Using Integration Controls

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ALSB Control

Available Services

Note: The ALSB control is available in BEA WorkSpace Studio only if you are licensed to use WebLogic Integration.

The ALSB control allows your web service or business process to invoke an AquaLogic Service Bus (ALSB) proxy service, and provides support for security and transaction context propagation.


Topics Included in this Section

Overview: ALSB Control

Describes the ALSB control.

Creating an ALSB Control

Describes how to create and configure an ALSB control.

ALSB Control Annotations

Describes the ALSB control annotations.

Example ALSB Control

Shows an example of the ALSB control.

Related Topics

AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide

Service Broker Control


Overview: ALSB Control

The ALSB control allows a business process to invoke the ALSB proxy services, which have Service Bus Transport configured through RMI, and send requests to and receive callbacks from a Web service, or a remote Web service or business process.

ALSB control extends Service Broker control, and the functionality supported by the service control is also supported by the ALSB control. For more information on Service Broker Control, see Service Broker Control.

ALSB control does the following:

The first step is creating a ALSB Control file. The Control can be automatically generated from a target service (WSDL file) using BEA WorkSpace Studio, or can be created using the Add function in the Controls section of the BEA WorkSpace Studio Data palette. The methods and callbacks on the Control file correspond to operations and callbacks of the target service. An instance of this Control file is used by a parent service to call the target service and can also be used to get callbacks from the target service. ALSB control files can only have selector annotations on start methods for stateful target services, whereas they can have selector annotations on any method for stateless target services.

Note: The parent process and the target process must both be configured to use the same protocol. Protocol matching and enabling is not handled automatically.

Creating an ALSB Control

You can create an ALSB control:

Creating an ALSB Control from a WSDL

You can create a new ALSB control and add it to your Web service or business process by using the Insert Control - ALSB dialog.

Note: If you are not in Design view, click the Design tab.

To create a new ALSB control:

  1. In the Package Explorer pane, double-click the business process to which you want to add the ALSB control. The business process is displayed in the Design view.
  2. Click Available Services on the Data Palette and from the drop-down list choose Integration Controls to display the list of controls used for integrating applications.
  3. If the Data Palette view is not visible in BEA WorkSpace Studio, click Window > Show View > Data Palette from the menu bar.

  4. Select ALSB.
  5. The Insert Control: ALSB Control dialog appears (see Figure 13-1).

    Figure 13-1 Insert Control:ALSB Control

    Insert Control:ALSB Control

  6. In the Insert Control:ALSB dialog box enter the following details:
    • In the Field Name, type the variable name used to access the new ALSB control instance from your business process. The name you enter must be a valid Java identifier.
    • In the Insertion point: from the drop-down list select the point where you want the field name to be inserted in the process file.
    • Decide whether you want to make this a control factory and select or clear the Make this a control factory that can create multiple instances at runtime check box.
    • Click Next.
    • The Create Control wizard appears.

  7. In the Create Control wizard enter the following details:
    • In the Name field, type the name of your new control extension file.
    • Decide whether you want to add comments as configured in the properties of the current project and select or clear the Generate comments check box.
    • Click Next.
    • The Insert control: ALSB Control dialog-box appears (see Figure 13-2).

      Figure 13-2 Insert Control: ALSB Control

      Insert Control: ALSB Control

  8. In the Insert control: ALSB Control dialog box enter the following details:
    • In the WSDL field do one of the following:
      • Click Browse and select the WSDL file you want to access from the available list and, click OK (see Figure 13-3).
      • Figure 13-3 Select a WSDL

        Select a WSDL

      • Click Import, and in the Service Consumption dialog-box select a Artifact Folder and the Service Resource from the drop-down list next to it, and click OK (see Figure 13-4).
      • Note: An ALSB Control cannot be created from a WSDL file located outside the current Web project.
        Figure 13-4 Service Consumption

        Service Consumption

    • Select a service name from the Service Name menu. Only those service name contained in the specified business process are displayed.
    • Select a start method from the Start Method menu. Only those start methods contained in the specified business process are displayed.
    • To specify a dynamic selector, enter a query in the Query field, by clicking the Query Builder button to display the Dynamic Selector query builder.
    • If you invoked the Dynamic Selector query builder, perform the following steps to build and test a query:

      • Select the type of lookup function for the query by choosing the LookupControl or TPM radio button. Choose TPM to bind lookup values to properties in the TPM repository. Choose LookupControl to bind lookup values to dynamic properties specified in a domain-wide DynamicProperties.xml file. You should only edit the DynamicProperties.xml file to bind lookup values to dynamic properties if the domain is inactive. If the domain is active, it is recommended that you use the WebLogic Integration Administration Console to bind lookup values.
      • For more information on binding lookup values to dynamic properties using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console, see “Adding or Changing Dynamic Control Selectors” in Process Configuration.

      • In the Start Method Schema area, select an element from the schema to associate it with the start method of the control. Only XML elements are displayed; non-XML elements are not supported. The resulting query appears in the XQuery area.
      • Click Create.
    • Click Next.
    • If the ALSB bindings are not configured in your WSDL file, the Insert Control: ALSB Control dialog box appears (see Figure 13-5), do the following:

      Figure 13-5 Insert Control: ALSB Control

      Insert Control: ALSB Control

      • Check the Provide additional binding information to create ALSB transport control check-box.
      • Enter the required information in the Service URI field.
      • Enter the required information in the JNDI URL field.
      • Click Next.
      • The No Existing Types Found dialog-box appears (see Figure 13-6).

        Figure 13-6 No Existing Types Found

        No Existing Types Found

    • Select one of the option and click Finish.
    • The ALSB control is created and displayed in the Package Explorer pane. An instance of the control is also created and is added to the Data Palette.

Creating an ALSB Control Using the Service Consumption Framework

To create an ALSB Control using the proxy service, you need to have an existing ALSB project.

  1. In the Package Explorer pane, double-click the business process to which you want to add the ALSB control. The business process is displayed in the Design view.
  2. Click No Existing Types Found on the Data Palette and from the drop-down list choose Integration Controls to display the list of controls used for integrating applications.
  3. Select ALSB.
  4. The Insert Control: ALSB dialog appears

  5. In the Insert Control:ALSB dialog box enter the following details:
    • In the Field Name, type the variable name used to access the new ALSB control instance from your business process. The name you enter must be a valid Java identifier.
    • In the Insertion point: from the drop-down list select the point where you want the field name to be inserted in the process file.
    • Decide whether you want to make this a control factory and select or clear the Make this a control factory that can create multiple instances at runtime check box.
    • Click Next.
    • The Create Control wizard appears.

  6. In the Create Control wizard enter the following details:
    • In the Name field, type the name of your new control extension file.
    • Decide whether you want to add comments as configured in the properties of the current project and select or clear the Generate comments check box.
    • Click Next.
    • The Insert control: ALSB dialog-box appears.

  7. In the Insert control: ALSB dialog-box, do the following:
    • In the WSDL field, click Import.
    • The Service Consumption dialog-box appears.

      In the Service Consumption dialog-box do the following:

      • Select an Artifact Folder.
      • Decide whether you want to overwrite existing files, and select or clear the Overwrite existing files check box.
      • Select Workspace from the Service Resource drop-down list.
      • Select AquaLogic Service Bus 3.0, as the Product Type.
      • Select the ALSB proxy service, from the Available Services (see Figure 13-7).
      • Figure 13-7 Available Services

        Available Services

      • Click Ok.
    • Select a service name from the Service Name menu. Only those service name contained in the specified business process are displayed.
    • Select a start method from the Start Method menu. Only those start methods contained in the specified business process are displayed.
    • To specify a dynamic selector, enter a query in the Query field, by clicking the Query Builder button to display the Dynamic Selector query builder.
    • Click Next.
    • The No Existing Types Found dialog-box appears.

    • Select one of the option and click Finish.
    • The ALSB control is created using a proxy service and displayed in your business process, in the Package Explorer pane. An instance of the control is also created and is added to the Data Palette.


ALSB Control Annotations

ALSB control extends Service Broker control. In addition to the annotations of the Service Broker Control, other than those annotations it provides the following additional annotations depending on the requirement:

See Notes on Service Broker Control Annotations, for more information on Service Broker annotations.


This annotation is a marker annotation, specifies the ALSB control supports SOAP 1.1 over RMI. This annotation can only be specified at the class level. This annotation is used for supporting SOAP over RMI. This annotation looks like the following:

public @interface RmiSoapProtocol
Note: This annotation is auto generated based on the WSDL and, you should not modify this annotation. When this annotation is specified, you should not specify service control supported annotations like HttpSoapProtocol, HttpSoap12Protocol, JmsSoapProtocol, and JmsSoapProtocol. Location which is a service control annotation is optional. The service control annotation WSDL is required.


This annotation is a marker annotation, specifies the ALSB control supports SOAP 1.2 over RMI. This annotation can only be specified at the class level. This annotation is used for supporting SOAP over RMI. This annotation looks like the following:

public @interface RmiSoap12Protocol
Note: This annotation is auto generated based on the WSDL and, you should not modify this annotation. When this annotation is specified, you should not specify service control supported annotations like HttpSoapProtocol, HttpSoap12Protocol, JmsSoapProtocol, and JmsSoapProtocol. Location, which is a service control annotation is optional. The service control annotation WSDL is required.


This annotation is used to specify the RMI related parameters required for the SB Thin Client API. This annotation can only be specified at the class level. This annotation is used for supporting SOAP, abstract SOAP, and abstract XML over RMI. This annotation looks like the following:

@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.FIELD})
public @interface SBTransport
String serviceURI();
boolean execute() default true;
       String jndiURL() default “”;

Table 13-1 Fields in the SBTransport Annotation
This specifies the URL of the ALSB proxy service, which is configured with SB transport and is required.
This specifies whether the invocation of the external service should happen with in the same security context as the business process or not. If the invocation is false, the invocation happens with in the security context of the JNDI lookup. If true, the invocation happens with in the same security context of the business process and JNDI lookup happens in a different security context depending on whether the principal/credential is set or not.

Note: The default value is true.

This specifies the URL of the JNDI provider on the ALSB server. If the URL is not specified then the local JNDI provider would be considered.

Table 13-1 describes the fields within the SBTransport annotation.

Note: This annotation should only be specified along with the annotations RmiSoapProtocol or RmiSoap12Protocol.Location, which is a service control annotation is optional. The service control annotation WSDL is required.


This annotation is used to specify the custom header to the SB Transport. This annotation can be specified at the class level. This annotation is used for supporting SOAP over RMI. This annotation looks like the following:

public @interface CustomHeader
String name;
String value;

Table 13-2 Fields in the CustomHeader Annotation
This specifies the header name.
Describes the value for the header specified through “name” attribute.

Table 13-2 describes the fields within the CustomHeader annotation.

Note: This annotation should only be specified along with the annotations RmiSoapProtocol or RmiSoap12Protocol.


This annotation is used to specify the custom headers to the SB Transport. This annotation can be specified at the class level. This annotation is used for supporting SOAP, abstract SOAP, and abstract XML over RMI. This annotation looks like the following:

public @interface CustomHeaders
CustomHeader[] headers;

The fields with in the annotation are headers, which represents an array of name value pairs.

Note: This annotation should only be specified along with the annotations RmiSoapProtocol or RmiSoap12Protocol.


This annotation is a marker annotation and used for specifying that the ALSB control supports abstract XML message over RMI. This annotation can only be specified at the class level. This annotation is used for supporting abstract XML and abstract SOAP over RMI. This annotation looks like the following:

public @interface RmiXmlProtocol
Note: When you specify this annotation, do not specify RmiSoapProtocol, RmiSoap12Protocol, and any service control supported annotations. You need to specify the SBTransport annotation. In this case there should not be any callback interface (with @EventSet annotation) with in the ALSB control.


This annotation is a marker annotation and is used to specify that the operation is one way. This annotation can only be specified at the method level. This annotation is used for supporting abstract XML, and abstract SOAP over RMI. This annotation looks like the following:

public @interface OneWay
Note: This annotation should be specified only when RmiXmlProtocol is specified.

When this annotation is specified the method signature for:

Transaction Context Propagation

ALSB control supports transaction context propagation at method level within a business process, where you can decide whether to propagate the transaction context for that method or not using the Transactional annotation. This annotation also specifies the RMI invocation timeout, if you are not propagating the transaction context.

If you specify the transaction annotation at the control level, it will be applicable for all the methods with in the control and if specified at the method level, it will be applicable to the method level.

This annotation looks like the following:

@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
public @interface Transactional
boolean value() default true;
       int timeout() default 60;

Table 13-3 describes the fields within the Transactional annotation.

Table 13-3 Fields in the Transactional Annotation
This determines whether to propagate the transaction context.
This specifies the timeout value for RMI invocation, when transaction context is not propagated.

Note: This annotation should only be specified along with the ALSB control defined annotations only. If this annotation is not specified, by default the transaction context would be propagated to ALSB.

Security Context Propagation

If you specify the principal and credentials as part of SBTransport annotation, those credentials would be used to authenticate with remote JNDI provider. Depending on the value of the execute attribute in SBTransport annotation, security context propagation happens accordingly as explained below while transporting the message to ALSB.


Example ALSB Control

This section shows an example of ALSB control:

package requestquote;

import com.bea.control.SbTransportControl;


import org.apache.beehive.controls.api.bean.ControlExtension;

@SbTransportControl.SBTransport(serviceURI = "/MyAddProxy", jndiURL = "t3://localhost:7001")


@SbTransportControl.SOAPBinding(style = SbTransportControl.SOAPBinding.Style.DOCUMENT, use = SbTransportControl.SOAPBinding.Use.LITERAL, parameterStyle = SbTransportControl.SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.WRAPPED)

@SbTransportControl.WSDL(path = "../requestquote/AddPro_proxy.wsdl", service = "AddPro")


public interface ALSBControl extends SbTransportControl


static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

public int addNumbers(int num1_arg,int num2_arg);

/** This event set interface provides support for the onAsyncFailure event.



public interface Callback extends SbTransportControl.Callback {};

public ALSBControl create(); }

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