using Visualizer With the Examples

Oracle CEP Visualizer, or Visualizer for short, is a Web 2.0 application that consumes data from Oracle CEP, displays it in a useful and intuitive way to system administrators and operators, and, for specificied tasks, accepts data that is then passed back to Oracle CEP so as to change it configuration.

Visualizer is itself an Oracle CEP application and is automatically deployed in each server instance. To use it with the examples, be sure you have started the server (instructions provided for each examples below) and then invoke the following URL in your browser:


where host refers to the name of the computer hosting Oracle CEP; if it is the same as the computer on which the browser is running you can use localhost.

Security is disabled for the HelloWorld application, so you can click Logon at the login screen without entering a username and password. For the FX and signal generation examples, however, security is enabled, so use the following to logon:

User Id: wlevs
Password: wlevs

For more information about Visualizer, see Overview of Visualizer.

Increasing the Performance of the Examples

To increase the throughput and latency when running the examples, and Oracle CEP applications in general, Oracle recommends the following:


Setting Your Development Environment

You must set your development environment before you can start Oracle CEP instances and run the examples. In particular, you must set the PATH and JAVA_HOME environment variables so that you are using the correct version of the JRockit JDK (R27.6).

There are two ways in which the R27.6 version of JRockit might have been installed on your computer:

Although not required, Oracle recommends that you run Oracle CEP using the JRockit JDK version included in Oracle JRockit Real Time 3.0 for best results; however, the following procedures describe how to set your environment for either case.

For clarity, it is assumed in the following procedures that you installed Oracle JRockit Real Time and Oracle CEP in different home directories; however, it is also possible to install both products in the same home directory. If you do this, both products will install JRockit, although in different directories:


  1. Update your PATH environment variable to include the bin directory of the JRockit JDK. Also, be sure that your PATH environment variable includes the bin directory of your Ant installation.
  2. If using the JRockit JDK installed with Oracle JRockit Real Time 3.0:

    If you installed Oracle JRockit Real Time 3.0 in the d:\beahome_wlrt directory and Ant is installed in the d:\ant directory, set your PATH environment variable as shown:

    prompt> set PATH=d:\beahome_wlrt\jrockit-realtime20_150_11\bin;d:\ant\bin;%PATH%

    If using the JRockit JDK installed with Oracle CEP 3.0:

    If you installed Oracle CEP 3.0 in the d:\beahome_wlevs directory and Ant is installed in the d:\ant directory, set your PATH environment variable as shown:

    prompt> set PATH=d:\beahome_wlevs\jrockit-R27.6.0-23-1.5.0_15\bin;d:\ant\bin;%PATH%
  3. Ensure that the JAVA_HOME variable in the server start script points to the correct JRockit JDK. If it does not, edit the script.
  4. The server start script (called startwlevs.cmd) is located in the defaultserver subdirectory of the main domain directory; the defaultserver subdirectory contains the files for the standalone server of each domain. For example, the HelloWorld domain is located in WLEVS_HOME\samples\domains\helloworld_domain, where WLEVS_HOME refers to the main Oracle CEP installation directory, such as d:\beahome_wlevs\wlevs30.

    If using the JRockit JDK installed with Oracle JRockit Real Time 3.0, the set command should be as follows:

    set JAVA_HOME=d:\beahome_wlrt\jrockit-realtime20_150_11

    If using the JRockit JDK installed with Oracle CEP 3.0, the set command should be as follows:

    set JAVA_HOME=d:\beahome_wlevs\jrockit-R27.6.0-23-1.5.0_15
  5. Set the JAVA_HOME variable in your own development environment to point to the JRockit JDK.
  6. If using the JRockit JDK installed with Oracle JRockit Real Time 3.0:

    prompt> set JAVA_HOME=d:\beahome_wlrt\jrockit-realtime20_150_11

    If using the JRockit JDK installed with Oracle CEP 3.0:

    prompt> set JAVA_HOME=d:\beahome_wlevs\jrockit-R27.6.0-23-1.5.0_15

To make it easier to reset your development environment after logging out of a session, you can create a command file, such as setEnv.cmd, that contains these set commands.

You can also set these environment variables permanently on your Windows computer by invoking the Control Panel > System window, clicking the Advanced tab, and then clicking the Environment Variables button. You can set the environment variables for the current user or for the entire system.


  1. Update your PATH environment variable to include the bin directory of the JRockit JDK. Also, be sure that your PATH environment variable includes the bin directory of your Ant installation.
  2. If using the JRockit JDK installed with Oracle JRockit Real Time 3.0:

    If you installed Oracle JRockit Real Time in the /beahome_wlrt directory and Ant is installed in the /ant directory, set your PATH environment variable as shown:

    prompt> PATH=/beahome_wlrt/jrockit-realtime20_150_11/bin:/ant/bin:$PATH

    If using the JRockit JDK installed with Oracle CEP 3.0:

    If you installed Oracle CEP in the /beahome_wlevs directory and Ant is installed in the /ant directory, set your PATH environment variable as shown:

    prompt> PATH=/beahome_wlevs/jrockit-R27.6.0-23-1.5.0_15/bin:/ant/bin:$PATH
  3. Ensure that the JAVA_HOME variable in the server start script points to the correct JRockit JDK. If it does not, edit the script.
  4. The server start script (called is located in the defaultserver subdirectory of the main domain directory; the defaultserver subdirectory contains the files for the standalone server of each domain. For example, the HelloWorld domain is located in WLEVS_HOME/samples/domains/helloworld_domain, where WLEVS_HOME refers to the main Oracle CEP installation directory, such as /beahome_wlevs/wlevs30.

    If using the JRockit JDK installed with Oracle JRockit Real Time 3.0, the JAVA_HOME variable should be set as follows:


    If using the JRockit JDK installed with Oracle CEP 3.0, the JAVA_HOME variable should be set as follows:

  5. Set the JAVA_HOME variable in your development environment to point to the JRockit JDK.
  6. If using the JRockit JDK installed with Oracle JRockit Real Time 3.0:

    prompt> JAVA_HOME=/beahome_wlrt/jrockit-realtime20_150_11

    If using the JRockit JDK installed with Oracle CEP 3.0:

    prompt> JAVA_HOME=/beahome_wlevs/jrockit-R27.6.0-23-1.5.0_15

To make it easier to reset your environment after logging out of a session, you can create a command file, such as, that contains these commands.


HelloWorld Example

The first example that shows how to create an Oracle CEP application is the ubiquitous HelloWorld. The following diagram shows the components that make up the application and how they fit together, which together make up the HelloWorld event processing network:

Figure 3-1 The HelloWorld Event Processing Network

The HelloWorld Event Processing Network

The example includes the following components:

Running the HelloWorld Example from the helloworld Domain

To run the HelloWorld application that is pre-deployed to the helloworld domain, you simply start an instance of Oracle CEP, as described in the following steps:

  1. Open a command window and change to the default server directory of the helloworld domain directory, located in WLEVS_HOME\samples\domains\helloworld_domain\defaultserver, where WLEVS_HOME refers to the main Oracle CEP installation directory, such as d:\beahome2\wlevs30.
  2. prompt> cd d:\beahome2\wlevs30\samples\domains\helloworld_domain\defaultserver
  3. Ensure the environment is set correctly in the server startup script; see Setting Your Development Environment.
  4. Start Oracle CEP by running the startwlevs.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX) command:
  5. prompt> startwlevs.cmd

    If you are using the JRockit JDK included in Oracle JRockit Real Time 3.0, enable the deterministic garbage collector by passing the -dgc parameter to the command:

    prompt> startwlevs.cmd -dgc

After server status messages scroll by, you should see the following message printed to the output about every second:

    Message: HelloWorld - the current time is: 3:56:57 PM

This message indicates that the HelloWorld example is running correctly.

Building and Deploying the HelloWorld Example from the Source Directory

The HelloWorld sample source directory contains the Java source, along with other required resources such as configuration XML files, that make up the HelloWorld application. The build.xml Ant file contains targets to build and deploy the application to the helloworld domain; see Description of the Ant Targets to Build Hello World for details.

To build and deploy the HelloWorld application, follow these steps:

  1. If the helloworld Oracle CEP instance is not already running, follow the procedure in Running the HelloWorld Example from the helloworld Domain to start the server. You must have a running server to successfully deploy the rebuilt application.
  2. Open a new command window and change to the HelloWorld source directory, located in WLEVS_HOME\samples\source\applications\helloworld.
  3. prompt> cd d:\beahome2\wlevs30\samples\source\applications\helloworld
  4. Set your development environment; see Setting Your Development Environment.
  5. Execute the all Ant target to compile and create the application JAR file:
  6. prompt> ant all
  7. Execute the deploy Ant target to deploy the application JAR file to Oracle CEP:
  8. prompt> ant deploy
    WARNING: This target overwrites the existing helloworld application JAR file in the domain directory.

You should see the following message printed to the output about every second:

    Message: HelloWorld - the current time is: 3:56:57 PM

This message indicates that the HelloWorld example has been redeployed and is running correctly.

Description of the Ant Targets to Build Hello World

The build.xml file, located in the top level of the HelloWorld source directory, contains the following targets to build and deploy the application:

Implementation of the HelloWorld Example

The implementation of the HelloWorld example generally follows the main steps for creating an Oracle CEP application; refer to that section for a task-oriented procedure that describes the typical development process.

The HelloWorld example, because it is relatively simple, does not use all the components and configuration files described in the general procedure for creating an Oracle CEP application. All the files of the example are located relative to the WLEVS_HOME\samples\source\applications\helloworld directory, where WLEVS_HOME refers to the main Oracle CEP installation directory such as c:\beahome\wlevs30. Oracle recommends that you use this example directory setup in your own environment, although it is obviously not required.

The files used by the HelloWorld example include:

The HelloWorld example uses a build.xml Ant file to compile, assemble, and deploy the OSGi bundle; see Building and Deploying the HelloWorld Example from the Source Directory for a description of this build.xml file if you also use Ant in your development environment.

The HelloWorld EPN Assembly File

One of the main purposes of the EPN assembly file is to define the event processing network by declaring the components of the application and how they are all connected, or in other word, which components listen to which other components. Oracle CEP provides a set of custom Spring tags used to declare the network. You also use the EPN assembly file to register the event types used by your application and its EPL rules.

You use the EPN assembly file in the typical way to define the application component beans in the Spring application context; the application components beans are those implemented with Java classes, such as adapters and the POJO that contains the business logic.

For full reference information about the custom Spring tags, see Oracle CEP Custom Spring Tags Reference or the XSD Schema file that defines the tags.

The following example shows the EPN assembly file used in the HelloWorld sample application; see the explanation after the example for details about the entries in bold.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
<wlevs:event-type type-name="HelloWorldEvent">
    <wlevs:adapter id="helloworldAdapter" class="com.bea.wlevs.adapter.example.helloworld.HelloWorldAdapter" >
<wlevs:instance-property name="message" value="HelloWorld - the currenttime is:"/>
    <wlevs:processor id="helloworldProcessor" />
    <wlevs:stream id="helloworldInstream" >
<wlevs:listener ref="helloworldProcessor"/>
<wlevs:source ref="helloworldAdapter"/>
    <wlevs:stream id="helloworldOutstream" manageable="true">
<bean class="com.bea.wlevs.example.helloworld.HelloWorldBean"/>
<wlevs:source ref="helloworldProcessor"/>

In the preceding example:

The HelloWorld Component Configuration File

The HelloWorld application contains a single complex event processor, a single adapter, and a single stream, all configured with the following XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rule id="helloworldRule"><![CDATA[ select * from HelloWorldEvent retain 1 event ]]></rule>
<message>HelloWorld - the current time is:</message>

If your application contains multiple processors, adapters or streams, you can either declare them all in a single configuration file, or create separate configuration files for each component; the method you chose depends on which you find easier to manage.

For each component you configure, you must add the <name> child element to explicitly declare the specific component to which you are referring. The value of the <name> element must correspond to the component’s unique identifier of its declaration in the EPN assembly file.

For example, assume a processor is declared in the EPN assembly file as follows:

 <wlevs:processor id="helloworldProcessor" ...>

Then its corresponding XML configuration would be as follows:


The HelloWorld example uses a single configuration file for one processor with the name helloworldProcessor, one adapter with the name helloworldAdapter, and one stream with the name helloworldOutstream. These names correspond with the declaration of the components in the EPN assembly file.

Note: When you create the configuration file for the components of your application, you can use the default configuration XSD Schema files, or create a custom one if you want to add additional elements. In the HelloWorld application, the adapter uses a custom configuration, and thus has its own XSD Schema file that describes the configuration file.
Note: Because the HelloWorld application uses an extended XSD schema when configuring its components, the corresponding configuration XML file must identify the namespace for this schema rather than the default schema. In the preceding example:
Note: <helloworld:config

Note: See The XSD File that Describes the Extended HelloWorld Component Configuration for details.

The <processor> element configures the processor component. The most important part of the processor configuration is the declaration of the set of Event Processing Language (EPL) rules that this processor executes; these rules select the set of events that are eventually passed to the application business object. Each rule is declared with a <rule> element using an XML ![CDATA[...]] section; all rules are grouped together with a single <rules> element. You can define as many rules as you want for a particular processor.

The HelloWorld application has just a single very simple rule:

  select * from HelloWorldEvent retain 1 event

This rule selects all events of type HelloWorldEvent, but retains only one event at a time in its window. For additional information and examples about using EPL, see the EPL Reference Guide.

The <adapter> element configures the adapter component. The most important thing to note about the helloworldAdapter is that it has a custom element, <message>. The Java implementation of the adapter receives this information from Oracle CEP and then uses it in its code.

The <stream> element configures the helloworldOutstream component. The <max-size> and <max-threads> elements specify the maximum size of the stream and the maximum number of threads assigned to the stream, respectively.

The XSD File that Describes the Extended HelloWorld Component Configuration

Oracle CEP provides a default XSD Schema that describes the XML file which configures the components (processor, adapters, streams) of your application. If this Schema is adequate for your application, then you do not need to create an XSD file of your own.

However, sometimes it is helpful to extend the default component configuration with custom configuration information for your specific application; for example, the HelloWorld adds a <message> element that specifies the text of the message created by the helloworldAdapter component, as shown in The HelloWorld Component Configuration File.

If you want to extend the default configuration of the components, then you must also provide your own XSD schema file that describes the format of the new configuration files. This XSD schema file must describe the extended configurations, as well as the overall format of the configuration file. The HelloWorld application extends the default adapter configuration, but uses the default processor and stream configurations. The XSD file is shown below; see the explanation after the schema for a description of the sections in bold:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns="" 
elementFormDefault="unqualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" 
jxb:extensionBindingPrefixes="xjc" jxb:version="1.0">
<jxb:package name="com.bea.adapter.wlevs.example.helloworld"/>
  <xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="wlevs_application_config.xsd"/>
  <xs:element name="config">
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="adapter" type="HelloWorldAdapterConfig"/>
<xs:element name="processor" type="wlevs:DefaultProcessorConfig"/>
<xs:element name="stream" type="wlevs:DefaultStreamConfig" />
  <xs:complexType name="HelloWorldAdapterConfig">
<xs:extension base="wlevs:AdapterConfig">
<xs:element name="message" type="xs:string"/>

The important things to note about the preceding XSD file are:

For additional details about extending the configuration of an adapter, see Extending the Configuration of an Adapter.


Foreign Exchange (FX) Example

The foreign exchange example, called FX for simplicity, is a more complex example than the HelloWorld one because it includes multiple processors that handle information from multiple data feeds. In the example, the data feeds are simulated using the Oracle CEP load generator utility. The following diagram describes the FX event processing network:

Figure 3-2 FX Event Processing Network

FX Event Processing Network

In the scenario, three data feeds, simulated using the load generator, send a constant pair of values from different parts of the world; the value pairs consist of a currency pair, such as USDEUR for US dollar - European euro, and an exchange rate between the two currencies. The fxMarketXXX adapters receive the data from the feeds, convert them into events, and pass them to the preprocessorXXX processors. Each processor performs an initial stale check to ensure that no event is more than ten seconds old and then a boundary check to ensure that the exchange rate between the two currencies is within a current boundary. The server also only selects a specific currency pair from a particular stream; for example, the server selects USDEUR from the simulated American data feed, but rejects all other pairs, such as USDAUD (Australian dollar).

After the data from each data feed provider passes this initial preparation phase, a different processor, called spreader, joins all events across all providers, calculates the mid-point between the maximum and minimum rate, and then applies a trader-specified spread. Finally, the processor forwards the rate to the POJO that contains the business code; in this example, the POJO simply publishes the rate to clients.

The Oracle CEP monitor is configured to watch if the event latency in the last step exceeds some threshold, such as no updated rates in a 30 second time-span, and if there is too much variance between two consecutive rates for the same currency pair. Finally, the last rate of each currency pair is forwarded to the dashboard.

Running the Foreign Exchange Example

For optimal demonstration purposes, Oracle recommends that you run this example on a powerful computer, such as one with multiple CPUs or a 3 GHz dual-core Intel, with a minimum of 2 GB of RAM.

To run the Foreign Exchange (FX) application that is pre-deployed to the fx_domain domain, you simply start an instance of Oracle CEP, as described in the following steps:

  1. Open a command window and change to the default server directory of the fx domain directory, located in WLEVS_HOME\samples\domains\fx_domain\defaultserver, where WLEVS_HOME refers to the main Oracle CEP installation directory, such as d:\beahome2\wlevs30.
  2. prompt> cd d:\beahome2\wlevs30\samples\domains\fx_domain\defaultserver
  3. Set your development environment, as described in Setting Your Development Environment.
  4. Start Oracle CEP by running the startwlevs.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX) command:
  5. prompt> startwlevs.cmd

    If you are using the JRockit JDK included in Oracle JRockit Real Time 3.0, enable the deterministic garbage collector by passing the -dgc parameter to the command:

    prompt> startwlevs.cmd -dgc

    The FX application is now ready to receive data from the data feeds.

  6. To simulate an American data feed, open a new command window and set your environment as described in Setting Your Development Environment.
  7. Change to the WLEVS_HOME\utils\load-generator directory, where WLEVS_HOME refers to the main Oracle CEP installation directory, such as d:\beahome2\wlevs30.
  8. Run the load generator using the fxAmer.prop properties file:
  9. prompt> runloadgen.cmd fxAmer.prop
  10. Repeat steps 4 - 6 to simulate an Asian data feed, using the fxAsia.prop properties file:
  11. prompt> runloadgen.cmd fxAsia.prop
  12. Repeat steps 4 - 6 to simulate an European data feed, using the fxEuro.prop properties file:
  13. prompt> runloadgen.cmd fxEuro.prop

After the server status messages scroll by in the command window from which you started the server, and the three load generators start, you should see messages similar to the following being printed to the server command window:

{crossRate=USDJPY, internalPrice=119.09934499999781}, {crossRate=USDGBP, internalPrice=0.5031949999999915}, {crossRate=USDJPY, internalPrice=117.73945624999783}

These messages indicate that the Foreign Exchange example is running correctly. The output shows the cross rates of US dollars to Japanese yen and US dollars to UK pounds sterling.

Building and Deploying the Foreign Exchange Example from the Source Directory

The Foreign Exchange (FX) sample source directory contains the Java source, along with other required resources such as configuration XML files, that make up the FX application. The build.xml Ant file contains targets to build and deploy the application to the fx_domain domain, as described in Description of the Ant Targets to Build FX.

To build and deploy the FX application, follow these steps:

  1. If the fx Oracle CEP instance is not already running, follow the procedure in Running the Foreign Exchange Example to start the server. You must have a running server to successfully deploy the rebuilt application.
  2. Open a new command window and change to the FX source directory, located in WLEVS_HOME\samples\source\applications\fx, where WLEVS_HOME refers to the main Oracle CEP installation directory, such as d:\beahome2\wlevs30.
  3. prompt> cd d:\beahome2\wlevs30\samples\source\applications\fx
  4. Set your development environment, as described in Setting Your Development Environment.
  5. Execute the all Ant target to compile and create the application JAR file:
  6. prompt> ant all
  7. Execute the deploy Ant target to deploy the application JAR file to Oracle CEP:
  8. prompt> ant deploy
    WARNING: This target overwrites the existing helloworld application JAR file in the domain directory.
  9. If the load generators required by the FX application are not running, start them as described in Running the Foreign Exchange Example.

After server status messages scroll by, you should see the following message printed to the output:

    {crossRate=USDJPY, internalPrice=119.09934499999781}, {crossRate=USDGBP, internalPrice=0.5031949999999915}, {crossRate=USDJPY, internalPrice=117.73945624999783}

This message indicates that the FX example has been redeployed and is running correctly.

Description of the Ant Targets to Build FX

The build.xml file, located in the top-level directory of the FX source, contains the following targets to build and deploy the application:

Implementation of the FX Example

The implementation of the foreign exchange (FX) example generally follows the main steps for creating an Oracle CEP application; refer to that section for a procedure that describes the typical development process.

All the files of the FX example are located relative to the WLEVS_HOME\samples\source\applications\fx directory, where WLEVS_HOME refers to the main Oracle CEP installation directory such as c:\beahome\wlevs30. Oracle recommends that you use this example directory setup in your own environment, although it is obviously not required.

The files used by the FX example include:

The FX example uses a build.xml Ant file to compile, assemble, and deploy the OSGi bundle; see Building and Deploying the Foreign Exchange Example from the Source Directory for a description of this build.xml file if you also use Ant in your development environment.

The FX EPN Assembly File

The following example shows the EPN assembly file used in the FX sample application; see the explanation after the example for details about the entries in bold.

Note: See the first few paragraphs of The HelloWorld EPN Assembly File for a brief overview of the EPN assembly file. For full reference information about the custom Spring tags, see Oracle CEP Custom Spring Tags Reference or the XSD Schema file that defines the tags.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
<wlevs:event-type type-name="ForeignExchangeEvent">
<wlevs:property name="builderFactory">
<bean id="builderFactory" class="com.bea.wlevs.example.fx.ForeignExchangeBuilderFactory"/>
    <!-- Assemble EPN (event processing network) -->
    <wlevs:adapter id="fxMarketAmer" provider="loadgen">
<wlevs:instance-property name="port" value="9011"/>
    <wlevs:adapter id="fxMarketAsia" provider="loadgen">
<wlevs:instance-property name="port" value="9012"/>
    <wlevs:adapter id="fxMarketEuro" provider="loadgen">
<wlevs:instance-property name="port" value="9013"/>
    <wlevs:processor id="preprocessorAmer" listeners="spreaderIn"/>
<wlevs:processor id="preprocessorAsia" listeners="spreaderIn"/>
<wlevs:processor id="preprocessorEuro" listeners="spreaderIn"/>
    <wlevs:stream id="fxMarketAmerOut">
<wlevs:listener ref="preprocessorAmer"/>
<wlevs:source ref="fxMarketAmer"/>
    <wlevs:stream id="fxMarketAsiaOut">
<wlevs:listener ref="preprocessorAsia"/>
<wlevs:source ref="fxMarketAsia"/>
    <wlevs:stream id="fxMarketEuroOut">
<wlevs:listener ref="preprocessorEuro"/>
<wlevs:source ref="fxMarketEuro"/>
    <wlevs:stream id="spreaderOut" manageable="true">
<!-- Create business object -->
<bean id="outputBean"
    <!-- The processor id needs to be well known so that it can import the rules config -->
    <wlevs:processor id="spreader">
<wlevs:listener ref="spreaderOut"/>
    <wlevs:stream id="spreaderIn">
<wlevs:listener ref="spreader"/>

In the preceding example:

The FX Processor Configuration Files

The FX application uses four processors: three to handle the three data feeds and one that joins the resulting events. The first three processors are configured in a single XML file, called preprocessor.xml, as shown:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<n1:config xmlns:n1=""
<rule id="UsdToEurRule"><![CDATA[
      insert into ForeignExchangeEvent
select avg(lastPrice) as price, 'USD' as fromRate, 'EUR' as toRate
from (select * from StockTick where symbol='USDEUR') retain 1 sec
where lastPrice < 3.0 and lastPrice > 0.25
<rule id="EurToJpyRule"><![CDATA[
      insert into ForeignExchangeEvent
select avg(lastPrice) as price, 'EUR' as fromRate, 'JPY' as toRate
from (select * from StockTick where symbol='EURJPY') retain 1 sec
where lastPrice < 200.0 and lastPrice > 100.0
<rule id="EurToGbpRule"><![CDATA[
      insert into ForeignExchangeEvent
select avg(lastPrice) as price, 'EUR' as fromRate, 'GBP' as toRate
from (select * from StockTick where symbol='EURGBP') retain 1 sec
where lastPrice < 1.5 and lastPrice > 0.5

The three processors in this file are all essentially the same; the differences lie only in the values used in the EPL queries for querying different items from the data feeds and applying different boundary conditions. For this reason, this section will discuss just a single one of the processors: preprocessorAmer.

The EPL rule fired for the american data feed is:

      insert into ForeignExchangeEvent
select avg(lastPrice) as price, 'USD' as fromRate, 'EUR' as toRate
from (select * from StockTick where symbol='USDEUR') retain 1 sec
where lastPrice < 3.0 and lastPrice > 0.25

To understand the query, one must look at the various clauses, as follows:

The spreader processor is configured with the spreader.xml file, as shown:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<n1:config xmlns:n1=""
<rule id="spreaderRule"><![CDATA[
      select ((a.price * b.price) + 0.05) as internalPrice, a.fromRate || b.toRate as crossRate
from ForeignExchangeEvent a, ForeignExchangeEvent b
retain 10 sec with unique a.toRate partition by a.fromRate
where a.toRate = b.fromRate and a.fromRate != b.toRate

In the spreader EPL rule:

The result of this query is then sent to the business object POJO.

For additional information and examples about using EPL, see the EPL Reference Guide.


Signal Generation Example

The signal generation sample application receives simulated market data and verifies if the price of a security has fluctuated more than two percent. The application also detects if there is a trend occurring by keeping track of successive stock prices for a particular symbol; if more than three successive prices fluctuate more than two percent, this is considered a trend.

The application simulates a market data feed using the Oracle CEP load generator utility; in this example, the load generator generates up to 10,000 messages per second. The example includes an HTML dashboard which displays the matched events along with the latencies; events consist of a stock symbol, a timestamp, and the price.

The example demonstrates very low latencies, with minimum latency jitter under high throughputs. Once the application starts running, the processor matches an average of 800 messages per second. If the application is run on the minimum configured system, the example shows very low average latencies (30-300 microsecond, on average) with minimal latency spikes (low milliseconds).

The example computes and displays latency values based on the difference between a timestamp generated on the load generator and timestamp on Oracle CEP. Computing valid latencies requires very tight clock synchronization, such as 1 millisecond, between the computer running the load generator and the computer running Oracle CEP. For this reason, Oracle recommends running both the load generator and Oracle CEP on a single multi-CPU computer where they will share a common clock.

Running the Signal Generation Example

For optimal demonstration purposes, Oracle recommends that you run this example on a powerful computer, such as one with multiple CPUs or a 3 GHz dual-core Intel, with a minimum of 2 GB of RAM.

The signalgeneration_domain domain contains a single application: the signal generation sample application. To run the signal generation application, you simply start an instance of Oracle CEP in the domain, as described in the following steps:

  1. Open a command window and change to the default server directory of the signalgeneration_domain domain directory, located in WLEVS_HOME\samples\domains\signalgeneration_domain\defaultserver, where WLEVS_HOME refers to the main Oracle CEP installation directory, such as d:\beahome2\wlevs30.
  2. prompt> cd d:\beahome2\wlevs30\samples\domains\signalgeneration_domain\defaultserver
  3. Set your development environment, as described in Setting Your Development Environment.
  4. Start Oracle CEP by running the startwlevs.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX) command:
  5. prompt> startwlevs.cmd

    If you are using the JRockit JDK included in Oracle JRockit Real Time 3.0, enable the deterministic garbage collector by passing the -dgc parameter to the command:

    prompt> startwlevs.cmd -dgc

    The signal generation application is now ready to receive data from the data feeds.

    On Windows you can also start the server using the Start menu:

    Start > All Programs > Oracle CEP 3.0 > Examples > Start Signal Generation Example Server
  6. To simulate a data feed, use a load generator programmed specifically for the example, as described in the following steps:
    1. 0pen a new command window .
    2. Change to the WLEVS_HOME\samples\domains\signalgeneration_domain\defaultserver\utils directory, where WLEVS_HOME refers to the main Oracle CEP installation directory, such as d:\beahome2\wlevs30.
    3. Run the startDataFeed command:
    4. prompt> startDataFeed.cmd

      On Windows you can also start the load generator using the Start menu:

      Start > All Programs > Oracle CEP 3.0 > Examples > Start Load Generator
  7. Invoke the example dashboard by starting a browser and openeing the following HTML page:
  8.    http://host:9002/algo/dashboard.html

    Replace host with the name of the computer on which Oracle CEP is running; if it’s the same computer as your browser, you can use localhost.

    On Windows you can also start the dashboard using the Start menu:

    Start > All Programs > Oracle CEP 3.0 > Examples > Start Signal Generation Console
  9. In the browser, click the Start Button on the HTML page. You should start seeing the events that match the EPL rules configured for this example.

Building and Deploying the Signal Generation Example from the Source Directory

The signal generation sample source directory contains the Java source, along with other required resources, such as configuration XML files, EPN assembly file, and DOJO client Javascript libraries, that make up the signal generation application. The build.xml Ant file contains targets to build and deploy the application to the signalgeneration_domain domain, as described in Description of the Ant Targets to Build Signal Generation.

To build and deploy the signal generation application, follow these steps:

  1. If the signal generation Oracle CEP instance is not already running, follow the procedure in Running the Signal Generation Example to start the server. You must have a running server to successfully deploy the rebuilt application.
  2. Open a new command window and change to the signal generation source directory, located in WLEVS_HOME\samples\source\applications\signalgeneration, where WLEVS_HOME refers to the main Oracle CEP installation directory, such as d:\beahome2\wlevs30.
  3. prompt> cd d:\beahome2\wlevs30\samples\source\applications\signalgeneration
  4. Set your development environment, as described in Setting Your Development Environment.
  5. Execute the all Ant target to compile and create the application JAR file:
  6. prompt> ant all
  7. Execute the deploy Ant target to deploy the application JAR file to the WLEVS_HOME\samples\domains\signalgeneration_domain\defaultserver\applications\signalgeneration directory:
  8. prompt> ant deploy
    WARNING: This target overwrites the existing signal generation application JAR file in the domain directory.
  9. If the load generator required by the signal generation application is not running, start it as described in Running the Signal Generation Example.
  10. Invoke the example dashboard as described in Running the Signal Generation Example.

Description of the Ant Targets to Build Signal Generation

The build.xml file, located in the top-level directory of the FX source, contains the following targets to build and deploy the application:

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