Managing WebLogic Integration Solutions

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Managing WebLogic Integration Solutions: Tools and Tasks

This section provides an overview of the tools and tasks involved in managing WebLogic Integration solutions. The following topics are provided:

Note: Throughout this section, the focus is on administrative tasks and tools that are specific to WebLogic Integration. For more information, see Using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.


WebLogic Integration Management Tools

The following tools are available to support WebLogic Integration administration:

Note: A WebLogic Server® domain is a collection of WebLogic Server resources managed as a single unit. Every domain includes one and only one administration server; any other WebLogic Server instances in the domain are managed servers. The WebLogic Configuration Wizard can be used to assist you in creating and configuring domains to support the development and deployment of WebLogic Integration solutions. See Creating or Extending Server Domains for a quick reference guide to the tasks and related documentation.
Note: The WebLogic Integration Administration Console is a Web application hosted by the administration server in a domain. You access the console from any machine on the local network that can communicate with the WLI administration server through a Web browser. The WebLogic Integration Administration Console allows you to manage and monitor the entities and resources required for your WebLogic Integration applications. For more information about WLI Administration Console, see Using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.
Note: The WebLogic Worklist Console is a Web application hosted by the administration server in a domain. You access the console from any machine on the local network that can communicate with the administration server through a Web browser. The console allows administrators to perform WebLogic Server configuration and monitoring tasks without having to learn the JMX API or the underlying management architecture, and manage WebLogic Integration solutions. A list of all the tasks that can be performed from the console is provided in Using the Worklist Console.
Note: This utility provides simplified access to MBeans in WebLogic Server through a scripting language (see the following section, WebLogic Managed Beans). It provides a shell-like interface to MBeans in the active WebLogic domain and a Graphic User Interface (GUI) explorer for inspecting MBeans. Using WLShell, you can easily navigate the MBean hierarchy, view configuration and runtime properties, and execute operations such as get, set, invoke, mkdir, and rmdir. The script support includes loops and conditionals. For more information about this freeware tool, visit You can also obtain WLShell from the
Note: This utility allows is a command line tool that allows you to import, export, and delete trading partner management (TPM) data. To learn more about this utility, see Using the Trading Partner Bulk Loader.

In addition to these tools, WebLogic Server provides a number of tools with which you should be familiar. For more information about the WebLogic Server tools, see System Administration for BEA WebLogic Server.

Note: Items or tools on are listed for your convenience and are not supported by BEA Customer Support.Arrow symbol


WebLogic Managed Beans

Resources within a domain use Java Management Extensions (JMX) Managed Beans (MBeans) to expose their management functions.

An MBean is a concrete Java class that is developed per JMX specifications. It can provide getter and setter operations for each management attribute within a managed resource along with additional management operations that the resource makes available. MBeans that expose the configuration data of a managed resource are called Configuration MBeans, while MBeans that provide performance metrics and other information about the runtime state of a managed resource are called Runtime MBeans.

For more information about WebLogic Server managed resources and MBeans, see Overview of WebLogic JMX Services in Programming WebLogic Management Services with JMX.

For more information about the WebLogic Integration MBeans, see the following packages in the WebLogic Integration Javadoc:

Programmatically Accessing WebLogic Integration MBeans

The interface is the most convenient way to access the JMX MBean Server that resides on each WebLogic Server in a domain. You can access the Administration MBeanHome interface from the JNDI tree of the Administration Server as described in “Using JNDI to Retrieve an MBeanHome Interface” in Accessing WebLogic Server MBeans.

Listing 1-1 shows how you can access the ProcessRuntimeMBean interface:

Listing 1-1 Programmatically Accessing ProcessRuntimeMBean
Environment env = new Environment(); 
Context ctx = env.getInitialContext();
MBeanHome home = (MBeanHome)ctx.lookup(MBeanHome.ADMIN_JNDI_NAME);
System.out.println("Got the Server-specific MBeanHome: " + home);
Set s = home.getMBeansByType("ProcessRuntime");
Iterator it = s.iterator();

         while (it.hasNext())
           ProcessRuntimeMBean bean = (ProcessRuntimeMBean);
           ProcessInstanceQuery query = new
            ProcessInstanceQueryResult info =             bean.getProcessInstances(query);
            String[] instances = info.getInstanceIds();
    catch (Exception ex)


WebLogic Integration Management Task Reference

This section provides references to the instructions and background information required to perform the most common WebLogic Integration administrative tasks:

Majority of these tasks can be performed using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.

Some of the tasks must be performed using other tools, and in some cases, you must directly edit a configuration file. You can use this section as a roadmap to the task-specific information that can be found in the following resources:

Table 1-1 Resources
Document Title

Throughout this reference section, it is assumed that the WebLogic Integration Administration Console is to be used as the primary management tool. As described in WebLogic Integration Management Tools, alternative utilities, such as the SNMP Agent or WLShell, can be used to perform many tasks.

Creating or Extending Server Domains

A domain includes one or more instances of WebLogic Server and may include WebLogic Server clusters. WebLogic Integration is a collection of applications and resources—EJBs, Web applications, JDBC connection pools, and so on—that are deployed in a domain to provide a unified platform for developing and deploying comprehensive business integration solutions. A first step in the development or deployment of a WebLogic Integration solution is to create a suitable domain.

The following table provides a roadmap to the information you need to create or extend a development or production (running in “noniterativedev” mode) domain.

Table 1-2 Roadmap to Create or Extend a Domain
To. . .
Refer to. . .
The reference provides. . .
Create a basic single server or clustered domain
The following sections of Creating WebLogic Configurations Using the Configuration Wizard:
General information in the overview about WebLogic Server domains and how to use the Configuration Wizard.
The template reference sections provide information about the default WebLogic Integration templates provided by the Wizard.
The remaining sections provide procedural information.
Prepare a production domain
The following sections of Deploying WebLogic Integration Solutions:
Related tasks and references are provided in Deploying Integration Solutions and Securing WebLogic Integration Resources.
Describes key domain resources and deployment tasks in the introduction. It also provides a discussion of the roles played by system administrators, deployment specialists, and database administrators.
“Understanding WebLogic Integration Clusters” provides background and “Configuring a Clustered Deployment” provides step-by-step procedures.
Create the database tables required by WebLogic Integration
Additional references are provided in the following section, Managing Database Resources.
Describes the scripts provided to create the tables required by WebLogic Integration.

Managing Database Resources

For general information about managing database resources for WebLogic Platform, see Managing WebLogic Platform Database Resources.

For information about creating the tables required by WebLogic Integration, see Configuring a Production Database.

Deploying Integration Solutions

For information about deploying an integration application from the environment (running in iterative development mode), see Building and Deploying WebLogic Integration Applications in Guide to Building Business Process.

For the background information and procedures required to configure a production environment and deploy integration solutions, see Deploying WebLogic Integration Solutions.

Securing WebLogic Integration Resources

This section focuses on security tasks and references that are specific to WebLogic Integration.

Table 1-3 provides a roadmap to the information you need to secure WebLogic Integration resources.

Table 1-3 Roadmap to Secure WebLogic Integration Resources
To. . .
Refer to. . .
The reference provides. . .
Verify security provider requirements
Security Provider Requirements for User Management in the Using the Worklist Console.
Manage users, groups, and roles
User Management in the Using WebLogic Integration Administration Console
Step-by-step procedures for adding, deleting, or updating users, groups, and roles.
Learn about users, groups, and roles in WebLogic Integration
WebLogic Integration Users, Groups, and Roles section in the Using WebLogic Integration Administration Console.
A brief overview.
Default Groups, Roles, and Security Policies section in the Using WebLogic Integration Administration Console.
Description of built in groups, roles, and security policies.
Configure the role required to invoke process operations
Process Security Policies section in the Using The WebLogic Integration Administration Console.
WebLogic Integration Administration Console procedures.
Configure the roles required to subscribe or publish to message broker channels
Setting Channel Security Policies section in the Using The WebLogic Integration Administration Console.
WebLogic Integration Administration Console procedures.
Configure the role authorized to create worklist tasks
User Management section in the Worklist Console Help.
Using Worklist Console procedures.
Manage the password store
The following sub-sections of the System Configuration section in Using WebLogic Integration Administration Console:
  • Password Aliases and the Password Store
  • Adding Passwords to the Password Store
  • Listing and Locating Password Aliases
  • Changing the Password for a Password Alias
  • Deleting Passwords from the Password Store
WebLogic Integration Administration Console procedures.
Securing resources for trading partner integration
The following sub-sections of Trading Partner Management section in Using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console:
  • Trading Partner Integration Security
  • Example: ebXML Security Configuration
  • Example: RosettaNet Security Configuration
Trading partner security

Managing Process Types

Process types can be monitored from the WebLogic Integration Administration Console. For a description of the Process Configuration module, and step-by-step procedures for the various management tasks, see Process Configuration in Using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.

You can also access the graphical view of a process type from other HTTP clients. See Accessing Process Graphs from HTTP Clients.

Monitoring Process Instances

Process instances are monitored from the WebLogic Integration Administration Console. For a description of the Process Instance Monitoring module, and step-by-step procedures for the various monitoring tasks, see Process Instance Monitoring in Using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.

You can also access the graphical view of a process instance from other HTTP clients. See Accessing Process Graphs from HTTP Clients.

Monitoring Message Broker Channels

Message broker channels are monitored from the WebLogic Integration Administration Console. For more information about Message Broker module, and step-by-step procedures for the monitoring tasks, see Message Broker in Using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.

Creating and Managing Event Generators

WebLogic Integration provides native event generators, including JMS, Email, File, and Timer event generators. These event generators are typically used to start a business process based on events, such as the receipt of email or a new file appearing in a directory. WebLogic Integration Table 1-4 provides a roadmap to the information you need to manage event generators.

Table 1-4 Managing Event Generators
To. . .
Refer to. . .
The reference provides. . .
Get information about the JMS, Email, File, Timer, MQ Series, RDBMS, and HTTP event generators.
The Event Generators section in Using The WebLogic Integration Administration Console
Introduction to the event generators (which publish messages to Message Broker channels in response to system events).
“Message Broker Resources” and “Event Generator Resources” in Introduction in Deploying WebLogic Integration Solutions.
Create and deploy a File, Email, JMS, Timer, MQ Series, RDBMS, or HTTP event generator
Creating and Deploying Event Generators section in Using The WebLogic Integration Administration Console
WebLogic Integration Administration Console procedures.
“Deploying Event Generators” in Understanding WebLogic Integration Clusters in Deploying WebLogic Integration Solutions.
Information about event generator targeting and error handling.
Manage the JMS, Email, File, Timer, MQ Series, RDBMS, or HTTP event generators
Event Generators section in Using The WebLogic Integration Administration Console
Procedures for updating channel rules, or deleting suspending, or resuming an event generator.
Configure JMS event generators to consume the first element under the <SOAP:Body> element.
The description of the wli.jmseg.EatSoapActionElement element in Configuration File in Deploying WebLogic Integration Solutions.
Configuration property description.

Managing WebLogic Integration Tracking and Reporting Data

The following table provides a roadmap to the information you need to manage WebLogic Integration tracking and reporting data.

Table 1-5 Managing Tracking and Reporting Data
To. . .
Refer to. . .
The reference provides. . .
Learn about the tracking data
Descriptions of the tracking data available, the tracking levels that can be set, and the related management tasks, such as configuring a reporting database for offline storage or defining the schedule for purging the data from the runtime database.
Query the reporting data tables
Descriptions of key tables and example queries.
Set the system-level policies for purging tracking data from the runtime database.
WebLogic Integration Administration Console procedures.
Configure the Reporting Data Datastore
Configuring the Reporting Datastore in Using The WebLogic Integration Administration Console
WebLogic Integration Administration Console procedure.
Configure the tracking level for a process
Viewing and Changing Process Details in Using The WebLogic Integration Administration Console
WebLogic Integration Administration Console procedure.
Configure the tracking level for business messages
Configuring the Mode and Message Tracking section in Using The WebLogic Integration Administration Console
WebLogic Integration Administration Console procedure.

Creating Business Calendars and Assigning Them to Users or Groups

Most of the management tasks associated with business calendars are completed from the WorkList Administration Console. For a description of the Business Calendar Configuration module, and step-by-step procedures for the various management tasks, see Business Calendar Configuration section in Using Worklist Console.

Managing and Monitoring Worklist Task Plan

Most of the management tasks associated with the worklist can be completed from the WebLogic Integration Administration Console. For a description of the Worklist Administration module, and step-by-step procedures for the various management tasks, see Worklist Administration section in Using Worklist Console.

Custom worklist interfaces can also provide administrative and management functionality. For more information about custom worklist interfaces, see Using and Customizing User Portal in Using Worklist.

For more information about worklist operations, see the following sections of Using Worklist Console.

Managing Trading Partner Integration

Most of the trading partner integration management tasks are completed from the WebLogic Integration Administration Console. For more information about the Trading Partner Management module, and step-by-step procedures for the various management tasks, see Trading Partner Management in Using WebLogic Integration Administration Console.

You can also use the Bulk Loader command line utility to import and export trading partner management data. See Using the Trading Partner Bulk Loader.

For more information about securing trading partner integration applications, see Securing WebLogic Integration Resources .

Managing XML Cache Instances

The XML Cache stores XML metadata documents. When you are designing a business process, XML Cache Controls are used to retrieve the XML documents stored in the XML Cache. You use the XML Cache module to create and maintain the XML metadata documents stored in the XML Cache. For more information about XML Cache module, and step-by-step procedures for the various management tasks, see XML Cache section in Using The WebLogic Integration Administration Console.

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