Tutorial: Building a Worklist Application

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Step 1: Setting Up the Environment

In this step, you will set up the Worklist design-time environment for building the loan processing approval task plan and a new Worklist application.To set up the environment, you will create a new domain, users, and groups for the Acme Financial System.

To complete the tasks in this step, go through the following sections:


Before You Begin

Before you begin this tutorial, ensure that you have WebLogic Platform version 10.2 with WebLogic Integration 10.2 installed on your system and define a workspace. Perform the following steps to start the BEA Workshop for WebLogic Platform IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

  1. From the Start menu, click All Programs > BEA > WorkSpace Studio 1.1 to start the BEA Workshop for WebLogic Platform IDE. This will display the Workspace Launcher dialog box.
  2. For the purpose of this tutorial, create a workspace called worklist in the BEA_HOME\user_projects\workspaces\workSpaceStudio directory, where BEA_HOME is the location where you installed WebLogic Platform 10.2 (see Figure 2-1).
  3. Figure 2-1 Setting the Workspace

    Setting the Workspace


Create a Worklist Domain

The Worklist domain is created using the Configuration Wizard. To create the Worklist domain:

  1. From the Start menu, click All Programs > BEA > Tools > Configuration Wizard to start the BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard.This displays the Welcome page in the BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard dialog box (see Figure 2-2).
  2. Figure 2-2 Configuration Wizard Welcome Page

    Configuration Wizard Welcome Page

  3. Select Create a new WebLogic domain and click Next. This displays the Select Domain Source page in the Configuration Wizard dialog box.
  4. As you proceed through the Configuration Wizard, several pages will appear in a sequence. You need to specify your settings on each page and click Next to proceed to the subsequent page.Table 2-1 lists the pages and the options that you need to select to create the domain successfully.

    Table 2-1
    Page in the Configuration Wizard Dialog Box
    Recommended Action
    Select a Domain Source
    Select Generate a domain configured automatically to support the following BEA Products option for the following BEA Products:
    • WebLogic Server (Required)
    • Workshop for WebLogic 10.2
    • WebLogic Integration
    Click Next to proceed.
    Configure Administrator Username and Password
    Specify the following mandatory credentials:
    User name = weblogic
    User password = weblogic
    Confirm user password = weblogic
    Click Next to proceed.
    Configure Server Start Node and JDK
    Select Development Mode in the WebLogic Domain Startup Mode column.
    Select Sun SDK 1.5.0_11 @ C:\bea\jdk150_11 in the BEA Supplied JDKs column.
    Click Next to proceed.
    Customize Environment and Service Settings
    Click No, to retain the settings defined in the domain source and proceed directly to creating your domain.
    Click Next to proceed.
    Configuring the Domain Using the Configuration Wizard
  5. On the Create WebLogic Domain page, specify the following values for each field and click Create (see Figure 2-3):
  1. Select the Start Admin Server check box and click Done to proceed.


Set Up the Workshop for WebLogic Platform Design-Time Environment

After you create the myworklist domain, you can set up the design-time environment for the loan processing task plan by performing the following steps:

  1. In the BEA WorkSpace Studio, click File > New > Other > Server > Server.
  2. Click Next.
  3. The New Server dialog box appears (see Figure 2-5).

    Figure 2-5 New Server Dialog Box

    New Server Dialog Box

  4. In the New Server dialog box, accept the default settings and click Next.
  5. Browse and select the myworklist domain, which you created using the Configuration Wizard. It is located at <Home Directory>\bea\user_projects\domains\myworklist (see Figure 2-6).
  6. Figure 2-6 Specify the domain name for the New Server

    Specify the domain name for the New Server

  7. Click Finish.

This completes the creation of a new server on which the Worklist application will be deployed.


Create a New Worklist Application

A Worklist application consists of an EAR and a Web project, which contain all the files and directories that relate to a executable and self-contained Worklist application on the server.

The EAR project corresponds to the Enterprise Application. It hosts the Worklist system instance and the loan processing task plan for Acme Financial System. You will build and deploy this project to create the task scenario described in the overview of this tutorial.

The Web project, an instance of the Worklist user portal that acts as the user interface for the Worklist system (hosted by the EAR project). The Web project is a part of the EAR project.

To create a new Worklist application:

  1. In BEA WorkSpace Studio, click File > New > Other.
  2. The New Select a wizard dialog box appears.

  3. Select the WebLogic Integration > Worklist Application in the New Select a wizard dialog box (see Figure 2-7).
  4. Figure 2-7 New Project Dialog Box
    Specify the domain name for the New Server
  5. Click Next. The New Worklist Application dialog box appears.
  6. Select the Process Host option from the Choose Worklist Application Type section, this will allow you to use Worklist and Business Process Management together in the same application.
  7. Specify the EAR Project Name as Loan_EAR in the EAR Project Name box.
  8. Specify the Web Project Name as Loan_Web in the Web Project Name box.
  9. Select the Create Utility Project check box and specify the Utility Project Name as LoanUtil. This project will contain all the WebLogic Integration schemas.
  10. Select the Add WebLogic Integration System and Control schemas in utility project check box (see Figure 2-8).
  11. Figure 2-8 New Worklist Application Dialog Box

    New Worklist Application Dialog Box

  12. Click Finish and the Open Associated Perspective? dialog box is displayed.
  13. In the displayed Open Associated Perspective? dialog box, select the Remember my decision check box and click Yes. In doing so, you associate the project with the Task Plan perspective (see Figure 2-9).
  14. Figure 2-9 Open Associated Perspective? Confirmation Box

    Open Associated Perspective? Confirmation Box

    You can see the Task Plan icon Open Associated Perspective? Confirmation Box on the top right corner of the BEA WorkSpace Studio window.


Configure Users and Groups for Loan Processing

For Acme Financial System, the users and groups listed in Table 2-2 need to be created. To do this, you need to start the server created in the previous section if it is not started already. Perform the following to start the server afresh.

  1. Select the server in the Servers pane (see Figure 2-10).
  2. Figure 2-10 Starting the Server

    Starting the Server

  3. Right click and select the Start option.
  4. Table 2-2 Users and Groups for Loan Processing

Create Groups for the Loan Processing Task

Perform the following steps to create Group.

  1. Open the Worklist Console using Run > Weblogic Integration > Worklist Console menu in the BEA WorkSpace Studio or alternatively open a Web browser, such as Internet Explorer, and enter the Worklist console URL:
  2. http://host:port/worklistconsole
  3. Use the following credentials to log in to the WebLogic Integration Worklist console with administrator rights:
    • User name: weblogic
    • Password: weblogic
  4. Click Worklist Users from the left panel.
  5. Click Groups from the Worklist Users section in the left panel.
  6. Click Add Group to open the Add New Group page (see Figure 2-11).
  7. Specify the following details for the new group:
    • Group name: loanOfficer
    • Authentication Provider: Selet a authentication provider or chose default from the drop-down menu
    • Figure 2-11 Add New Group Page

      Add New Group Page

  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Add Group to create another group.
  10. Specify the following details for the new group:
    • Group name: loanManager
    • Authentication Provider: Selet a authentication provider or chose default from the drop-down menu
  11. Click Save.

After you create the groups, you need to create the users and assign the users to these groups.

Create Users and Assign to Groups

  1. Click Users from the left panel.
  2. Click Add User. This opens the Add New User - General Configuration page.
  3. Specify the following details:
    • Name: John
    • Password: password
    • Note: The password must be of at least 8 characters.
    • Authentication Provider: Select a authentication provider or chose default from the drop-down menu
  4. Move loanOfficer from the list of Available Groups to the list of Current Groups (see Figure 2-12).
  5. Figure 2-12 Add New User- General Configuration

    Add New User- General Configuration

  6. Click Save.
  7. This displays the Summary of Users page, which lists John as a user.
  8. Repeat step 2 to step 5 for Joe.
  9. For users Mary and Mark, select the loanManager group after repeating step 2 and step 3.
  10. Note: While you can change the password for these users, retain the same password for this tutorial.
  11. Click Save.

Figure 2-13 shows the summary of users and groups required for the loan processing task plan.

Figure 2-13 Summary of Users

Summary of Users

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