Using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console

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Process Instance Monitoring

The Process Instance Monitoring module allows you to:

Note: You must be logged in as a member of the Administrators, IntegrationAdministrators, or IntegrationOperators group to make changes to process status. See About WebLogic Integration Users, Groups, Roles, and Security Policies in User Management in the Worklist Console Online Help.

The information displayed in the Process Monitoring module is based on the tracking data stored in the runtime database. A combination of system-level and process-level properties control the type of data available. To learn more about how tracking data is managed, see Managing Process Tracking Data.

The following topics are provided:

Overview of the Process Instance Monitoring Module

The following table lists the pages you can access from the Process Instance Monitoring module. The tasks and help topics associated with each are provided.

Table 3-1 Elements of Process Instance Monitoring Module
Associated Tasks
Help Topics
Process Instance Statistics
For each process type, the average elapsed time and a count of the number of instances in each state (running, suspended, aborted, frozen, terminated, completed, above SLA, and above SLA warning) are displayed.
Filter the list by URI or display name. Use ? to match any single character or * to match zero or more characters.
Process Instance Summary
View a list of process instances. Instance ID, display name, process label, start time, elapse time, and status (running, completed, frozen, aborted, suspended) are displayed.
Filter the list by process status (for example, running, frozen, or over SLA), instance ID, or process label.
Access the Process Instance Details page for a selected process.
Set the number of instances to display per page.
Suspend, Resume, Terminate, or Unfreeze process instances.
Advanced Search
Construct an advanced search using process properties such as status, time started or completed, elapsed time, or SLA status.
System Health
View general indicators of system health and performance trends by process type, including the process types that are taking the longest to execute, those that have not completed within SLA thresholds, and those that are failing to complete.
Process Instance Details
View process instance properties, including variable values for the running instance, worklist tasks created by or associated with the process, and business messages associated with the process.
Suspend, Resume, Terminate, or Unfreeze the process instance.
Access an interactive or printable process graph.

Requirements for the Interactive Graph

To view the interactive process graph, Adobe SVG Viewer must be installed on the client system. If the server is running on Solaris, verify that your operating environment is set up to support this feature. The following section provides the information you need:

Obtaining the SVG Viewer

The interactive process graph requires Adobe SVG Viewer Version 3.0x or Java Batik 1.7. You can download the Adobe SVG viewer from the Adobe Web site (

You can download the Java Batik SVG Viewer from the Sun Java Downloads page:


For more information on how to set up the environment, see Enabling Sun JRE for Java Batik SVG Viewer.

The Table 3-2 provides viewer availability by browser and operating system. Detailed information about the operating systems and browsers WebLogic Platform supports is provided at the following URL:

Note: If you are running in an English locale (for example, en_US or en_AU), and need to view processes that contain non-latin characters, we recommend that you install the Arial Unicode MS font. See for more details.

Table 3-2 Browser-wise availability of Adobe SVG Viewer
Operating System
Adobe SVG Viewer 3.0x Availability
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x
Viewer is available from Adobe.
Netscape 7.0x
Requires a workaround. For more information, see Using Adobe SVG Viewer with Netscape 7.0 on Windows.
3.0 beta 1 version of viewer available from
3.0 beta 1 version of viewer available from
Viewer is not available from Adobe.
Viewer is not available from Adobe.
Netscape 7.1
Viewer is not available from Adobe.
Mozilla 1.x
Viewer is not available from Adobe.

Using Adobe SVG Viewer with Netscape 7.0 on Windows

Before viewing an interactive process graph in Netscape 7.0 on Windows, you must install Version 3.0 of the Adobe SVG Viewer as described in the following procedure.

  1. Download version 3.0 of the viewer.
  2. Close Netscape.
  3. Install the viewer.
  4. Copy NPSVG3.dll from the viewer installation directory to your Netscape Plugins folder. For example, copy the file from C:\WINNT\system32\Adobe\SVG Viewer 3.0 to C:\Program Files\Netscape\Netscape\Plugins.

Server Operating Environment Requirements for Solaris

Like many Java platform applications in the Solaris operating environment, the ability to serve up an Interactive Process Graph is dependent on the presence of one of the following:

If the server is in an environment where there is no guarantee of an X server running, you will need to install either Xvfb or Xsun to support client access to interactive process graphs.

For a discussion of the issues and instructions, see “Seeing Up Solaris 7, 8, and 9 Operating Environments for Java Servlet Graphics” at

Note: Headless operation doesn’t allow the use of Java Foundation Classes (Swing), and therefore does not address the issues.

Enabling Sun JRE for Java Batik SVG Viewer

Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is not enabled by default in the web browser. If the JRE is already installed but applets do not work, you may need to enable the JRE through your web browser.

Please follow these instructions to enable the Sun JRE though your web browser:

Internet Explorer 4.x and Higher

  1. Click Tools > Internet Options.
  2. Select the Advanced Tab, and scroll down to Java (Sun).
  3. Select the box next to the Use Java 2 version.
  4. Next, select the Security Tab, and select the Custom Level button
  5. Scroll down to Scripting of Java applets
  6. Make sure the Enable radio button is selected.
  7. Click OK to save your preference.

Mozilla 1.x

  1. From the menu bar, choose Edit > Preferences.
  2. Select the Advanced category.
  3. Select the box labeled Enable Java.
  4. Click OK to save your preference.

Netscape 7.x

  1. From the menu bar, choose Edit > Preferences.
  2. Select the Advanced category.
  3. Select the box labeled Enable Java.
  4. Click OK to save your preference.

Netscape 4.x

  1. From the menu bar, choose Edit > Preferences.
  2. Select the Advanced category.
  3. Select Certificates.
  4. Select the box labeled Enable Java.
  5. Select the box labeled Enable Java Plug-in.
  6. Click OK to save your preference.

Firefox 0.8 and Higher

  1. Start Mozilla Firefox browser or restart the browser if it is already running.
  2. Select Tools > Options.
  3. Click Web Features > Select Enable Java.

AOL 3.x and Higher

Please refer to our Help page on AOL Issues with Java software.

Opera 4.x and Higher

  1. Opera for Windows does not use the Sun JRE, but an embedded version already inside the Opera Web browser.
  2. Opera for other platforms may support Java software through the use of the Sun JRE. Please consult your Opera platform documentation.
  3. For further information, please review the following Opera Support article:

Support for Java software in Opera.

Viewing Instance Statistics by Process Type

The Process Instance Statistics page lists the display name and average elapsed time for each process type. It also provides a count of the number of instances in each state (running, suspended, aborted, frozen, terminated, completed, and SLA exceeded). The counts are based on tracking data stored in the runtime database and do not include process data that has been purged.

  1. From the home page, select the Process Instance Monitoring module.
  2. Figure 3-1 Process Instance Statistics
Process Instance Statistics
For stateless processes, N/A is displayed in the Running instance column. These processes start and end in a single transaction.
  1. To locate a specific process, do one of the following:
    • Filter by display name or URI. Enter the search target, then click URI or Name. The processes matching the search criteria are displayed.
    • Resort the list. Ascending Process Instance Statistics and descending Process Instance Statistics arrow buttons indicate sortable columns. Click the button to change the sort order.
    • Scroll through the pages. Use the controls in the lower left corner. Go to a page by selecting the page number or by using the arrow buttons to go to the next Process Instance Statistics, previous Process Instance Statistics, first Process Instance Statistics, or last Process Instance Statistics page.
  2. To view additional information about the instances of a selected type, select the process display name. To view additional information about the instances of a selected type that are in a specific state, select the number. The Process Instance Summary page displays only those instances that match the selection. For more information, see Listing and Locating Process Instances.

Related Topics

Viewing System Health Statistics

The System Health page provides an overview of system health by identifying processes that may be experiencing problems.

  1. From the home page, select the Process Instance Monitoring module.
  2. From the left panel, select System Health.
  3. Figure 3-2 System Health Page

System Health Page

The following indicators are displayed:

For each of the above, the data displayed is divided into the following categories:

Each process name displayed on the page is a link to the Process Instance Summary page for the process type.

Listing and Locating Process Instances

The Process Instance Summary page displays the following information for each process instance. For a more detailed description of the properties, see Viewing Process Instance Details.

  1. From the home page, select the Process Instance Monitoring module.
  2. In the left panel, click View All.
  3. Figure 3-3 Process Instance Summary Page

    Process Instance Summary Page

Note: The process instances are sorted by start time, the most recent listed first (by default).

Table 3-3 Elements of Process Instance Summary 
Process Instance ID. This is a link to the Process Instance Detail page. For more information, see Viewing Process Instance Details.
Display name
Display name assigned to the process. If more than one version of the process is deployed, the version number is appended.
Process Label
Label for the process instance. The label is generated for each instance and typically reflects a value specific to the instance. For example, an order number, customer number, DUNS number, or some other value of use in auditing. To learn more about how the process label is set, see the JpdContext Interface class in Javadoc for WebLogic Integration Classes.
Start Time
Time this instance started.
Elapsed Time
Time elapsed since instance start. The units reported depend on the duration.
  • From 0 to 99 msecs, duration is reported in milliseconds. For example, 28 msecs.
  • From 99 msecs to one hour, duration is reported to the second. For example, 56 m 48.2 sec.
  • From one hour to one week, duration is reported to the minute. For example, 2 d 2 h 6 m.
  • From one week to one month, duration is reported to the hour. For example, 25 d 3.5 h.
  • Greater than one month, duration is reported to the day. For example, 67 d.
The current state of the instance (Running, Completed, Suspended, Terminated, Frozen, Aborted).

Note: Because stateless processes start and finish in a single transaction, these processes are never in the running state.

  1. To locate a specific process, do one of the following:
    • Select a default filter from the Go drop-down list. The following figure lists the available options:
      Process Instance Summary Page
    • Filter by instance ID. Enter the required instance ID, then click Instance ID. The instance identified is displayed.
    • Note: Only the exact match is displayed. Do not use wildcards.
    • Filter by Process Label. Enter the search target, then click Process Label. Instances with a label that contains the search target are displayed.
    • Note: This is a containment query. Do not use wildcards.
    • Scroll through the pages. Use the controls in the lower left corner. Go to a page by selecting the page number or by using the arrow buttons to go to the next Process Instance Summary Page, previous Process Instance Summary Page, first Process Instance Summary Page, or last Process Instance Summary Page page.
    • Use the advanced search page. For more information, see Constructing an Advanced Search.

Related Topics

Constructing an Advanced Search

The Advanced Search page allows you to construct a complex process instance search.

  1. From the home page, select the Process Instance Monitoring module.
  2. In the left panel, click Advanced Search to view the Advanced Search page.
  3. Figure 3-4 Advanced Search Page

    Advanced Search Page

Table 3-4 summarizes the available search criteria available using the Advanced Search page.

Table 3-4 Advanced Search Criteria
From the Service URI drop-down list, select the Service URI.
Select from a list of the process types deployed. The default is any.
From the Status drop-down list, select a the status.
Specify the process status. The following figure lists the available options:

Process Instance Details

The default is any.
In the Started ... section, select the Anytime, After, or Before option button.
If you selected After or Before, use the corresponding drop-down lists to specify a time.
Specify the target range for process instance start time.
In the Completed ... section, select the Anytime, After, or Before option button.
If you selected After or Before, use the corresponding drop-down list to specify a time.
Specify the target range for process instance completion time.
In the Elapsed Time section, specify the Any, More Than, or Less Than option button.
If you selected More Than or Less Than, use the corresponding drop-down lists to specify the time period.
Specify the target time period for process instance elapsed time.
Select the appropriate SLA Status option button.
Specify one of the following options:
Exceeded SLA
Exceeded SLA or SLA Warning Threshold
Exceeded SLA Warning Threshold, but not SLA
In the Label Contains field, enter the target search string.
Specify a search target. The search returns process instances that have labels containing the specified string.

Note: Do not use wildcard characters to specify a search target.


Viewing Process Instance Details

The Process Instance Detail page allows you to:

Note: If No Data is displayed, the process instance details are not available. Either the data is not being captured at the tracking level configured for the process, or the information has been purged. It is possible for an instance ID to be displayed even though the associated instance data has been purged. For example, although the data for an instance may be purged after the instance has completed, the instance ID can remain in the runtime database because it is included as part of the tracking data associated with any parent or child instances that have not yet been purged.
  1. Locate the process. For more information, see Listing and Locating Process Instances.
  2. Click the process ID to display the Process Instance Details page.
  3. Figure 3-5 Process Instance Details Page

    Process Instance Details Page

  4. To view an interactive or printable process graph, click Graphical View or Printable Graph.
  5. Note: Your browser must meet certain requirements to view the interactive graph. For more information, see Requirements for the Interactive Graph. To learn more about the interactive process view, see Viewing an Interactive or Printable Process Instance Graph.

The following table summarizes the information displayed on the Process Instance Detail page.

Table 3-5 Elements of Process Instance Detail page 
Instance ID
Process instance ID.
Service URI
The process URI. If there are multiple versions of the process, a version number is appended.
Current status of the process.
The process is running.

Note: Because stateless processes start and finish in a single transaction, these processes are never in the running state.

The process finished.
The process was suspended.
The process was terminated.
The process threw an unhandled exception. Aborted processes can only be terminated.
The process failed but can be unfrozen. When a process is unfrozen, it resumes from the point where it failed. For more information, see Suspending, Resuming, Terminating, and Unfreezing Process Instances.
Processes can be designed to freeze, rather than abort, by setting freeze on failure to true. To learn more see “Setting the Business Process Properties” in Designing Your Application in Guide to Building Business Processes.
Process Label
Label for the process instance. The label is generated for each instance and typically reflects a value specific to the instance. For example, an order number, customer number, DUNS number, or some other value of use in auditing. To learn more about how the process label is set, see the JpdContext Interface in Building Integration Applications in the WebLogic Workshop help.
SLA Status
If no service level agreements are set, Not Applicable is displayed.
If service level agreements are set, this field displays the current status:
  • If the elapsed time does not exceed the SLA, Not exceeded is displayed.
  • If the elapsed time exceeds the SLA Warning threshold, the time remaining until the SLA threshold is reached is displayed.
  • If the elapsed time exceeds the SLA, the time elapsed time since the SLA was reached is displayed.
To learn more about the SLA, see Service Level Agreements.
Start Time
Time this instance started.
Exception content displayed only for a aborted or frozen instance.
Elapsed Time
Time elapsed since instance start. The units reported depend on the duration.
  • From 0 to 99 msecs, duration is reported in milliseconds. For example, 28 msecs.
  • From 99 msecs to one hour, duration is reported to the second. For example, 56 m 48.2 sec.
  • From one hour to one week, duration is reported to the minute. For example, 2 d 2 h 6 m.
  • From one week to one month, duration is reported to the hour. For example, 25 d 3.5 h.
  • Greater than one month, duration is reported to the day. For example, 67 d.
Completion Time
Completion date and time displayed only for a completed process.
Termination Time
Termination date and time for a process that has been terminated.
Pending Activities
This information is displayed only for pending controlReceive or clientRequest methods.
For example:
  • waitClientRequest[conditionalWaitClientRequest] is displayed when the instance is waiting for the following:
    <clientRequest name="conditionalWaitClientRequest" method="waitClientRequest" />
  • t1_onTimeout is displayed when the instance is waiting for the following:
    <controlReceive method="t1_onTimeout" />
Parent Instance
Parent process instance ID, display name, status, start time, and elapsed time for the parent instance is displayed. The instance ID is a link to the Process Instance Details page for the instance. To learn more, see Parent-Child Navigation.

Note: The parent or child instance is only displayed if the tracking level for the process is Minimum, Node, or Full.

Child Instance
An entry for each child instance. The instance ID, display name, status, start time, and elapsed time is displayed for each. The instance ID is a link to the Process Instance Details page for that process.
Tasks created by this instance
Worklist tasks created by the instance. The task name and ID are displayed.
Tasks to which this instance is listening
Worklist tasks this process is listening to. The task name and ID are displayed.
B2B Events
Displays summary information for any business messages for B2B events. The event ID, direction (inbound or outbound), and trading partners (from and to) are displayed. The event ID is a link to the message detail.
Displays the Name, type, and value of each variable defined for running instances. You can view the value of an XML or string variable by clicking it.

Parent-Child Navigation

When a process instance calls another process via the Process control, the process invoked is considered a “child process.” Information about related processes is available on the Process Instance Details page. When you view the detail for an instance that has been called by another, identifying information for the calling process instance is displayed in the Parent Instance section. When you view the detail for a process that invokes one or more other instances, the information for each instance invoked is displayed in the Child Instances section.

In addition to displaying identifying information for related instances, the console also provides the ability to navigate between related instances. The following figure illustrates the parent-child navigation functionality.

Note: The parent-child navigation functionality is limited to instances invoked via the Process control. Instances started by the Service Control or Service Broker Control are not identified as child instances.
Figure 3-6 Process Instance Details

Process Instance Details

Related Topics

Viewing an Interactive or Printable Process Instance Graph

The Process Instance Details page allows you to view an interactive or printable graph of the process instance. The graph represents your business process and its interactions with clients and resources, such as databases, JMS queues, and file systems.

The interactive instance graph is a fully expanded version of the view provided in the Workshop Design View. Visual cues are provided to indicate node status as described in the following table:

Table 3-6 Node Status
If the node . . .
And the tracking level is . .
The node appears . . .
Has been visited
Full or Node
Is currently executing
Full or Node
Has not been visited
Full or Node

The information displayed is dependent on tracking level and current state of the process.

The top panel displays selected process properties. To learn more about the properties displayed, see Viewing Process Instance Details. In addition to the properties, the commands applicable to the current state of the instance (terminate, suspend, resume, or unfreeze) are provided in the top panel. For more information, see Suspending, Resuming, Terminating, and Unfreezing Process Instances.

When you click on a node, the node name and type are displayed. If the tracking level is set to Full or Node, the start time, elapsed time, finish time, completed visits, and description are also displayed. If the tracking level is set to Minimum, this additional information is only available for the currently executing node.

Note: You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to view the printable graph.
  1. Locate the process instance to view. For more information, see Listing and Locating Process Instances.
  2. Click the process name to display the Process Instance Details page.
  3. Click Printable Graph.
  4. The process graph is displayed as a PDF document.

  5. Verify that your browser meets the requirements. For more information, see Requirements for the Interactive Graph.
  6. Locate the process instance to view. For more information, see Listing and Locating Process Instances.
  7. Click the process name to display the Process Instance Details page.
  8. Click Graphical View.
  9. The Adobe SVG Viewer displays the interactive view.

    Process Instance Details

  10. Do any of the following:
    • To display node status, click the node image. The properties displayed are dependent on the tracking level set.
    • To scroll the view, press and hold down the Alt key. The cursor changes to a hand Process Instance Details tool. Click and drag to scroll the process graph vertically or horizontally.
    • To zoom in, press and hold down the Ctrl key. The cursor changes to a zoom in Process Instance Details tool. Click to zoom in.
    • To zoom out, press and hold down the Ctrl+Shift keys. The cursor changes to a zoom out Process Instance Details tool. Click to zoom out.
    • To change to a printable view, click Print View. The process graph is displayed as a PDF document.

Related Topics

Suspending, Resuming, Terminating, and Unfreezing Process Instances

Depending on the current state of a process instance, you can suspend, resume, terminate, or unfreeze it. The following table summarizes the available actions by instance state:

Table 3-7 Available Actions by Instance State
Instance State
Available Actions
Suspend, Terminate
Resume, Terminate
Terminate, Unfreeze

When you terminate a process, the operation in progress finishes, then the process completes without executing subsequent nodes.

A process can be designed to freeze, rather than abort, when it encounters an unhandled exception, by setting the freeze on failure property to true. To learn more, see “Setting the Business Process Properties” in Designing Your Application in Guide to Building Business Processes. The ability to freeze a process is useful for handling an exception due to a network outage, unavailable EIS, or other such transitory condition. When you unfreeze a process, if the condition that led the failure is still in effect, the process returns to the frozen state.

You can suspend, resume, terminate, or unfreeze an instance in the following contexts:

  1. Locate the process. For more information, see Listing and Locating Process Instances.
  2. Click the process name to display the Process Instance Details page.
  3. Click Suspend, Resume, Terminate, or Unfreeze, as required.
  4. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

  5. Click OK to confirm, or Cancel to dismiss the dialog and cancel the action.
  6. Display the Process Instance Summary page as described in Listing and Locating Process Instances.
  7. Click the check box to the left of each instance to be suspended, resumed, terminated, or unfrozen.
  8. Click Suspend, Resume, Terminate, or Unfreeze.
  9. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

  10. Click OK to confirm, or Cancel to dismiss the dialog and cancel the action.
  11. Locate the process. For more information, see Listing and Locating Process Instances.
  12. Click the process name to display the Process Instance Details page.
  13. Click Graphical View.
  14. In the top panel of the interactive graph, click Suspend, Resume, Terminate, or Unfreeze, as required.
  15. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

  16. Click OK to confirm, or Cancel to dismiss the dialog and cancel the action.

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