Tutorial: Building a Worklist Application

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Tutorial: Overview

Steps in This Tutorial

Step 1: Setting Up the Environment

Step 2: Modeling and Deploying the Loan Processing Task Plan

Step 3: Testing the Task Plan Using Worklist User Portal

Step 4: Managing Task Instances Using Worklist Console

Step 5: Using Business Process with Worklist

Step 1: Setting Up the Environment

Before You Begin

Create a Worklist Domain

Set Up the Workshop for WebLogic Platform Design-Time Environment

Create a New Worklist Application

Configure Users and Groups for Loan Processing

Create Groups for the Loan Processing Task

Create Users and Assign to Groups

Step 2: Modeling and Deploying the Loan Processing Task Plan

Model and Deploy the Loan Processing Task Plan

Create a New Task Plan

Define the Steps for the Loan Processing Task Plan

Define Actions in the Task Plan

Define Constructors for the Task Plan

Validate the Task Plan

Deploy the Loan Processing Task Plan

Step 3: Testing the Task Plan Using Worklist User Portal

Create the Loan Processing Task Instance

Claim the Loan Processing Task Instance

Reject the Loan Task Instance

Step 4: Managing Task Instances Using Worklist Console

Update the Application Using Worklist Console

Verify Updated Application in Worklist Portal

Step 5: Using Business Processes with Worklist

Subscribe to Worklist Events

Configure a Perform Node

Deploy the Loan_JPD

Verify the Worklist Event is Published

Use the Worklist Control

Create a Worklist Business Process

Create a Task Control

Add Task Plan Constructor to Business Process

Validate the WorklistControl Business Process

Advanced Topic: Adding a Customized User Interface

Define Web Page Mock-Up and Flow

Create the Page Flow

Define Form Beans

Create Form Beans

Define ManagerReviewForm

Define AssetForm

Define AssetSummaryForm

Define Support Asset Information Files

Define Actions on the Page Flow

Create an Action

Implement the Action Methods

Action Methods, Form Beans and the UseFormBean Field

Worklist Property Editors and Actions

Final Code for Page Flow

Define JSP Pages

Create JSP Files

Create the Form and Associate it with an Action



Add Data-binding Fields

Final Code GetManagerReview.jsp

Final Code Asset Summary.jsp

Add Command Links and Buttons

Final JSP Code

Register the Custom UI

Deploy the Custom Task UI

Validate the Custom UI

Configure users and groups

Create a Loan Approval Task

Assigned loanOfficer Forwards Loan to his Manager

Assigned loanManager Rejects the Loan.

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