Using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console

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Event Generators

The Event Generator module allows you to:

Note: You must be logged in as a member of the Administrators, IntegrationAdministrators, or IntegrationOperators group to create, change, or delete event generators. For more information, see About WebLogic Integration Users, Groups, Roles, and Security Policies in User Management in the Worklist Console Online Help.

The following topics are provided:

About Event Generators

Event generators publish messages to Message Broker channels in response to system events (for example, files arriving in a directory, or messages arriving in an email account or JMS queue). The following event generators can be created from the WebLogic Integration Administration Console:

A set of channel rules is configured for each event generator. For a JMS event generator, the rules are applied to incoming JMS messages in the user-designated order. For example, the following rules are configured for a JMS event generator:

Table 5-1 JMS Event Generator - Rules
ACME Trading Corp

In this case, a message with a JMS header property “VendorId” set to “ACME Trading Corp” would be posted to the myapp/orders/AllOrders channel because the presence of the “VendorId” property triggers the first rule. The order must be reversed to achieve the desired result.

Table 5-2 Rules - Order Reversed
ACME Trading Corp

Now a message with a JMS header property “VendorId” set to “ACME Trading Corp” is properly posted to the myapp/orders/ACMEOrders channel.

Channel rule sequence is only significant for JMS event generators. The sequence is not significant for Email or File event generators.

Additional information regarding the configuration of event generators is also found in the following sections of Deploying WebLogic Integration Solutions.

Overview of the Event Generator Module

The following table lists the pages you can access from the Event Generator module. The tasks and help topics associated with each are provided:

Table 5-3 Event Generators 
Associated Tasks
Help Topics
View All File Event Generators
View a list of file event generators. The generator name, number of channels, files read, last reset time, number of errors, error reset time, and status (running or suspended) are displayed.
Filter the list by generator name. Use ? to match any single character or * to match zero or more characters.
Suspend or resume the event generator. The status of an event generator is preserved when the server is restarted. For example, if the event generator is in the suspended state when the server is restarted, the event generator remains suspended.
Reset the files read or error count.
Delete one or more event generators.
Create a New File Event Generator
Create and deploy a file event generator. The event generator initially has no channel rules.
File Event Generator Definition
Access the File Event Generator Channel Rule Definition page to add channel rules to a newly created or existing event generator.
View the channel rules for an existing event generator. Select a channel rule to view or update details.
Delete one or more channel rules.
File Event Generator Channel Rule Definition
Create a new channel rule or view and update an existing channel rule.
View All Email Event Generators
View a list of Email event generators. Generator name, number of channels, emails read, last reset time, number of errors, error reset time, and status (running or suspended) are displayed.
Filter the list by generator name. Use ? to match any single character or * to match zero or more characters.
Suspend or resume the event generator.The status of an event generator is preserved when the server is restarted. For example, if the event generator is in the suspended state when the server is restarted, the event generator remains suspended.
Reset the emails read or error count.
Delete one or more event generators.
Create New Email Event Generator
Create and deploy an Email event generator. The event generator initially has no channel rules.
Email Event Generator Definition
Access the Email Event Generator Channel Rule Definition page to add channel rules to a newly created or existing event generator.
View the channel rules for an existing event generator. Select a channel rule to view or update details.
Delete one or more channel rules.
Email Event Generator Channel Rule Definition
Create a new channel rule or view and update an existing channel rule.
View All JMS Event Generators
View a list of JMS event generators.
Filter the list by generator name. Use ? to match any single character or * to match zero or more characters.
Suspend or resume the event generator. The status of an event generator is preserved when the server is restarted. For example, if the event generator is in the suspended state when the server is restarted, the event generator remains suspended.
Reset the messages read or error count.
Delete one or more event generators.
Create New JMS Event Generator
Create and deploy a JMS event generator. When you create the generator, you specify the destination topic or queue, message selector, and default channel rule.
JMS Event Generator Details
Update the default channel rule for the event generator.
JMS Event Generator Definition
Access the JMS Event Generator Channel Rule Definition page to add channel rules to a newly created or existing event generator.
View the channel rules for an existing event generator. Select a channel rule to view or update details.
Delete one or more channel rules.
JMS Event Generator Channel Rule Definition
Create a new channel rule or view and update an existing channel rule.
View All Timer Event Generators
View a list of Timer event generators. Generator name, number of channels, messages read, last reset time, number of errors, error reset time, and status (running or suspended) are displayed.
Filter the list by generator name. Use ? to match any single character or * to match zero or more characters.
Suspend or resume the event generator. The status of an event generator is preserved when the server is restarted. For example, if the event generator is in the suspended state when the server is restarted, the event generator remains suspended.
Reset the messages read or error count.
Delete one or more event generators.
Create New Timer Event Generator
Create and deploy a Timer event generator. The event generator initially has no channel rules.
Timer Event Generator Definition
Access the Timer Event Generator Channel Rule Definition page to add channel rules to a newly created or existing event generator.
View the channel rules for an existing event generator. Select a channel rule to view or update details.
Delete one or more channel rules.
Timer Event Generator Channel Rule Definition
Create a new channel rule or view and update an existing channel rule.
View All MQSeries Event Generators
View a list of MQSeries event generators. Generator name, number of channels, messages read, last reset time, number of errors, error reset time, and status (running or suspended) are displayed.
Filter the list by generator name. Use ? to match any single character or * to match zero or more characters.
Suspend or resume the event generator.The status of an event generator is preserved when the server is restarted. For example, if the event generator is in the suspended state when the server is restarted, the event generator remains suspended.
Reset the messages read or error count.
Delete one or more event generators.
Create New MQSeries Event Generator
Create and deploy a MQSeries event generator. The event generator initially has no channel rules.
MQSeries Event Generator Definition
Access the MQSeries Event Generator Channel Rule Definition page to add channel rules to a newly created or existing event generator.
View the channel rules for an existing event generator. Select a channel rule to view or update details.
Delete one or more channel rules.
MQSeries Event Generator Channel Rule Definition
Create a new channel rule or view and update an existing channel rule.
View All HTTP Event Generators
View a list of HTTP event generators. Generator name, number of channels, HTTP requests read, last reset time, number of errors, error reset time, and status (running or suspended) are displayed.
Filter the list by generator name. Use ? to match any single character or * to match zero or more characters.
Suspend or resume the event generator. The status of an event generator is preserved when the server is restarted. For example, if the event generator is in the suspended state when the server is restarted, the event generator remains suspended.
Reset the messages read or error count.
Delete one or more event generators.
Create New HTTP Event Generator
Create and deploy a HTTP event generator. The event generator initially has no channel rules.
HTTP Event Generator Definition
Access the HTTP Event Generator Channel Rule Definition page to add channel rules to a newly created or existing event generator.
View the channel rules for an existing event generator. Select a channel rule to view or update details.
Delete one or more channel rules.
HTTP Event Generator Channel Rule Definition
Create a new channel rule or view and update an existing channel rule.
View all RDBMS Event Generators
View a list of RDBMS event generators. Generator name, number of channels, messages read, last reset time, number of errors, and error reset time are displayed.
Filter the list by generator name. Use ? to match any single character or * to match zero or more characters.
Suspend or resume the event generator. The status of an event generator is preserved when the server is restarted. For example, if the event generator is in the suspended state when the server is restarted, the event generator remains suspended.
Reset the messages read or error count.
Delete one or more event generators.
Create New RDBMS Event Generator
Create and deploy a RDBMS event generator. The event generator initially has no channel rules.
RDBMS Event Generator Definition
Access the RDBMS Event Generator Channel Rule Definition page to add channel rules to a newly created or existing event generator.
View the channel rules for an existing event generator. Select a channel rule to view or update details.
Delete one or more channel rules.
RDBMS Event Generator Channel Rule Definition
Create a new channel rule or view and update an existing channel rule.
Create New TibcoRV Event Generator
Create and deploy a TibcoRV event generator.
For more information about TibcoRV Event Generators and other WLI products, see
View All TibcoRV Event Generators
View a list of TibcoRV event generators. Generator name, number of channels, messages read, last reset time, number of errors, error reset time, and error status are displayed.
Filter the list by generator name. Use ? to match any single character or * to match zero or more characters.
Suspend or resume the event generator. The status of an event generator is preserved when the server is restarted. For example, if the event generator is in the suspended state when the server is restarted, the event generator remains suspended.
Reset the messages read or error count.
Delete one or more event generators.

Creating and Deploying Event Generators

The Event Generator module allows you to create and deploy the event generators included as part of WebLogic Integration. When you create a new event generator as described in this section, it is packaged and deployed as an EJB (JMS, File, Email, Timer, MQ, and RDBMS event generators) or web application module (HTTP event generator) on a single managed server. Once the event generator has been created and deployed, you can suspend, resume, or add additional channel rules as required.

Note: JMS, HTTP, MQ, and RDBMS event generators can be targeted to any number of managed servers in a cluster. For JMS and MQ event generators, it is typical to target the generator to a single managed server when using a physical JMS destination, or to the cluster when using distributed destinations. To deploy to a single managed server, see the procedures in this section.

Creating and Deploying a JMS Event Generator

  1. From the home page, select the Event Generator module.
  2. From the left panel, select JMS.
  3. Select Create New.
  4. The Create a New JMS Event Generator page is displayed.

    Figure 5-1 Create a New JMS EG

    Create a New JMS EG

  5. In the Generator Name field, enter a unique name for the event generator.
  6. Note: Names are not case sensitive. Leading or trailing spaces are removed.
  7. From the Destination Type drop-down list, select javax.jms.Queue, javax.jms.Topic, or foreign_jms_destination.
  8. Do one of the following:
    • If you selected javax.jms.queue or javax.jms.topic, perform the following:
      • Select the JNDI name for the topic or queue from the Destination JNDI Name drop-down list.
      • Select the name for the topic or queue from the JMS Connection Factory JNDI Name drop-down list.
    • If you selected foreign_jms_destination, select the Remote JNDI Name from the Destination JNDI Name drop-down list, and then select the foreign destination type (javax.jms.Queue or javax.jms.Topic) from the drop-down list directly below it.
    • Figure 5-2 Create New JMS (2)

      Create New JMS (2)

  9. In the Message Selector field, specify the JMS message selector. For more information, see
  10. From the Default Rule Channel drop-down list, select the default channel. Messages that do not match any other channel rule are published to this channel.
  11. Click Submit to create and deploy the event generator.
  12. The Event Generator Definition page is displayed.

    Note: The event generator is created and deployed without channel rules, therefore, the first task is to define channel rules for the generator.
  13. Select Define a New Channel Rule.
  14. Set the properties as required. For more information, see Defining Channel Rules for a JMS Event Generator.
  15. Click Submit to add the channel rule to the event generator.
  16. If required, repeat steps 10 to 12 to add additional channels.
  17. If multiple rules are defined, you can reorder them as required. Click the up or down arrow Create New JMS (2) button to move entries up or down the list. Changes take effect immediately.

Creating and Deploying a File, Email, Timer, MQ Series, HTTP, or RDBMS Event Generator

  1. From the home page, select the Event Generator module.
  2. From the left panel, select the type of event generator (File, Email, Timer, MQ Series, TIBCORV, HTTP, or RDBMS).
  3. Select the type of Event Generator from the Console main menu, and click Create New.
  4. The Create New page for the selected type is displayed.

    Figure 5-3 Create a New File Event Generator

    Create a New File Event Generator

    Note: You must ensure the following before starting the server, after you install MQSeries.
    • The MQ Series installation directory should be defined in the server side PATH variable. Ensure that the installation directory is in BEA_HOME\wlserver_10.0
    • The MQ Series file must be defined in CLASSPATH as follows:
      set EXT_PRE_CLASSPATH=C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Java\lib\;%EXT_PRE_CLASSPATH%
    • Note: Sometimes, the File Event Generator picks up a file before it is completely uploaded to the polling directory. As a result, the process is invoked with incomplete data. The Event Generator should pick up the file only when it is completely uploaded. To solve this problem, you can edit the setDomainEnv.cmd/sh file to include com.bea.wli.fileeg.waitTimeMillis as the system property. This is useful if the file is being uploaded, and the File Event Generator must wait for a defined number of milli seconds before processing the file.
  5. In the Generator Name field, enter a unique name for the event generator. If you selected HTTP in step 2, you must also enter the Web Application Context Root, and select JNDI n name from the JMS Connection Factory JNDI Name drop-down list.
  6. Figure 5-4 Create a New HTTP Event Generator

    Create a New HTTP Event Generator

  7. Click Submit to create and deploy the event generator.
  8. The Event Generator Definition page is displayed.

    Note: The event generator is created and deployed without channel rules, therefore, the first task is to define channel rules for the generator.
  9. Select Define a New Channel Rule.
  10. Set the properties as required. For a description of the available properties, see the topic applicable to the event generator you are creating:
  11. Click Submit to add the channel rule to the event generator.
  12. If required, repeat steps 6 to 8 to add additional channels.
  13. If multiple rules are defined, you can reorder them. Click the up or down arrow Create a New HTTP Event Generator button to move entries up or down the list. Changes take effect immediately.
  14. Note: This functionality is provided for convenience only. Channel rule sequence is not functionally significant for Email or File event generators.

Related Topics

Defining Channel Rules for a File Event Generator

The File Generator Channel Rule Definition page allows you to define the properties for the channel rule.

Figure 5-5 Channel Rule Definition - File Event Generator - Disk File Type

Channel Rule Definition - File Event Generator - Disk File Type

Figure 5-6 Channel Rule Definition - File Event Generator - SFTP File Type

Channel Rule Definition - File Event Generator - SFTP File Type

The following table summarizes the available settings:

Table 5-4 Elements of File Generator Rule Definition Page 
From the File Type drop-down list, select Disk File, FTP, or SFTP.
Type of file event. There are different channel rule requirements for Disk File, FTP, and SFTP.
From the Channel Name drop-down list, select a Message Broker channel.
The name of the Message Broker channel to which messages matching the configured criteria are published.
In the Message Encoding field, if you do not want to select the default value, enter the name of the character set.

Note: This property can only be set if the message broker channel type is string.

The character set, if other than the default. This property applies only if the selected Channel Name is of type string. For more information, see for valid values.
Enter the SFTP Host Location
The name or IP address of the SFTP host or server.
Enter the SFTP Port Number
This is the port number on which the SFTP daemon is running. The default port number for SFTP is 22.
Select the SFTP Authentication Method from the drop-down list
The SFTP authentication method to use for authenticating with the SFTP server. You can configure the following authentication methods:
  • Password based - You are prompted to enter your SFTP User Name and Password.
  • Host based - You are prompted to enter your SFTP User Name, Host Private Key Location, Private Key PassPhrase, and SFTP Custom Properties.
  • Public key based - You are prompted to enter your SFTP User Name, Host Private Key Location, Private Key PassPhrase, and SFTP Custom Properties.
  • Other - You are prompted to enter your SFTP User Name, Password, and a list of name/value pairs separated by semi-colon (;). The SFTP custom properties are required when you are adding third-party SFTP client implementations.
Enter the SFTP User Name
The SFTP username used for authenticating with the SFTP server.
Enter the SFTP User Password
The password used for authentication with the SFTP server. You can enter the password in the following ways:
  • Using the Use Value option.
  • Configuring a Password Alias using the Use Value option

Note: When you select SFTP as the File Type in the File Generator Channel Rule Definition page, Password Based becomes the default SFTP authentication method.

Enter the Host Private Key Location
The path to the private key file for the host that is trying to connect to the SFTP server. You must configure the SFTP server with this host and its public key.
Required for Host Based Authentication
Enter the User Private Key Location
The path to the private key file of the user who is trying to connect to the SFTP server. You must configure the SFTP server with this user and its public key.
Required for Public Key Based Authentication
Enter the Private Key PassPhrase
The pass-phrase for the host or user’s private key file. You can enter the pass-phrase in the following ways:
  • Using the Use Value option.
  • Configuring a Password Alias using the Use Value option
Required for Host Based Authentication and Public Key Based Authentication
Enter the SFTP Custom Properties
Any additional properties required for host-based and public key based authentication can be specified as a list of name/value pairs separated by semi-colon (;). The custom properties are required when you are adding third-party SFTP client implementations. See Sample Host File for Host Based Authentication for details.
Required for Host Based Authentication and Public Key Based Authentication
Enter the SFTP Local Directory
The local directory where remote files are copied before being processed.
In the FTP Host Location field, enter the FTP server.
Location of the FTP server (IP address or host name) if the File Type is set to FTP.
Required if the File Type is set to FTP
In the FTP User Name field, enter the name.
Name required to access the FTP account.
Required if the File Type is set to FTP
Do one of the following to specify the FTP User Password:
  • Select the Use Alias option button, then select the password alias from the drop-down list.
  • Select the Use Value option button, then enter the password in the field.
If you enter the password in the Use Value field, it is stored in clear text in the event generator configuration file. To secure the password, add it to the password store. For more information, see Password Aliases and the Password Store. After the alias has been added to the password store, it is available for selection from the Use Alias drop-down list.
Required if the File Type is set to FTP
In the FTP Local Directory field, enter the path.
Specifies the path to a directory to which files from the FTP server are copied.
Required if the File Type is set to FTP
In the Directory field, enter a valid path.
If File Type is set to Disk, specifies the path to the directory to poll for files.
If File Type is set to FTP, specifies the path on the FTP server to poll for files.
Whether the File Type is Disk or FTP, we highly recommend that you specify a location that is writeable.
If the File Type is Disk, the system verifies that the directory is writeable before polling. If it is not writeable, the error count is incremented, and the reading and publishing process is skipped.
If the File Type is FTP, the files in the directory are read and published at each polling interval. If an error is encountered in deleting a file, the error is logged, and the error count is incremented. The inability to delete files will result in the same files being published at every polling interval.
From the Pass by filename drop-down list, select Yes or No.
If set to Yes, the file is staged to the Archive directory and is passed as reference in the FileControlPropertiesDocument, which is sent as the payload of the message. If set to Yes, you must specify an XML channel type.
The default is No.
From the Scan Subdirectories drop-down list, select Yes or No.
Specifies whether or not subdirectories are to be scanned.
In the File Pattern field, enter the pattern.
Optional pattern to filter on. Use ? to match any single character or * to match zero or more characters.
From the Sort by Arrival field, select Yes or No.
If set to Yes, the files are sorted by arrival time. This maintains the sequence (files are processed by arrival time).
The default is No.
Specify the Polling Interval in days, hours, minutes, and/or seconds.
How often to poll the specified directory. Enter the number of days (if the interval is greater than one day) in the days field, then select the number of hours, minutes, and/or seconds from the drop-down lists as required.
In the Read Limit field, enter the maximum number of files to read per polling sweep.
Maximum number of files to read per polling sweep. Valid values are 0 or greater. If set to 0 all files are read.
From the Post Read Action drop-down list, select Delete or Archive.
Specifies what the event generator does with a file after it has been read.
The default is Delete.
In the Archive Directory field, enter a valid path.
Specifies the path to a directory to which files are archived.
Required if Post Read Action is set to Archive, or Pass by filename is set to Yes
In the Error Directory field, enter a valid path.
Specifies the file system directory path to write the file if there is a problem reading it or publishing its contents to the Message Broker channel.
In the Description field, enter a description of the channel rule.
A user-friendly description of the channel rule.
From the Publish As drop-down list, select a user name.
The Publish As property allows the file event generator to publish its messages as a specific user. Setting this property enables messages to be delivered to a secured message broker channel.
If Publish As is not specified, messages are published as Anonymous.

Note: The File Event Generator polls a specified directory for a specified file pattern, finds a file, generates a event, and publishes it to the specified channel. In case of any error, the file is moved into an error directory. These details can be specified while creating a File Event Generator from the WLI Administration Console.
Note: When the server is shut down, the File Event Generator encounters an exception during message publishing, as the corresponding JPD is already undeployed. The file is moved to the error folder. When the server is restarted, there is no recovery of the message, as the message was not successfully published to the channel, or the file had been moved to error directory, as the error was encountered during shutdown. In case of a force shutdown or crash, check the error directory for unprocessed/in-flight messages. You must manually redeliver and publish these messages after the server re-starts.
Sample Host File for Host Based Authentication

A sample host file for host-based authentication is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Host Authorizations file, used by the abstract class HostKeyVerification to verify the servers host key -->
     <!-- Allow the following hosts access if they provide the correct public key -->
     <AllowHost HostName="testSFTPserver” Algorithm=”ssh-dss” Fingerprint="12H HRYYR %668 JJFJF”/>
     <AllowHost HostName="testSFTPserver1” Algorithm=”ssh-dss” Fingerprint="178H HRYHFHF %668 JJFJF”/>
     <!-- Deny the following hosts access -->
     <DenyHost HostName="testFTPServer111”/>
     <DenyHost HostName="testFTPServer134”/>

The sample host file, sftp_known_hosts.xml is created in the \BEA_Home\wli_10.2\user_projects\domains\<Created Domain >\wli-config directory and named as sftp_known_hosts.xml.

Note: The properties for Allow Host is set in the wli-config file, then all the files from the SFTP server are accepted. To deny access to a host, specify the host name using the Deny Host option.

Related Topics

Defining Channel Rules for an Email Event Generator

The Email Generator Channel Rule Definition page allows you to define the properties for the channel rule.

Figure 5-7 Channel Rule Definition - Email Event Generator

Channel Rule Definition - Email Event Generator

The following table summarizes the available settings:

Table 5-5 Elements of Event Generator Channel Rule Definition
From the Server Protocol drop-down list, select IMAP or POP3.
Server type for the Email account. The default is POP3.
From the Channel Name drop-down list, select a Message Broker channel.
The name of the Message Broker channel to which messages matching the configured criteria are published.
In the Hostname field, enter the server name.
The mail server to poll.
In the Port Number field, enter the email server port.
The mail server port.
The default is -1, which indicates the default port number for the mail server (143 for IMAP, 110 for POP3).
In the Username field, enter the username for the account.
Username for the email account. The event generator polls the inbox for this account.
Do one of the following to specify the Password:
  • Select the Use Alias option button, then select the password alias from the drop-down list.
  • Select the Use Value option button, then enter the password in the field.
If you enter the password in the Use Value field, it is stored in clear text in the event generator configuration file. To secure the password, add it to the password store. For more information, see Password Aliases and the Password Store. After the alias has been added to the password store, it is available for selection from the Use Alias drop-down list.
From the Attachments field, select Archive or Ignore.
Specifies how attachments are handled. If Archive is selected, attachments are saved to the Archive Directory.
In the Polling Interval field, enter the number of seconds.
How often to poll the account. Enter the number of days (if the interval is greater than one day) in the days field, then select the number of hours, minutes, and/or seconds from the drop-down lists as required.
In the Read Limit field, enter the maximum number of messages to read per polling sweep.
Maximum number of messages to read per polling sweep. Valid values are 0 or greater.
From the Post Read Action drop-down list, select Delete, Archive, or Move.
Specifies what the event generator does with a message after it has been read. Move is only available with the IMAP protocol.
The default is Delete.
In the IMAP Move Folder field, enter a valid IMAP folder.
If Post Read Action is set to Move, the IMAP Move Folder specifies the folder to which the message is moved.
Required if Post Read Action is set to Move
In the Archive Directory field, enter a valid path.
If Post Read Action is set to Archive, the Archive Directory specifies the path to the archive location.
Required if Post Read Action is set to Archive
In the Error Directory field, enter a valid path.
Specifies the file system directory path to write the message and any attachments if there is a problem.
In the Description field, enter a description of the channel rule.
A user-friendly description of the channel rule.
From the Publish As drop-down list, select a user name.
The Publish As property allows the email event generator to publish its messages as a specific user. Setting this property enables messages to be delivered to a secured message broker channel.
If Publish As is not specified, messages are published as Anonymous.

Related Topics

Defining Channel Rules for a JMS Event Generator

The JMS Generator Channel Rule Definition page allows you to define the properties for the channel rule.

Figure 5-8 JMS Event Generator - Channel Rule Definition

JMS Event Generator - Channel Rule Definition

The following table summarizes the available settings:

Table 5-6 Elements of JMS Event Generator Channel Rule Definition Page 
From the Channel Name drop-down list, select a Message Broker channel.
The name of the channel to which messages matching the configured criteria are published.
In the Property Name field, enter the name of the required JMS property.
If both Property Name and Property Value (below) are specified, the value of the property must match Property Value to trigger a match.
If only Property Name is specified, then the presence of the property triggers a match.
If both Property Name and Property Value are blank, all message on the JMS queue are a match.
In the Property Value field, enter the required property value.
If Property Name is specified, Property Value can be used to specify the value required for a match.
In the Description field, enter a description of the channel rule.
A user-friendly description of the channel rule.
From the Publish As drop-down list, select a user name.
The Publish As property allows the JMS event generator to publish its messages as a specific user. Setting this property enables messages to be delivered to a secured message broker channel.
If Publish As is not specified, messages are published as Anonymous.

Related Topics

Defining Channel Rules for a Timer Event Generator

The Timer Event Generator Channel Rule Definition page allows you to define the properties for the channel rule.

Figure 5-9 Timer Generator - Channel Rule Definition

Timer Generator - Channel Rule Definition

The following table summarizes the available settings:

Table 5-7 Elements of Timer Generator Channel Rule Definition
From the Channel Name drop-down list, select a Message Broker channel.
The name of the Message Broker channel to which messages matching the configured criteria are published.
From the Effective Time drop-down lists, select the month, day, year, and time to initiate the first event.
The date and time the first event is to be generated. If the effective time has already passed, the event generator will not publish an event until the next Runs Every interval (see next setting). If the Runs Once option is selected, you must enter a valid, future, Effective Time or no event will be generated.
If you want to create an event that fires at the same time, every day, for the calendar year, you must take into account the fact that a time change occurs when the time changes from standard time to daylight savings time. To account for this you must define two timer events, one that operates during standard time (e.g. from April 6 2004, 2:30PM to October 31 2004 2:30PM) and another that operates during daylight savings time (e.g. from November 1 2004 2:30PM to April 2 2005 2:30PM) with the interval set to 1 day. You also need to define more timers for future years as needed.
From the Daylight Saving (DST) Handling, select Timer handles DST or Timer ignores DST.
If Daylight Saving is configured, the timer has an option to handle or ignore it.
In Frequency, do one of the following:
  • Select the Runs Once option button.
  • Select the Runs Every option button, and specify the interval in days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
  • Select the Never Expires option button.
  • Select the Expires On option button, then select the month, day, year, and time from the drop-down lists.
Intervals from the Effective Time that each event is to be generated. If the Runs Once option is selected, the Effective Time constitutes the first and last event generated.

Note: Because the smallest time interval in a business calendar is a minute, if you specify a Business Calendar (see setting below). Do not include seconds in the Runs Every interval.

Never Expires and Expires On option, specifies the date and time the configured schedule expires. If the Never Expires option is selected, the configured schedule remains in effect until the option is changed.
In the Message field, enter the message to be delivered.
The content of the message to be delivered to the specified Message Broker channel. Message content is a single element of any type. For example, if the message content is of string type, then select a String type channel. If it is an XML message, then select an XML type channel.
From the Business Calendar drop-down list, select a business calendar.
If a business calendar is selected, the Runs Every interval represents business time calculated against the specified calendar. For more information, see “ About Business Calendars and Business Time Calculations” in the WorkList Online Help.
If no calendar is selected, the Runs Every interval represents an absolute period (24 hour day, every day).
If you want to modify event generator channel rules and the business calendar associated with the channel rules, you must suspend the corresponding timer event generator before you make any changes. For information on suspending a timer event generator, see Suspending and Resuming Event Generators.
In the Description field, enter a description of the channel rule.
A user-friendly description of the channel rule.
From the Publish As drop-down list, select a user name.
The Publish As property allows the Timer event generator to publish its messages as a specific user. Setting this property enables messages to be delivered to a secured message broker channel.
If Publish As is not specified, messages are published as Anonymous.
Is Recoverable/Skippable
Select the Recoverable option to recover the timer events that are missed because of a server shutdown. If you do not want to recover those events, select the Skippable option, when you define the channel rules for a Timer event generator.

Related Topics

Overview of TibcoRV Event Generator

TIBCO Rendezvous (TIBCORV) Event Generator is one of the WebLogic Integration™ event generators that you can create from the WebLogic Integration Administration Console. The TIBCORV event generator listens for messages on a subject and raises events to the message broker on receiving the desired message. Figure 5-10 shows the Create New TibcoRV Event Generator page.

Figure 5-10 Create New TIBCORV Event Generator

Create New TIBCORV Event Generator

Defining Channel Rules for TIBCORV Event Generator

Once you have created a new TIBCORV event generator, you can add the channel rule definition as shown in Figure 5-11.

Figure 5-11 TIBCORV Generator Channel Rule Definition

TIBCORV Generator Channel Rule Definition

For more information about the TIBCORV event generator and creating the channel rule definition, see TIBCO Rendezvous Event Generator in the TIBCO Rendezvous Control and Event Generator User Guide.

Defining Channel Rules for an MQ Event Generator

The MQSeries Generator Channel Rule Definition page allows you to define the properties for the channel rule.

Figure 5-12 MQSeries Generator - Channel Rule Definition

MQSeries Generator - Channel Rule Definition

Figure 5-13 MQSeries Generator - Channel Rule Definition - Continued

MQSeries Generator - Channel Rule Definition - Continued

The following table summarizes the available settings:

Table 5-8 Elements of MQSeries Generator Channel Rule Definition page
From the Channel Name drop-down list, select a Message Broker channel.
The name of the Message Broker channel to which messages matching the configured criteria are published.
In the Description field, enter a description of the channel rule.
A user-friendly description of the channel rule.
Specify the Polling Interval in days, hours, minutes, and/or seconds.
How often to poll the specified message queue. Enter the number of days (if the interval is greater than one day) in the days field, then select the number of hours, minutes, and/or seconds from the drop-down lists as required.
From the Connection Type drop-down list, select TCP-IP or Bindings.
The connection mode to be used to connect to the WebSphere MQ queue manager. Select TCP-IP or Bindings.
Bindings is shared memory protocol that can only be used to connect to queue managers on the local system.
If TCP/IP is selected, you must also specify the MQSeries Server Host Address, Queue Manager Channel Name, and Queue Manager Port.
In the MQSeries Queue Manager field, enter the name of the queue manager.
Name of the WebSphere MQ queue manager to connect to.
In the MQSeries Server Host Address field, enter the IP address or host name.
IP address or host name for the WebSphere MQ server.
Required if the Connection Type is set to TCP-IP
In the MQSeries Queue Manager Channel Name, enter the MQ channel name for the connection.
Specifies the name of the server connection channel used to connect to the WebSphere MQ queue manager.
Required if the Connection Type is set to TCP-IP
In the MQSeries Queue Manager Port Number field, enter the port number of the queue manager.
The TCP/IP port number used to connect to the WebSphere MQ queue manager.
Required if the Connection Type is set to TCP-IP
In the MQSeries Queue Manager CCSID field, enter the CCSID for the locale expected by the application.
Specifies a Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID) supported by WebSphere MQ. For example, for the en_US.iso88591 locale, the CCSID is 819, for the ja_JP.SJIS locale, it is 932.
For more information about supported CCSIDs, and about converting between message data from one coded character set to another, see the WebSphere MQ documentation for your platform.
In the MQSeries Queue Name field, enter the name of the queue.
Name of the WebSphere MQ queue to monitor for messages.
In the MQSeries Error Queue Name field, enter the name of the queue.
Specifies the name of the queue for messages that cannot be processed due to an error condition.
For example, if the message type retrieved from the queue does not match the message type set for the Message Broker channel, an exception would be generated during processing.
If you specify the name of an error queue, such errored messages are moved to the specified queue.
If you do not specify the name of an error queue, the errored message will remain in the original queue, and the Event Generator will keep trying to send the same message, which eventually leads to an infinite loop.
To enable content filtering, enter the fully qualified name of the content filter class in the Content Filter Class field.
The fully qualified name of the class implementing the event content filtering logic. As described in Content Filtering, this class is an extension of the com.bea.wli.mbconnector.mqseries.AbstractContentFilter class.
Check or uncheck the Require MQ Data Conversion check box.
When checked, the MQGMO_CONVERT option is enabled, and directs the queue manager to convert the contents of the message retrieved from the queue. This option must be checked when retrieving messages in a cross platform environment involving mainframes (for example, a mainframe application puts a message on the queue that is retrieved by the event generator on a PC). This option is typically enabled to convert messages to the native character set as specified by the CCSID.
In the Number of Polling Threads field, enter the number of polling threads.
Number of event generator polling threads.
In the Messages Per Poll field, indicate the number of messages to be retrieved by each thread in each polling cycle.
The number of messages to be retrieved by each event generator thread in each polling cycle. Specify -1 to retrieve all the messages available on the queue in each polling cycle.
If WebSphere MQ authorization is enabled, specify the user name in the MQSeries User Name field.
The WebSphere MQ user name used to connect to the WebSphere MQ queue manager.
If WebSphere MQ authorization is enabled, specify the password in the MQSeries User Password field.
The WebSphere MQ user password used to connect to the Web sphere MQ queue manager.
Select or de-select the SSL Required check box.
Select the SSL Required check box to enable the SSL option, and get the message data from the queue
Select or de-select the Two Way SSL check box.
Selecting the Two Way SSL check box enables two-way SSL authentication with MQSeries.
Enter the required information in the MQ Cipher Suite field.
Enter the SSL Cipher Suite if you are setting the SSL option for SSL Connection.
Required for SSL Connection
Enter the Trust Store for the SSL Trust Store field.
Enter the SSL Trust Store when you are setting the SSL option.
Enter the SSL Trust Store Type for the SSL Trust Store field.
Enter the SSL Trust Store Type when you are setting the SSL option; Optional for SSL connection.
Enter the password for the SSL Trust Store Password field.
Set the SSL Trust Store Password.
Required when the SSL Trust Store Location is Set
Enter the location for the SSL Key Store Location field.
Provides the SSL Key Store Location and enables two-way SSL.
Enter the location for the SSL Key Store Type field.
Provides the SSL Key Store Type and enables two-way SSL.
Enter the password for the SSL Key Store Password field.
Provides the SSL Key Store Password and enables two-way SSL.
Enter the password for the SSL Key Password field.
Provides the SSL Key Password and enables two-way SSL.
From the Publish As drop-down list, select a user name.
The Publish As property allows the event generator to publish its messages as a specific user. Setting this property enables messages to be delivered to a secured message broker channel.
If Publish As is not specified, messages are published as Anonymous.

Content Filtering

Filtering the messages in a queue based on message contents requires a custom content filter class that extends the com.bea.wli.mbconnector.mqseries.AbstractContentFilter class.

Listing 5-1 Content Filter
package com.bea.wli.mqseries.eventgen.contentfilter;

import com.bea.wli.mbconnector.mqseries.AbstractContentFilter;

public class ContentFilter extends AbstractContentFilter


    public ContentFilter()

    public boolean matchContent(byte abyte[])
        /*This function always returns true, ensuring that all
           messages generate the event. However the user should
           put in his content filtering logic based on the
           contents of the message here. The abyte[] byte array
           parameter to this function is the byte array
           representation of the message. Return true if the
           message should generate an event, otherwise return
       return true;

The parameter to this function is the byte array representing the message retrieved from the queue by the event generator. You can create content filtering logic by performing required checks on the contents of the message represented by the byte array. Return a Boolean value of True from the function if the message should generate an event. Otherwise return a Boolean value of False.

Once it is defined, the class implementing the content filtering logic should be bundled in a jar file and included in the WebLogic CLASSPATH.

  1. Extract the mqegEjbUtil.jar from the WLI_HOME\egs\mqEG.ear file and include it in the CLASSPATH variable of the environment where the custom content filter class will be developed.
  2. Create the class by extending com.bea.wli.mbconnector.mqseries.AbstractContentFilter
  3. Note: This class is present in the mqegEjbUtil.jar file that you extracted in step 1.
  4. Write the Code for the Content Filter Class. Listing 5-1 provides an example.
  5. Compile the custom content filter class.
  6. Extract the AbstractContentFilter class from the mqegEjbUtil.jar and store in a directory in your file system by maintaining the package structure.
  7. Create a JAR, for example, mycontentfilter.jar, which contains the com.bea.wli.mbconnector.mqseries.AbstractContentFilter class and the custom content filter class compiled in step 4.
  8. Include this JAR file in the CLASSPATH variable in the WebLogic Start Server script.
  9. Start the WebLogic Server.
  10. When you create the channel rule for the event generator, specify the fully qualified class name of the content filter. For example, com.bea.wli.mqseries.eventgen.contentfilter.ContentFilter.

Related Topics

Defining Channel Rules for an HTTP Event Generator

The HTTP Generator Channel Rule Definition page allows you to define the properties for the channel rule.

Figure 5-14 HTTP Generator - Channel Rule Definition

HTTP Generator - Channel Rule Definition

The following table summarizes the available settings:

Table 5-9 Elements of HTTP Event Generator page
From the Channel Name drop-down list, select a Message Broker channel.
The name of the Message Broker channel to which HTTP events are published.
In the Description field, enter a description of the channel rule.
A user-friendly description of the channel rule.
From the Publish As drop-down list, select a user name.
The Publish As property allows the event generator to publish its messages as a specific user. Setting this property enables messages to be delivered to a secured message broker channel.
If Publish As is not specified, messages are published as Anonymous.

Related Topics

Defining Channel Rules for a RDBMS Event Generator

The RDBMS Event Generator Channel Rule Definition page allows you to define the properties for the channel rule.

Figure 5-15 RDBMS Event Generator - Channel Rule Definition

RDBMS Event Generator - Channel Rule Definition

Table 5-10 summarizes the available settings:

Table 5-10 Elements of RDBMS Event Generator Channel Rule Definition page
From the Channel Name drop-down list, select a Message Broker channel.
The name of the Message Broker channel to which messages matching the configuration criteria are published. If you are publishing to an XML or string channel, then an XML schema (.xsd) file will be created in the WebLogic domain folder under a directory with the same name as the channel rule definition. You can use this .XSD for validations.
If you select a RawData channel type from the Channel Name drop-down list, the event generator publishes a serialized weblogic.jdbc.rowset.WLCachedRowSet containing the database rows that were polled/processed.
In the Description field, enter a description of the channel rule.
A user-friendly description of the channel rule.
In the Event Name field, enter a unique event name.
Identifies a unique event name across channels and across RDBMS Event Generators.
Specify the Polling Interval in days, hours, minutes, and/or seconds.
Specifies how often the Database is polled. Enter the number of days (if the interval is greater than one day) in the days field, and select the number of hours, minutes, and/or seconds from the drop-down lists provided.
From the Datasource JNDI Name drop-down list, select a jndi name.
Identifies the jndi name of the data source connection for the database. The list is populated based on the data sources configured in the Weblogic Server where the event generator is running.
For more information on configuring data sources, see the RDBMS Event Generator User Guide.
In the Max Rows Per Poll field, enter the number of records to be retrieved by each thread in each polling cycle.
Specifies the number of records to be retrieved by each thread in each polling cycle. This number must be a valid integer greater than 1 and less than 10,000.

Note: The default value is 1. Please change this value to a value that suits your requirements.

In the Max Rows Per Event field, enter the number of records that will be part of the payload of a single event.
For example, if there are 10 records of interest and the Maximum Rows Per Event is 3, there will be 3 events with 3 records each, and an event with the remaining record. If there are 2 records of interest and the Maximum Rows Per Event is 3, there will still be an event with 2 records.
Select a user name from the Publish As drop-down list.
The Publish As property enables the event generator to publish its messages as a specific user. If you set this property, messages are delivered to a secured Message Broker channel.
If Publish As is not specified, messages are published as Anonymous.
Event Type Selection:
Select the required event type; Trigger or Query/Post Query.
A Trigger event notifies an Insert, Update, or Delete event occurring in a database table.
Query/Post Query notifies records of interest based on a select query given on a database table and executes the SQL specified in the Post Query for each event posted.
For a Trigger Event
From the Trigger drop-down list, select Insert, Delete, or Update.
Specifies that an Insert, Update, or Delete event has occurred in a database table using the trigger mechanism.

Note: While creating Trigger Type Events, the Login ID/Password supplied for the data source must have permission to CREATE/DROP Tables, Triggers, and Sequences (Sequence for Oracle only).

Required (Default is Insert)
In the Table Name field, enter the database table name on which the trigger event will be defined.
Enter the name of the database table. Use the corresponding syntax for the following databases:
Informix Dynamic Server: Catalog.Schema.Table
SQL Server: Catalog.Schema.Table
Sybase Adaptive: Catalog.Schema.Table
Note: Click the Table Name link to view the schemas and table names. Check the radio button next to the table name you require and click Submit to select the table.
Select Table Columns to publish
Click this link to browse the columns of the database table entered in the Table Name field. Select the desired columns by checking the check box beside the desired column. Click Select Columns to choose the checked columns.
Only those columns of the row you select are published when an Event occurs. For example, when 2 of 4 columns are selected for an Update Event, this does NOT mean that the Event is going to listen for updates on those 2 columns alone. The two are not connected. When a Trigger Type Event is configured, it is for an entire Row. An Event will be fired even if only 1 column is chosen and even if it is not one of the updated columns. For Delete and Insert Trigger Events, the selected columns of the Inserted/Deleted row will be published.
If you select Update Event, every column chosen will get published along with a similar column with “OLD_” as the prefix. The “OLD_” column will contain the column value before the update occurred.
If no columns are selected, all the columns in the table will be published.
In the No of Threads field, enter the number of processing threads.
Specifies the number of event generator processing threads. If the number entered is greater than 1, then the events may not be delivered in the same order as they were in the database. The greater the number of threads, the better the concurrency, as with any concurrent system, order is sacrificed for higher throughput.
The maximum number of rows and maximum number of events specified above are related to the number of processing threads. The maximum number of rows per poll is equal to the maximum number of rows per event multiplied by the maximum number of threads.
For a Query/Post Query event type
In the first text area, specify the SQL Query.
This SQL Query is executed and returns records of interest. The Query must be a Select Query. The Query is not validated for correctness.
In the Post Query text area, specify the Post Query.
Specifies a Post Query that will be executed for every row returned by the SQL Query above. You must enter the exact names of the columns and the @ prefix to provide runtime values. Post Query is not validated for correctness.
SELECT *” will not work if the Post Query refers to a column in the Query. The selected columns must be listed individually. All SQL statements must use fully qualified table names.
The Post Query is only executed if the Query specified in the SQL Query field returns a ResultSet and if it contains one or more rows.
If you leave the Post Query field empty and enter a SELECT query in the SQL Query field, the selected row is deleted after it gets published. If no-op, meaning “No Operation”, is specified in the Post Query field, the selected rows are not deleted automatically. If you do not want to specify a Post Query and also do not want the selected rows to be deleted automatically, then you must enter no-op in the Post Query field. Also, automatic-delete only works if a SELECT query refers to a single Table (SELECT DEPT. NAME, EMP.ADDRESS FROM DEPT., EMP WHERE DEPT.NAME = EMP NAME refers multiple tables). Automatic delete does not work for DB2 and Informix.

Related Topics

Listing and Locating Event Generators

Listing Event Generators

The View All File Event Generators page displays the following information for each configured event generator:

Figure 5-16 View All File Event Generators Page

View All File Event Generators Page

Note: The elements for Email, JMS, Timer, MQ Series, RDBMS, and HTTP event generators are the same as the File event generator and listed in the same sequence as on the View all File Event Generators page.

Locating Event Generators

To locate an event generator, do the following:

  1. From the home page, select the Event Generator module.
  2. From the left panel, select the type of event generator (File, Email, JMS, or Timer).
  3. To locate a specific event generator, do one of the following:
    • Filter by generator name. Enter the search target (use ? to match any single character or * to match zero or more characters.), then click Search. The generators matching the search criteria are displayed.
    • Resort the list. Ascending View All File Event Generators Page and descending View All File Event Generators Page arrow buttons indicate sortable columns. Click the button to change the sort order.
    • Scroll through the pages. Use the controls in the lower left corner. Go to a page by selecting the page number or by using the arrow buttons to go to the next View All File Event Generators Page, previous View All File Event Generators Page, first View All File Event Generators Page, or last View All File Event Generators Page page.

Related Topics

Viewing and Updating Event Generator Channel Rules

The Event Generator Definition page allows you to view and update the channel rules. For a JMS event generator, you can also update the default rule channel.

  1. Locate the event generator. For more information, see Listing and Locating Event Generators.
  2. Click the event generator name to display the Event Generator Definition page.
  3. Click Edit Generator Details.
  4. The JMS Event Generator Details page is displayed.

    Figure 5-17 JMS Event Generator Details

    JMS Event Generator Details

  5. Select a new channel from the Default Rule Channel drop-down list.
  6. Click Submit to update.
  7. Locate the event generator. For more information, see Listing and Locating Event Generators.
  8. Click the event generator name to display the Event Generator Definition page.
  9. Do one of the following to display the Generator Channel Rule Definition page:
    • To add a channel rule, click Define a New Channel Rule.
    • To update existing rules, click the value applicable to the generator type (see the following list), and then click Edit Channel Rule.
    • Timer—Effective time
      File—Channel Directory
      JMS—Property Name
      MQ—Polling Interval
      HTTP—Channel Name

      Note: You cannot update the channel rules for a RDBMS event generator. You must delete the channel and create a new one.
  10. Set the properties as required. For a description of the available properties, see the topic applicable to the event generator you are creating:
  11. Defining Channel Rules for a File Event Generator.

    Defining Channel Rules for an Email Event Generator.

    Defining Channel Rules for a JMS Event Generator.

    Defining Channel Rules for a Timer Event Generator.

    Defining Channel Rules for an MQ Event Generator.

    Defining Channel Rules for an HTTP Event Generator.

  12. Click Submit to add or update the channel rule.
  13. Click the check box to the left of the channel rules to be deleted.
  14. Click Delete.
  15. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

  16. Click OK to confirm.
  17. The selected channel rules are deleted.

Note: Not available for all event generator types.

Click the up or down arrow JMS Event Generator Details button to move entries up or down the list. Changes in list order take effect immediately.

Suspending and Resuming Event Generators

You can suspend or resume an event generator from the View All page. Suspending a generator undeploys the Event Generator. On resuming the generator it is deployed.

Note: The messages read and error counts are stored in memory only; the counts are not stored to disk or other persistent store. Therefore, when you suspend and resume an event generator, the messages read and error counts are reset to zero.
Note: If you attempt to resume a generator that is already running, or suspend a generator that is already suspended, the command is ignored.
Note: When an event generator is suspended before a server restart, it automatically switches to Running mode on restart. This functionality is uniform across all event generators.
  1. Locate the event generators to be suspended. For more information, see Listing and Locating Event Generators.
  2. Click the check box to the left of the event generators you want to select.
  3. Click Suspend.
  4. The selected generators are suspended.

    Note: For all event generators, when an event generator is suspended, the counter resets to 0. However, when you suspend a RDBMS event generator, the event generator resets to 0 AND the message changes to “Last-Reset-Time”.
  5. Locate the event generators to be resumed. For more information, see Listing and Locating Event Generators.
  6. Click the check box to the left of the event generators you want to select.
  7. Click Resume.
  8. The selected generators are resumed.

Resetting Counters

You can reset the read and error counters from the View All page.

  1. Locate the event generators to be reset. For more information, see Listing and Locating Event Generators.
  2. Click the check box to the left of the event generators you want to select.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • On the View All File Event Generators page, click Reset File Count.
    • On the View All Email Event Generators page, click Reset Email Count.
    • On the View All EGType Event Generators (where EGType is JMS, Timer, MQ Series, HTTP, or RDBMS), click Reset the Message Count.
  4. Locate the event generators to be reset. For more information, see Listing and Locating Event Generators.
  5. Click the check box to the left of the event generators you want to select.
  6. Click Reset Error Count.

Deleting Channel Rules

You can delete any channel rules from the Event Generator Definition page.

  1. Locate the event generator. For more information, see Listing and Locating Event Generators.
  2. Click the event generator name to display the Event Generator Definition page.
  3. Click the check box to the left of the channel rules to be deleted.
  4. Click Delete Selected Channel Rules.
  5. The selected channel rules are deleted.

    Note: You cannot delete a RDBMS event generator channel rule if a transaction is inserting rows into the User Table on which the event in question has been configured. You must wait for the transaction to complete before deleting the channel rule.

Deleting Event Generators

You can delete an event generator from the View All page.

  1. Locate the event generators to be deleted. For more information, see Listing and Locating Event Generators.
  2. Click the check box to the left of the event generators you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. The selected generators are deleted.

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