Upgrade Guide

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The Upgrade Process

This document provides information on upgrading from WebLogic Integration 8.1.x or 8.5.x, and 9.x to WebLogic Integration 10.2. Topics discussed include:



Before beginning the upgrade process, go through the Upgrading WebLogic Application Environments Guide. This guide describes the procedures to upgrade your application environment to WebLogic 10.2. An application environment includes applications, the WebLogic domains in which they are deployed, any application data associated with the domain, and may include external resources, such as database servers, firewalls, load balancers, and LDAP servers.


Upgrading Your WebLogic Integration Domain to 10.2

The WebLogic 10.2 Upgrade Wizard allows you to upgrade domains created only in WebLogic Integration 8.1.x and higher. The WLI domain upgrade plug-in supports cluster enabled domains.

Domain Upgrade from 8.1.x to 10.2

At a high-level, the steps performed by WebLogic Integration during a domain upgrade are as follows:

Domain Upgrade from 9.x to 10.2

At a high-level, the steps performed by WebLogic Integration during a domain upgrade are as follows:

For more information on the domain upgrade process and things you need to keep in mind during upgrade, see Upgrading a WebLogic Domain.

A domain created in production mode, opens in development mode when upgraded from WLI 9.2 to WLI 10.2. The work around to update the development domain to a production domain is as follows:

  1. After the domain upgrade, edit the setDomainEnv.cmd file and set PRODUCTION_MODE=true
  2. Before starting the server, set JAVA_VENDOR=Sun (or edit setDomainEnv.cmd to add this after the set WL_HOME=.... line).

The logic of selecting jrockit/Sun JDK in production mode is defined in the BEA_HOME\wlserver_10.0\common\bin\commEnv.cmd file.


Upgrade Modes

The domain upgrade wizard supports the following upgrade modes:

The following sections provide instructions for:

Upgrading a Domain in Graphical Mode

The following sections describe how to upgrade a WebLogic domain using the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard in graphical mode:

Note: The console from which you are running the Upgrade Wizard in graphical mode must support a Java-based GUI. If you attempt to start the Upgrade Wizard in graphical mode on a system that cannot support a graphical display, the invocation fails and an error message is displayed.

Starting the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard in Graphical Mode to Upgrade a Domain

To start the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard in graphical mode and upgrade a WebLogic domain on a Windows platform, choose the Domain Upgrade Wizard option from the BEA program group in the Windows Start Menu:

     Start > Programs > BEA > Tools > Domain Upgrade Wizard

Note: You can only use this option if you do not have to customize the environment to specify JDBC driver classes.

To start the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard in graphical mode and upgrade a WebLogic domain from a Windows command prompt or on a UNIX platform:

  1. Verify that the WebLogic domain is not running.
  2. Reviewed the Important Notes About the Domain Upgrade Process.
  3. Backup the JMS Store, if applicable.
  4. Open a command prompt window (on Windows) or a command shell (on UNIX) and set up the environment as follows:
    • Add the WebLogic Server classes to the CLASSPATH environment variable and WL_HOME\server\bin to the PATH environment variable, where WL_HOME refers to the top-level installation directory for WebLogic Server.
      You can use the WL_HOME\server\bin\setWLSenv script to set both variables.
    • If you use JMS JDBC stores:
      • Make sure the JDBC driver classes are added to the CLASSPATH environment variable.
      • Start the corresponding database.
  5. Execute the following script to upgrade your domains.
    • On Windows: WL_HOME\common\bin\upgrade.cmd
    • On UNIX: WL_HOME/common/bin/upgrade.sh
    • The log file will be available in the BEA_HOME/user_projects/upgrade_logs directory.

      The following command can also be used to upgrade a domain.

      java weblogic.Upgrade [-type domain] [-out file]

      Two arguments are optional: -type and -out. Include these arguments if you want to override the default values for the following:

    • The type of upgrade to be performed. If you do not specify a type with the -type option, a domain upgrade is performed.
    • The output file in which all standard output (stdout) and error messages are written. If you do not specify a file with the -out option, such messages are written to the command window, and a summary of messages is displayed at the end of the upgrade process.
    • After you run the command, the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard opens, as shown in the following figure.

  6. If JMS JDBC stores are used, ensure the corresponding database is running. Note that PointBase databases are automatically started and shut down by the Domain Upgrade Wizard.
  7. Click Next to proceed to the next window.

Procedure for Upgrading a WebLogic Domain

The following table summarizes the steps in the procedure to upgrade a domain using the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard.

Table 2-1 Procedure for Upgrading a WebLogic Domain 
In this step...
Select WebLogic Version
Select the WebLogic version of the domain that you are upgrading.
Click Next to proceed to the next window.
Select a Domain to Upgrade
Select the directory that contains the WebLogic domain to be upgraded by navigating the local directory hierarchy.
Click Next to proceed to the next window.
Inspect Domain
Review progress of the wizard as it inspects the domain. Progress messages are displayed in the window.
If you attempt to upgrade a domain in which custom security providers are used, without first upgrading those security providers, an error message is displayed and the wizard exits.
If you receive this error message, upgrade the customer security providers, and start the domain upgrade procedure again.
Once the inspection is complete (and if no error is encountered), the wizard advances to the next window automatically.
Select Administration Server
Select a server to function as the Administration Server in the new domain.

Note: If there is only one server defined in the domain, this window is skipped. This window is displayed only if the domain you are upgrading has multiple servers.

Click Next to proceed to the next window.
Enter Node Manager Credentials
Enter the username and password (and password confirmation) for Node Manager authorization.
For WebLogic Server 10.0, Node Manager requires user and password credentials to be specified for each domain. By default, the username and password are set to weblogic. If you do not use Node Manager, leave the default values unchanged.
Click Next to proceed to the next window.
Select Upgrade Options
  • Back up current domain (recommended)—If selected, the wizard backs up the original domain directory and stores it in a zip file. This option is selected by default.

Note: The wizard backs up the domain directory only and does not preserve file permissions. BEA recommends that you back up the domain and any external application and application database resources in a separate process.

  • Add log files to backup zip—If selected, log files will be included in the backup zip file. The number and size of log files can be large and you may want to disable this option to exclude them from the backup file. By default, log files are included in the backup file.
  • Do not set backwards compatibility flags—As of WebLogic Server 9.0, some previously supported behavior has changed to comply with J2EE 1.4. By default, the wizard sets flags to enable the previous behavior in the new domain. If you select this option, these flags are not set for backward compatibility.
Directory Selection Analysis and Optional Tasks
Review progress as the wizard processes the domain information and options provided. Progress messages are displayed in the window.
Once processing is complete, the wizard advances automatically to the next window.
Domain Backup
Review progress of the wizard as it prepares to back up the domain. Progress messages are displayed in the window.
Once processing is complete, the wizard advances automatically to the next window.
Select Directory for Domain Backup
In this window, set values for the following:
  • Backup directory — Navigate the local hierarchy and select the directory in which you want to save the backup zip file. By default, the original domain directory is used.
  • Backup filename—Enter the name of the backup file in the text box. The default filename is weblogic-domain-backup-domain.zip, where domain specifies the name of the domain.
Click Next to proceed to the next window.
Backup Domain
Review progress as the wizard backs-up the domain. A progress bar displays the percentage of the backup process that is complete, and progress messages are displayed in the window.

Note: Backup files created by the wizard need to be protected by the user as they may contain confidential information.

Once the backup process is complete, the wizard advances automatically to the next window.
Restructure Domain Directory
Review progress as the wizard restructures the domain directory. Progress messages are displayed in the window.
Once the process is complete, the wizard automatically advances to the next window.
Upgrade Configuration Settings
Review progress as the wizard upgrades the configuration settings. Progress messages are displayed in the window.
The configuration information is not persisted until a later step.
Once the configuration upgrade is complete, the wizard advances automatically to the next window.
Upgrade Persisted Messages and Transaction Log Formats
Review progress as the wizard upgrades the persisted messages (JMS file and JDBC stores) and transaction (JTA) logs that exist in the domain. A progress bar displays the percentage complete and progress messages are displayed in the window.
Once the persisted message and transaction log upgrade process is complete, the wizard advances to the next window automatically.
Execute Upgrade of Required WebLogic Personalization Components
Review progress as the Wizard updates Personalization components.
Click Next to proceed to the next window.
Upgrade RDBMS Authenticator Security Provider
Specify whether or not the deprecated RDBMSAuthenticator should be replaced by the SQLAuthenticator.

Note: This window appears only when an RDBMSAuthenticator Security Provider exists in the domain you are upgrading.

Click Next to proceed to the next window.

Prepare WLI Domain Upgrade Plugins
The Wizard will now upgrade WebLogic Integration-specific resources in the domain.
Click Next to begin the process.
Execute WLI Domain Upgrade Plugins
Review progress as the Wizard upgrades WebLogic Integration resources in the domain.
Click Next to proceed.
Finalize Domain Upgrade
Review progress of the wizard as it saves the upgraded configuration and deletes any temporary files that were created during the upgrade process. Progress messages are displayed in the window.

Note: When upgrading remote Managed Servers, the wizard does not persist the configuration information.

Once this process is complete, click Next to proceed to the next window.
Database Upgrade Choice
Specify whether or not you would like to upgrade the domain database before proceeding.
The Wizard does not back up the domain database. You will need to back up your domain database before beginning a domain upgrade.
Select an option and click Next to proceed.
Associate DB Categories with Datasources
The table displays the database categories and their associated data sources. The categories are used with their associated data source to initialize the domain database. If a data source appears as undefined, you can update the category with the correct data source. If the data source remains undefined, it will be skipped and not upgraded. In most of the cases, the association is correct and no further changes are required.

Note: To upgrade the DB category, ensure a data source is associated with it and not left undefined. If the data source remains undefined, it will be skipped and not upgraded.

Click Next to proceed.
Initialize Category/Datasource Table

Note: This window appears only if you have opted to upgrade the domain database.

Review progress of the Wizard as it prepares to upgrade the domain database schema objects.
The wizard automatically advances to the next window when the process is complete.
Upgrade Database

Note: This window appears only if you have opted to upgrade the domain database.

Review progress of the Wizard as it upgrades the domain databases.
The wizard automatically advances to the next window when the process is complete.
Upgrade Complete
Review the results of the upgrade, including any important messages that require further consideration.
Click Done to close the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard.

Upgrading a WLI 10.2 Domain

You can upgrade a WLI domain from WLI 10.2 to WLI 10.2 with WLP 10.2.

WLI 10.2 Domain Without WLP 10.2
  1. Install WLI 10.2 without WLP 10.2.
  2. Create a WLI domain using the Configuration Wizard. This domain uses WebLogic Server 10.0 MP1 Light Weight Portal Framework libraries.
  3. Add the WLP 10.2 installation on top of the WLI 10.2 installation. The WLI 10.2 domain you had created earlier will not work with this new installation as it contains new Light Weight Portal Framework libraries. However, if you create a new domain now, it works with this installation without a problem.
  4. Run the domain upgrade on the WLI domain that you created earlier. Confirm that the config.xml file has been updated with 10.2 Light Weight Portal Framework references.
WLI 10.2 Domain With WLP 10.2

If you install both WLI 10.2 and WLP 10.2 and then create a new domain, you do not encounter any problem with the domain.

Upgrading a Domain in Silent Mode

Note: Only WebLogic Server domains can be upgraded in the Silent mode.

In some circumstances, for example, when the domain resides on a remote machine, it is not practical to use the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard in graphical mode. In such situations, you can use the wizard in silent mode to upgrade the WebLogic domain.

To start the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard in silent mode and upgrade a WebLogic domain:

  1. Verify that the WebLogic domain is not running.
  2. Reviewed the Important Notes About the Domain Upgrade Process.
  3. Open an MS-DOS command prompt window (on Windows) or a command shell (on UNIX) and set up the environment as follows:
    • Add the WebLogic Server classes to the CLASSPATH environment variable and WL_HOME\server\bin to the PATH environment variable, where WL_HOME refers to the top-level installation directory for WebLogic Server.
      You can use the WL_HOME\server\bin\setWLSenv script to set both variables.
    • If you use JMS JDBC stores:
      • Make sure the JDBC driver classes are added to the CLASSPATH environment variable.
      • Start the corresponding database.
  4. (Optional) Create an XML script to define the upgrade requirements. For more information see Silent Upgrade XML Script Reference.
  5. Navigate to the directory that contains WebLogic domain that you want to upgrade. For example:
  6. cd c:\bea\user_projects\domains\domain

    where domain specifies the name of the domain.

  7. At a command prompt, enter the following command:
  8. java weblogic.Upgrade -mode silent -type domain [-responses xmlfile] [-out file]

    The following arguments are optional: -responses and -out. Include these arguments if you want to override the default values for the following:

    • The location of an XML file that defines the upgrade requirements. If you do not specify a file with the -responses option, the wizard uses the default values during the upgrade process. For more information about the format of the XML file and the default values, see Silent Upgrade XML Script Reference.
    • The output file in which all standard output (stdout) and error messages are written. If you do not specify a file with the -out argument, these messages are written to the command window.

Known Limitations for Domain Upgrade

When you are upgrading stateful JPD applications from WebLogic Integration 9.x you could encounter the following error:

java.io.InvalidClassException: javax.xml.namespace.QName; local class 
incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 4418622981026545151, local class serialVersionUID = -9120448754896609940

This issue is due to a known bug in the JDK.

After upgrading the domain, before you restart the server for the upgraded domain, the suggested solution for systems running on:


Upgrading Applications to WebLogic Integration 10.2

WebLogic Integration 10.2 provides a set of utilities that allow you to upgrade your 8.1.x, 8.5.x, and 9.x applications to 10.2. This section describes how to upgrade applications built using WebLogic Integration.

Note that during upgrade, the logic and intent of the application is not altered. WebLogic Integration simply migrates the code to make it compatible with 10.2. This would involve changes like making the applications compatible with the Eclipse Framework and converting Javadoc annotations to JSR-175 compliant annotations, among others.

Before You Begin

Verify that you have completed the following tasks:

The Upgrade Process

Application upgrade is a three-step process: going through a list of items that will be upgraded, performing the application upgrade, and fixing errors reported in the log to ensure your applications run in WLI 10.2 without any problems.

You can choose to upgrade your user applications using the Import Wizard or the Command Line utility - both provided by Workspace Studio. Alternatively, you could use an Ant task.The subsequent sections describe these methods.


Upgrading the 8.1.x or 8.5.x Application Using the Import Wizard

You can use the Import Wizard provided by Workspace Studio to upgrade your applications to 10.2. The wizard does not alter the logic and intent of the existing 8.1.x or 8.5.x application, nor extract the application from any source repository. It migrates the 8.1.x or 8.5.x source artifacts into the 10.2 source and project model. However, it retains the 8.1.x or 8.5.x Javadoc annotations as they do not require any special processing in 10.2. These annotations are also retained to facilitate any manual processing that may be required after upgrading the application.

The Import Wizard executes the following tasks:

Note: When you upgrade an 8.1.x or 8.5.x application with an EJB or non-web or non-utility project that uses JPD or Process Proxy to make an RMI call to the business process, do not add a process facet to all the non-web or non-utility projects. Instead, add the Library (Process Libraries) to the project's java build path as follows:
Note: When you build the application after upgrade, the Eclipse log contains an InvocationTargetException for an application upgraded from WLI 8.1.x or 8.5.x to 10.2. The steps to re-create this exception are as follows:
Note: The steps to remove this exception are as follows:

For a step by step guide to upgrade an 8.1.x or 8.5.x application to 10.2, see Upgrading the 8.1 Application Source.

Upgrading the 9.x Application

During the upgrade from 9.x to 10.2, the IDE updates project metadata, moves your facets to version 10.2, and requires a version 10.0 server. The project files are updated to WLI 10.2 and not the source.

The key changes during the upgrade are as follows:

For a step by step guide to upgrade an 9.x application to 10.2, see Upgrading the 9.2 Application Source.

Note: Once the upgrade to 10.2 is complete, you must redo any manual changes you made to the 9.x project before the upgrade.

Using the Command Line to Upgrade 8.1.x or 8.5.x Applications

Workspace Studio also provides a command line utility that converts the entire 8.1.x or 8.5.x application to work with WebLogic Integration 10.2.

The utility does not check out or delete files. It also does not check in the newly upgraded files automatically. It just copies the essential files over to the WLI 10.2 workspace for migration.

Note: When you run the command line utility, use a 1.5 implementation of the JRE. Ensure that the classpath includes <%ECLIPSE_HOME%>/startup.jar.

The command to upgrade your application is as follows:

java – cp %ECLIPSE_HOME%/startup.jar 
-application com.bea.workshop.upgrade81.upgradeStarter
-pluginCustomization %PREFS_FILE%


Refers to the path to the directory containing the startup.jar. The default for Workspace Studio is:
Refers to the location of WebLogic Server root folder. By default, this is:
Refers to the application that requires the upgrade. Replace WORK_FILE with the work file name corresponding to the WebLogic Workshop 8.1 that you want to upgrade.
-application com.bea.workshop.upgrade81.upgradeStarter
Refers to the Eclipse plug-in extension point used to execute this command.
Refers to the name of the target workspace where you want the upgraded application to go. This can be any directory in which you want the version 10.2 application files generated.
[-pluginCustomization PREFS_FILE]
Specifies a properties file used to set options for the upgrade. Replace the PREFS_FILE with the name of a properties file containing a number of key-value pairs. The possible properties are:
  • application refers to the plug-in extension point to execute at run time.
  • weblogic.home refers to the location of the WebLogic Server root folder.
  • data refers to the name of the target workspace where the upgraded application resides. The name of the parameter is provided by Eclipse and it cannot be overwritten.
  • wlw.application refers to the name of the application work file.
  • pluginCustomization refers to the name of a properties file containing a number of key-value pairs.
Optional Parameters
If you do not specify this attribute, the default is false. In this case, the upgrader tries to continue after an error. When it is set to true, the upgrade process fails when it encounters any error. These errors are listed in the log file.
This attribute indicates a message level. If you do not specify this attribute, the upgrader logs all messages. You can specify the following values for this attribute:
  • INFO: Displays all messages.
  • WARNING: Displays warning, error, and fatal messages,and suppresses informational messages.
  • ERROR: Displays only error and fatal messages.
If you do not specify this attribute, the default is false. When it is set to true, the upgrade process migrates the JSP files to their new Beehive annotation.
When you set this attribute to false, the upgrade copies the web application libraries to WEB-INF/lib. The upgrade uses J2EE shared libraries by default.
When you set this attribute to true, the upgrade report is generated. The default setting is false, and with this setting both the report and upgrade are performed.
com.bea.wlw.workshop.upgrade81/upgradeHarnessLogFile=<log file location>
Use this attribute to specify the location of the upgrade log file. The default value is <workspace location>/.metadata/upgrade.log
Use this attribute to specify whether an existing project is overwritten in the event of a conflict in project name. The default value is false.
Use this attribute to specify an optional prefix to append to all imported projects.
com.bea.wlw.workshop.upgrade81/upgraderPrefMoveResourceBundle = true/false
Use this attribute to specify whether files with the .properties extension are copied or moved from the web content folder to the source file folder. The default value is false.

Note: To upgrade 9.x applications to WLI 10.2, you have to use Workspace Studio, as there is no command line utility available to upgrade 9.x applications to WLI 10.2. The metadata is upgraded when you open the project in the IDE.

Using an Ant task to Upgrade 8.1.x or 8.5.x Applications

You can use the Ant task to upgrade from WLI 8.1.x or 8.5.x to WLI 10.2.

The command line upgrade contains an Ant task. You can locate the class of the Ant task in the wlw-upgrade.jar, deployed in the %BEA_HOME%/ tools/eclipse_pkgs/1.1/pkgs/eclipse/plugins/com.bea.workshop.upgrade81_1.0.20 folder.

Note: When you run the Ant task, ensure that the <%ECLIPSE_HOME%>/startup.jar is on the classpath of the task, as specified by the classpathref attribute in the following sample Ant task.

A following sample shows the content of the Ant task (upgrade.xml):

<!-- Upgrade.xml : Target to upgrade the 8.1.x or 8.5.x app to Darjeeling -->.
<target name="workshopUpgrade">
<echo message="Upgrading 8.1.x or 8.5.x located at ${WORK_FILE} to ${WORKSPACE}" />
<path id="eclipse.classpath">
<pathelement path="${env.CLASSPATH}" />
<fileset dir="${PKGS.HOME}/eclipse/plugins/" includes="com.bea.workshop.**/wlw-upgrade.jar" />
<taskdef name="upgradeTask"
classpathref="eclipse.classpath" />
<upgradeTask data=%WORKSPACE%

The following example shows how you can invoke the Ant task to perform an application upgrade from the command line:

ant -f Upgrade.xml workshopUpgrade -DWORK_FILE=C:\xyz\allWorkflows3.work -DWORKSPACE=C:\tempcmdupgrade


Refers to the Eclipse workspace that the WebLogic Integration 8.1.x or 8.5.x application is imported and upgraded to.
Refers to the Eclipse directory containing the startup.jar.
Refers to the location of the Eclipse packages.
Refers to the location of the root folder of WebLogic Server.
Refers to the location of an optional preference file used during import or upgrade.
Refers to the location of the work file for the WebLogic Workshop 8.1.x or 8.5.x application to be imported or upgraded.

Note: There is no Ant task available to upgrade applications from WLI 9.x to WLI 10.2.

Understanding the Upgrade Log

WebLogic Integration 10.2 generates a log of the upgrade changes, errors, and warnings, irrespective of the upgrade process you choose. If you use the wizard, this log is displayed in a dialog that you can review before the process is complete.

The log file is generated after the upgrade is completed and it is saved as:


A log message in the file appears as follows:

!SUBENTRY 1 com.bea.workshop.upgrade81 severity_level date time

!MESSAGE Upgrade-related message.

The severity level contains two numbers with the same meaning. The date and time entries refer to when the upgrade was attempted. The upgrade-related message describes what was done, warned about, or the error that occurred. The following is a snippet containing two log entry examples:

!SUBENTRY 1 com.bea.workshop.upgrade81 2 2 2006-02-27 17:17:53.687

!MESSAGE The 9.2 control context only supports a subset of the 8.1 control context APIs. Please see the Workspace Studio upgrade documentation for more information.

!SUBENTRY 1 com.bea.workshop.upgrade81 1 1 2006-02-27 17:17:53.687

!MESSAGE The import "com.bea.control.JwsContext" needs to be updated.

Outages During or After Deployment

You might encounter certain outages while trying to deploy your upgraded application. For information on outages, see the “Known Limitations” section, in WebLogic Integration Release Notes.

Manual Changes You Need to Do After Upgrade

Testing the Upgrade

After the upgrade is complete, you can optionally build and deploy the upgraded application to verify if the upgrade is successful. You can ensure that the required files have been moved or are available in the correct locations as follows:

Upgrade Defects Fixed Since WLI 9.2

Table 2-2 lists the upgrade defects that have been fixed since WLI 9.2.

Table 2-2 Defects Fixed Since WLI 9.2
CR Number 
WebLogic Server
Support for 8.x callbacks. Service Control callbacks to JWS from JPD are supported with this fix.
Internal weblogic.apache.* classes were incorrectly documented as public. The weblogic.apache.xerces.* classes have been deprecated since WebLogic Server release 9.1. Please use org.apache.* classes instead.
WLS Dante JWS is enabled to support Workshop 8.1 JWS-style callbacks. This fix enables WLS Dante Web Services to work with WLI Dijon JPDs, in upgrade scenarios.
The rmic compiler of Sun™ ignores manifest classpaths.
Ensuring Correct Handling of xs:anyType in Messages
If you created a version 8.1 web service by generating it from a WSDL that specified xs:anyType instead of xs:any, the web service will expect and send incorrect XML payloads after upgrade to version 9.2. You can ensure correct handling of xs:anyType by applying the following annotation to the web service at the class level:
WebLogic Workshop
WLI 8.1 or Portal domains cannot be upgraded if the 9.2 Workshop IDE component is not installed.
Support for packaging a third-party control and installing it into a working Workshop/Server installation to ensure that the control is available at design time (in the Workshop environment) and server runtime.
Cannot cast from Stack to PageFlowStack after upgrade because (PageFlowStack) PageFlowUtils.getPageFlowStack in an 8.1 application is not upgraded to PageFlowStack.get.
An WLI 8.1 custom control with an empty callback interface does not compile after upgrade.
The JDBC Control does not support "all" as a value for array-max-length annotation.
Add support in Service Control to parse a JMS URL query string for cluster address and set it via stub.
Source upgrade fails to handle web.xml containing multiple web-resource-collection element within security-constraints.
Upgraded JWS using MessageBuffer annotation has incorrect values for retryCount and retryDelay.
IDE incorrectly indicates “build successful” even though the build is incomplete due to a failure in annotation processing.
WebLogic Integration
Upgraded WLI domain is not configured correctly to support upgraded worklist applications.
A B2B application with an ebXML control fails to compile after upgrade because of incorrect package name.
WebLogic Portal
Portal Framework: Switch to JDK 1.5 Internal DOM 3 Parser.
Portal Rule Control cannot be invoked from a JPD.

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