Using Integration Controls

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Using Controls in Business Processes

Adding Control Nodes to Your Business Process

Designing the Communications for Control Nodes

Using Integration Controls in Web Services or Page Flows

Controls and Transactions

Good Practice in Creating Web Service Controls for a Business Process Application

Dynamic Transformation Control

Overview: Dynamic Transformation Control

Creating a New Dynamic Transformation Control

To Create a New Dynamic Transformation Control

Using a Dynamic Transformation Control

Using the Base Methods in the Dynamic Transformation Control

Example: Dynamic Transformation Control

ebXML Control

Overview: ebXML Control

Creating an ebXML Control

To create a new ebXML control

Specifying XmlObject and RawData Array Payloads

To Specify the Payload in Source View

Using an ebXML Control

Sending Messages to Participants

Handling Responses from Participants

Dynamically Specifying Business IDs

Order of Precedence

Using Selectors

To use a dynamic selector

Using setProperties

To set business IDs dynamically using the setProperties method

Example: ebXML Control

Email Control

Overview: Email Control

Configuring an Email Control

Message Body with Data Type Text

Message Body with Data Type XML Object

Customizing an Email Control

Using Dynamic Properties for an Email Control

Creating a New Email Control

Email Control Methods

Sample Email Messages

Example 1: HTML Body, No Attachments

Example 2: Body with Attachments

Example 3: No Body, One Attachment

Exceptions and Errors

File Control

Overview: File Control

Creating a New File Control

Creating a New File Control

File Control Methods

Example: File Control Declaration

Using a File Control

Setting Default File Control Behavior

Using Methods of the FileControl Interface

Error Handling When Reading Files

Using File Control for SFTP

Configuring File Control for SFTP

File Control Annotations for SFTP

Service Provider Interface








Configuring SPI

Adding the SPI Implementation to the Server Class Path

SFTP Reference Implementation

Build an SFTP Reference Implementation

Designing an Application to Test the Implementation

Example: File Control

To Create an Instance of a File Control in Your Project

To Design a Control Send Node in Your Business Process to Interact With Your File Control

Http Control

Creating a New Http Control

Creating a New Http Control

The Java file for the Http Control

Using the Http Control in a Business Process

To Design a Control Send Node in Your Business Process

Specifying Http Control Properties

Using HTTP Methods to Set Properties

Setting Dynamic Http Control Properties

Example of an XML Variable to Set Dynamic Properties

Schema for Http Control Properties

Setting Connection Time-out

Setting Connection Retry Count

Configuring Server-side SSL

Configuring Client-side SSL

Configuring Proxy Settings

Setting Cookie

Example: XML Variable Used to Set Cookies

Schema for Setting Cookie

Setting Headers for HTTP Post

Example: XML Variable Used to Set the Headers

Schema for Setting HTTP Post Headers

Sending an HTTP Get Request

Example: XML Variable Used to Set Parameters in HTTP Get

Schema for Sending Parameters for HTTP Get

Sending Data as HTTP Post

Example 1 - Request body with String data-type

Example 2 - Request body with XmlObject data type

Recieving HTTP Response Headers

Recieving Cookies From the Server

Recieving HTTP Body Data

Logging Debug Messages and Exceptions

Http Control Caveats

The HTTP Event Generator

Message Broker Controls

Message Broker Publish Control

To Create an Instance of a Message Broker Publish Control

Java File for Your MB Publish Control

Using Methods of the MB Publish Interface

MB Publish Control Interface

Method Attributes

Example Code for MB Publish Control

Example Code

Message Broker Subscription Control

To Create an Instance of a Message Broker Subscription Control

Java File for Your MB Subscription Control

Using Methods of the MB Subscription Interface

Class Interface

Method Attributes

Example Code for MB Subscription Control

Note About Static and Dynamic Subscriptions to Message Broker Channels

Using Event Generators to Publish to Message Broker Channels

MQSeries Control

Overview: MQSeries Control

Prerequisites to Adding an MQSeries Control

Creating and Configuring a New Instance of the MQSeries Control

To Add a New MQSeries Control

To Specify MQSeries Control General Settings

To Specify MQSeries Control Connection Settings

To Specify MQSeries Control Authorization Settings

To Specify MQSeries Control Exits

The Control File for an MQSeries Control

Using the MQSeries Control Exit Implementation

Implementing MQSeries Exits

Understanding Transaction Management

Implicit Transaction Management

Explicit Transaction Management

Using Message Descriptors

Schema of the MQMDHeaders Document

Sample of an MQMDHeaders Document

Using XML Beans to Set the MQMDHeader Element Values

Sending and Receiving Messages

Sending Messages

Using the putMessage Function In a Business Process

Sending Messages To a Remote Queue Manager

Receiving Messages

Using the getMessage Function In a Business Process

Sending Group messages

Retrieving Group Messages

Setting the logicalorder Attribute

Setting the waitForAllMsgs Attribute

Setting the GroupId element

Setting the MessageSequenceNumber Element

Working with MQSeries Message Descriptor Format

Example: Sending a message that conforms to the CICS Format (using the putMessage function)

Example: Sending a message that conforms to the IMS Format (using the putMessage function)

Example: Sending a message that conforms to the MQRFH2 Format (using the putMessage function)

Setting Dynamic Properties

Schema of MQDynamicProperties

Sample MQDynamicProperties Document

Configuring SSL In MQSeries Control

Setting the SSL Cipher Suite

Setting Server-side SSL Properties

Setting Client-side SSL Properties

Example: Configuring SSL Within a Workflow

Using the MQSeries Event Generator

Process Control

Overview: Process Control

Creating a New Process Control

Creating a New Process Control Using the Control Wizard

Generating a Process Control from a Process File

Notes on XQueries

Process Control Methods

Example: Process Control Declaration

Setting Process Control Properties

Process Control Design Time Considerations

Using a Process Control in Stateless and Stateful Business Processes

Using Process Controls in Synchronous and Asynchronous Business Processes

Using a Process Control from the Parent Process

Process Control Location

Process Control Run-Time Considerations

Run-Time Rules for Process Controls in Stateless and Stateful Business Processes

Run-Time Rules for Process Controls in Synchronous and Asynchronous Business Processes


Maintaining Process Controls

JAX-RPC Handlers

Using Dynamic Binding

Notes on Process Controls Annotations



RosettaNet Control

Overview: RosettaNet Control

Creating a RosettaNet Control

To create a new RosettaNet control

Using a RosettaNet Control

Sending Messages to Participants

Sending a Request Message

Responding to Participant Replies

Handling Messages from Participants

Retrieving Message Elements

Dynamically Specifying Business IDs

Order of Precedence

Using Selectors

To use a dynamic selector

Using setProperties

To set business IDs dynamically using the setProperties method

Example: RosettaNet Control

Service Broker Control

Overview: Service Broker Control

Creating a New Service Broker Control

Creating a New Service Broker Control Using the Control Wizard

Creating a Service Broker Control from a Business Process

Notes on XQueries

Setting Service Broker Properties

Service Broker Control Design Time Considerations

Using a Service Broker Control in Stateless and Stateful Business Processes

Using Service Broker Controls in Synchronous and Asynchronous Business Processes

Using a Service Broker Control from the Parent Process

Service Broker Control Location

Service Broker Control Run-Time Considerations

Run-Time Rules for Service Broker Controls in Stateless and Stateful Business Processes

Run-Time Rules for Service Broker Controls in Synchronous and Asynchronous Business Processes


Maintaining Service Broker Controls

Using Dynamic Binding

How the Service Broker Control Uses Dynamic Binding

Components Used in Dynamic Binding

com.bea.wli.common.control.Selector Tag

Built-In XQuery Functions

DynamicProperties.xml File

Quote Processing Example

Notes on Service Broker Control Annotations



@jc:parameter xml


ALSB Control

Overview: ALSB Control

Creating an ALSB Control

Creating an ALSB Control from a WSDL

Creating an ALSB Control Using the Service Consumption Framework

ALSB Control Annotations








Transaction Context Propagation

Security Context Propagation

Example ALSB Control

TIBCO Rendezvous Control

Overview: Rendezvous Control

Creating and Configuring a New Instance of the TIBCO RV Control

Prerequisites before creating Tibco RV Control

To Add a New TIBCO RV Control

To Specify TIBCO RV Control General Settings

To Specify TIBCO RV Control Advanced Settings

The Java Files for a TIBCO RV Control

Sample control File for a TIBCO RV Control Using Certified Messaging

Sample control File for a TIBCO RV Control Without Certified Messaging

Using Subject in a Message

Subject Name Syntax

Sending and Receiving Messages

Sending Messages

sendMessage ()

sendMessageAsString ()

sendReply ()

sendReplyAsString ()

sendReplyAsXML ()

setStringEncoding ()

Additional Functions for Certified Messaging

onCMMessageReceipt ()

addListenerForCM ()

Using the sendMessage Function In a Business Process

Receiving Messages

Setting Dynamic Properties

Schema of TIBCO RV Control Dynamic Properties

Sample TIBCO RV Control Dynamic Properties Document

TPM Control

Overview: TPM Control

Creating a TPM Control

To create a new TPM control

Using a TPM Control

To use methods in a TPM control

Example: TPM Control

WLI JMS Control

Overview: Messaging Systems and JMS

Messaging Systems

JMS Queues for Point-to-Point Messaging

JMS Topics for Publish and Subscribe Messaging

Connection Factories

Message Components

Messaging Scenarios Supported by the WLI JMS Control

Supported Messaging Scenarios

Send Messages to a Queue

Two-Way Messaging with Queues

Publish to a Topic

Subscribe to a Topic

Messaging Scenarios Not Supported by the WLI JMS Control

Unsupported Scenarios

Receive Unsolicited Messages from a Queue

Creating a WLI JMS Control

Creating a New WLI JMS Control

WLI JMS Control Methods

The Java File for a WLI JMS Control

Configuring the Properties of a JMS Control

Specifying the Format of The Message Body

Specifying Message Headers and Properties

Accessing Remote JMS Resources

WLI JMS Control Caveats

Worklist Controls

Overview: Worklist Controls

Creating a New Task Control

To create a new Task control

Creating a New Task Batch Control

Using Task and Task Batch Controls in Business Processes

Example: Task Control

WLI Timer Control

Overview: WLI Timer Control

Creating a WLI Timer Control

Using a WLI Timer Control

Setting Default Timer Control Behavior

Specifying Time on a WLI Timer Control

Specifying Relative Time

Specify Absolute Time

XML MetaData Cache Control

Overview: XML MetaData Cache Control

Sharing Cache Data Within a Cluster

Creating an XML MetaData Cache Control

Understanding the XML MetaData Cache Control Get Method

Using the XML MetaData Cache Control in a Business Process

To Prepare the Client Node

To Get an XML metadata Document

Example: XML MetaData Cache Control

Using MBean APIs to Manage an XML MetaData Cache

Retrieving the Singleton XMLCacheMBean

Using the Configuration MBean API

Using Control Factories

Using Message Attachments

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