Using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console

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Message Broker

The Message Broker module allows you to:

Note: You must be logged in as a member of the Administrators or IntegrationAdministrators group to modify channel security policies. For more information, see About WebLogic Integration Users, Groups, Roles, and Security Policies in User Management in the Worklist Console Online Help.

The following topics are provided:

About Message Broker Channels

A Message Broker channel has similar properties to a Java Message Service (JMS) topic, but is optimized for use with WebLogic Integration processes, controls, and event generators. Within a WebLogic Integration application:

Channel files define the channels available in a deployed application. To restrict the messages routed to static or dynamic subscribers, XQuery filters can be applied against message metadata (if the metadata is typed XML) or message body (if the body is string or typed XML). All subscribers registered to receive a message on a channel receive the message, subject to any filters they have set up. To learn more about defining channels, publishing or subscribing to channels, and creating subscription filters, see the following sections of Building Integration Applications in the WebLogic Workshop help:

Overview of the Message Broker Module

The following table lists the pages you can access from the Message Broker module. The tasks and help topics associated with each are provided.

Table 4-1 Elements of Message Broker Module
Associated Tasks
Help Topics
Channel Summary List
View a list of channels. Channel name, message type, message count, subscriber count, and dead letter count are displayed.
Filter the list by channel name. Use ? to match any single character or * to match zero or more characters.
View Channel Details
View channel properties. Channel name, message type (xml, rawData, string, or none), number of subscribers, message count, dead letter count, security policies (publish roles, subscribe roles, and ‘dispatch as’ principal) and subscription rules are displayed. You can access the process details for a subscriber from this page.
Edit Channel Subscribe and Publish Properties
View and set the publish roles, subscribe roles, and ‘dispatch as’ principal defined for the channel.
View Message Broker Statistics
View summary statistics, including number of active channels, subscribed channels, dead letter count, message count, and time of last reset.
Reset the counts (published messages and dead letter).

Listing and Locating Channels

The Channel Summary List displays the channel name, type (xml, rawData, string, or none), number of subscribers, messages, and dead letters for each channel.

  1. From the home page, select the Message Broker module to display the Channel Summary List.
  2. Figure 4-1 Channel Summary List
  3. To locate a specific channel, do one of the following:
    • Filter by name. Enter the search target (use ? to match any single character or * to match zero or more characters.), then click Search. The channels matching the search criteria are displayed.
    • Note: If the Search field is empty, all entries are returned.
    • Resort the list. Ascending Channel Summary List and descending Channel Summary List arrow buttons indicate sortable columns. Click the arrow to change the sort order.
    • Scroll through the pages. Use the controls in the lower left corner. Go to a page by selecting the page number or by using the arrow buttons to go to the next Channel Summary List, previous Channel Summary List, first Channel Summary List, or last Channel Summary List page.

Related Topics

Viewing Channel Details and Subscriptions

You can view channel details and subscriptions on the View Channel Details page.

  1. Locate the channel. For more information, see Listing and Locating Channels.
  2. Click the channel name to display the View Channel Details page. The page displays the following properties.
  3. Figure 4-2 View Channel Details

    View Channel Details

Note: The suppressible attribute works only if the same process contains both static and dynamic subscriptions on the same channel. If two different processes subscribe to a channel, or the same process subcribes to two different channels, the suppressible attribute has no effect.
Note: Setting suppressible to true specifies that the static subscription is suppressed in favor of a dynamic subscription. An instance of the process should already be running and dynamically subscribed. When an event arrives and suppressible is set to true: the message is delivered to the running instance.
Note: No new instances are created if suppressible is set to false: the message is delivered to the running instance. Additionally one new instance of the process is created.

Related Topics

Setting Channel Security Policies

The Edit Channel Subscribe and Publish Policies page allows you to set the following channel properties:

Note: If an authenticator that implements the required MBeans is not configured, the options for configuring the channel security policies are disabled. To learn more about the authenticator requirements, see Security Provider Requirements for User Management.
  1. Locate the channel. For more information, see Listing and Locating Channels.
  2. Click the channel name to display the View Channel Details page.
  3. Click Edit Security Details.
  4. Figure 4-3 Edit Channel Subscribe and Publish Policies

    Edit Channel Subscribe and Publish Policies

Note: If the publish and subscribe roles are not defined, everyone is authorized. If the Dispatch As user is not defined, messages are dispatched as though from an anonymous user.
  1. Add or remove Publish Roles or Subscribe Roles as follows:
  2. To add roles:

    a. From the Available Roles list, select the required roles. (To select multiple roles, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional role.)

    b. Click the Edit Channel Subscribe and Publish Policies icon to move the selected roles to the Current Roles list.

    To remove roles:

    a. From the Current Roles list, select the required roles. (To select multiple roles, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional role.)

    b. Click the Edit Channel Subscribe and Publish Policies icon to move the selected roles to the Available Roles list.

  3. From the Dispatch As drop-down list, select a valid user name.
  4. Note: If no user is specified, messages are dispatched as anonymous.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • To update the policies, click Submit.
    • The View Channel Details page is displayed.

    • To restore original settings, click Reset.
    • To disregard changes and return to the View Channel Details page, click Cancel.

Viewing Global Message Counts

  1. From the home page, select the Message Broker module.
  2. From the left panel, select View Statistics to display the View Message Broker Statistics page.

The View Message Broker Statistics page displays the following:

Figure 4-4 View Message Broker Statistics Page

View Message Broker Statistics Page

Table 4-3 Elements of Message Broker Statistics page
Number of Active Channels
Number of channels available.
Number of Subscribed Channels
Number of channels that have one or more subscribers.
Dead Letter Count
When the Message Broker is unable to determine the URI to send a message to (that is, no subscribers are found), the message is sent to appropriate deadletter channel: /deadletter/xml, /deadletter/string, or /deadletter/rawData. The Dead Letter Count reflects the number of messages sent to the dead letter channels since the count was last reset.
Message Count
Messages published since the count was last reset.
Time of Last Reset
Time the message count was last reset.

Related Topics

Resetting Message Counts

You can reset the message counts for one or more channels from the Channel Summary List.

  1. From the home page, select the Message Broker module.
  2. The Channel Summary List is displayed.

  3. Select the check box to the left of every channel that needs to be reset.
  4. Note: You can filter the list as described in Listing and Locating Channels.
  5. Click Reset Message Count to reset the message count for the selected channels.

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