Release Notes

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This document provides the following information for WebLogic Integration (WLI) 10.2:


Overview of WebLogic Integration

WLI is a unified solution for integrating business systems within an enterprise. It provides a development and run-time framework that unifies all the components of business integration – business process management, data transformation, trading partner integration, connectivity, message brokering, application monitoring, and user interaction – in a flexible, easy-to-use environment. WLI reduces the cost of management and operations by providing reliable, stable, and scalable integration solutions.

For more information, see Overview of WebLogic Integration.


What’s New in WebLogic Integration 10.2

The following table lists the new and enhanced features in WLI 10.2, and the corresponding benefits.

Table 1-1 New/Enhanced Features in WLI 10.2 
Interoperability and SOA Support
Integration with AquaLogic Service Bus (ALSB)
  • Flexible install options: Single domain (with unified run time) or separate domains
  • Optimized communications: Native JPD transport in ALSB to expose a WLI process as ALSB business service, Beehive-based ALSB control to call ALSB proxy services from within a WLI process, and seamless propagation of security and transaction contexts
  • Unified design environment: Cross-navigation between different design perspectives; ability to create WLI and ALSB artifacts in the same eclipse workspace
For more information, see Installing and Using AquaLogic Integrator.
Integration with AquaLogic Enterprise Repository (ALER)
  • Repository browser in IDE
  • Ability to store metadata for WLI projects in ALER
  • Metadata model for representing JPD as an SCA type
  • Out-of-the-box Service Assembly Model (SAM) viewer
For more information, see Using ALER with WLI Applications.
Process Portability
  • Ability to import a BPEL 2.0 file into a JPD file for use in Workshop
  • Ability to export the semantics of a JPD file for use in a BPEL 2.0 design environment
For more information, see BPEL Import and Export User Guide.
Security and Compliance
Fine-grained access control
  • Protection of privacy by encrypting data in transit
  • Higher degree of compliance for file transfers
  • SFTP option added to File control and SFTP event generator for event-driven processes
  • Pluggable architecture to support any custom SFTP library
  • Out-of-the-box implementation with open source SFTP libraries
For more information, see the Using File Control for SFTP section in File Control.
Operational Efficiency
Enhanced Administration Console
  • Enhanced security for role-based access
  • Flexible packaging for re-use: Easily plug-in to any portal-based operation console within an enterprise for a composite operations view across multi-product, multi-vendor applications
  • Updated graphical process instance viewer
Enhanced Diagnostics
Developer Productivity
Eclipse Updates (3.2.2 and WTP 1.5.3)
  • Improved developer collaboration within and across products
  • Faster on-boarding and generalized skill set for development
Enhanced XQuery Mapper
  • Improved two-way editing (graphical and source code views)
  • Graphical support for complex functions: FLWOR and typeswitch expressions
  • Ability to restrict output of optional elements
  • Support for XQuery 2002 test view
For more information, see Transforming Data Using XQuery Mapper.
Tooling for automated upgrade and migration
  • Source upgrade framework from WLI 8.1.4+
  • Binary compatibility for WLI 9.2+ releases: No need to recompile existing projects
For more information, see WLI Upgrade Guide.


Supported Configurations

For more information, see the WLI Upgrade Guide.


Installation and Required Patches

You can install the software by using either graphical mode, console mode, or silent mode. The installation program prompts you to enter specific information about your system and configuration. For more information, see the BEA Products Installation Guide.

When you install WebLogic Integration 10.2, the required patches in Table 1-2 are installed automatically. If you uninstall any of these required patches and need to reinstall them, use the information in Table 1-2 in conjunction with the Smart Update utility to reinstall and apply the patches. For detailed information on using Smart Update, see Installing Patches and Maintenance Packs Using Smart Update on e-docs.

Table 1-2 List of Required Patches for WLI 10.2
Patch ID
Depends on patch H9IG.
Conflicts with patch WENG. One way exclusive (reversed).
Mutually exclusive with patch MI3D.


Upgrading Applications

You can upgrade WLI 8.1 (SP4, SP5 and SP6), WLI 8.5 (SP5 and SP6), and WLI 9.2 applications to WLI 10.2 by using the upgrade tools. For more information, see WLI Upgrade Guide.

Note: The upgrade process might involve a large number of files, and therefore might require more memory. So before starting the upgrade process, temporarily increase the maximum amount of memory that the JVM allows for Workshop. The recommended maximum memory is 1 GB.
Note: You can change the maximum memory by setting the -Xmx value in the workSpaceStudio.ini file, which, by default, is in the BEA_HOME\workSpaceStudio_1.1\workSpaceStudio\ folder. For example, you can change the maximum memory from -Xmx768m (default) to -Xmx1G (1 GB).
Note: After upgrading your applications, revert the maximum memory to a level that is appropriate for development.


Tutorials to Help you Get Started

To get hands-on experience with WebLogic Integration, we recommend that you try out the following tutorials:

In addition, you can try out the Workshop for WebLogic tutorials.

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