Upgrade Guide

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Scope of this Document

This document describes the procedures required to upgrade your application environment from BEA WebLogic® Integration 8.1.x and 8.5 x and 9.x to BEA WebLogic® Integration 10.2. An application environment includes applications, the WebLogic domains in which they are deployed, and any application data associated with the domain, and may include external resources, such as database servers, firewalls, load balancers, and LDAP servers.


The WLI Environment

The WLI environment consists of the:


What is the WLI Upgrade Process

Before you actually begin the upgrade it is useful to identify all the elements of the WLI environment that require updates. You also need to identify the tools, scripts, templates, and source code that is required to automate the tasks used to create the application environment.

The steps in the upgrade process are as follows:

  1. Upgrade Custom Security Providers in all the machines in the domain.
  2. Upgrade Node Managers in all the machines in the domain.
  3. Upgrade External resources such as Firewalls, Load Balancers, Databases, and LDAP servers. For example, Apache 1.3 should be upgraded to 2.0 and Oracle 8.1.7 should be upgraded to Oracle 9i to function with WebLogic Integration 10.2.
  4. Check and compare the supported configurations for WebLogic Integration 10.x, 9.x, and 8.x. Ensure that the configurations are upgraded to match version WLI 10.2 specifications.
  5. Upgrade the domain on the machine that hosts the Administration Server. WLI provides tools to upgrade the WLI environment with minimal manual effort. The Domain Upgrade Wizard helps you upgrade the domain to 10.2.
  6. Upgrade Managed Servers on all the machines in the domain.
  7. Upgrade the Application Project and Source. WebLogic Integration allows you to upgrade using any one of the following methods:
    • Use the Application Upgrade Wizard available in Workspace Studio to import the 8.1.x or 8.5 x applications into the Eclipse workspace and then begin the upgrade process to WLI 10.2.
    • You can alternatively upgrade 8.1.x and 8.5 x applications from the command line using an Ant task. In this method you use an 8.1.x and 8.5 x work file as the source parameter and the Eclipse workspace as the destination parameter.
    • You have to use Workspace Studio to upgrade 9.x applications to WLI 10.2 as there is no command line utility or Ant task available to update 9.x applications to WLI 10.2.

      During the upgrade the following components are also updated:

    1. WebLogic Integration 8.1.x and 8.5 x artifacts such as JPD, DTF/XQuery, JCX Controls and JCS files to WebLogic Integration 10.2 standards. All file extensions such as .jpd, .jpf, .app, .jcs, .jcx, and .jws are changed to .java. All the JPD, DTF, JCX, and JCS Annotations are also updated to the JSR 175 based Annotation model.
    2. (Optional) Upgrade of XQuery 2002 files to XQuery 2004. You may require to update these files manually.
  8. Publish and deploy the upgraded application using the upgraded domain. You can publish and deploy using Workspace Studio or from the command line. For more information on publishing and deploying from the command line, see Building Applications with Ant Build Files.
  9. View the Upgrade Process log in Workspace Studio to ensure that the upgrade has been successful according to your specifications.
  10. Run the upgraded application to test the success of the upgrade process using the Test Form and the Process Graph tabs.
  11. You need to recompile and redeploy the applications once the upgrade is complete.
  12. Note: Ensure that WebLogic Integration 8.1.x and 8.5 x application process instances are run to completion in the appropriate environment before they are used in WebLogic Integration 10.2 environment.


What Impacts the Upgrade Process

In WLI 9.2, there were several architectural level changes, which were carried forward to WLI 10.2. These changes impact the upgrade process. Table 1-1 lists these changes. For a comprehensive list of new features in this release, see WebLogic Integration 10.2 Release Notes.

Note: Table 1-1 does not provide a complete list of new features. As a result of these enhancements, WebLogic Platform 8.1 applications will not be binary-compatible and will require automated or manual changes during an upgrade to WebLogic Integration 10.2.

Table 1-1 What Impacts the Upgrade Process  
Version Introduced
Eclipse-based IDE
The Workspace Studio IDE is now based on Eclipse, delivering a software development platform that blends open source and commercial software, and is standards-based. The IDE provides access to core Eclipse features, such as source editing, jUnit test integration, and refactoring. It also includes a robust tool set available from the Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) 1.0 project, including server plug-ins for multiple runtimes. For more information about Eclipse 3.2.2 and Eclipse WTP 1.5.4, see http://www.eclipse.org.
In WebLogic Integration 9.2 and higher, the IDE delivers design views for developing JPDs. Additional design views to support web service and Java control development will be provided in the future.
Note: In February 2005, BEA joined the Eclipse Foundation as a Strategic Developer and Board Member to further its commitment to open source and standards organizations.
WLI 9.2
Apache Beehive 2.0
Workspace Studio 1.1 provides tools to make building applications with Apache Beehive 2.0 easier, including support for:
  • Java controls—based on Plain Old Java Objects (POJO) architecture.
  • NetUI—based on Struts, and including Page Flows and JSP tags.
Apache Beehive is an open-source programming model designed to simplify J2EE programming tasks and is built on J2EE and Struts.
BEA developed Apache Beehive, which evolved from its BEA Workspace Studio product, to provide a simplified development model for all WebLogic applications. For more information about Apache Beehive, see http://beehive.apache.org.
WLI 9.2
Metadata Annotations
The programming model for Web Services, EJBs, Java controls, and Java Page Flows uses the new J2SE 5.0 metadata annotation language (specified by JSR-175). In this programming model, you create a Java file that uses annotations to specify the shape and characteristics of the component. From these annotations, the compiler takes care of generating the required supporting artifacts, including Java source code, deployment descriptors, and so on.
The annotations that you can specify include:
  • Web Service annotations defined by Web Services Metadata for the Java Platform specification (JSR-181). For more information, see http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=181.
  • EJB annotations as defined in the EJBGen Reference in Programming WebLogic Enterprise JavaBeans.
  • Java control and NetUI (Page Flow) annotations as defined by Apache Beehive 2.0. For more information, see http://beehive.apache.org.
  • WebLogic-specific annotations to support security policy configuration, asynchronous failure and response, conversational Web Service support, and more. For more information, see Programming the JWS File in WebLogic Web Services: Getting Started.
WLI 9.2
Web Service Policy Framework
Security and authentication configuration has been enhanced to use the standards-based Web Services Policy Framework (WS-Policy), as described in Configuring Message-Level Security in WebLogic Web Services: Security.
WLI 9.2
ALSB Control
WLI supports ALSB control that can invoke ALSB proxies and is deployed as a library on WLS using the config.xml file.
In order to use the ALSB control you need to include a library reference in the weblogic-application.xml file as follows:
The Application Upgrade supports the addition of this entry to the weblogic-application.xml file during upgrade from WLI 8.1.x and 8.5 x or 9.x to WLI 10.2.
WLI 10.2
XMLBean and XQuery API Standards
WLI supports new standards for XMLBeans and XQuery APIs, as described in XMLBeans and XQuery Implementations.
WLI 9.2
Changes in Directory Structure
WebLogic Server offers the following enhancements to the structure of the WebLogic domain directory:
  • To improve configuration management and promote XML file validation, WebLogic Server supports the specification of domain configuration data in multiple files, including config.xml in the new domain_name/config directory. (Here, domain_name specifies the domain directory.) In previous releases, the config.xml file was the repository for all configuration information. Now, new subdirectories of the config directory maintain configuration modules for diagnostic, JDBC, JMS, Node Manager, and security subsystems. Each configuration file adheres to an XML Schema definition.
  • Startup and shutdown scripts are maintained in the domain_name/bin directory. In previous releases, they were stored in the root directory of the domain.
In addition to the structural enhancements to the domain directory, WebLogic Server supports new utilities for managing changes to server configuration. These new tools enable you to implement a secure, predictable means for distributing configuration changes in a domain. For more information, see Understanding Domain Configuration.
WLI 9.2


Terminology Used in This Document

We recommend that, before proceeding, you familiarize yourself with the following terminology:

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