Tutorial: Building Your First Data Transformation

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Step 1: Getting Started

The Business Process and Data Transformation Tutorials both use a prepackaged Tutorial Process application. The prepackaged Tutorial: Request Quote Process Application contains all the business process, XML, XML Schema, Transformation, and XQ files, required to run the tutorial business processes and transformations.

The RequestQuote business process in the Tutorial Process application invokes a transformation stored in the TutorialJoin.java and join.xq files. The steps in this Tutorial explain the procedures to create the same transformation that is prepackaged in the TutorialJoin.java and join.xq files of the Tutorial: Request Quote Process Application. (You can use the transformation in the TutorialJoin.java and join.xq files as a reference.) Name the Transformation file MyTutorialJoin.java and the XQ file that contains the query: myJoin.xq.

After completing the steps in this Tutorial, modify the RequestQuote business process to invoke the transformation created in this tutorial. In addition, run the RequestQuote business process which will invoke the transformation, as described in Step 12: Run the Request Quote Business Process of the Business Process Tutorial.

Note: If you followed the steps described in the Business Process Tutorial, you have already created an application and can skip the To Load The Tutorial Process Application task.

The task in this step include:

To Load The Tutorial Process Application

In this task, you load the prepackaged Tutorial: Process Application.

  1. From the BEA WorkSpace Studio menu, click File > New > Other. The Select a Wizard dialog box is displayed.
  2. Expand WebLogic Integration, and select Tutorial:Request Quote Process Application, and click Next.
  3. Figure 2-1 Select a Wizard dialog box

    Select a Wizard dialog box

  4. In the Request Quote Process Application dialog box, type the following:
    1. In the Ear Project Name field, enter Tutorial_Process_Application_Ear.
    2. In the Web Project Name field, enter Tutorial_Process_Application_Web.
    3. In the Utility Project Name field, enter Tutorial_Process_Application_Utility.
    4. Figure 2-2 Process Application dialog box

      Process Application dialog box

  5. Select the Add WebLogic Integration System and Control Schemas to Utility Project checkbox.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. In the displayed Open Associated Perspective? dialog box, click Yes to switch from Workshop Perspective to Process Perspective. Select the Remember my decision checkbox.
  8. Figure 2-3 Open Perspective Confirmation

    Open Perspective Confirmation

    Note: J2EE is the default perspective of the BEA WorkSpace Studio. The Process perspective contains all the required views like Node Palette, Data Palette, and so on.
Note: Similarly, XQueryTransformation perspective contains views pertaining to XQuery Transformation like Expression Functions, Expression Variables, Target Expression, and Constraints.
  1. The Tutorial Process Application is created and displayed in the Package Explorer pane.
  2. Figure 2-4 Package Explorer Pane

    Package Explorer Pane

    The Package Explorer pane displays the files and resources available in the application:

    Ear Project — An EAR project is the central point of application. An EAR project contains JAR files that are shared by the projects in the enterprise application. This project contain links to all of the projects in the application. The project files are used by BEA WorkSpace Studio to test and deploy enterprise applications that contain multiple projects. The EAR Project files are used to create EAR (Enterprise Archive) files.

    Web Project— A project with WebLogic Integration process facet added to it. Every application contains one or more projects. Projects represent WebLogic Server applications. In other words, when you create a project, you are creating a Web application. (The name of your project is included in the URL that clients use to access your application.)

    Utility Project—A project that contains the XML Schemas and the Message Broker channel file used in the application.

    Web Applications are J2EE deployment units that define a collection of Web resources such as business processes, Web services, JSPs, servlets, HTML pages, and can define references to external resources such as EJBs.

    requestquote—contains the business processes, transformation, xq files

    • FileQuote.java—A File control used by your Request for Quote business process to write a file to the file system.
    • PriceAvailTransformations.javaContains data transformations used in RequestQuote.java.
    • RequestQuote.java—The completed business process. (The tutorial walks you through rebuilding this business process. It is provided for reference, and allows you to run and test the business process before you start rebuilding it.)
    • RequestQuoteTransformation.java and TutorialJoin.java—Contains data transformations used in RequestQuote.java.
    • XQ files—An XQ file is created for each transformation method on a transformation file. XQ files contain the queries (written in the XQuery language) called by the transformation files in your project.

      requestquote.services folder contains services with which your business process interacts. The services folder includes Web services, Web Service controls, business processes and Process controls.

      testxml folder contains XML files which you can use to test the completed business process.

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