Tutorial: Designing Your First Business Process

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Step 1: Create the Business Process Application

In this step, you create the application in which you design the tutorial business process (RequestQuote.java).

This step includes the following tasks:


Create Business Process Tutorial Application

  1. From the WorkSpace Studio menu, choose File > New > Other.
  2. The New wizard is displayed.

    Figure 2-1 New Wizard

    New Wizard

  3. Expand WebLogic Integration, select Tutorial: Request Quote Process Application, and click Next.
  4. The Process Application dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 2-2 Process Application Dialog Box

    Process Application Dialog Box

  5. Enter the following:
    1. EAR Project Name: Tutorial_Process_Application_Ear
    2. Web Project Name: Tutorial_Process_Application_Web
    3. Utility Project Name: Tutorial_Process_Application_Utility
  6. Select the Add WebLogic Integration System and Control Schemas to Utility Project check box to add the system schemas to the Schemas folder under the Utility project.
  7. Click Finish.
  8. The Open Associated Perspective? dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 2-3 Open Associated Perspective Dialog Box

    Open Associated Perspective Dialog Box

  9. Click Yes to switch to the Process perspective.
  10. Note: Perspectives define the initial set of views and their associated layout in WorkSpace Studio. The Process perspective contains all the views that are necessary for creating process applications: Node Palette, Data Palette, and so on.
    Note: Similarly, the XQuery Transformation perspective contains the views that are relevant for XQuery transformation: Expression Functions, Expression Variables, Target Expression, and Constraints, and so on.

    The application is created and displayed in the Package Explorer view.

    Figure 2-4 Package Explorer View

    Package Explorer View

    The Package Explorer view displays the files and resources available in the application:

    • Tutorial_Process_Application_Web: A project with WLI process facet added to it. Every application contains one or more projects. Projects represent WebLogic Server (WLS) applications. In other words, when you create a project, you are creating a web application. The name of your project is included in the URL that clients use to access the application.
    • The src/requestquote folder contains the business processes, transformation, XQuery files.

      • FileQuote.java: A File control used by the RFQ process to write the quote to the file system.
      • PriceAvailTransformations.java: Contains data transformations used in RequestQuote.java.
      • RequestQuote.java: This is the completed RequestQuote business process. It is provided for reference and to let you run the business process before you start recreating it. The tutorial walks you through the steps to recreate this business process.
      • Note: For information about running the RequestQuote.java business process that is provided in the application folder, see Step 12: Run RequestQuote Business Process.
      • RequestQuoteTransformation.java and TutorialJoin.java: Contain data transformations used in RequestQuote.java.
      • XQ files: An XQ file is created for each transformation method on a transformation file. XQ files contain the queries (written in the XQuery language) called by the transformation files in your project.
      • The requestquote.services folder contains services with which your process interacts: web services, web service controls, processes, and process controls.

        The testxml folder contains XML files that you can use to test the completed business process.

    • Tutorial_Process_Application_Utility: A project that contains the XML schemas used in the application.
    • Web applications are J2EE deployment units that define a collection of web resources – business processes, web services, JSPs, servlets, and so on – and can define references to external resources such as EJBs.

  11. In this tutorial, you create the RequestQuote.java file from scratch.
  12. To proceed, delete the following files from the src/requestquote folder of the Tutorial_Process_Application_Web project:

    • RequestQuote.java
    • RequestQuoteTransformation.java
    • RequestQuoteavailProcessor_avail.xq
    • RequestQuoteavailProcessorGetAvail.xq
    • RequestQuotepriceProcessor_returnPrice.xq
    • RequestQuotepriceProcessorGetPrice.xq
    • RequestQuotetaxCalculationRequestTaxRate.xq
    • Figure 2-5 Web Project Files

      Web Project Files

      Caution: Delete only the files that are listed in this step. You need all the other files to create the business process.

      To delete the files, select them, and press the Delete key (or right-click and select Delete).

      Note: You can select multiple files by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking on the file names.

      The files are deleted from your application folder in the file system, and do not appear in the Package Explorer view.


Start Designing the Process

In this step, you start the process of recreating the RequestQuote.java file.

  1. In the Package Explorer view, go to the Tutorial_Process_ApplicationWeb\src folder, and right-click the requestquote folder.
  2. Choose New > Process.
  3. The New Process dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 2-6 New Process Dialog Box

    New Process Dialog Box

  4. In the Name field, enter RequestQuote.
  5. Click Finish.
  6. The new RequestQuote.java file is created and displayed in the Design view. At the moment, it has only a Start and a Finish node.

    Figure 2-7 New Process

    New Process

Note: For more information about the views in WorkSpace Studio, see WorkSpace Studio Views, Functions, and Shortcuts.

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